blob: 3e8526a8bf1ef633214206ea09de43312f772565 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "dbcommon/function/typecast-function.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "dbcommon/common/vector-transformer.h"
#include "dbcommon/common/vector.h"
#include "dbcommon/common/vector/decimal-vector.h"
#include "dbcommon/common/vector/fixed-length-vector.h"
#include "dbcommon/common/vector/variable-length-vector.h"
#include "dbcommon/function/arithmetic-function.h"
#include "dbcommon/function/decimal-function.h"
#include "dbcommon/function/function.h"
#include "dbcommon/type/decimal.h"
#include "dbcommon/type/type-util.h"
#include "dbcommon/utils/int-util.h"
#include "dbcommon/utils/macro.h"
#include "dbcommon/utils/string-util.h"
namespace dbcommon {
template <typename TP>
Datum integer_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
assert(size == 2 && "invalid input");
Object *para = params[1];
auto intToText = [](TP val, char *&bufferPtr) -> uint64_t {
uint64_t unsigned_val;
uint64_t isNegative = val < 0;
if (isNegative) {
*bufferPtr++ = '-';
if (val == INT16_MIN || val == INT32_MIN || val == INT64_MIN) {
unsigned_val = -(val + 1);
} else {
unsigned_val = -val;
} else {
unsigned_val = val;
auto numOfDigit = getNumOfDigit<uint64_t>(unsigned_val);
auto bufferBackPtr = bufferPtr + numOfDigit; // hint at using register
do {
auto old = unsigned_val;
unsigned_val /= 10;
*--bufferBackPtr = old - unsigned_val * 10 + '0';
} while (unsigned_val > 0);
bufferPtr += numOfDigit;
return numOfDigit + isNegative;
if (dynamic_cast<Vector *>(para)) {
Vector *retVector = params[0];
Vector *srcVector = params[1];
FixedSizeTypeVectorRawData<TP> src(srcVector);
retVector->resize(src.plainSize, src.sel, src.nulls);
VariableSizeTypeVectorRawData ret(retVector);
auto retBuffer = retVector->getValueBuffer();
retBuffer->resize(src.plainSize * 21);
char *bufferPtr = retBuffer->data();
auto inttypeTotext = [&](uint64_t plainIdx) {
TP val = src.values[plainIdx];
ret.lengths[plainIdx] = intToText(val, bufferPtr);
dbcommon::transformVector(ret.plainSize, ret.sel, ret.nulls, inttypeTotext);
retBuffer->resize(bufferPtr - retBuffer->data());
} else {
Scalar *retScalar = params[0];
Scalar *srcScalar = params[1];
if (srcScalar->isnull) {
retScalar->isnull = true;
} else {
TP val = srcScalar->value;
char *bufferPtr = retScalar->allocateValue(22);
retScalar->isnull = false;
retScalar->length = intToText(val, bufferPtr);
return params[0];
template <typename TP>
Datum floattype_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
auto floatToText = [](ByteBuffer &buf, TP val) -> text {
uint64_t len = 0;
char temp[30];
float f;
if (std::is_same<TP, float>::value) {
len = std::snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%g", val);
} else {
len = std::snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%.15g", val);
buf.resize(buf.size() + len);
char *ret = const_cast<char *>(buf.tail() - len);
strncpy(ret, temp, len);
return text(nullptr, len);
return one_param_bind<text, TP>(params, size, floatToText);
Datum decimal_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
auto decimalToText = [](ByteBuffer &buf, DecimalVar val) -> text {
uint64_t len = 0, scale = 0;
__uint128_t unsigned_val;
__int128_t srcVal = val.highbits;
srcVal = (srcVal << 64) + val.lowbits;
uint64_t low_min = 0;
int64_t high_min = INT64_MIN;
__int128_t MIN = INT64_MIN;
MIN = (MIN << 64) + low_min;
bool isNegative = srcVal < 0;
if (isNegative) {
if (srcVal == MIN) {
unsigned_val = -(srcVal + 1);
} else {
unsigned_val = -srcVal;
} else {
unsigned_val = srcVal;
