blob: 2ae8bda5b36a337a61d0420ab05e06319307078e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* execDynamicScan.c
* Support routines for iterating through dynamically chosen partitions of a relation
#include "postgres.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpartition.h"
#include "executor/execDynamicScan.h"
#include "executor/nodeIndexscan.h"
#include "executor/instrument.h"
#include "executor/execIndexscan.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "access/genam.h"
static bool
IndexScan_RemapLogicalIndexInfo(IndexScanState *indexScanState);
static bool
DynamicScan_RemapIndexScanVars(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList);
static inline DynamicPartitionIterator*
DynamicScan_GetIterator(ScanState *scanState);
static Oid
DynamicScan_GetNextPartitionOid(ScanState *scanState, DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator, int32 numSelectors);
static void
DynamicScan_UpdateIteratorPartitionState(DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator, Oid newOid);
static void
DynamicScan_InitScanStateForNewPartition(ScanState *scanState, DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator);
static void
DynamicScan_InitExpressions(ScanState *scanState, DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator);
static void
DynamicScan_FinishInitialization(ScanState *scanState, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod);
static bool
DynamicScan_InitNextPartition(ScanState *scanState, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod);
static bool
DynamicScan_InitSingleRelation(ScanState *scanState, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod);
static void
DynamicScan_CreateIterator(ScanState *scanState, Scan *scan);
static void
DynamicScan_EndIterator(ScanState *scanState);
static inline void
DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod);
static void
DynamicScan_EndCurrentScan(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod);
static bool
DynamicScan_RemapExpression(ScanState *scanState, Node *expr);
static void
DynamicScan_CleanupOneIndexRelation(IndexScanState *indexScanState);
static Oid
DynamicScan_GetIndexOid(IndexScanState *indexScanState, Oid tableOid);
static Oid
DynamicScan_GetTableOid(ScanState *scanState);
static bool
DynamicScan_OpenIndexRelation(IndexScanState *scanState, Oid tableOid);
static void
DynamicScan_InitIndexExpressions(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList);
static void
DynamicScan_PrepareIndexScanKeys(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList, bool supportsArrayKeys);
static void
DynamicScan_PrepareExpressionContext(IndexScanState *indexScanState);
static void
DynamicScan_InitRuntimeKeys(IndexScanState *indexScanState);
* -------------------------------------
* Static functions
* -------------------------------------
* DynamicScan_RemapIndexScanVars
* Remaps the columns in the logical index descriptor, target list,
* and qual to handle column alignment issues because of dropped columns.
* Returns true if remapping was needed.
static bool
DynamicScan_RemapIndexScanVars(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList)
IndexScan *indexScan = (IndexScan *) indexScanState->;
bool remappedLogicalIndexInfo = IndexScan_RemapLogicalIndexInfo(indexScanState);
if (remappedLogicalIndexInfo)
DynamicScan_RemapExpression((ScanState *)indexScanState, (Node*)indexScan->indexqual);
if (initQual)
DynamicScan_RemapExpression((ScanState *)indexScanState, (Node*)indexScan->scan.plan.qual);
if (initTargetList)
DynamicScan_RemapExpression((ScanState *)indexScanState, (Node*)indexScan->scan.plan.targetlist);
return remappedLogicalIndexInfo;
* DynamicScan_GetIterator
* Returns the current iterator for the scanState's partIndex.
static inline DynamicPartitionIterator*
DynamicScan_GetIterator(ScanState *scanState)
Assert(isDynamicScan((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan));
Assert(NULL != scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo);
int partIndex = ((Scan*)scanState->ps.plan)->partIndex;
Assert(partIndex <= scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo->numScans);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo->iterators[partIndex - 1];
Assert(NULL != iterator);
return iterator;
* DynamicScan_GetNextPartitionOid
* Returns the oid of the next partition.
static Oid
DynamicScan_GetNextPartitionOid(ScanState *scanState, DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator, int32 numSelectors)
Oid pid = InvalidOid;
while (InvalidOid == pid)
PartOidEntry *partOidEntry = hash_seq_search(iterator->partitionIterator);
if (NULL == partOidEntry)
iterator->shouldCallHashSeqTerm = false;
iterator->attMapRelOid = InvalidOid;
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_DONE;
return InvalidOid;
if (list_length(partOidEntry->selectorList) == numSelectors)
pid = partOidEntry->partOid;
return pid;
* DynamicScan_UpdateIteratorPartitionState
* Saves the relation that we need to scan in the iterator state. We also
* save the column map to reconcile column alignment because of dropped columns.
