blob: e0bef18d51ab9d294ca4bab28625bb85162e5d34 [file] [log] [blame]
-- This is the main interface for system expansion
\set DATA values(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)
-- Basic sanity tests
create table atsdb (i int, j text) distributed by (i);
insert into atsdb :DATA;
-- should fail
alter table atsdb set distributed by ();
alter table atsdb set distributed by (m);
alter table atsdb set distributed by (i, i);
alter table atsdb set distributed by (i, m);
alter table atsdb set distributed by (i);
-- should work
alter table atsdb set distributed randomly;
select localoid::regclass, attrnums from gp_distribution_policy where localoid = 'atsdb'::regclass;
-- not possible to correctly verify random distribution
alter table atsdb set distributed by (j);
select localoid::regclass, attrnums from gp_distribution_policy where localoid = 'atsdb'::regclass;
-- verify that the data is correctly redistributed by building a fresh
-- table with the same policy
create table ats_test (i int, j text) distributed by (j);
insert into ats_test :DATA;
select gp_segment_id, * from ats_test except
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb;
drop table ats_test;
alter table atsdb set distributed by (i, j);
select localoid::regclass, attrnums from gp_distribution_policy where localoid = 'atsdb'::regclass;
-- verify
create table ats_test (i int, j text) distributed by (i, j);
insert into ats_test :DATA;
select gp_segment_id, * from ats_test except
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb;
drop table ats_test;
alter table atsdb set distributed by (j, i);
select localoid::regclass, attrnums from gp_distribution_policy where localoid = 'atsdb'::regclass;
-- verify
create table ats_test (i int, j text) distributed by (j, i);
insert into ats_test :DATA;
select gp_segment_id, * from ats_test except
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb;
drop table ats_test;
drop table atsdb;
-- Now try AO
create table atsdb_ao (i int, j text) distributed by (i);
insert into atsdb_ao select i, (i+1)::text from generate_series(1, 100) i;
insert into atsdb_ao select i, (i+1)::text from generate_series(1, 100) i;
-- check that we're an AO table
explain select count(*) from atsdb_ao;
select count(*) from atsdb_ao;
alter table atsdb_ao set distributed by (j);
-- Still AO?
explain select count(*) from atsdb_ao;
select count(*) from atsdb_ao;
drop table atsdb_ao;
-- Check divergent distribution policies for partitioning.
create table atsdb (i int, j int, k int) partition by range(k)
(start(1) end(4) every(1));
alter table atsdb_1_prt_2 set distributed by (j);
alter table atsdb_1_prt_3 set distributed randomly;
-- test COPY
copy atsdb from stdin delimiter '|';
select count(*) from atsdb;
-- compare distribution: we create a table, identical to the partitioned table,
-- and compare how the tuples have been distributed.
create table atsdb_1 (like atsdb_1_prt_1);
copy atsdb_1 from stdin delimiter '|';
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb where k = 1 except
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb_1;
create table atsdb_2 (like atsdb_1_prt_2);
copy atsdb_2 from stdin delimiter '|';
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb where k = 2 except
select gp_segment_id, * from atsdb_2;
-- Can't test randomly distributed
-- Can't test INSERT (yet)
drop table atsdb, atsdb_1, atsdb_2;
-- Can't redistribute system catalogs
alter table pg_class set distributed by (relname);
alter table pg_class set with(appendonly = true);
-- MPP-7770: allow testing of changing storage for now
set gp_setwith_alter_storage = true;
alter table pg_class set with(appendonly = true);
-- WITH clause
create table atsdb (i int, j text) distributed by (j);
insert into atsdb select i, i::text from generate_series(1, 10) i;
alter table atsdb set with(appendonly = true);
select relname, segrelid != 0, reloptions from pg_class, pg_appendonly where pg_class.oid =
'atsdb'::regclass and relid = pg_class.oid;
select * from atsdb;
drop table atsdb;
create view distcheck as select relname as rel, attname from
gp_distribution_policy g, pg_attribute p, pg_class c
where g.localoid = p.attrelid and attnum = any(g.attrnums) and
c.oid = p.attrelid;
-- dropped columns
create table atsdb (i int, j int, t text, n numeric) distributed by (j);
insert into atsdb select i, i+1, i+2, i+3 from generate_series(1, 100) i;
alter table atsdb drop column i;
select * from atsdb;
alter table atsdb set distributed by (t);
select * from distcheck where rel = 'atsdb';
alter table atsdb drop column n;
alter table atsdb set with(appendonly = true, compresslevel = 3);
select relname, segrelid != 0, reloptions from pg_class, pg_appendonly where pg_class.oid =
'atsdb'::regclass and relid = pg_class.oid;
select * from distcheck where rel = 'atsdb';
select * from atsdb;
alter table atsdb set distributed by (j);
select * from distcheck where rel = 'atsdb';
