blob: 3cd4dbbf2e4d47a88c8f3a9da7c79491b7f1aa05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* partitionselection.c
* Provides utility routines to support partition selection.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "cdb/partitionselection.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpartition.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* eval_propagation_expression
* Evaluate the propagation expression for the given leaf part Oid
* and return the result
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static int32
eval_propagation_expression(PartitionSelectorState *node, Oid part_oid)
ExprState *propagationExprState = node->propagationExprState;
ExprContext *econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
bool isNull = false;
ExprDoneCond isDone = ExprSingleResult;
Datum result = ExecEvalExpr(propagationExprState, econtext, &isNull, &isDone);
return DatumGetInt32(result);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* construct_partition_constraints_range
* construct a PartitionConstraints node given a PartitionRule for
* partition by range
* caller is responsible for free the PartitionConstraints generated
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static PartitionConstraints *
construct_part_constraints_range(PartitionRule *rule)
Assert (NULL != rule);
PartitionConstraints *constraint = makeNode(PartitionConstraints);
Assert (NULL != constraint);
constraint->pRule = rule;
constraint->defaultPart = rule->parisdefault;
if (constraint->defaultPart)
return constraint;
/* retrieve boundary information */
if (NULL == rule->parrangestart && NULL == rule->parrangeend)
/* partition with only the NULL value */
constraint->lowerBound = NULL;
constraint->lbInclusive = true;
constraint->lbOpen = false;
constraint->upperBound = NULL;
constraint->upInclusive = true;
constraint->upOpen = false;
return constraint;
if (NULL == rule->parrangestart)
/* open lower bound */
constraint->lbOpen = true;
constraint->lowerBound = NULL;
constraint->lbInclusive = false;
List *parrangeStart = (List *) rule->parrangestart;
Assert (1 == list_length(parrangeStart));
Node *lowerBound = (Node *) linitial(parrangeStart);
Assert (IsA(lowerBound, Const));
constraint->lowerBound = (Const *) lowerBound;
constraint->lbInclusive = rule->parrangestartincl;
constraint->lbOpen = false;
if (NULL == rule->parrangeend)
/* open upper bound */
constraint->upOpen = true;
constraint->upperBound = NULL;
constraint->upInclusive = false;
List *parrangeEnd = (List *) rule->parrangeend;
Assert (1 == list_length(parrangeEnd));
Node *upperBound = (Node *) linitial(parrangeEnd);
Assert (IsA(upperBound, Const));
constraint->upperBound = (Const *) upperBound;
constraint->upInclusive = rule->parrangeendincl;
constraint->upOpen = false;
Assert (!constraint->upOpen || !constraint->lbOpen);
return constraint;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* construct_partition_constraints_list
* construct a list of PartitionConstraints node given a PartitionRule
* for partition by list
* caller is responsible for free the PartitionConstraintss generated
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
construct_part_constraints_list(PartitionRule *rule)
List *result = NIL;
/* default part */
if (NULL == rule->parlistvalues || rule->parisdefault)
PartitionConstraints *constraint = makeNode(PartitionConstraints);
Assert (NULL != constraint);
constraint->pRule = rule;
constraint->defaultPart = true;
result = lappend(result, constraint);
return result;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, rule->parlistvalues)
List *values = (List *) lfirst(lc);
/* make sure it is single-column partition */
Assert (1 == list_length(values));
Node *value = (Node *) lfirst(list_nth_cell(values, 0));
Assert (IsA(value, Const));
PartitionConstraints *constraint = makeNode(PartitionConstraints);
Assert (NULL != constraint);
constraint->pRule = rule;
constraint->defaultPart = false;
constraint->lowerBound = (Const *) value;
constraint->lbInclusive = true;
constraint->lbOpen = false;
constraint->upperBound = (Const *) value;
constraint->upInclusive = true;
constraint->upOpen = false;
result = lappend(result, constraint);
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* construct_partition_constraints
* construct a list of PartitionConstraints node given a PartitionRule
* and its partition type
* caller is responsible for free the PartitionConstraintss generated
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
construct_part_constraints(PartitionRule *rule, char parkind)
List *result = NIL;
case 'r':
result = lappend(result, construct_part_constraints_range(rule));
case 'l':
result = construct_part_constraints_list(rule);
elog(ERROR,"unrecognized partitioning kind '%c'", parkind);
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* eval_part_qual
* Evaluate a qualification expression that consists of
* PartDefaultExpr, PartBoundExpr, PartBoundInclusionExpr, PartBoundOpenExpr
* Return true is passed, otherwise false.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static bool
eval_part_qual(ExprState *exprstate, PartitionSelectorState *node, TupleTableSlot *inputTuple)
/* evaluate generalPredicate */
ExprContext *econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
econtext->ecxt_outertuple = inputTuple;
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = inputTuple;
List *qualList = list_make1(exprstate);
return ExecQual(qualList, econtext, false /* result is not for null */);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* partition_selection
* It finds a child PartitionRule for a given parent partitionNode, which
* satisfies with the given partition key value.