static void
DynamicScan_UpdateIteratorPartitionState(DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator, Oid newOid)
Oid oldOid = iterator->attMapRelOid;
/* Make sure we haven't already updated the column mapping of the iterator */
Assert(oldOid != newOid);
/* We must have cleaned the current relation before starting another one */
Assert(NULL == iterator->currentRelation);
iterator->currentRelation = OpenScanRelationByOid(newOid);
TupleDesc newTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(iterator->currentRelation);
Relation lastScannedRel = OpenScanRelationByOid(oldOid);
TupleDesc oldTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(lastScannedRel);
AttrNumber *attMap = varattnos_map(oldTupDesc, newTupDesc);
if (NULL != iterator->attMap)
iterator->attMap = attMap;
iterator->attMapRelOid = newOid;
* DynamicScan_InitScanStateForNewPartition
* Initializes various properties of the scan state for a new
* partition such as opening the relation, mapping dropped attributes
* for qual and targetlist, setting the tuple slot's properties and
* updating the tableType of the scanState.
static void
DynamicScan_InitScanStateForNewPartition(ScanState *scanState, DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator)
Assert(NULL == scanState->ss_currentRelation);
scanState->ss_currentRelation = iterator->currentRelation;
TupleDesc newTupDesc = RelationGetDescr(scanState->ss_currentRelation);
ExecAssignScanType(scanState, newTupDesc);
DynamicScan_RemapExpression(scanState, (Node*)scanState->ps.plan->qual);
DynamicScan_RemapExpression(scanState, (Node*)scanState->ps.plan->targetlist);
Oid newOid = RelationGetRelid(iterator->currentRelation);
* Inside ExecInitScanTupleSlot() we set the tuple table slot's oid
* to range table entry's relid, which for partitioned table always set
* to parent table's oid. In queries where we need to read table oids
* (MPP-20736) we use the tuple table slot's saved oid (refer to slot_getsysattr()).
* This wrongly returns parent oid, instead of partition oid. Therefore,
* to return correct partition oid, we need to update
* our tuple table slot's oid to reflect the partition oid.
for (int i = 0; i < DYNAMIC_SCAN_NSLOTS; i++)
scanState->ss_ScanTupleSlot[i].tts_tableOid = newOid;
scanState->tableType = getTableType(scanState->ss_currentRelation);
* DynamicScan_InitExpressions
* Initializes the expression.
* Note: we have qual and targetlist in the plan which
* we need to initialize to create plan state's qual
* and eval to evaluate the expression.
static void
DynamicScan_InitExpressions(ScanState *scanState, DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator)
* We only initialize expression if this is the first partition
* or if the column mapping changes between two partitions.
* Otherwise, we reuse the previously initialized expression.
if (iterator->firstPartition || NULL != iterator->attMap)
* Switch to partition memory context to prevent memory leak for
* per-partition data structures.
MemoryContext oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(iterator->partitionMemoryContext);
/* Initialize child expressions */
scanState->ps.qual = (List *)ExecInitExpr((Expr *)scanState->ps.plan->qual, (PlanState*)scanState);
scanState->ps.targetlist = (List *)ExecInitExpr((Expr *)scanState->ps.plan->targetlist, (PlanState*)scanState);
* DynamicScan_FinishInitialization
* Finishes the initialization phase and advances the scan_state
* to SCAN_NEXT. Note: for non-partitioned case we don't do anything
* extra here. For partitioned case, however, we create the partition
* iterator.
static void
DynamicScan_FinishInitialization(ScanState *scanState, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod)
Assert(SCAN_INIT == scanState->scan_state);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
if (isDynamicScan(scan))
DynamicScan_CreateIterator(scanState, scan);
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_NEXT;
* DynamicScan_InitNextPartition
* Prepares the next partition for scanning by calling various
* helper methods to open relation, map dropped attributes,
* initialize expressions etc.
static bool
DynamicScan_InitNextPartition(ScanState *scanState, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod)
Assert(isDynamicScan((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan));
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
Assert(SCAN_NEXT == scanState->scan_state);
DynamicTableScanInfo *partitionInfo = scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo;
Assert(partitionInfo->numScans >= scan->partIndex);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1];
int32 numSelectors = list_nth_int(partitionInfo->numSelectorsPerScanId, scan->partIndex);
Assert(NULL != iterator);
Oid partOid = DynamicScan_GetNextPartitionOid(scanState, iterator, numSelectors);
if (!OidIsValid(partOid))
Assert(SCAN_DONE == scanState->scan_state);
return false;
/* Collect number of partitions scanned in EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
if(NULL != scanState->ps.instrument)
Instrumentation *instr = scanState->ps.instrument;
instr->numPartScanned ++;
DynamicScan_UpdateIteratorPartitionState(iterator, partOid);
DynamicScan_InitScanStateForNewPartition(scanState, iterator);
DynamicScan_InitExpressions(scanState, iterator);
bool initExpressions = iterator->firstPartition || iterator->attMap;
partitionInitMethod(scanState, initExpressions);
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_SCAN;
return true;
* DynamicScan_InitSingleRelation
* Prepares a single relation for scanning by calling various
* helper methods to open relation, initialize expressions etc.
