blob: ff40aeed5ce89a0768eea73d367a1600f5f4ee86 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Basic syntax
-- Expect: success
prepare ccddlcheck as
select attrelid::regclass as relname,
attnum, attoptions from pg_class c, pg_attribute_encoding e
where c.relname like 'ccddl%' and c.oid=e.attrelid
order by relname, attnum;
-- default encoding clause
create table ccddl (
i int,
j int,
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib)
) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
-- This is enough to force compression, specially since we'll hash
-- all to a single segment and the values are all the same.
insert into ccddl select 1, 2 from generate_series(1, 100);
select * from ccddl;
drop table ccddl;
-- MPP-17012 default encoding clause with extra options in with clause
create table ccddl (
i int,
j int,
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=5)
) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, oids=false);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
create table ccddl (
i int,
j int,
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib)
) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, fillfactor=11);
execute ccddlcheck;
-- This is enough to force compression, specially since we'll hash
-- all to a single segment and the values are all the same.
insert into ccddl select 1, 2 from generate_series(1, 100);
select * from ccddl;
drop table ccddl;
-- Make sure we cleaned up after ourselves: should return zero rows
-- We exclude the named tables because they're hang overs from other
-- tests
select * from pg_attribute_encoding where
attrelid not in (select oid from pg_class where
relname = 't3coquicklz' or relname = 'co' or
relname = 'aocs_new' or relname = 'tenk_aocs7');
-- mix inline and default
create table ccddl (
i int,
j int encoding (compresstype=quicklz),
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib)
) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- mix column reference and default
create table ccddl (
i int,
j int,
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib),
column j encoding (compresstype=quicklz)
) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- encoding clause for only some columns, others should
-- have no encoding
create table ccddl (
i int,
j text encoding (compresstype=quicklz, blocksize=65536, compresslevel=1)
) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
-- Should see the encoding information for the new column
alter table ccddl add column k timestamp default now()
encoding (compresstype=zlib);
execute ccddlcheck;
-- no encoding information for this one though
alter table ccddl add column l numeric
default 3.141;
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Decipher encoding clause references
create table ccddl (i int, j int encoding(compresstype=zlib), column i encoding
(compresstype=zlib), default column encoding (compresstype=quicklz)) with
(appendonly=true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- WITH (..., compresstype=<type>) should act as a default clause
create table ccddl (i int, j int) with(appendonly = true, orientation = column,
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Mix case for compresstype since it should be case insensitive
create table ccddl (i int, j int encoding (COMPRESSTYPE="QuIckLZ"))
with(appendonly = true, orientation = column);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- CREATE TABLE (LIKE) WITH (...) must honour the directives in the WITH clause.
create table ccddl (i int);
create table ccddl_co(LIKE ccddl)
with (appendonly = true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl_co;
create table ccddl_co(LIKE ccddl)
with (appendonly = true, orientation=column, compresstype=quicklz);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl_co, ccddl;
-- Basic syntax
-- Expect: failure
-- only support CO tables
create table ccddl (i int encoding (compresstype=quicklz));
create table ccddl (i int encoding (compresstype=quicklz))
with (appendonly = true);
-- can't add encoding to a non-CO table
create table ccddl (i int);
alter table ccddl add column j int encoding (compresstype=quicklz);
drop table ccddl;
create table ccddl (i int) with (appendonly=true);
alter table ccddl add column j int encoding (compresstype=quicklz);
drop table ccddl;
-- check that we validate the encoding clause for add column
create table ccddl (i int) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
alter table ccddl add column j int encoding(compresstype=yawn);
alter table ccddl add column j int encoding(compresstype=quicklz,
alter table ccddl add column j int encoding(a=b);
drop table ccddl;
-- encoding clause has higher precedence than WITH clause
create table ccddl (i int encoding(compresstype=quicklz)) with(compresstype=zlib,
appendonly=true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- conflicting WITH and DEFAULT COLUMN ENCODING clause
create table t1 (i int, j int, default column encoding (compresstype=quicklz))
with (compresstype=zlib, appendonly=true, orientation=column);
-- Invalid encoding clauses
create table t1 (i int encoding (compresstype=quicklz, compresslevel=9))
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
create table t1 (i int encoding (compresstype=quicklz, ahhhh=boooooo))
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column);
-- Inheritance: check that we don't support inheritance on tables using
-- column compression
create table ccddlparent (i int encoding (compresstype=zlib))
with (appendonly = true, orientation = column);
create table ccddlchild (j int encoding (compresstype=zlib))
inherits(ccddlparent) with (appendonly = true, orientation = column);
drop table ccddlparent cascade;
-- Conflict between default and with, in the LIKE case
create table ccddl (i int);
create table ccddl_co (like ccddl,
default column encoding(compresstype=quicklz))
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib);
drop table ccddl;
-- Make sure we preserve WITH() in the presence of CTAS
create table ccddl (a, b)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=quicklz) as
select 1, 1;
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- encoding clause has higher precedence than WITH clause even in the LIKE case.
