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The Upgrade Regression Test
The upg2 test is the test in installcheck-good that tests the
scripts used to maintain the upgrader. It manages this by creating
versions of the catalog that match those that existed in 3.2 and
3.3 and performs the same catalog upgrade steps on those schemas as
are used by the actual gpmigrator.
This test should hopefully diff when a developer makes changes to
the catalog. Proper maintenance of the upg2 test will ensure that
the migrator will keep in sync with the changes made to the
Updating the test
So, what is proper maintenance of the upg2 test?
What should a developer do or not do to update it?
Things not to do:
1) Do not update the master file to show your new diffs:
This will mask problems, the test should show that the upgraded
catalogs are identical.
2) Do not update any files used to upgrade from 3.2:
This corresponds to (regress/data/upgrade33) - don't edit
anything in here. The upgrade from 3.2 catalog to 3.3 catalog
is already correct all changes should now be in terms of
upgrading 3.3 catalog => 3.4.
How to make changes:
1) Adding new functions:
If you add a new function (pg_proc.h) then you must also add the
new function to:
- regress/data/upgrade34/
This file is in pretty much the same format as pg_proc.h.
- regress/data/upgrade34/
This is the pg_depend entries for the new function
- regress/data/upgrade34/
This is the description for the new function should exactly
match DESCR() from pg_proc.h
2) Adding new catalog tables:
**NOTE WELL**: Any new tables MUST have a fixed OID for the
entry in pg_type. In order to accomplish this the value must
be inserted into the list of upgrade types at the bottom of
pg_type.h AND it must be added to the list of specially
handled cases inside of bootparse.y.
If you are adding a new Shared (cross-database) table then you
must make sure to update the IsSharedRelation function in
After chaging any of the .h files in "include/catalog"
(including the pg_type.h changes from the above step) you must
update catversion.h do a make distclean and rerun
gpinitsystem. Otherwise you may update the rest of the files
below based on stale information.
- regress/data/upgrade34/
This file is in pretty much the same format as pg_class.h.
Also includes new index entries (and sequences, views?)
- regress/data/upgrade34/
Column definitions.
- regress/data/upgrade34/
This is the pg_depend entries for the new table (and
indexes). [check for relid in refobjid]
- regress/data/upgrade34/
Only required if the new table has indices. Note that the
definitions in indexing.h.
- regress/data/upgrade34/
This is the implementation type for the new table.
3) Altering existing catalog tables:
This is probably the most complicated procedure, there are a
couple rules to follow.
You must add any new columns onto the END of a table. Inserting
columns into the middle of the table is not supported by our
current upgrade strategy.
Any changes must be able to be applied incrementally to an
existing table that contains data. For instance if you want to
add a new column with a NOT NULL constraint then you must first
add the column, then assign values for all existing rows, finally
add the constraint.
This is really the only case that you may have to edit either
regress/input/upg2.source or regress/output/upg2.source.
a) Open (regress/input/upg2.source) and find the section on
"Build the 32 catalog".
In this section we create a bunch of tables in the public
schema "LIKE" the ones in the catalog schema, this is the set
of tables that have not had schema edits between 32 and the
current version. If your table is in this list then you need
to move it to the next section "don't use LIKE, as 3.2 had a
different structure", and create the table explicitly using
the schema of the table AS IT EXISTED IN 3.2.
Repeat the above for every major release prior to the current
one (currently 3.2, 3.3).
If you are modifying a table that does not appear in the file
then you will also need to add tests to make sure it upgrades
properly. This is more involved and you should ask either
Caleb or Gavin for help.
b) Edit (regress/input/loadcat34.source) or the corresponding
file for the target release.
You should never modify a loadcat file for a previous release.
This should be edited with the DDL steps necessary to migrate
from the old schema to the new schema. Remember to reindex
any modified tables.
c) Edit (regress/output/upg2.source)
There are really two things that need to happen here. First
you need to update the output for any changes you did in step
(a) above. This should be fairly straight forward.
d) Have either Caleb or Gavin review the change.
Altering upg2 to account for catalog schema changes is
difficult and we want to make sure that nothing is being
e) No really, have us review it.
Don't make us hunt you down.
Structure of the upg2 test
The primary test driver for the upg2 test is in
(regress/input/upg2.source) this file is responsible for creating
copies of the catalog from prior versions and testing that the
upgrade scripts (regress/data/upgrade*/upg2_* and
regress/input/loadcat*) properly upgrade the catalog correctly.
This occurs in several stages.
First it creates N skeleton catalogs, one for each prior version
that we support upgrade FROM. For any catalog tables that have not
undergone schema edits we just create them "LIKE" the corresponding
table in pg_catalog. For catalog tables that have changed since
that version we instead create them with the schema that they had
in the referenced version.
Second we load in the reference versions of those schemas. This is
done with COPY statements from the dumped output of the referenced
version. For example the 3.2 schema is loaded from
(regress/data/upgrade32/pg_* Note that these ".data"
files are dumps from a particular version, so you should never
update them, that would equate to making a catalog change in a
released version... which you can't do.
Third it begins the process of upgrading. Here it will
incrementally upgrade from each major version to the next running
tests that the schemas match correctly along each iteration.
Currently this means the following:
1) Upgrade from the 3.2 schema into a 3.3 schema
- regress/input/loadcat33.source
- regress/data/upg2_conversion32.source
2) Test the upgraded 3.2 schema against the loaded 3.3 schema
3) Upgrade from the 3.3 schema into a 3.4 schema
- regress/input/loadcat34.source
4) Test the upgraded 3.3 against the schema in pg_catalog
The structure of the loadcat*.source files is to copy the
upg2_pg_*_toadd*.data files into the relevant catalog tables,
perform any additional transforms, and reindex the updated