* Note: this is for the non-partitioned relations.
static bool
DynamicScan_InitSingleRelation(ScanState *scanState, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod)
Assert(!isDynamicScan((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan));
Assert(SCAN_SCAN != scanState->scan_state);
Assert(SCAN_END != scanState->scan_state);
if (SCAN_DONE != scanState->scan_state)
Assert(SCAN_NEXT == scanState->scan_state);
/* In non-partitioned case, we only begin scan if we aren't already scanning it or we are not done */
/* Open the relation and initalize the expressions (targetlist, qual etc.) */
InitScanStateRelationDetails(scanState, scanState->ps.plan, scanState->ps.state);
partitionInitMethod(scanState, true);
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_SCAN;
return true;
Assert(SCAN_DONE == scanState->scan_state);
/* The non-partitioned table is already scanned, so nothing more to scan */
return false;
* DynamicScan_CreateIterator
* Creates an iterator state (i.e., DynamicPartitionIterator)
* and saves it to the estate's DynamicTableScanInfo.
static void
DynamicScan_CreateIterator(ScanState *scanState, Scan *scan)
EState *estate = scanState->ps.state;
Assert(NULL != estate);
DynamicTableScanInfo *partitionInfo = estate->dynamicTableScanInfo;
* Ensure that the dynahash exists even if the partition selector
* didn't choose any partition for current scan node [MPP-24169].
InsertPidIntoDynamicTableScanInfo(scan->partIndex, InvalidOid, InvalidPartitionSelectorId);
Assert(NULL != estate->dynamicTableScanInfo->pidIndexes);
Assert(partitionInfo->numScans >= scan->partIndex);
Assert(NULL == partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1]);
Oid reloid = getrelid(scan->scanrelid, estate->es_range_table);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = palloc(sizeof(DynamicPartitionIterator));
iterator->firstPartition = true;
iterator->currentRelation = NULL;
iterator->attMapRelOid = reloid;
iterator->partitionMemoryContext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
iterator->partitionOids = partitionInfo->pidIndexes[scan->partIndex - 1];
Assert(iterator->partitionOids != NULL);
iterator->attMap = NULL;
iterator->shouldCallHashSeqTerm = true;
HASH_SEQ_STATUS *partitionIterator = palloc(sizeof(HASH_SEQ_STATUS));
hash_seq_init(partitionIterator, iterator->partitionOids);
iterator->partitionIterator = partitionIterator;
partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1] = iterator;
* DynamicScan_EndIterator
* Frees the partition iterator for a scanState.
static void
DynamicScan_EndIterator(ScanState *scanState)
Assert(NULL != scanState);
* For EXPLAIN of a plan, we may never finish the initialization,
* and end up calling the End method directly.In such cases, we
* don't have any iterator to end.
if (SCAN_INIT == scanState->scan_state)
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
DynamicTableScanInfo *partitionInfo = scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo;
Assert(partitionInfo->numScans >= scan->partIndex);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1];
Assert(NULL != iterator);
if (iterator->shouldCallHashSeqTerm)
if (NULL != iterator->attMap)
partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1] = NULL;
* DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation
* Cleans up a relation and releases all locks.
static inline void
DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod)
Assert(NULL != scanState);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
if (0 != (scanState->scan_state & SCAN_SCAN))
Assert(NULL != scanState->ss_currentRelation);
scanState->ss_currentRelation = NULL;
if (isDynamicScan(scan))
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = DynamicScan_GetIterator(scanState);
iterator->currentRelation = NULL;
iterator->firstPartition = false;
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_NEXT;
/* No partition, so no more to scan */
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_DONE;
* DynamicScan_EndCurrentScan
* Ends the current scan by cleaning up current relation
* and freeing up iterator states.
static void
DynamicScan_EndCurrentScan(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod)
Assert(NULL != scanState);
Assert(NULL != partitionEndMethod);
Assert(SCAN_END != scanState->scan_state);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation(scanState, partitionEndMethod);
if (isDynamicScan(scan))
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_END;
* DynamicScan_RemapExpression
* Re-maps the expression using the attMap of the partition iterator.
static bool
DynamicScan_RemapExpression(ScanState *scanState, Node *expr)
if (!isDynamicScan((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan))
return false;
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = DynamicScan_GetIterator(scanState);
Assert(NULL != iterator);
if (NULL != iterator->attMap)
change_varattnos_of_a_varno((Node*)expr, iterator->attMap, ((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan)->scanrelid);
return true;
return false;
* DynamicScan_GetIndexOid
* Returns the Oid of a suitable index for the IndexScan.