-- (this change the behavior of MPP-15120)
create table ccddl (i int, j int);
create table ccddl_co (like ccddl, column i encoding(compresstype=quicklz))
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
drop table ccddl_co;
-- Partitioning support
-- Expect: success
-- trivial partitioning case
create table ccddl (i int, j int)
with (appendonly = true, orientation=column)
partition by range(j)
(partition p1 start(1) end(10),
partition p2 start(10) end(20),
column i encoding(compresstype=zlib),
column j encoding(compresstype=quicklz)
execute ccddlcheck;
insert into ccddl select 1,2 from generate_series(1, 100);
select * from ccddl;
drop table ccddl;
-- subpartition template
create table ccddl (i int, j int, k int, l int)
with (appendonly = true, orientation=column)
partition by range(j)
subpartition by list (k)
subpartition template(
subpartition sp1 values(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
column i encoding(compresstype=zlib),
column j encoding(compresstype=quicklz),
column k encoding(compresstype=zlib),
column l encoding(compresstype=zlib)
(partition p1 start(1) end(10),
partition p2 start(10) end(20)
execute ccddlcheck;
select parencattnum, parencattoptions from
pg_partition_encoding e, pg_partition p, pg_class c
where c.relname = 'ccddl' and c.oid = p.parrelid and p.oid = e.parencoid;
insert into ccddl select 1, (i % 19) + 1, ((i+3) % 5) + 1, i+3 from generate_series(1, 100) i;
select * from ccddl;
-- Verify dependency handling
alter table ccddl drop column l;
insert into ccddl select 1, (i % 19) + 1, ((i+3) % 5) + 1 from generate_series(1, 100) i;
select parencattnum, parencattoptions from
pg_partition_encoding e, pg_partition p, pg_class c
where c.relname = 'ccddl' and c.oid = p.parrelid and p.oid = e.parencoid;
select * from ccddl;
drop table ccddl;
-- Add partition should 'inherit' the subpartition template storage encodings
create table ccddl (i int, j int, k int, l int)
(appendonly = true, orientation=column)
partition by range(j)
subpartition by list (k)
subpartition template(
subpartition sp1 values(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
column i encoding(compresstype=zlib),
column j encoding(compresstype=quicklz),
column k encoding(compresstype=zlib),
column l encoding(compresstype=zlib))
(partition p1 start(1) end(10),
partition p2 start(10) end(20)
execute ccddlcheck;
alter table ccddl add partition p3 start(20) end(30);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Make sure the AO/CO case didn't screw up the non CO case
create table ccddl (i int, j int, k int, l int)
(appendonly = true)
partition by range(j)
subpartition by list (k)
subpartition template(
subpartition sp1 values(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
(partition p1 start(1) end(10),
partition p2 start(10) end(20)
execute ccddlcheck;
alter table ccddl add partition p3 start(20) end(30);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Should be nothing in pg_partition_encoding now
select * from pg_partition_encoding;
-- Split support. We must preserve the column encodings of the split partition
create table ccddl (i int encoding (compresstype=zlib))
with (appendonly = true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i)
(partition p1 start(1) end(10));
execute ccddlcheck;
alter table ccddl split partition p1 at (5) into (partition p2, partition p3);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- With subpartitioning
create table ccddl (i int, j int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i) subpartition by range(j)
subpartition template (subpartition sp1 start(1) end(20),
column i encoding (compresstype=zlib),
column j encoding (compresstype=quicklz))
(partition p1 start(1) end(20));
execute ccddlcheck;
alter table ccddl alter partition p1 split partition sp1 at (10) into (partition sp2, partition sp3);
execute ccddlcheck;
alter table ccddl alter partition p1 split partition sp2 at (5) into (partition sp2, partition sp2_5);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- MPP-14407
-- Multi level partitioning: the expansion of the multi-level partitioning
-- configuration duplicates the encoding for `month'. Make sure we
-- handle this and produce sane results
CREATE TABLE ccddl (id int, year int, month int, day int, region text)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
START (1) END (13),
COLUMN month ENCODING (compresstype=quicklz)
COLUMN region ENCODING (compresstype=quicklz)
( START (2008) END (2010) );
execute ccddlcheck;
-- Ensure we can read and write
insert into ccddl select 1, 2008, 1, 2, 'usa' from generate_series(1, 100);
select * from ccddl;
drop table ccddl;
-- Partition specific column encoding
create table ccddl (
i int,
j int,
k int,
l int
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i)
partition p1 start(1) end(2) column i encoding(compresstype=zlib),
partition p2 start(2) end(3) column j encoding(compresstype=quicklz)
column k encoding(blocksize=8192),
