blob: 8071985b5331bd016cc0f08f23d54586178396e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* parse_utilcmd.c
* Perform parse analysis work for various utility commands
* Formerly we did this work during parse_analyze() in analyze.c. However
* that is fairly unsafe in the presence of querytree caching, since any
* database state that we depend on in making the transformations might be
* obsolete by the time the utility command is executed; and utility commands
* have no infrastructure for holding locks or rechecking plan validity.
* Hence these functions are now called at the start of execution of their
* respective utility commands.
* NOTE: in general we must avoid scribbling on the passed-in raw parse
* tree, since it might be in a plan cache. The simplest solution is
* a quick copyObject() call before manipulating the query tree.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/parser/parse_utilcmd.c,v 2.20 2009/01/01 17:23:46 momjian Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/reloptions.h"
#include "catalog/catquery.h"
#include "catalog/pg_constraint.h"
#include "catalog/dependency.h"
#include "catalog/heap.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "catalog/namespace.h"
#include "catalog/pg_opclass.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "commands/tablecmds.h"
#include "commands/tablespace.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "parser/analyze.h"
#include "parser/gramparse.h"
#include "parser/parse_clause.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parse_type.h"
#include "parser/parse_utilcmd.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
static IndexStmt *generateClonedIndexStmt(CreateStmtContext *cxt,
Relation parent_index, AttrNumber *attmap);
static List *get_opclass(Oid opclass, Oid actual_datatype);
static IndexStmt *transformIndexConstraint(Constraint *constraint,
CreateStmtContext *cxt);
* Generate an IndexStmt node using information from an already existing index
* "source_idx". Attribute numbers should be adjusted according to attmap.
static IndexStmt *
generateClonedIndexStmt(CreateStmtContext *cxt, Relation source_idx,
AttrNumber *attmap)
Oid source_relid = RelationGetRelid(source_idx);
HeapTuple ht_idxrel;
HeapTuple ht_idx;
Form_pg_class idxrelrec;
Form_pg_index idxrec;
Form_pg_am amrec;
oidvector *indclass;
IndexStmt *index;
List *indexprs;
ListCell *indexpr_item;
Oid indrelid;
Oid conoid = InvalidOid;
int keyno;
Oid keycoltype;
Datum datum;
bool isnull;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
* Fetch pg_class tuple of source index. We can't use the copy in the
* relcache entry because it doesn't include optional fields.
pcqCtx = caql_beginscan(
cql("SELECT * FROM pg_class "
" WHERE oid = :1 ",
ht_idxrel = caql_getnext(pcqCtx);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(ht_idxrel))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for relation %u", source_relid);
idxrelrec = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(ht_idxrel);
/* Fetch pg_index tuple for source index from relcache entry */
ht_idx = source_idx->rd_indextuple;
idxrec = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(ht_idx);
indrelid = idxrec->indrelid;
/* Fetch pg_am tuple for source index from relcache entry */
amrec = source_idx->rd_am;
/* Must get indclass the hard way, since it's not stored in relcache */
datum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, ht_idx,
Anum_pg_index_indclass, &isnull);
indclass = (oidvector *) DatumGetPointer(datum);
/* Begin building the IndexStmt */
index = makeNode(IndexStmt);
index->relation = cxt->relation;
index->accessMethod = pstrdup(NameStr(amrec->amname));
if (OidIsValid(idxrelrec->reltablespace))
index->tableSpace = get_tablespace_name(idxrelrec->reltablespace);
index->tableSpace = NULL;
index->unique = idxrec->indisunique;
index->primary = idxrec->indisprimary;
index->concurrent = false;
* We don't try to preserve the name of the source index; instead, just
* let DefineIndex() choose a reasonable name.
index->idxname = NULL;
* If the index is marked PRIMARY, it's certainly from a constraint; else,
* if it's not marked UNIQUE, it certainly isn't; else, we have to search
* pg_depend to see if there's an associated unique constraint.
if (index->primary)
index->isconstraint = true;
else if (!index->unique)
index->isconstraint = false;
conoid = get_index_constraint(source_relid);
index->isconstraint = OidIsValid(conoid);
/* If the index backs a constraint and we are adding a part to a paritioned
* table, we need to use the same constraint name as the partition root uses.
