blob: 9af88bfd2b0a1623eedc44b053e4ffe43cdf0e5d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import fnmatch
import tempfile
import glob
#from gppylib.operations.dump import dump_prefix
from gppylib import gplog
from gppylib.gparray import GpArray
from gppylib.commands.base import WorkerPool, Command, REMOTE
from gppylib.commands.unix import Scp
from gppylib.db import dbconn
from gppylib.db.dbconn import execSQL, execSQLForSingleton, UnexpectedRowsError
dump_prefix = ''
DUMP_DIR = 'db_dumps'
logger = gplog.get_default_logger()
def expand_partitions_and_populate_filter_file(dbname, partition_list, file_prefix):
expanded_partitions = expand_partition_tables(dbname, partition_list)
dump_partition_list = list(set(expanded_partitions + partition_list))
return create_temp_file_from_list(dump_partition_list, file_prefix)
def populate_filter_tables(table, rows, non_partition_tables, partition_leaves):
if not rows:
for (schema_name, partition_leaf_name) in rows:
partition_leaf = schema_name.strip() + '.' + partition_leaf_name.strip()
return (non_partition_tables, partition_leaves)
def get_all_parent_tables(dbname):
SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT (schemaname || '.' || tablename) FROM pg_partitions"
data = []
with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn:
curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, SQL)
data = curs.fetchall()
return set([d[0] for d in data])
global_parent_table_set = None
def is_parent_table(dbname, tablename):
global global_parent_table_set
if global_parent_table_set is None:
global_parent_table_set = get_all_parent_tables(dbname)
if tablename in global_parent_table_set:
return True
return False
def list_to_quoted_string(filter_tables):
filter_string = "'" + "', '".join([t.strip() for t in filter_tables]) + "'"
return filter_string
def convert_parents_to_leafs(dbname, parents):
partition_leaves_sql = """
SELECT x.partitionschemaname || '.' || x.partitiontablename
SELECT distinct schemaname, tablename, partitionschemaname, partitiontablename, partitionlevel
FROM pg_partitions
WHERE schemaname || '.' || tablename in (%s)
) as X,
(SELECT schemaname, tablename maxtable, max(partitionlevel) maxlevel
FROM pg_partitions
group by (tablename, schemaname)
) as Y
WHERE x.schemaname = y.schemaname and x.tablename = Y.maxtable and x.partitionlevel = Y.maxlevel;
if not parents:
return []
conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname))
partition_sql = partition_leaves_sql % list_to_quoted_string(parents)
curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, partition_sql)
rows = curs.fetchall()
return [r[0] for r in rows]
#input: list of tables to be filtered
#output: same list but parent tables converted to leafs
def expand_partition_tables(dbname, filter_tables):
if filter_tables is None:
return None
parent_tables = list()
non_parent_tables = list()
expanded_list = list()
for table in filter_tables:
if is_parent_table(dbname, table):
expanded_list += non_parent_tables
local_batch_size = 1000
for (s, e) in get_batch_from_list(len(parent_tables), local_batch_size):
parent_table_batch = parent_tables[s:e]
tmp = convert_parents_to_leafs(dbname, parent_tables)
expanded_list += tmp
return expanded_list
def get_batch_from_list(length, batch_size):
indices = []
for i in range(0,length, batch_size):
return indices
def create_temp_file_from_list(entries, prefix):
if entries is None:
return None
fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix=prefix, delete=False)
for n in entries:
fd.write(n.rstrip() + '\n')
tmp_file_name =
verify_lines_in_file(tmp_file_name, entries)
return tmp_file_name
def create_temp_file_with_tables(table_list):
return create_temp_file_from_list(table_list, 'table_list_')
def validate_timestamp(ts):
if not ts:
return False
if len(ts) != 14:
return False
if ts.isdigit():
return True
return False
def check_successful_dump(dbname, report_file_contents):
for line in report_file_contents:
if line.strip() == 'gp_dump utility finished successfully.':
return True
return False
# raise exception for bad data
def convert_reportfilename_to_cdatabasefilename(report_file):
(dirname, fname) = os.path.split(report_file)
ts = fname[-18:-4]
return "%s/%sgp_cdatabase_1_1_%s" % (dirname, dump_prefix, ts)
def check_cdatabase_exists(dbname, report_file, netbackup_service_host=None, netbackup_block_size=None):
filename = convert_reportfilename_to_cdatabasefilename(report_file)
except Exception as e:
return False
if netbackup_service_host:
restore_file_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size, filename)
cdatabase_contents = get_lines_from_file(filename)
cdatabase_contents = get_lines_from_file(filename)
for line in cdatabase_contents:
if 'CREATE DATABASE' in line:
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) < 3:
if parts[2] is not None and dbname == parts[2].strip('"'):
return True
return False
def get_type_ts_from_report_file(dbname, report_file, backup_type, netbackup_service_host=None, netbackup_block_size=None):
report_file_contents = get_lines_from_file(report_file)
if not check_successful_dump(dbname, report_file_contents):