partition p3 start(3) end(4) column i encoding(compresstype=quicklz)
column j encoding(blocksize=8192)
default column encoding
column i encoding (blocksize=65536),
default column encoding (compresstype=quicklz)
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
create table ccddl (i int, j int, k int, l int )
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i) subpartition by range(j)
partition p1 start(1) end(2)
(subpartition sp1 start(1) end(2) column i encoding(compresstype=zlib),
column i encoding (blocksize=65536),
default column encoding (compresstype=quicklz)
partition p2 start(2) end(3)
(subpartition sp1 start(1) end(2)
column j encoding(compresstype=zlib)
column k encoding(blocksize=8192),
column i encoding (blocksize=65536),
default column encoding (compresstype=quicklz)
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Precedence test: c3 in the partition child must be zlib, not quicklz
CREATE TABLE ccddl ( c1 int ENCODING (compresstype=zlib),
c2 char ENCODING (compresstype=quicklz, blocksize=65536),
c3 date,
COLUMN c3 ENCODING (compresstype=quicklz))
WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
START ('1900-01-01'::DATE) END ('2100-12-31'::DATE),
COLUMN c3 ENCODING (compresstype=zlib),
COLUMN c2 ENCODING (compresstype=quicklz)
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Should be able to turn have a partition ignore a column encoding clause
-- if it's explicitly marked appendonly=false. This is to support
-- what dump has been doing all along
create table ccddl
(i int, j int encoding (compresstype=quicklz))
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i)
partition p1 start(1) end(2) with(appendonly=false),
partition p2 start(2) end(3),
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib)
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- MPP-16875: ensure that WITH () is honoured
CREATE TABLE ccddl (a int, b text)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column,
compresstype=quicklz, compresslevel=1)
partition by list(b)
(partition s_abc values ('abc')
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=quicklz,
alter table ccddl add partition "s_xyz" values ('xyz')
WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column,
compresstype=quicklz, compresslevel=1);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Ensure that WITH () and subpartition template column encoding rules
-- play well together
create table ccddl (i int, d date, j int)
partition by range(d) subpartition by list(j)
subpartition template (subpartition sp1 values(1),
default column encoding (compresstype=zlib))
(start('2010-01-01') end('2010-01-05') every('1 day'::interval));
alter table ccddl add partition newp
start('2010-01-06') end('2010-01-07')
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=quicklz);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Partitioning support
-- Expect: failure
-- Make sure we validate the storage directives
create table gg (i int, k int) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(k) (partition p1 start(1) end(2), column i encoding(a=b));
create table gg (i int, k int) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(k) (partition p1 start(1) end(2), column i
-- We don't support partition element specific encoding clauses in subpartition
-- templates as we have no place to store them.
create table a (i int, j int) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i) subpartition by range(j)
subpartition template(start(1) end(10) default column encoding (compresstype=zlib),
start(10) end(20))
(partition p1 start(1) end(10));
-- partition level mention of column encoding but the table isn't heap oriented
(a1 int,a2 char(5),a3 text,a4 timestamp ,a5 date)
partition by range(a1)
start(1) end(1000) every(500),
COLUMN a1 ENCODING (compresstype=zlib,compresslevel=4,blocksize=32768)
-- Type support
-- Expect: success
-- The basics
drop type if exists int42 cascade;
create type int42;
CREATE FUNCTION int42_in(cstring)
AS 'int4in'
CREATE FUNCTION int42_out(int42)
RETURNS cstring
AS 'int4out'
internallength = 4,
input = int42_in,
output = int42_out,
alignment = int4,
default = 42,
select typoptions from pg_type_encoding where typid='public.int42'::regtype;
create table ccddl (i int42) with(appendonly = true, orientation=column);
execute ccddlcheck;
alter type int42 set default encoding (compresstype=zlib);
alter table ccddl add column j int42 default '1'::int42;
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Shouldn't apply type default encoding in these cases
create table ccddl (i int42);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
create table ccddl (i int42) with (appendonly = true);
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
create table ccddl (i int42) with (appendonly = true, orientation=column,
execute ccddlcheck;
drop table ccddl;
-- Ensure that we can handle the SQL types that are recognized by the parser
-- but are not represented in the catalog.
