blob: 332d422f6492ce9650d93582942d7eb9f9b0a5df [file] [log] [blame]
# -*-perl-*- hey - emacs - this is a perl file
# src/tools/msvc/
# silence flex bleatings about file path style
$ENV{CYGWIN} = 'nodosfilewarning';
use strict;
use File::Basename;
# assume we are in the postgres source root
require 'src/tools/msvc/' if -e 'src/tools/msvc/';
system('flex -V > NUL');
if ($? != 0)
print "WARNING! flex install not found, attempting to build without\n";
exit 0;
my $input = shift;
if ($input !~ /\.l$/)
print "Input must be a .l file\n";
exit 1;
elsif (!-e $input)
print "Input file $input not found\n";
exit 1;
(my $output = $input) =~ s/\.l$/.c/;
# get flex flags from make file
my $makefile = dirname($input) . "/Makefile";
my ($mf, $make);
local $/ = undef;
my $flexflags = ($make =~ /^\s*FLEXFLAGS\s*=\s*(\S.*)/m ? $1 : '');
system("flex $flexflags -o$output $input");
if ($? == 0)
# For non-reentrant scanners we need to fix up the yywrap macro definition
# to keep the MS compiler happy.
# For reentrant scanners (like the core scanner) we do not
# need to (and must not) change the yywrap definition.
my $lfile;
open($lfile,$input) || die "opening $input for reading: $!";
my $lcode = <$lfile>;
if ($lcode !~ /\%option\sreentrant/)
my $cfile;
open($cfile,$output) || die "opening $output for reading: $!";
my $ccode = <$cfile>;
$ccode =~ s/yywrap\(n\)/yywrap()/;
open($cfile,">$output") || die "opening $output for reading: $!";
print $cfile $ccode;
exit 0;
exit $? >> 8;