* We assume that the inheritance hierarchy above is consistent, so we just
* use the parent's constraint.
if (index->isconstraint && cxt->isaddpart )
char *conname;
/* */
if ( ! OidIsValid(conoid) )
conoid = get_index_constraint(source_relid);
conname = GetConstraintNameByOid(conoid);
if ( ! conname )
elog(ERROR, "missing constraint on partitioned table");
index->altconname = conname;
/* Get the index expressions, if any */
datum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, ht_idx,
Anum_pg_index_indexprs, &isnull);
if (!isnull)
char *exprsString;
exprsString = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
indexprs = (List *) stringToNode(exprsString);
indexprs = NIL;
/* Build the list of IndexElem */
index->indexParams = NIL;
indexpr_item = list_head(indexprs);
for (keyno = 0; keyno < idxrec->indnatts; keyno++)
IndexElem *iparam;
AttrNumber attnum = idxrec->indkey.values[keyno];
iparam = makeNode(IndexElem);
if (AttributeNumberIsValid(attnum))
/* Simple index column */
char *attname;
attname = get_relid_attribute_name(indrelid, attnum);
keycoltype = get_atttype(indrelid, attnum);
iparam->name = attname;
iparam->expr = NULL;
/* Expressional index */
Node *indexkey;
if (indexpr_item == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "too few entries in indexprs list");
indexkey = (Node *) lfirst(indexpr_item);
indexpr_item = lnext(indexpr_item);
/* OK to modify indexkey since we are working on a private copy */
change_varattnos_of_a_node(indexkey, attmap);
iparam->name = NULL;
iparam->expr = indexkey;
keycoltype = exprType(indexkey);
/* Add the operator class name, if non-default */
iparam->opclass = get_opclass(indclass->values[keyno], keycoltype);
index->indexParams = lappend(index->indexParams, iparam);
/* Copy reloptions if any */
datum = caql_getattr(pcqCtx,
Anum_pg_class_reloptions, &isnull);
if (!isnull)
index->options = untransformRelOptions(datum);
/* If it's a partial index, decompile and append the predicate */
datum = SysCacheGetAttr(INDEXRELID, ht_idx,
Anum_pg_index_indpred, &isnull);
if (!isnull)
char *pred_str;
/* Convert text string to node tree */
pred_str = TextDatumGetCString(datum);
index->whereClause = (Node *) stringToNode(pred_str);
/* Adjust attribute numbers */
change_varattnos_of_a_node(index->whereClause, attmap);
/* Clean up */
return index;
* get_opclass - fetch name of an index operator class
* If the opclass is the default for the given actual_datatype, then
* the return value is NIL.
static List *
get_opclass(Oid opclass, Oid actual_datatype)
HeapTuple ht_opc;
Form_pg_opclass opc_rec;
List *result = NIL;
cqContext *pcqCtx;
pcqCtx = caql_beginscan(
cql("SELECT * FROM pg_opclass "
" WHERE oid = :1 ",
ht_opc = caql_getnext(pcqCtx);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(ht_opc))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opclass %u", opclass);
opc_rec = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(ht_opc);
if (GetDefaultOpClass(actual_datatype, opc_rec->opcamid) != opclass)
/* For simplicity, we always schema-qualify the name */
char *nsp_name = get_namespace_name(opc_rec->opcnamespace);
char *opc_name = pstrdup(NameStr(opc_rec->opcname));
result = list_make2(makeString(nsp_name), makeString(opc_name));
return result;
* transformIndexConstraint
* Transform one UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint for
* transformIndexConstraints.