select relname, segrelid != 0, reloptions from pg_class, pg_appendonly where pg_class.oid =
'atsdb'::regclass and relid = pg_class.oid;
select * from atsdb;
-- validate parameters
alter table atsdb set with (appendonly = ff);
alter table atsdb set with (reorganize = true);
alter table atsdb set with (fgdfgef = asds);
alter table atsdb set with(reorganize = true, reorganize = false) distributed
drop table atsdb;
-- Check that we correctly cascade for partitioned tables
create table atsdb (i int, j int, k int) partition by range(k)
(start(1) end(10) every(1));
insert into atsdb select i+2, i+1, i from generate_series(1, 9) i;
select * from distcheck where rel like 'atsdb%';
alter table atsdb set distributed by (j);
select * from distcheck where rel like 'atsdb%';
select * from atsdb order by 1, 2, 3;
alter table atsdb set with(appendonly = true);
select relname, a.blocksize, compresslevel, compresstype, checksum from pg_class c, pg_appendonly a where
relname like 'atsdb%' and c.oid = a.relid order by 1;
select * from atsdb order by 1, 2, 3;
insert into atsdb select i+2, i+1, i from generate_series(1, 9) i;
select * from atsdb order by 1, 2, 3;
drop table atsdb;
drop view distcheck;
-- MPP-5452
-- Should succeed
create table atsdb (i int, k int) partition by range(i) (start (1) end(10)
alter table atsdb alter partition for(rank(5)) set distributed by (i);
alter table atsdb alter partition for(rank(5)) set distributed by (i);
alter table atsdb alter partition for(rank(5)) set distributed by (i);
drop table atsdb;
CREATE TABLE test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype(
text_col text,
bigint_col bigint,
char_vary_col character varying(30),
numeric_col numeric,
int_col int4,
float_col float4,
int_array_col int[],
drop_col numeric,
before_rename_col int4,
change_datatype_col numeric,
a_ts_without timestamp without time zone,
b_ts_with timestamp with time zone,
date_column date) distributed randomly;
insert into test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype values ('0_zero', 0, '0_zero', 0, 0, 0, '{0}', 0, 0, 0, '2004-10-19 10:23:54', '2004-10-19 10:23:54+02', '1-1-2000');
insert into test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype values ('1_zero', 1, '1_zero', 1, 1, 1, '{1}', 1, 1, 1, '2005-10-19 10:23:54', '2005-10-19 10:23:54+02', '1-1-2001');
insert into test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype values ('2_zero', 2, '2_zero', 2, 2, 2, '{2}', 2, 2, 2, '2006-10-19 10:23:54', '2006-10-19 10:23:54+02', '1-1-2002');
ALTER TABLE test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype ADD COLUMN added_col character varying(30) DEFAULT '';
ALTER TABLE test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype DROP COLUMN drop_col ;
ALTER TABLE test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype RENAME COLUMN before_rename_col TO after_rename_col;
ALTER TABLE test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype ALTER COLUMN change_datatype_col TYPE int4;
alter table test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype set with(reorganize =
true) distributed randomly;
select * from test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype ;
drop table test_add_drop_rename_column_change_datatype ;
-- MPP-5501
-- should run without error
create table atsdb with (appendonly=true) as select * from
alter table only atsdb set with(reorganize=true) distributed by (generate_series);
select count(*) from atsdb;
drop table atsdb;
-- MPP-5746
create table mpp5746 (c int[], t text);
insert into mpp5746 select array[i], i from generate_series(1, 100) i;
alter table mpp5746 set with (reorganize=true, appendonly = true);
select * from mpp5746 order by 1;
alter table mpp5746 drop column t;
select * from mpp5746 order by 1;
drop table mpp5746;
-- MPP-5738
create table mpp5738 (a int, b int, c int, d int)
partition by range(d) (start(1) end(10) inclusive every(1));
insert into mpp5738 select i, i+1, i+2, i from generate_series(1, 10) i;
select * from mpp5738;
alter table mpp5738 alter partition for(rank(1)) set with (appendonly=true);
select * from mpp5738;
drop table mpp5738;
drop table if exists mpp5754;
CREATE TABLE mpp5754 (
) with (appendonly = true, checksum = true);
copy mpp5754 from stdin with delimiter '|';
0|ALGERIA|0| haggle. carefully final deposits detect slyly agai
select * from mpp5754 order by n_nationkey;
alter table mpp5754 set distributed randomly;
select count(*) from mpp5754;
alter table mpp5754 set distributed by (n_nationkey);
select * from mpp5754 order by n_nationkey;
drop table mpp5754;
-- MPP-6332
create table abc (a int, b int, c int);
Alter table abc set distributed randomly;
Alter table abc set with (reorganize=false) distributed randomly;
drop table abc;
-- MPP-7770: disable changing storage options (default, for now)
set gp_setwith_alter_storage = false;
-- disallow, so fails
create table atsdb (i int, j text) distributed by (j);
alter table atsdb set with(appendonly = true);
drop table atsdb;