blob: 716d57a84d7e1aaaa475a5c4408e94a2af538f92 [file] [log] [blame]
-- UPDATE ... SET <col> = DEFAULT;
CREATE TABLE update_test (
b INT,
INSERT INTO update_test(a,b,c) VALUES (5, 10, 'foo');
INSERT INTO update_test(b,a) VALUES (15, 10);
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
UPDATE update_test SET a = DEFAULT, b = DEFAULT;
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
-- aliases for the UPDATE target table
UPDATE update_test AS t SET b = 10 WHERE t.a = 10;
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
UPDATE update_test t SET b = t.b + 10 WHERE t.a = 10;
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
-- Test VALUES in FROM
UPDATE update_test SET a=v.i FROM (VALUES(100, 20)) AS v(i, j)
WHERE update_test.b = v.j;
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
-- Test multiple-set-clause syntax
UPDATE update_test SET (c,b,a) = ('bugle', b+11, DEFAULT) WHERE c = 'foo';
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
UPDATE update_test SET (c,b) = ('car', a+b), a = a + 1 WHERE a = 10;
SELECT a,b,c FROM update_test ORDER BY a,b,c;
-- fail, multi assignment to same column:
UPDATE update_test SET (c,b) = ('car', a+b), b = a + 1 WHERE a = 10;
-- XXX this should work, but doesn't yet:
UPDATE update_test SET (a,b) = (select a,b FROM update_test where c = 'foo')
WHERE a = 10;
-- if an alias for the target table is specified, don't allow references
-- to the original table name
SET LOCAL add_missing_from = false;
UPDATE update_test AS t SET b = update_test.b + 10 WHERE t.a = 10;
DROP TABLE update_test;
-- text types. We should support the following updates.
drop table tab1;
drop table tab2;
CREATE TABLE tab1 (a varchar(15), b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
CREATE TABLE tab2 (a varchar(15), b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
UPDATE tab1 SET b = tab2.b FROM tab2 WHERE tab1.a = tab2.a;
drop table tab1;
drop table tab2;
CREATE TABLE tab1 (a text, b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
CREATE TABLE tab2 (a text, b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
UPDATE tab1 SET b = tab2.b FROM tab2 WHERE tab1.a = tab2.a;
drop table tab1;
drop table tab2;
CREATE TABLE tab1 (a varchar, b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
CREATE TABLE tab2 (a varchar, b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
UPDATE tab1 SET b = tab2.b FROM tab2 WHERE tab1.a = tab2.a;
drop table tab1;
drop table tab2;
CREATE TABLE tab1 (a char(15), b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
CREATE TABLE tab2 (a char(15), b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a);
UPDATE tab1 SET b = tab2.b FROM tab2 WHERE tab1.a = tab2.a;