* Note: this assumes that the indexScan->logicalIndexInfo varattno
* are already mapped.
* This method will return the indexScan->indexid if called during
* the SCAN_INIT state or for non-partitioned case.
static Oid
DynamicScan_GetIndexOid(IndexScanState *indexScanState, Oid tableOid)
IndexScan *indexScan = (IndexScan *) indexScanState->;
* We return the plan node's indexid for non-partitioned case.
* For partitioned case, we also return the plan node's indexid
* if we are in the initialization phase (i.e., we don't yet know
* which partitions to scan).
if (!isDynamicScan(&indexScan->scan) || SCAN_INIT == indexScanState->ss.scan_state)
return indexScan->indexid;
Assert(NULL != indexScan->logicalIndexInfo);
* The is the oid of the partition of an *index*. Note: a partitioned table
* has a root and a set of partitions (may be multi-level). An index
* on a partitioned table also has a root and a set of index partitions.
* We started at table level, and now we are fetching the oid of an index
* partition.
Oid indexOid = getPhysicalIndexRelid(indexScan->logicalIndexInfo, tableOid);
return indexOid;
* DynamicScan_GetTableOid
* Returns the Oid of the table/partition to scan.
* For partitioned case this method returns InvalidOid
* if the partition iterator hasn't been initialized yet.
static Oid
DynamicScan_GetTableOid(ScanState *scanState)
/* For non-partitioned scan, just lookup the RTE */
if (!isDynamicScan((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan))
return getrelid(((Scan *)scanState->ps.plan)->scanrelid, scanState->ps.state->es_range_table);
/* We are yet to initialize the iterator, so return InvalidOid */
if (SCAN_INIT == scanState->scan_state)
return InvalidOid;
/* Get the iterator and look up the oid of the current relation */
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = DynamicScan_GetIterator(scanState);
Assert(NULL != iterator);
return iterator->attMapRelOid;
* DynamicScan_OpenIndexRelation
* Opens the index relation of the scanState using proper locks.
* Returns false if the previously opened index relation can be
* reused.
* Otherwise it closes the previously opened index relation and
* opens the newly requested one, and returns true.
static bool
DynamicScan_OpenIndexRelation(IndexScanState *scanState, Oid tableOid)
/* Look up the correct index oid for the provided tableOid */
Oid indexOid = DynamicScan_GetIndexOid(scanState, tableOid);
* If we already have an open index, and that index's relation
* oid is the same as the newly determined one, then we don't
* open any new relation and we just return false.
if (NULL != scanState->iss_RelationDesc &&
indexOid == RelationGetRelid(scanState->iss_RelationDesc))
* Put the tableOid as we may not have a valid
* tableOid, if the original relation was opened
* during initialization based on indexScan->indexid.
scanState->tableOid = tableOid;
return false;
/* We cannot reuse, therefore, clean up previously opened index */
Assert(NULL == scanState->iss_RelationDesc);
LOCKMODE lockMode = AccessShareLock;
if (!isDynamicScan((Scan *)&scanState-> &&
ExecRelationIsTargetRelation(scanState->, ((Scan *)scanState->>scanrelid))
lockMode = NoLock;
Assert(NULL == scanState->iss_RelationDesc);
scanState->iss_RelationDesc = index_open(indexOid, lockMode);
scanState->tableOid = tableOid;
return true;
* DynamicScan_InitIndexExpressions
* Initializes the plan state's qual and target list from the
* corresponding plan's qual and targetlist for an index.
static void
DynamicScan_InitIndexExpressions(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList)
ScanState *scanState = (ScanState *)indexScanState;
Plan *plan = scanState->ps.plan;
if (initQual)
scanState->ps.qual = (List *)ExecInitExpr((Expr *)plan->qual, (PlanState*)scanState);
if (initTargetList)
scanState->ps.targetlist = (List *)ExecInitExpr((Expr *)plan->targetlist, (PlanState*)scanState);
* DynamicScan_PrepareIndexScanKeys
* Prepares the various scan keys for an index, such
* as scan keys, runtime keys and array keys.
static void
DynamicScan_PrepareIndexScanKeys(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList, bool supportsArrayKeys)
IndexScan *plan = (IndexScan *)indexScanState->;
MemoryContext oldCxt = NULL;
MemoryContext partitionContext = DynamicScan_GetPartitionMemoryContext((ScanState*)indexScanState);
if (NULL != partitionContext)
oldCxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(partitionContext);
IndexArrayKeyInfo **arrayKeys = supportsArrayKeys ? &indexScanState->iss_ArrayKeys : NULL;
int *numArrayKeys = supportsArrayKeys ? &indexScanState->iss_NumArrayKeys : NULL;
* initialize child expressions
* We don't need to initialize targetlist or qual since neither are used.