static IndexStmt *
transformIndexConstraint(Constraint *constraint, CreateStmtContext *cxt)
IndexStmt *index;
ListCell *keys;
IndexElem *iparam;
index = makeNode(IndexStmt);
index->unique = true;
index->primary = (constraint->contype == CONSTR_PRIMARY);
if (index->primary)
if (cxt->pkey != NULL)
errmsg("multiple primary keys for table \"%s\" are not allowed",
cxt->pkey = index;
* In ALTER TABLE case, a primary index might already exist, but
* DefineIndex will check for it.
index->isconstraint = true;
/* We used to force the index name to be the constraint name, but they are
* in different namespaces and so have different requirements for uniqueness.
* Here we leave the index name alone and put the constaint name in the IndexStmt
* for use at a lower level.
index->idxname = NULL; /* DefineIndex will choose name */
index->altconname = constraint->name; /* User may have picked the name. */
index->relation = cxt->relation;
index->accessMethod = DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPE;
index->options = constraint->options;
index->tableSpace = constraint->indexspace;
index->indexParams = NIL;
index->whereClause = NULL;
index->concurrent = false;
* Make sure referenced keys exist. If we are making a PRIMARY KEY index,
* also make sure they are NOT NULL, if possible. (Although we could leave
* it to DefineIndex to mark the columns NOT NULL, it's more efficient to
* get it right the first time.)
foreach(keys, constraint->keys)
char *key = strVal(lfirst(keys));
bool found = false;
ColumnDef *column = NULL;
ListCell *columns;
foreach(columns, cxt->columns)
column = (ColumnDef *) lfirst(columns);
Assert(IsA(column, ColumnDef));
if (strcmp(column->colname, key) == 0)
found = true;
if (found)
/* found column in the new table; force it to be NOT NULL */
if (constraint->contype == CONSTR_PRIMARY)
column->is_not_null = TRUE;
else if (SystemAttributeByName(key, cxt->hasoids) != NULL)
* column will be a system column in the new table, so accept it.
* System columns can't ever be null, so no need to worry about
* PRIMARY/NOT NULL constraint.
found = true;
else if (cxt->inhRelations)
/* try inherited tables */
ListCell *inher;
foreach(inher, cxt->inhRelations)
RangeVar *inh = (RangeVar *) lfirst(inher);
Relation rel;
int count;
Assert(IsA(inh, RangeVar));
rel = heap_openrv(inh, AccessShareLock);
if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
errmsg("inherited relation \"%s\" is not a table",
for (count = 0; count < rel->rd_att->natts; count++)
Form_pg_attribute inhattr = rel->rd_att->attrs[count];
char *inhname = NameStr(inhattr->attname);
if (inhattr->attisdropped)
if (strcmp(key, inhname) == 0)
found = true;
* We currently have no easy way to force an inherited
* column to be NOT NULL at creation, if its parent
* wasn't so already. We leave it to DefineIndex to
* fix things up in this case.
heap_close(rel, NoLock);
if (found)
* In the ALTER TABLE case, don't complain about index keys not
* created in the command; they may well exist already. DefineIndex
* will complain about them if not, and will also take care of marking
* them NOT NULL.
if (!found && !cxt->isalter)
errmsg("column \"%s\" named in key does not exist",
/* Check for PRIMARY KEY(foo, foo) */
foreach(columns, index->indexParams)
iparam = (IndexElem *) lfirst(columns);
if (iparam->name && strcmp(key, iparam->name) == 0)
if (index->primary)
errmsg("column \"%s\" appears twice in primary key constraint",
errmsg("column \"%s\" appears twice in unique constraint",
/* OK, add it to the index definition */
iparam = makeNode(IndexElem);
iparam->name = pstrdup(key);
iparam->expr = NULL;
iparam->opclass = NIL;
index->indexParams = lappend(index->indexParams, iparam);
return index;
* transformInhRelation
* Change the LIKE <subtable> portion of a CREATE TABLE statement into the
* column definitions which recreate the user defined column portions of <subtable>.