* If no such a child partitionRule is found, return NULL.
* Input parameters:
* pn: parent PartitionNode
* accessMethods: PartitionAccessMethods
* root_oid: root table Oid
* value: partition key value
* exprTypid: type of the expression
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static PartitionRule*
partition_selection(PartitionNode *pn, PartitionAccessMethods *accessMethods, Oid root_oid, Datum value, Oid exprTypid, bool isNull)
Assert (NULL != pn);
Assert (NULL != accessMethods);
Partition *part = pn->part;
Assert (1 == part->parnatts);
AttrNumber partAttno = part->paratts[0];
Assert (0 < partAttno);
Relation rel = relation_open(root_oid, NoLock);
TupleDesc tupDesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
Assert(tupDesc->natts >= partAttno);
Datum *values = NULL;
bool *isnull = NULL;
createValueArrays(partAttno, &values, &isnull);
isnull[partAttno - 1] = isNull;
values[partAttno - 1] = value;
PartitionRule *result = get_next_level_matched_partition(pn, values, isnull, tupDesc, accessMethods, exprTypid);
freeValueArrays(values, isnull);
relation_close(rel, NoLock);
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* partition_constraints_range
* Returns a list of PartitionConstraints of all children PartitionRules
* with their constraints for a given partition-by-range
* PartitionNode
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
partition_constraints_range(PartitionNode *pn)
Assert (NULL != pn && 'r' == pn->part->parkind);
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *lc;
foreach (lc, pn->rules)
PartitionRule *rule = (PartitionRule *) lfirst(lc);
PartitionConstraints *constraint = construct_part_constraints_range(rule);
result = lappend(result, constraint);
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* partition_constraints_list
* Returns a list of PartitionConstraints of all children PartitionRules
* with their constraints for a given partition-by-list
* PartitionNode
* It generates one PartitionConstraints for each partition value in one
* PartitionRule
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
partition_constraints_list(PartitionNode *pn)
Assert (NULL != pn && 'l' == pn->part->parkind);
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, pn->rules)
PartitionRule *rule = (PartitionRule *) lfirst(lc);
result = list_concat(result, construct_part_constraints_list(rule));
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* partition_constraints
* Returns a list of PartitionConstraints of all children PartitionRules
* with their constraints for a given parent PartitionNode
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
partition_constraints(PartitionNode *pn)
Assert (NULL != pn);
Partition *part = pn->part;
List *result = NIL;
case 'r':
result = partition_constraints_range(pn);
case 'l':
result = partition_constraints_list(pn);
elog(ERROR,"unrecognized partitioning kind '%c'",
/* add default part if exists */
if (NULL != pn->default_part)
PartitionConstraints *constraint = makeNode(PartitionConstraints);
constraint->pRule = pn->default_part;
constraint->defaultPart = true;
result = lappend(result, constraint);
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* partition_constraints_for_general_predicate
* Return list of PartitionConstraints for the general predicate
* of current partition level
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
partition_constraints_for_general_predicate(PartitionSelectorState *node, int level,
TupleTableSlot *inputTuple, PartitionNode *parentNode)
Assert (NULL != node);
Assert (NULL != parentNode);
List *partConstraints = partition_constraints(parentNode);
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, partConstraints)
PartitionConstraints *constraints = (PartitionConstraints *) lfirst(lc);
/* We need to register it to allLevelParts to evaluate the current predicate */
node->levelPartConstraints[level] = constraints;
/* evaluate generalPredicate */
ExprState *exprstate = (ExprState *) lfirst(list_nth_cell(node->levelExprStates, level));