return None
if not check_cdatabase_exists(dbname, report_file, netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size):
return None
if check_backup_type(report_file_contents, backup_type):
return get_timestamp_val(report_file_contents)
return None
def get_full_ts_from_report_file(dbname, report_file, netbackup_service_host=None, netbackup_block_size=None):
return get_type_ts_from_report_file(dbname, report_file, 'Full', netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size)
def get_incremental_ts_from_report_file(dbname, report_file, netbackup_service_host=None, netbackup_block_size=None):
return get_type_ts_from_report_file(dbname, report_file, 'Incremental', netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size)
def get_timestamp_val(report_file_contents):
for line in report_file_contents:
if line.startswith('Timestamp Key'):
ts = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
if len(ts) != 14:
raise Exception('Invalid timestamp value found in report_file')
except ValueError as e:
raise Exception('Invalid timestamp value found in report_file')
return ts
return None
def check_backup_type(report_file_contents, backup_type):
for line in report_file_contents:
if line.startswith('Backup Type'):
if line.split(':')[-1].strip() == backup_type:
return True
return False
def get_lines_from_file(fname):
content = []
with open(fname) as fd:
for line in fd:
return content
def write_lines_to_file(filename, lines):
with open(filename, 'w') as fp:
for line in lines:
fp.write("%s\n" % line.rstrip())
def verify_lines_in_file(fname, expected):
lines = get_lines_from_file(fname)
if lines != expected:
raise Exception("After writing file '%s' contents not as expected, suspected IO error" % fname)
def check_dir_writable(dir):
fp = None
tmp_file = os.path.join(dir, 'tmp_file')
fp = open(tmp_file, 'w')
except IOError as e:
raise Exception('No write access permission on %s' % dir)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(str(e))
if fp is not None:
if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
def execute_sql(query, master_port, dbname):
dburl = dbconn.DbURL(port=master_port, dbname=dbname)
conn = dbconn.connect(dburl)
cursor = execSQL(conn, query)
return cursor.fetchall()
def get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
if backup_dir:
use_dir = backup_dir
elif master_data_dir:
use_dir = master_data_dir
raise Exception("Can not locate backup directory with existing parameters")
if not timestamp:
raise Exception("Can not locate backup directory without timestamp")
if not validate_timestamp(timestamp):
raise Exception ('Invalid timestamp: "%s"' % timestamp)
return ("%s/%s/%s" % (use_dir, DUMP_DIR, timestamp[0:8]))
def generate_schema_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_schema" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_report_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s.rpt" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_increments_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_increments" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_pgstatlastoperation_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_last_operation" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_dirtytable_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_dirty_list" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_plan_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_restore_%s_plan" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_metadata_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_1_1_%s.gz" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_partition_list_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_table_list" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_ao_state_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_ao_state_file" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_co_state_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_dump_%s_co_state_file" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_files_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return '%s/%sgp_dump_%s_regular_files' % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_pipes_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return '%s/%sgp_dump_%s_pipes' % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_master_config_filename(timestamp):
return '%sgp_master_config_files_%s.tar' % (dump_prefix, timestamp)
def generate_segment_config_filename(segId, timestamp):
return '%sgp_segment_config_files_0_%d_%s.tar' % (dump_prefix, segId, timestamp)
def generate_filter_filename(master_datadir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_datadir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return '%s/%s%s_filter' % (use_dir, generate_dbdump_prefix(), timestamp)
def generate_global_prefix():
return '%sgp_global_1_1_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_master_dbdump_prefix():
return '%sgp_dump_1_1_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_master_status_prefix():
return '%sgp_dump_status_1_1_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_seg_dbdump_prefix():