* if forceBareCol is true we disallow inheriting any indexes/constr/defaults.
transformInhRelation(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt,
InhRelation *inhRelation, bool forceBareCol)
AttrNumber parent_attno;
Relation relation;
TupleDesc tupleDesc;
TupleConstr *constr;
AclResult aclresult;
bool including_defaults = false;
bool including_constraints = false;
bool including_indexes = false;
ListCell *elem;
relation = heap_openrv(inhRelation->relation, AccessShareLock);
if (relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
errmsg("inherited relation \"%s\" is not a table",
* Check for SELECT privilages
aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(RelationGetRelid(relation), GetUserId(),
if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_CLASS,
tupleDesc = RelationGetDescr(relation);
constr = tupleDesc->constr;
foreach(elem, inhRelation->options)
int option = lfirst_int(elem);
switch (option)
including_defaults = true;
including_defaults = false;
including_constraints = true;
including_constraints = false;
including_indexes = true;
including_indexes = false;
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized CREATE TABLE LIKE option: %d",
if (forceBareCol && (including_indexes || including_constraints || including_defaults))
errmsg("LIKE INCLUDING may not be used with this kind of relation")));
* Insert the copied attributes into the cxt for the new table
* definition.
for (parent_attno = 1; parent_attno <= tupleDesc->natts;
Form_pg_attribute attribute = tupleDesc->attrs[parent_attno - 1];
char *attributeName = NameStr(attribute->attname);
ColumnDef *def;
* Ignore dropped columns in the parent.
if (attribute->attisdropped)
* Create a new column, which is marked as NOT inherited.
* For constraints, ONLY the NOT NULL constraint is inherited by the
* new column definition per SQL99.
def = makeNode(ColumnDef);
def->colname = pstrdup(attributeName);
def->typname = makeTypeNameFromOid(attribute->atttypid,
def->inhcount = 0;
def->is_local = true;
def->is_not_null = (forceBareCol ? false : attribute->attnotnull);
def->raw_default = NULL;
def->cooked_default = NULL;
def->constraints = NIL;
* Add to column list
cxt->columns = lappend(cxt->columns, def);
* Copy default, if present and the default has been requested
if (attribute->atthasdef && including_defaults)
char *this_default = NULL;
AttrDefault *attrdef;
int i;
/* Find default in constraint structure */
Assert(constr != NULL);
attrdef = constr->defval;
for (i = 0; i < constr->num_defval; i++)
if (attrdef[i].adnum == parent_attno)
this_default = attrdef[i].adbin;
Assert(this_default != NULL);
* If default expr could contain any vars, we'd need to fix 'em,
* but it can't; so default is ready to apply to child.
def->cooked_default = pstrdup(this_default);
* Copy CHECK constraints if requested, being careful to adjust
* attribute numbers
if (including_constraints && tupleDesc->constr)
AttrNumber *attmap = varattnos_map_schema(tupleDesc, cxt->columns);
int ccnum;
for (ccnum = 0; ccnum < tupleDesc->constr->num_check; ccnum++)
char *ccname = tupleDesc->constr->check[ccnum].ccname;
char *ccbin = tupleDesc->constr->check[ccnum].ccbin;
Node *ccbin_node = stringToNode(ccbin);
Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint);
change_varattnos_of_a_node(ccbin_node, attmap);
n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK;
n->name = pstrdup(ccname);
n->raw_expr = NULL;
n->cooked_expr = nodeToString(ccbin_node);
n->indexspace = NULL;
cxt->ckconstraints = lappend(cxt->ckconstraints, (Node *) n);
* Likewise, copy indexes if requested
if (including_indexes && relation->rd_rel->relhasindex)
AttrNumber *attmap = varattnos_map_schema(tupleDesc, cxt->columns);
List *parent_indexes;
ListCell *l;
parent_indexes = RelationGetIndexList(relation);
foreach(l, parent_indexes)
Oid parent_index_oid = lfirst_oid(l);
Relation parent_index;
IndexStmt *index_stmt;
parent_index = index_open(parent_index_oid, AccessShareLock);
/* Build CREATE INDEX statement to recreate the parent_index */
index_stmt = generateClonedIndexStmt(cxt, parent_index, attmap);
/* Save it in the inh_indexes list for the time being */
cxt->inh_indexes = lappend(cxt->inh_indexes, index_stmt);
index_close(parent_index, AccessShareLock);
* Close the parent rel, but keep our AccessShareLock on it until xact
* commit. That will prevent someone else from deleting or ALTERing the
* parent before the child is committed.