* Note: we don't initialize all of the indexqual expression, only the
* sub-parts corresponding to runtime keys (see below).
* TODO rahmaf2 [JIRA: MPP-23297] we need to change indexqual
* varattno mapping. (Do we need to change other varattno
* mapping too?).
* build the index scan keys from the index qualification
ExecIndexBuildScanKeys((PlanState *) indexScanState,
if (NULL != oldCxt)
* DynamicScan_PrepareExpressionContext
* Prepares a new expression context for the evaluation of the
* runtime keys of an index.
static void
DynamicScan_PrepareExpressionContext(IndexScanState *indexScanState)
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext);
ExprContext *stdecontext = indexScanState->;
ExecAssignExprContext(indexScanState->, &indexScanState->;
indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext = indexScanState->;
indexScanState-> = stdecontext;
* DynamicScan_InitRuntimeKeys
* Initializes the runtime keys and array keys for an index scan
* by evaluating them.
static void
DynamicScan_InitRuntimeKeys(IndexScanState *indexScanState)
ExprContext *econtext = indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext; /* context for runtime keys */
indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeysReady = true;
if (0 != indexScanState->iss_NumRuntimeKeys)
Assert(NULL != econtext);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeys);
if (0 != indexScanState->iss_NumArrayKeys)
Assert(NULL != econtext);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_ArrayKeys);
indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeysReady =
* IndexScan_ReMapLogicalIndexInfo
* Remaps the columns of the expressions of a the logicalIndexInfo
* in a IndexScanState.
* Returns true if remapping was done.
static bool
IndexScan_RemapLogicalIndexInfo(IndexScanState *indexScanState)
IndexScan *indexScan = (IndexScan*)indexScanState->;
if (!isDynamicScan((Scan *)(&indexScan->scan.plan)))
return false;
LogicalIndexInfo *logicalIndexInfo = indexScan->logicalIndexInfo;
Assert(NULL != logicalIndexInfo);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = DynamicScan_GetIterator((ScanState *)indexScanState);
Assert(NULL != iterator);
AttrNumber *attMap = iterator->attMap;
return IndexScan_MapLogicalIndexInfo(logicalIndexInfo, attMap, indexScan->scan.scanrelid);
* DynamicScan_CleanupOneIndexRelation
* Cleans up one index relation by closing the scan
* descriptor and the index relation.
static void
DynamicScan_CleanupOneIndexRelation(IndexScanState *indexScanState)
Assert(NULL != indexScanState);
Assert(SCAN_SCAN != indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
Assert(SCAN_END != indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
* For SCAN_INIT and SCAN_FIRST we don't yet have any open
* scan descriptor.
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc ||
SCAN_FIRST == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
SCAN_INIT == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
if (NULL != indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc)
indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc = NULL;
if (NULL != indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc)
index_close(indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc, NoLock);
indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc = NULL;
* We use the tableOid to figure out if we can reuse an
* existing open relation. So, we set this field to InvalidOid
* when we clean up an open relation.
indexScanState->tableOid = InvalidOid;
* DynamicScan_GetCurrentRelation
* Returns the current relation to scan.
DynamicScan_GetCurrentRelation(ScanState *scanState)
Assert(T_BitmapTableScanState == scanState->ps.type
|| T_BitmapIndexScanState == scanState->ps.type);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
if (isDynamicScan(scan))
DynamicTableScanInfo *partitionInfo = scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo;
Assert(partitionInfo->numScans >= scan->partIndex);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1];
if (NULL == iterator)
/* We haven't started iterating any partition yet */
return NULL;
return iterator->currentRelation;
return scanState->ss_currentRelation;
* DynamicScan_Begin
* Prepares for the iteration of one or more relations (partitions).
DynamicScan_Begin(ScanState *scanState, Plan *plan, EState *estate, int eflags)
/* Currently only BitmapTableScanState supports this unified iteration of partitions */
Assert(T_BitmapTableScanState == scanState->ps.type);
Assert(SCAN_INIT == scanState->scan_state);
InitScanStateInternal(scanState, plan, estate, eflags, false /* Do not open the relation. We open it later, per-partition */);
* DynamicScan_ReScan
* Prepares for the rescanning of one or more relations (partitions).
DynamicScan_ReScan(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod, ExprContext *exprCtxt)
/* Only BitmapTableScanState supports this unified iteration of partitions */
Assert(T_BitmapTableScanState == scanState->ps.type);
if (SCAN_SCAN == scanState->scan_state)
DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation(scanState, partitionEndMethod);
Assert(SCAN_SCAN != scanState->scan_state && SCAN_END != scanState->scan_state);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
if (isDynamicScan(scan) && SCAN_INIT != scanState->scan_state)
* TODO rahmaf2: May be consider just resetting the iterator position,
* instead of destroying prev iterator and creating a new one.