auto numOfDigit = getNumOfDigit<__uint128_t>(unsigned_val);
if (srcVal == 0) {
numOfDigit = 1 + val.scale;
if (val.scale == 0) {
len += (numOfDigit + isNegative);
} else {
len += (numOfDigit + 1 + isNegative);
buf.resize(buf.size() + len);
char *ret = const_cast<char *>(buf.tail());
do {
auto old = unsigned_val;
unsigned_val = unsigned_val / 10;
*--ret = old - unsigned_val * 10 + '0';
} while (unsigned_val > 0 && scale != val.scale);
if (val.scale != 0) {
*--ret = '.';
do {
auto old = unsigned_val;
unsigned_val = unsigned_val / 10;
*--ret = old - unsigned_val * 10 + '0';
} while (unsigned_val > 0);
if (isNegative) {
*--ret = '-';
return text(nullptr, len);
return one_param_bind<text, DecimalVar>(params, size, decimalToText);
Datum text_to_char(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
auto textToChar = [](ByteBuffer &buf, text src) -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
int32_t tmpLen = utf8_mblen(src.val);
if (tmpLen == 1) {
ret = src.val[0];
} else {
ret = '\0';
return ret;
return one_param_bind<int8_t, text>(params, size, textToChar);
Datum bool_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
auto boolToText = [](ByteBuffer &buf, bool src) -> text {
int32_t len;
if (src) {
len = 4;
buf.resize(buf.size() + len);
char *ret = const_cast<char *>(buf.tail() - len);
*ret++ = 't';
*ret++ = 'r';
*ret++ = 'u';
*ret++ = 'e';
} else {
len = 5;
buf.resize(buf.size() + len);
char *ret = const_cast<char *>(buf.tail() - len);
*ret++ = 'f';
*ret++ = 'a';
*ret++ = 'l';
*ret++ = 's';
*ret++ = 'e';
return text(nullptr, len);
return one_param_bind<text, bool>(params, size, boolToText);
Datum int4_to_char(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
auto intToChar = [](ByteBuffer &buf, int32_t src) -> int8_t {
int8_t ret;
if (src > SCHAR_MAX || src < SCHAR_MIN) {
} else {
ret = (int8_t)(src);
return ret;
return one_param_bind<int8_t, int32_t>(params, size, intToChar);
Datum int2_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
return integer_to_text<int16_t>(params, size);
Datum int4_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
return integer_to_text<int32_t>(params, size);
Datum int8_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
return integer_to_text<int64_t>(params, size);
Datum float4_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
return floattype_to_text<float>(params, size);
Datum float8_to_text(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
return floattype_to_text<double>(params, size);
inline std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t> double_to_time(double epoch) {
int64_t second, nanosecond;
second = (int64_t)epoch;
nanosecond = (int64_t)((epoch - second) / 1e-6) * 1000;
return std::make_tuple(second, nanosecond);
Datum double_to_timestamp(Datum *params, uint64_t size) {
assert(size == 2);
Object *para = params[1];
if (dynamic_cast<Vector *>(para)) {
Vector *retVector = params[0];
Vector *srcVector = params[1];
FixedSizeTypeVectorRawData<double> src(srcVector);
retVector->resize(src.plainSize, src.sel, src.nulls);
TimestampVectorRawData ret(retVector);
auto totimestamp = [&](uint64_t plainIdx) {
std::tie(ret.seconds[plainIdx], ret.nanoseconds[plainIdx]) =
dbcommon::transformVector(ret.plainSize, ret.sel, ret.nulls, totimestamp);
} else {
Scalar *retScalar = params[0];
Scalar *srcScalar = params[1];
if (srcScalar->isnull) {
retScalar->isnull = true;
} else {
retScalar->isnull = false;
double src = srcScalar->value;
Timestamp *ret = retScalar->allocateValue<Timestamp>();
std::tie(ret->second, ret->nanosecond) = double_to_time(src);
return params[0];
} // namespace dbcommon