blob: 562e8fb86cac02ec23086058d9bf1079cb7c16b8 [file] [log] [blame]
drop table if exists with_test1 cascade;
create table with_test1 (i int, t text, value int) distributed by (i);
insert into with_test1 select i%10, 'text' || i%20, i%30 from generate_series(0, 99) i;
drop table if exists with_test2 cascade;
create table with_test2 (i int, t text, value int);
insert into with_test2 select i%100, 'text' || i%200, i%300 from generate_series(0, 999) i;
-- With clause with one common table expression
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1)
select *
from my_sum;
select sum(value) as total from with_test1;
-- With clause with two common table expression
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1),
my_count(cnt) as (select count(*) from with_test1)
select cnt, total
from my_sum, my_count;
select cnt, total
from (select sum(value) as total from with_test1) tmp1,
(select count(*) as cnt from with_test1) tmp2;
-- With clause with one common table expression that is referenced twice
with my_group_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select gs1.i,,
from my_group_sum gs1, my_group_sum gs2
where gs1.i = gs2.i + 1;
select gs1.i,,
from (select i, sum(value) as total from with_test1 group by i) gs1,
(select i, sum(value) as total from with_test1 group by i) gs2
where gs1.i = gs2.i + 1;
-- With clause with one common table expression that contains the other common table expression
with my_count(i, cnt) as (select i, count(*) from with_test1 group by i),
my_sum(total) as (select sum(cnt) from my_count)
select *
from my_sum;
select sum(cnt) as total from (select i, count(*) as cnt from with_test1 group by i) my_count;
-- WITH query contains WITH
with my_sum(total) as (
with my_group_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select sum(total) from my_group_sum)
select *
from my_sum;
select sum(total) from (select sum(value) as total from with_test1 group by i) my_group_sum;
-- pathkeys
explain with my_order as (select * from with_test1 order by i)
select i, count(*)
from my_order
group by i;
-- WITH query used in InitPlan
with my_max(maximum) as (select max(value) from with_test1)
select * from with_test2
where value < (select * from my_max);
select * from with_test2
where value < (with my_max(maximum) as (select max(value) from with_test1)
select * from my_max);
select * from with_test2
where value < (select max(value) from with_test1);
-- WITH query used in InitPlan and the main query at the same time
with my_max(maximum) as (select max(value) from with_test1)
select with_test2.* from with_test2, my_max
where value < (select * from my_max)
and i < maximum and i > maximum - 10;
select with_test2.* from with_test2, (select max(value) as maximum from with_test1) as my_max
where value < (select max(value) from with_test1)
and i < maximum and i > maximum - 10;
-- WITH query used in subplan
with my_groupmax(i, maximum) as (select i, max(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select * from with_test2
where value < all (select maximum from my_groupmax);
select * from with_test2
where value < all (select max(value) from with_test1 group by i);
-- WITH query used in subplan and the main query at the same time
with my_groupmax(i, maximum) as (select i, max(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select * from with_test2, my_groupmax
where with_test2.i = my_groupmax.i
and value < all (select maximum from my_groupmax);
select * from with_test2, (select i, max(value) as maximum from with_test1 group by i) as my_groupmax
where with_test2.i = my_groupmax.i
and value < all (select max(value) from with_test1 group by i);
with my_groupmax(i, maximum) as (select i, max(value) from with_test1 group by i)
SELECT count(*) FROM my_groupmax WHERE maximum > (SELECT sum(maximum)/100 FROM my_groupmax);
select count(*) from (select i, max(value) as maximum from with_test1 group by i) as my_groupmax
where maximum > (SELECT sum(maximum)/100 FROM (select i, max(value) as maximum from with_test1 group by i) as tmp);
-- name resolution
with my_max(maximum) as (select max(value) from with_test2)
select * from with_test1, my_max
where value < (with my_max(maximum) as (select max(i) from with_test1)
select * from my_max);
select * from with_test1, (select max(value) as maximum from with_test2) as my_max
where value < (select max(i) from with_test1);
insert into with_test2
with my_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select i, i || '', total
from my_sum;
drop table if exists with_test3;
create table with_test3 as
with my_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum;
-- view
drop view if exists my_view;
create view my_view (total) as
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1)
select *
from my_sum;
SELECT pg_get_viewdef('my_view'::regclass);
SELECT pg_get_viewdef('my_view'::regclass, true);
drop view if exists my_view;
create view my_view(total) as
with my_sum(total) as (
with my_group_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select sum(total) from my_group_sum)
select *
from my_sum;
SELECT pg_get_viewdef('my_view'::regclass);
SELECT pg_get_viewdef('my_view'::regclass, true);
drop view if exists my_view;
create view my_view(i, total) as (
select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i);
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(total) from my_view)
select * from my_sum;
-- WITH query not used in the main query
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1)
select count(*) from with_test2;
select count(*) from with_test2;
-- WITH used in CURSOR query
declare c cursor for with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1 group by i) select * from my_sum order by 1;
fetch 10 from c;
close c;
-- Returning