DynamicScan_CreateIterator(scanState, (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan);
* Non-partitioned case. Nothing to do. The table is already
* closed during the last scan, which should have finished.
* Now, we are just going to reopen the relation when the
* DynamicScan_PartitionIterator_Next will be called.
* If ReScan was called even before we finish our initialization
* during our first partition processing, then we still need to
* maintain SCAN_INIT. Otherwise, just prepare for the next scan.
if (SCAN_INIT != scanState->scan_state)
scanState->scan_state = SCAN_NEXT;
* DynamicScan_End
* Ends partition/relation iteration/scanning and cleans up everything.
DynamicScan_End(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod)
Assert(T_BitmapTableScanState == scanState->ps.type);
if (SCAN_END == scanState->scan_state)
DynamicScan_EndCurrentScan(scanState, partitionEndMethod);
FreeScanRelationInternal(scanState, false /* Do not close the relation. We closed it in DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation */);
* DynamicScan_InitNextRelation
* Initializes states to process the next relation (if any).
* For partitioned scan we advance the iterator and prepare
* the next partition to scan. For non-partitioned case, we
* just start with the *only* relation, if we haven't
* already processed that relation.
* Returns false if we don't have any more partition to iterate.
DynamicScan_InitNextRelation(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod, PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod)
Assert(T_BitmapTableScanState == scanState->ps.type);
if (SCAN_DONE == scanState->scan_state || SCAN_END == scanState->scan_state)
return false;
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
if (SCAN_INIT == scanState->scan_state)
DynamicScan_FinishInitialization(scanState, partitionInitMethod);
DynamicScan_CleanupOneRelation(scanState, partitionEndMethod);
Assert(SCAN_NEXT == scanState->scan_state || SCAN_DONE == scanState->scan_state);
if (isDynamicScan(scan))
return DynamicScan_InitNextPartition(scanState, partitionInitMethod);
return DynamicScan_InitSingleRelation(scanState, partitionInitMethod);
* DynamicScan_GetNextTuple
* Gets the next tuple. If it needs to open a new relation,
* it takes care of that by asking for the next relation
* using DynamicScan_GetNextRelation.
* Returns the tuple fetched, or a NULL tuple
* if it exhausts all the relations/partitions.
TupleTableSlot *
DynamicScan_GetNextTuple(ScanState *scanState, PartitionEndMethod *partitionEndMethod,
PartitionInitMethod *partitionInitMethod, PartitionScanTupleMethod *partitionScanTupleMethod)
TupleTableSlot *slot = NULL;
while (TupIsNull(slot) && (SCAN_SCAN == scanState->scan_state ||
DynamicScan_InitNextRelation(scanState, partitionEndMethod, partitionInitMethod)))
slot = partitionScanTupleMethod(scanState);
if (TupIsNull(slot))
/* The underlying scanner should not change the scan status */
Assert(SCAN_SCAN == scanState->scan_state);
bool morePartition = DynamicScan_InitNextRelation(scanState, partitionEndMethod, partitionInitMethod);
if (!morePartition)
Assert(SCAN_SCAN == scanState->scan_state);
return slot;
* DynamicScan_GetPartitionMemoryContext
* Returns the current partition's (if any) memory context.
DynamicScan_GetPartitionMemoryContext(ScanState *scanState)
Assert(T_BitmapTableScanState == scanState->ps.type
|| T_BitmapIndexScanState == scanState->ps.type);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanState->ps.plan;
* TODO rahmaf2 05/08/2014 [JIRA: MPP-23513] We currently
* return NULL memory context during initialization. So,
* for partitioned case, we will leak memory for all the
* expression initialization allocations during ExecInit.
if (!isDynamicScan(scan) || SCAN_INIT == scanState->scan_state)
return NULL;
DynamicTableScanInfo *partitionInfo = scanState->ps.state->dynamicTableScanInfo;
Assert(NULL != partitionInfo);
Assert(partitionInfo->numScans >= scan->partIndex);
DynamicPartitionIterator *iterator = partitionInfo->iterators[scan->partIndex - 1];
Assert(NULL != iterator);
return iterator->partitionMemoryContext;
* IndexScan_ReMapLogicalIndexInfoDirect
* Remaps the columns of the expressions of a provided logicalIndexInfo
* using attMap for a given varno.
* Returns true if mapping was done.