if (eval_part_qual(exprstate, node, inputTuple))
result = lappend(result, constraints);
/* reset allLevelPartConstraints */
node->levelPartConstraints[level] = NULL;
return result;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* partition_constraints_for_equality_predicate
* Return list of PartitionConstraints for the equality predicate
* of current partition level
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
static List *
partition_constraints_for_equality_predicate(PartitionSelectorState *node, int level,
TupleTableSlot *inputTuple, PartitionNode *parentNode)
Assert (NULL != node);
Assert (NULL != node->ps.plan);
Assert (NULL != parentNode);
PartitionSelector *ps = (PartitionSelector *) node->ps.plan;
Assert (level < ps->nLevels);
/* evaluate equalityPredicate to get partition identifier value */
ExprState *exprState = (ExprState *) lfirst(list_nth_cell(node->levelEqExprStates, level));
ExprContext *econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;
econtext->ecxt_outertuple = inputTuple;
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = inputTuple;
bool isNull = false;
ExprDoneCond isDone = ExprSingleResult;
Datum value = ExecEvalExpr(exprState, econtext, &isNull, &isDone);
* Compute the type of the expression result. Sometimes this can be different
* than the type of the partition rules (MPP-25707), and we'll need this type
* to choose the correct comparator.
Oid exprTypid = exprType((Node *) exprState->expr);
PartitionRule *partRule = partition_selection(parentNode, node->accessMethods, ps->relid, value, exprTypid, isNull);
if (NULL != partRule)
return construct_part_constraints(partRule, parentNode->part->parkind);
return NIL;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* processLevel
* find out satisfied PartOids for the given predicates in the
* given partition level
* The function is recursively called:
* 1. If we are in the intermediate level, we register the
* satisfied PartOids and continue with the next level
* 2. If we are in the leaf level, we will propagate satisfied
* PartOids.
* The return structure contains the leaf part oids and the ids of the scan
* operators to which they should be propagated
* Input parameters:
* node: PartitionSelectorState
* level: the current partition level, starting with 0.
* inputTuple: input tuple from outer child for join partition
* elimination
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
SelectedParts *
processLevel(PartitionSelectorState *node, int level, TupleTableSlot *inputTuple)
SelectedParts *selparts = makeNode(SelectedParts);
selparts->partOids = NIL;
selparts->scanIds = NIL;
Assert (NULL != node->ps.plan);
PartitionSelector *ps = (PartitionSelector *) node->ps.plan;
Assert (level < ps->nLevels);
/* get equality and general predicate for the current level */
Expr *equalityPredicate = (Expr *) lfirst(list_nth_cell(ps->levelEqExpressions, level));
Expr *generalPredicate = (Expr *) lfirst(list_nth_cell(ps->levelExpressions, level));
/* get parent PartitionNode if in level 0, it's the root PartitionNode */
PartitionNode *parentNode = node->rootPartitionNode;
if (0 != level)
Assert (NULL != node->levelPartConstraints[level - 1]);
parentNode = node->levelPartConstraints[level - 1]->pRule->children;
/* list of PartitionConstraints that satisfied the predicates */
List *satisfiedPartConstraints = NULL;
/* If equalityPredicate exists */
if (NULL != equalityPredicate)
Assert (NULL == generalPredicate);
List *partConstraints = partition_constraints_for_equality_predicate(node, level, inputTuple, parentNode);
satisfiedPartConstraints = list_concat(satisfiedPartConstraints, partConstraints);
/* If generalPredicate exists */
else if (NULL != generalPredicate)
List *partConstraints = partition_constraints_for_general_predicate(node, level, inputTuple, parentNode);
satisfiedPartConstraints = list_concat(satisfiedPartConstraints, partConstraints);
/* None of the predicate exists */
* Neither equality predicate nor general predicate
* exists. Return all the next level PartitionConstraintss.