return '%sgp_dump_0_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_seg_status_prefix():
return '%sgp_dump_status_0_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_dbdump_prefix():
return '%sgp_dump_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_createdb_prefix():
return '%sgp_cdatabase_1_1_' % (dump_prefix)
def generate_createdb_filename(master_datadir, backup_dir, timestamp, dump_dir=None):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_datadir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return '%s/%s%s' % (use_dir, generate_createdb_prefix(), timestamp)
def get_dump_dirs(dump_dir):
dump_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, DUMP_DIR)
if not os.path.isdir(dump_path):
return []
initial_list = os.listdir(dump_path)
initial_list = fnmatch.filter(initial_list, '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
dirnames = []
for d in initial_list:
pth = os.path.join(dump_path, d)
if os.path.isdir(pth):
if len(dirnames) == 0:
return []
dirnames = sorted(dirnames, key=lambda x: int(os.path.basename(x)), reverse=True)
return dirnames
def get_latest_report_timestamp(backup_dir):
dump_dirs = get_dump_dirs(backup_dir)
for d in dump_dirs:
latest = get_latest_report_in_dir(d)
if latest:
return latest
return None
def get_latest_report_in_dir(d):
files = os.listdir(d)
if len(files) == 0:
return None
dump_report_files = fnmatch.filter(files, '%sgp_dump_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].rpt' % dump_prefix)
if len(dump_report_files) == 0:
return None
dump_report_files = sorted(dump_report_files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]), reverse=True)
return dump_report_files[0][-18:-4]
def get_timestamp_from_increments_filename(filename):
fname = os.path.basename(filename)
parts = fname.split('_')
# Check for 4 underscores if there is no prefix, or more than 4 if there is a prefix
if not ((not dump_prefix and len(parts) == 4) or (dump_prefix and len(parts) > 4)):
raise Exception("Invalid increments file '%s' passed to get_timestamp_from_increments_filename" % filename)
return parts[-2].strip()
def get_full_timestamp_for_incremental(dbname, backup_dir, incremental_timestamp, dump_dir=None):
pattern = '%s/db_dumps/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/%sgp_dump_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_increments' % (backup_dir, dump_prefix)
increments_files = glob.glob(pattern)
for increments_file in increments_files:
increment_ts = get_lines_from_file(increments_file)
if incremental_timestamp in increment_ts:
full_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_increments_filename(increments_file)
return full_timestamp
return None
# backup_dir will be either MDD or some other directory depending on call
def get_latest_full_dump_timestamp(dbname, backup_dir):
if not backup_dir:
raise Exception('Invalid None param to get_latest_full_dump_timestamp')
dump_dirs = get_dump_dirs(backup_dir)
for dump_dir in dump_dirs:
files = sorted(os.listdir(dump_dir))
if len(files) == 0:
logger.warn('Dump directory %s is empty' % dump_dir)
dump_report_files = fnmatch.filter(files, '%sgp_dump_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].rpt' % dump_prefix)
if len(dump_report_files) == 0:
logger.warn('No dump report files found in dump directory %s' % dump_dir)
dump_report_files = sorted(dump_report_files, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]), reverse=True)
for dump_report_file in dump_report_files:
logger.debug('Checking for latest timestamp in report file %s' % os.path.join(dump_dir, dump_report_file))
ts = get_full_ts_from_report_file(dbname, os.path.join(dump_dir, dump_report_file))
logger.debug('Timestamp = %s' % ts)
if ts is not None:
return ts
raise Exception('No full backup found for incremental')
def get_all_segment_addresses(master_port):
gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL(port=master_port), utility=True)
addresses = [seg.getSegmentAddress() for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary(current_role=True)]
return list(set(addresses))
def scp_file_to_hosts(host_list, filename, batch_default):
pool = WorkerPool(numWorkers = min(len(host_list), batch_default))
for hname in host_list:
pool.addCommand(Scp('Copying table_filter_file to %s' % hname,
def remove_file_from_segments(master_port, filename):
hostlist = get_all_segment_addresses(master_port)
for hname in hostlist:
cmd = Command('Remove tmp files', 'rm -f %s' % filename, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hname)
def run_pool_command(host_list, cmd_str, batch_default, check_results=True):
pool = WorkerPool(numWorkers = min(len(host_list), batch_default))
for h in host_list:
cmd = Command(h, cmd_str, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost = h)
if check_results:
def check_funny_chars_in_tablenames(tablenames):
for tablename in tablenames:
if '\n' in tablename or ',' in tablename or ':' in tablename:
raise Exception('Tablename has an invalid character "\\n", ":", "," : "%s"' % tablename)
#Form and run command line to backup individual file with NBU