IndexScan_MapLogicalIndexInfo(LogicalIndexInfo *logicalIndexInfo, AttrNumber *attMap, Index varno)
if (NULL == attMap)
/* Columns are already aligned, and therefore, no mapping is necessary */
return false;
/* map the attrnos if necessary */
for (int i = 0; i < logicalIndexInfo->nColumns; i++)
if (logicalIndexInfo->indexKeys[i] != 0)
logicalIndexInfo->indexKeys[i] = attMap[(logicalIndexInfo->indexKeys[i]) - 1];
/* map the attrnos in the indExprs and indPred */
change_varattnos_of_a_varno((Node *)logicalIndexInfo->indPred, attMap, varno);
change_varattnos_of_a_varno((Node *)logicalIndexInfo->indExprs, attMap, varno);
return true;
* DynamicScan_GetColumnMapping
* Finds the mapping of columns between two relations because of
* dropped attributes.
DynamicScan_GetColumnMapping(Oid oldOid, Oid newOid)
AttrNumber *attMap = NULL;
Relation oldRel = heap_open(oldOid, AccessShareLock);
Relation newRel = heap_open(newOid, AccessShareLock);
TupleDesc oldTupDesc = oldRel->rd_att;
TupleDesc newTupDesc = newRel->rd_att;
heap_close(oldRel, AccessShareLock);
heap_close(newRel, AccessShareLock);
attMap = varattnos_map(oldTupDesc, newTupDesc);
return attMap;
* isDynamicScan
* Returns true if the scan node is dynamic (i.e., determining
* relations to scan at runtime).
isDynamicScan(const Scan *scan)
return (scan->partIndex != INVALID_PART_INDEX);
* DynamicScan_BeginIndexScan
* Prepares the index scan state for a new index scan by calling
* various helper methods.
DynamicScan_BeginIndexScan(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList, bool supportsArrayKeys)
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc);
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc);
Assert(SCAN_INIT == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
* Create the expression context now, so that we can save any passed
* tuple in ReScan call for later runtime key evaluation. Note: a ReScan
* call may precede any BeginIndexPartition call.
DynamicScan_OpenIndexRelation(indexScanState, InvalidOid /* SCAN_INIT doesn't need any valid table Oid */);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc);
DynamicScan_PrepareIndexScanKeys(indexScanState, initQual, initTargetList, supportsArrayKeys);
DynamicScan_InitIndexExpressions(indexScanState, initQual, initTargetList);
* SCAN_FIRST implies that we haven't scanned any
* relation yet. Therefore, a call to scan the very
* same relation would not result in a SCAN_DONE.
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_FIRST;
* DynamicScan_BeginIndexPartition
* Prepares index scan state for scanning an index relation
* (possibly a dynamically determined relation).
* Parameters:
* indexScanState: The scan state for this index scan node
* initQual: Should we initialize qualifiers? BitmapIndexScan
* doesn't evaluate qualifiers, as it depends on BitmapTableScan
* to do so. However, Btree index scan (i.e., regular DynamicIndexScan)
* would initialize and evaluate qual.
* initTargetList: Similar to initQual, it indicates whether to evaluate
* target list expressions. Again, BitmapIndexScan doesn't have
* target list, while DynamicIndexScan does have.
* supportArrayKeys: Whether to calculate array keys from scan keys. Bitmap
* index has array keys, while Btree doesn't.
* Returns true if we have a valid relation to scan.
DynamicScan_BeginIndexPartition(IndexScanState *indexScanState, bool initQual, bool initTargetList, bool supportsArrayKeys, bool isMultiScan)
* Either the SCAN_INIT should open the relation during SCAN_INIT -> SCAN_FIRST
* transition or we already have an open relation from SCAN_SCAN state of the
* last scanned relation.
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc ||
SCAN_FIRST == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
* Once the previous scan is done, we don't allow any
* further scanning of this relation. Note, we don't
* close the relation yet, and we hope that a rescan
* call would be able to reuse this relation.
if (SCAN_DONE == indexScanState->ss.scan_state)
return false;
* We already have a scan in progress. So, we don't initalize
* any new relation.
if (SCAN_SCAN == indexScanState->ss.scan_state)
return true;
/* These are the valid ancestor state of the SCAN_SCAN */
Assert(SCAN_FIRST == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
SCAN_NEXT == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
SCAN_RESCAN == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
bool isNewRelation = false;
bool isDynamic = isDynamicScan((Scan *)indexScanState->;
if (isDynamic)
Oid newTableOid = DynamicScan_GetTableOid((ScanState *)indexScanState);
Assert(OidIsValid(indexScanState->tableOid) ||
SCAN_FIRST == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
if (!OidIsValid(newTableOid))
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_DONE;
return false;
if ((newTableOid != indexScanState->tableOid))
/* We have a new relation, so ensure proper column mapping */
bool remappedVars = DynamicScan_RemapIndexScanVars(indexScanState, initQual, initTargetList);
* During SCAN_INIT -> SCAN_FIRST we opened a relation based on
* optimizer provided indexid. However, the corresponding tableOid
* of the indexid was set to invalid. Therefore, it is possible to
* assume that we have a new index, while in reality, after resolving
* logicalIndexInfo, we may not have a new index relation.
isNewRelation = DynamicScan_OpenIndexRelation(indexScanState, newTableOid);
AssertImply(remappedVars, isNewRelation);
if (remappedVars)
* If remapping is necessary, we also need to prepare the scan keys,
* and initialize the expressions one more time.
