blob: 97c9fa644090e93c5ef06febd358fb4372533ff9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "dbcommon/common/tuple-batch.h"
#include "dbcommon/common/tuple-desc.h"
#include "dbcommon/filesystem/file-system-manager.h"
#include "dbcommon/filesystem/file-system.h"
#include "dbcommon/utils/macro.h"
#include "dbcommon/utils/parameters.h"
#include "univplan/common/univplan-type.h"
namespace storage {
class FileSystemManagerInterface;
class Input {
Input() {}
virtual ~Input() {}
// Get input name
// @return The input name
virtual const std::string &getName() const = 0;
// Get input size
// @return The input size
virtual int64_t getSize() const = 0;
class FileInput : public Input {
FileInput(const char *fileName, int64_t length) {
this->fileName = fileName;
this->length = length;
FileInput(const std::string &fileName, int64_t length) {
this->fileName = fileName;
this->length = length;
FileInput(FileInput &&file) { // NOLINT
this->fileName = std::move(file.fileName);
this->length = file.length;
FileInput(const FileInput &file) {
this->fileName = file.fileName;
this->length = file.length;
FileInput &operator=(const FileInput &file) {
this->fileName = file.fileName;
this->length = file.length;
return *this;
virtual ~FileInput() {}
const std::string &getName() const override { return fileName; }
int64_t getSize() const override { return length; }
std::string fileName;
int64_t length;
// This struct was added to make the foramt interface extensible
typedef struct FormatContext {
univplan::UnivPlanExprPolyList indexExpr;
} FormatContext;
// Format "read" accepts a list of splits, and return TupleBatches one by one.
// And Format "write" accept TupleBatches, and write them to storage. It is
// quite like InputFormat/OutputFormat of MR.
// It is a general concept, not only about concrete file format.
// It can be FAST format files on HDFS, Text files on HDFS,
// even HBase format. So it is extensible.
// Users should be able to write their only format.
// For example, users can write a PostgresqlFormat to read and write data
// to a postgresql server.
class Format {
Format() {}
virtual ~Format() {}
void setFileSystemManager(dbcommon::FileSystemManagerInterface *fsManager) {
this->fsManager = fsManager;
// Begin scan of the splits
// @param splits The file splits need to be scanned
// @param tupleDesc The tuple description for the target table
// @param projectionCols The project columns list
// @param filterExpr The filter expression
// @param readStatsOnly To indicate if read only statistics
// @return void
virtual void beginScan(const univplan::UnivPlanScanFileSplitListList *splits,
const dbcommon::TupleDesc *tupleDesc,
const std::vector<bool> *projectionCols,
const univplan::UnivPlanExprPolyList *filterExpr,
const FormatContext *formatContext,
bool readStatsOnly) = 0;
// Get next TupleBatch
// @return unique_ptr of dbcommon::TupleBatch
virtual std::unique_ptr<dbcommon::TupleBatch> next() = 0;
// End the scan
// @return void
virtual void endScan() = 0;
// Restart the scan
// @return void
virtual void reScan() = 0;
// Stop the scan
// @return void
virtual void stopScan() = 0;
// Begin insert
// @param targetName The target name. For 'fast' and 'text' format, it
// is the target file name. For 'hbase' format, it is the target table.
// @param td The tuple description
// @return void
virtual void beginInsert(const std::string &targetName,
const dbcommon::TupleDesc &tupleDesc) = 0;
// Insert a tuple batch
// @param tb The tuple batch to be inserted
virtual void doInsert(std::unique_ptr<dbcommon::TupleBatch> tb) = 0;
// End insert
virtual void endInsert() = 0;
// Begin update
// @param targetName The target name. For 'fast' and 'text' format, it
// is the target file name. For 'hbase' format, it is the target table.
// @param td The tuple description
// @return void
virtual void beginUpdate(const std::string &targetName,
const dbcommon::TupleDesc &tupleDesc) = 0;
// Update a tuple batch
// @param tb The tuple batch to be updated
virtual void doUpdate(std::unique_ptr<dbcommon::TupleBatch> tb) = 0;
// End update
virtual void endUpdate() = 0;
// Begin delete
// @param targetName The target name. For 'fast' and 'text' format, it
// is the target file name. For 'hbase' format, it is the target table.
// @param td The tuple description
// @return void
virtual void beginDelete(const std::string &targetName,
const dbcommon::TupleDesc &tupleDesc) = 0;
// Delete a tuple batch
// @param tb The tuple batch to be deleted
virtual void doDelete(std::unique_ptr<dbcommon::TupleBatch> tb) = 0;
// End delete
virtual void endDelete() = 0;
// Create tasks given input and the number of workers
// @param files The input files
// @param nWorker The number of workers
// @return The list of tasks, each worker has one task assigned.
// it is possible if there is no splits in a task
// when there is no enough splits (each task has a split list)
virtual std::unique_ptr<univplan::UnivPlanScanFileSplitListList> createTasks(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Input> > &inputs, int nWorker);
// set & get user command for external table
std::string getUserCommand() const { return userCommand; }
void setUserCommand(std::string command) { userCommand = command; }
virtual void setCancelled() {}
virtual void setupHasher(
const dbcommon::TupleDesc &td, const std::vector<uint64_t> &hashKeys,
const std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint32_t> &r2rg,
const std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::string> &r2u) {}
static std::unique_ptr<Format> createFormat(
static std::unique_ptr<Format> createFormat(univplan::UNIVPLANFORMATTYPE type,
dbcommon::Parameters *p);
static const int kTuplesPerBatch = DEFAULT_NUMBER_TUPLES_PER_BATCH;
static const int kBlockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
// Format does not own splits, so it does not delete it in destructor.
const univplan::UnivPlanScanFileSplitListList *splits = nullptr;
// The file system manager used to get the file system
dbcommon::FileSystemManagerInterface *fsManager = nullptr;
// user command for external table such as DBGEN
std::string userCommand = "";
} // namespace storage