def backup_file_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_policy, netbackup_schedule, netbackup_block_size, netbackup_keyword, netbackup_filepath, hostname=None):
command_string = "cat %s | gp_bsa_dump_agent --netbackup-service-host %s --netbackup-policy %s --netbackup-schedule %s --netbackup-filename %s" % (netbackup_filepath, netbackup_service_host, netbackup_policy, netbackup_schedule, netbackup_filepath)
if netbackup_block_size is not None:
command_string += " --netbackup-block-size %s" % netbackup_block_size
if netbackup_keyword is not None:
command_string += " --netbackup-keyword %s" % netbackup_keyword
logger.debug("Command string inside 'backup_file_with_nbu': %s\n", command_string)
if hostname is None:
Command("dumping metadata files from master", command_string).run(validateAfter=True)
Command("dumping metadata files from segment", command_string, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost = hostname).run(validateAfter=True)
logger.debug("Command ran successfully\n")
#Form and run command line to restore individual file with NBU
def restore_file_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size, netbackup_filepath, hostname=None):
command_string = "gp_bsa_restore_agent --netbackup-service-host %s --netbackup-filename %s > %s" % (netbackup_service_host, netbackup_filepath, netbackup_filepath)
if netbackup_block_size is not None:
command_string += " --netbackup-block-size %s" % netbackup_block_size
logger.debug("Command string inside 'restore_file_with_nbu': %s\n", command_string)
if hostname is None:
Command("restoring metadata files to master", command_string).run(validateAfter=True)
Command("restoring metadata files to segment", command_string, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost = hostname).run(validateAfter=True)
def check_file_dumped_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_filepath, hostname=None):
command_string = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host %s --netbackup-filename %s" % (netbackup_service_host, netbackup_filepath)
logger.debug("Command string inside 'check_file_dumped_with_nbu': %s\n", command_string)
if hostname is None:
cmd = Command("Querying NetBackup server to check for dumped file", command_string)
cmd = Command("Querying NetBackup server to check for dumped file", command_string, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost = hostname)
if cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() == netbackup_filepath:
return True
return False
def generate_global_filename(master_datadir, backup_dir, dump_dir, dump_date, timestamp):
if backup_dir is not None:
global_file = os.path.join(backup_dir, DUMP_DIR, dump_date, "%s%s" % (generate_global_prefix(), timestamp))
global_file = os.path.join(master_datadir, dump_dir, dump_date, "%s%s" % (generate_global_prefix(), timestamp))
return global_file
def generate_cdatabase_filename(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp):
use_dir = get_backup_directory(master_data_dir, backup_dir, timestamp)
return "%s/%sgp_cdatabase_1_1_%s" % (use_dir, dump_prefix, timestamp)
def get_full_timestamp_for_incremental_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size, incremental_timestamp):
if dump_prefix:
get_inc_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=%sgp_dump_*_increments" % (netbackup_service_host, dump_prefix)
get_inc_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=gp_dump_*_increments" % netbackup_service_host
cmd = Command("Query NetBackup server to get the list of increments files backed up", get_inc_files_cmd)
files_list = cmd.get_results().stdout.split('\n')
for line in files_list:
fname = line.strip()
restore_file_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size, fname)
contents = get_lines_from_file(fname)
if incremental_timestamp in contents:
full_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_increments_filename(fname)
return full_timestamp
return None
def get_latest_full_ts_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size, dbname, backup_dir):
if dump_prefix:
get_rpt_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=%sgp_dump_*.rpt" % (netbackup_service_host, dump_prefix)
get_rpt_files_cmd = "gp_bsa_query_agent --netbackup-service-host=%s --netbackup-list-dumped-objects=gp_dump_*.rpt" % netbackup_service_host
cmd = Command("Query NetBackup server to get the list of report files backed up", get_rpt_files_cmd)
files_list = cmd.get_results().stdout.split('\n')
for line in files_list:
fname = line.strip()
if fname == '':
if backup_dir not in fname:
if ("No object matched the specified predicate" in fname) or ("No objects of the format" in fname):
return None
restore_file_with_nbu(netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size, fname)
ts = get_full_ts_from_report_file(dbname, fname, netbackup_service_host=netbackup_service_host, netbackup_block_size=netbackup_block_size)
logger.debug('Timestamp = %s' % ts)
if ts is not None:
return ts
raise Exception('No full backup found for given incremental on the specified NetBackup server')