DynamicScan_PrepareIndexScanKeys(indexScanState, initQual, initTargetList, supportsArrayKeys);
DynamicScan_InitIndexExpressions(indexScanState, initQual, initTargetList);
* Either a rescan requires recomputation of runtime keys (if an expression context is
* provided during rescan) or we have a new relation that must recompute index's runtime
* keys. Therefore, we need to preserve an already outstanding request for recomputation
* [MPP-24628] even if we don't have a new relation.
if (indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
/* A new relation would require us to recompute runtime keys */
indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeysReady = !isNewRelation;
else if (SCAN_FIRST != indexScanState->ss.scan_state &&
SCAN_RESCAN != indexScanState->ss.scan_state)
* For non-partitioned case, if we already scanned
* the relation, and we don't have a rescan request
* we flag the scan as "done".
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_DONE;
return false;
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc);
if (!indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
* If this is the first relation to scan or if we
* had to open a new relation, then we also need
* a new scan descriptor.
if (SCAN_FIRST == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc);
* Initialize scan descriptor.
indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc =
indexScanState->iss_ScanKeys, isMultiScan);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc);
/* We already have a reusable scan descriptor, so just initiate a rescan */
index_rescan(indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc, indexScanState->iss_ScanKeys);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc);
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_SCAN;
return true;
* DynamicScan_EndIndexPartition
* Ends scanning of *one* partition.
DynamicScan_EndIndexPartition(IndexScanState *indexScanState)
Assert(NULL != indexScanState);
Assert(SCAN_SCAN == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
/* For non-partitioned case, we flag the scan as "done" */
if (!isDynamicScan((Scan *)indexScanState->
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_DONE;
* For dynamic scan, we decide if the scanning is done
* during fetching of the next partition.
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_NEXT;
* DynamicScan_RescanIndex
* Prepares for a rescan of an index by saving the
* outer tuple (if any) and starting a new index scan.
* Parameters:
* indexScanState: The scan state for this index scan node
* exprCtxt: The expression context that might contain the
* outer tuple during rescanning (e.g., NLJ)
* initQual: Should we initialize qualifiers? BitmapIndexScan
* doesn't evaluate qualifiers, as it depends on BitmapTableScan
* to do so. However, Btree index scan (i.e., regular DynamicIndexScan)
* would initialize and evaluate qual.
* initTargetList: Similar to initQual, it indicates whether to evaluate
* target list expressions. Again, BitmapIndexScan doesn't have
* target list, while DynamicIndexScan does have.
* supportArrayKeys: Whether to calculate array keys from scan keys. Bitmap
* index has array keys, while Btree doesn't.
DynamicScan_RescanIndex(IndexScanState *indexScanState, ExprContext *exprCtxt, bool initQual, bool initTargetList, bool supportsArrayKeys)
* Rescan should only be called after we passed ExecInit
* or after we are done scanning one relation or after
* we are done with all relations.
Assert(SCAN_FIRST == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
SCAN_NEXT == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
SCAN_DONE == indexScanState->ss.scan_state ||
SCAN_RESCAN == indexScanState->ss.scan_state);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext);
/* Context for runtime keys */
ExprContext *econtext = indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext;
Assert(NULL != econtext);
* If we are being passed an outer tuple, save it for runtime key
* calc.
if (NULL != exprCtxt)
econtext->ecxt_outertuple = exprCtxt->ecxt_outertuple;
/* There might be a change of parameter values. Therefore, recompute the runtime keys */
indexScanState->iss_RuntimeKeysReady = false;
* Reset the runtime-key context so we don't leak memory as each outer
* tuple is scanned. Note this assumes that we will recalculate *all*
* runtime keys on each call.
* If we have already passed SCAN_FIRST (i.e., have a valid scan descriptor)
* then don't trigger a "forced" re-initialization.
if (SCAN_FIRST != indexScanState->ss.scan_state)
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_RESCAN;
* DynamicScan_RescanIndex
* Prepares for a rescan of an index by saving the
* outer tuple (if any) and starting a new index scan
* to evaluate the runtime keys.
DynamicScan_EndIndexScan(IndexScanState *indexScanState)
if (SCAN_END == indexScanState->ss.scan_state)
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc);
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc);
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext);
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_RelationDesc);
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_ScanDesc);
Assert(NULL != indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext);
Assert(NULL == indexScanState->iss_RuntimeContext);
indexScanState->ss.scan_state = SCAN_END;