alter type character varying set default encoding (compresstype=quicklz);
select typoptions from pg_type t, pg_type_encoding e where
t.typname = 'varchar' and t.oid = e.typid;
alter type character set default encoding (compresstype=zlib);
select typoptions from pg_type t, pg_type_encoding e where
t.typname = 'bpchar' and t.oid = e.typid;
alter type timestamp with time zone set default encoding(compresstype=quicklz);
select typoptions from pg_type t, pg_type_encoding e where
t.typname = 'timestamptz' and t.oid = e.typid;
-- schema qualification
alter type pg_catalog.text set default encoding (compresstype=quicklz);
select typoptions from pg_type t, pg_type_encoding e where
t.typname = 'text' and t.oid = e.typid;
-- Type support
-- Expect: failure
-- We should reject any extraneous type information during alter type
alter type numeric(10, 2) set default encoding(compresstype=zlib);
alter type int[2][3] set default encoding(compresstype=quicklz);
-- permissions checks
create role typcheck;
set session authorization typcheck;
alter type int42 set default encoding (compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1);
reset session authorization;
drop role typcheck;
-- Verify that we validate the storage clause
alter type text set default encoding (a=b);
alter type text set default encoding (compresstype=10);
alter type text set default encoding (compresstype=quicklz, compresslevel=100);
-- dependency check on drop type
drop type int42 cascade;
select * from pg_type_encoding;
-- cleanup
deallocate ccddlcheck;
-- RLE sanity checks
-- Expect: failure
-- RLE_TYPE is not supported
create table ccddl (i int) with(appendonly = true, compresstype = rle_type);
-- MPP-14381 cdbfast regression: Dropping and adding a column to AO partitioned tables fails with SIGSEGV
-- Expect: success
P_SIZE integer,
partition by range (p_size)
partition p1 start('1') WITH (appendonly=true, checksum=true, blocksize=819200, compresslevel=8)
, partition p2 start('21') end('28')
, partition p3 start('28') WITH (appendonly=true, checksum=true, blocksize=819200, compresslevel=8)
, partition p4 start('32') end('33')
, partition p5 start('33') WITH (appendonly=true, checksum=true, blocksize=819200, compresslevel=8)
INSERT INTO ccddl values ( generate_series(1,25000), 3, 'JUMBO CASE', 1001.00, 'ronic dependencies d' );
INSERT INTO ccddl values ( generate_series(1,25000), 23, 'JUMBO CASE', 1001.00, 'ronic dependencies d' );
INSERT INTO ccddl values ( generate_series(1,25000), 29, 'JUMBO CASE', 1001.00, 'ronic dependencies d' );
INSERT INTO ccddl values ( generate_series(1,25000), 37, 'JUMBO CASE', 1001.00, 'ronic dependencies d' );
-- MPP-14477 cdbfast regression: Bitmap Index scan on AO tables with compression fails with SIGSEGV
-- Expect: success
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ccddl cascade;
, owner VARCHAR
, property BOX
insert into ccddl values (59,'Hypatia','( (6050, 20), (7052, 250) )');
CREATE INDEX ccddl_propertyBoxIndex ON ccddl USING Gist (property);
SET enable_seqscan = FALSE;
-- to the same internal representation.
SELECT owner, property FROM ccddl
WHERE property ~= '((7052,250),(6050,20))';
drop table ccddl;
-- Dump / restore
-- We can only test partition dumping here, since pg_dump does table level
-- dump/restore
create table ccddl (i int, j int)
with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
partition by range(i) subpartition by range(j)
subpartition template
( subpartition sp1 start(1) end(2),
subpartition sp2 start(2) end (3),
column i encoding (compresstype=quicklz),
column j encoding (blocksize=65536)
(partition p1 start(1) end (2));
select pg_get_partition_def('ccddl'::regclass, true);
select pg_get_partition_template_def('ccddl'::regclass, true, false);
drop table ccddl;