heap_close(relation, NoLock);
* transformIndexConstraints
* Handle UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints, which create indexes.
* We also merge in any index definitions arising from
transformIndexConstraints(ParseState *pstate, CreateStmtContext *cxt, bool mayDefer)
IndexStmt *index;
List *indexlist = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
* Run through the constraints that need to generate an index. For PRIMARY
* KEY, mark each column as NOT NULL and create an index. For UNIQUE,
* create an index as for PRIMARY KEY, but do not insist on NOT NULL.
foreach(lc, cxt->ixconstraints)
Constraint *constraint = (Constraint *) lfirst(lc);
Assert(IsA(constraint, Constraint));
Assert(constraint->contype == CONSTR_PRIMARY ||
constraint->contype == CONSTR_UNIQUE);
index = transformIndexConstraint(constraint, cxt);
indexlist = lappend(indexlist, index);
/* Add in any indexes defined by LIKE ... INCLUDING INDEXES */
foreach(lc, cxt->inh_indexes)
index = (IndexStmt *) lfirst(lc);
if (index->primary)
if (cxt->pkey != NULL)
errmsg("multiple primary keys for table \"%s\" are not allowed",
cxt->pkey = index;
indexlist = lappend(indexlist, index);
* Scan the index list and remove any redundant index specifications. This
* can happen if, for instance, the user writes UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY. A
* strict reading of SQL92 would suggest raising an error instead, but
* that strikes me as too anal-retentive. - tgl 2001-02-14
* XXX in ALTER TABLE case, it'd be nice to look for duplicate
* pre-existing indexes, too.
Assert(cxt->alist == NIL);
if (cxt->pkey != NULL)
/* Make sure we keep the PKEY index in preference to others... */
cxt->alist = list_make1(cxt->pkey);
foreach(lc, indexlist)
bool keep = true;
bool defer = false;
ListCell *k;
index = lfirst(lc);
/* if it's pkey, it's already in cxt->alist */
if (index == cxt->pkey)
foreach(k, cxt->alist)
IndexStmt *priorindex = lfirst(k);
if (equal(index->indexParams, priorindex->indexParams) &&
equal(index->whereClause, priorindex->whereClause) &&
strcmp(index->accessMethod, priorindex->accessMethod) == 0)
priorindex->unique |= index->unique;
* If the prior index is as yet unnamed, and this one is
* named, then transfer the name to the prior index. This
* ensures that if we have named and unnamed constraints,
* we'll use (at least one of) the names for the index.
if (priorindex->idxname == NULL)
priorindex->idxname = index->idxname;
keep = false;
defer = index->whereClause != NULL;
if ( !defer )
ListCell *j;
foreach(j, index->indexParams)
IndexElem *elt = (IndexElem*)lfirst(j);
Assert(IsA(elt, IndexElem));
if (elt->expr != NULL)
defer = true;
if (keep)
if (defer && mayDefer)
/* An index on an expression with a WHERE clause or for an
* inheritance child will cause a trip through parse_analyze.
* If we do that before creating the table, it will fail, so
* we put it on a list for later.
(errmsg("deferring index creation for table \"%s\"",
cxt->dlist = lappend(cxt->dlist, index);
cxt->alist = lappend(cxt->alist, index);