create temporary table y (i int);
insert into y
with t as (select i from with_test1)
select i+20 from t returning *;
select * from y;
drop table y;
-- WITH used in SETOP
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1)
select * from my_sum
union all
select * from my_sum;
-- With clause with recursive
with recursive my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test)
select *
from my_sum;
-- ERROR cases
-- duplicate CTE name
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1),
my_sum(group_total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum;
-- INTO clause
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(value) from with_test1 into total_value)
select *
from my_sum;
-- alias columns mismatch
with my_sum(group_total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum;
with my_sum as (select i, sum(value) as i from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum;
with my_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) as i from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum; -- this works
-- name resolution
select * from with_test1, my_max
where value < (with my_max(maximum) as (select max(i) from with_test1)
select * from my_max);
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(total) from my_group_sum),
my_group_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(total) from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum;
-- two WITH clauses
with my_sum(total) as (select sum(total) from with_test1),
with my_group_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(total) from with_test1 group by i)
select *
from my_sum;
-- Test behavior with an unknown-type literal in the WITH
WITH q AS (SELECT 'foo' AS x)
SELECT x, x IS OF (unknown) as is_unknown FROM q;
with cte(foo) as ( values(42) ) values((select foo from cte));
with cte(foo) as ( select 42 ) select * from ((select foo from cte)) q;
select ( with cte(foo) as ( values(i) )
select (select foo from cte) )
from with_test1
order by 1 limit 10;
select ( with cte(foo) as ( values(i) )
values((select foo from cte)) )
from with_test1
order by 1 limit 10;
-- WITH query using Window functions
with my_rank as (select i, t, value, rank() over (order by value) from with_test1)
select my_rank.* from with_test2, my_rank
where with_test2.i = my_rank.i
order by my_rank.i, my_rank.t, my_rank.value limit 100; -- order 1,2,3
select my_rank.* from with_test2, (select i, t, value, rank() over (order by value) from with_test1) as my_rank
where with_test2.i = my_rank.i
order by my_rank.i, my_rank.t, my_rank.value limit 100; -- order 1,2,3
-- WITH query and CSQ
with my_group_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select with_test2.* from with_test2
where value < any (select total from my_group_sum where my_group_sum.i = with_test2.i);
select with_test2.* from with_test2
where value < any (select total from (select i, sum(value) as total from with_test1 group by i) as tmp where tmp.i = with_test2.i);
with my_group_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select with_test2.* from with_test2, my_group_sum
where value < any (select total from my_group_sum where my_group_sum.i = with_test2.i)
and with_test2.i = my_group_sum.i;
select with_test2.* from with_test2, (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i) as my_group_sum
where value < any (select total from (select i, sum(value) as total from with_test1 group by i) as tmp where tmp.i = with_test2.i)
and with_test2.i = my_group_sum.i;
with my_group_sum(i, total) as (select i, sum(value) from with_test1 group by i)
select with_test2.* from with_test2
where value < all (select total from my_group_sum where my_group_sum.i = with_test2.i)
order by 1,2,3
limit 60; --order 1,2,3
select with_test2.* from with_test2
where value < all (select total from (select i, sum(value) as total from with_test1 group by i) as tmp where tmp.i = with_test2.i)
order by 1,2,3
limit 60; --order 1,2,3
drop table if exists b;
create table b (i integer);
insert into b values(1);
insert into b values(2);
with b1 as (select * from b) select * from (select * from b1 where b1.i =1) AS FOO, b1 FOO2;
select * from (select * from (select * from b) as b1 where b1.i = 1) AS FOO, (select * from b) as foo2;
-- qual push down test
explain with t as (select * from with_test1) select * from t where i = 10;
-- MPP-17848
drop table x;
CREATE TABLE x(a int);
insert into x values(1), (2);
drop TABLE y;
CREATE TABLE y (m integer NOT NULL, n smallint);
insert into y values(10, 1);
insert into y values(20, 1);
with yy as (
select m
from y,
(select 1 as p) iv
where n = iv.p
select * from x, yy;
-- End of MPP-17848
drop table if exists eager_free_sisc;
create table eager_free_sisc (dim_year_month_key int, impression_count int);
insert into eager_free_sisc select i / 2, i from generate_series(0,99) i;
(select fsc.dim_year_month_key year_month_start_dt, sum(fsc.impression_count) impression_count
from eager_free_sisc fsc
fsc.dim_year_month_key > 10
group by fsc.dim_year_month_key
select imp.year_month_start_dt,
select ai.year_month_start_dt,
ai.impression_count as impression_count,
sum(impression_count) over () as acc_impressions
si.year_month_Start_dt year_month_start_dt,
si.impression_count impression_count
sem_impressions si
) ai
) imp
acc_impressions > 0
order by imp.year_month_start_dt, imp.impression_count;
-- MPP-19436
-- Test queries mixes window functions with aggregate functions or grouping.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_group_window;
CREATE TABLE test_group_window(c1 int, c2 int);
WITH tt AS (SELECT * FROM test_group_window)
SELECT tt.c1, COUNT() over () as fraction
GROUP BY tt.c1
ORDER BY tt.c1;
DROP TABLE test_group_window;
-- End of MPP-19436