satisfiedPartConstraints = partition_constraints(parentNode);
/* Based on the satisfied PartitionRules, go to next
* level or propagate PartOids if we are in the leaf level
ListCell* lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, satisfiedPartConstraints)
PartitionConstraints *partConstraint = (PartitionConstraints *) lfirst(lc);
node->levelPartConstraints[level] = partConstraint;
bool freeConstraint = true;
/* If we already in the leaf level */
if (level == ps->nLevels - 1)
bool shouldPropagate = true;
/* if residual predicate exists */
if (NULL != ps->residualPredicate)
/* evaluate residualPredicate */
ExprState *exprstate = node->residualPredicateExprState;
shouldPropagate = eval_part_qual(exprstate, node, inputTuple);
if (shouldPropagate)
if (NULL != ps->propagationExpression)
if (!list_member_oid(selparts->partOids, partConstraint->pRule->parchildrelid))
selparts->partOids = lappend_oid(selparts->partOids, partConstraint->pRule->parchildrelid);
int scanId = eval_propagation_expression(node, partConstraint->pRule->parchildrelid);
selparts->scanIds = lappend_int(selparts->scanIds, scanId);
* We'll need this partConstraint to evaluate the PartOidExpr of the
* PartitionSelector operator's target list. Save it in node->acceptedLeafPart.
* PartOidExprState.acceptedLeafPart also points to this partConstraint,
* so we must save it here (GPSQL-2956).
*node->acceptedLeafPart = partConstraint;
freeConstraint = false;
/* Recursively call this function for next level's partition elimination */
SelectedParts *selpartsChild = processLevel(node, level+1, inputTuple);
selparts->partOids = list_concat(selparts->partOids, selpartsChild->partOids);
selparts->scanIds = list_concat(selparts->scanIds, selpartsChild->scanIds);
if (freeConstraint)
/* After finish iteration, reset this level's PartitionConstraints */
node->levelPartConstraints[level] = NULL;
return selparts;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* initPartitionSelection
* Initialize partition selection state information
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
PartitionSelectorState *
initPartitionSelection(bool isRunTime, PartitionSelector *node, EState *estate)
AssertImply (isRunTime, NULL != estate);
/* create and initialize PartitionSelectorState structure */
PartitionSelectorState *psstate = makeNode(PartitionSelectorState);
psstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;
psstate->ps.state = estate;
psstate->levelPartConstraints = (PartitionConstraints**) palloc0(node->nLevels * sizeof(PartitionConstraints*));
if (isRunTime)
/* ExprContext initialization */
ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &psstate->ps);
ExprContext *econtext = makeNode(ExprContext);
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_innertuple = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_outertuple = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory = 0;
econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory = AllocSetContextCreate
NULL /*parent */,
econtext->ecxt_param_exec_vals = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_param_list_info = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_aggvalues = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_aggnulls = NULL;
econtext->caseValue_datum = (Datum) 0;
econtext->caseValue_isNull = true;
econtext->domainValue_datum = (Datum) 0;
econtext->domainValue_isNull = true;
econtext->ecxt_estate = NULL;
econtext->ecxt_callbacks = NULL;
psstate->ps.ps_ExprContext = econtext;
/* initialize ExprState for evaluating expressions */
ListCell *lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, node->levelEqExpressions)
Expr *eqExpr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
psstate->levelEqExprStates = lappend(psstate->levelEqExprStates,
ExecInitExpr(eqExpr, (PlanState *) psstate));
foreach (lc, node->levelExpressions)
Expr *generalExpr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
psstate->levelExprStates = lappend(psstate->levelExprStates,
ExecInitExpr(generalExpr, (PlanState *) psstate));
psstate->acceptedLeafPart = (PartitionConstraints **) palloc0(sizeof(void *));
psstate->residualPredicateExprState = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->residualPredicate,
(PlanState *) psstate);
psstate->propagationExprState = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->propagationExpression,
(PlanState *) psstate);
psstate->ps.targetlist = (List *) ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->plan.targetlist,
(PlanState *) psstate);
return psstate;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* getPartitionNodeAndAccessMethod
* Retrieve PartitionNode and access method from root table
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
getPartitionNodeAndAccessMethod(Oid rootOid, List *partsMetadata, MemoryContext memoryContext,
PartitionNode **partsAndRules, PartitionAccessMethods **accessMethods)
Assert(NULL != partsMetadata);
findPartitionMetadataEntry(partsMetadata, rootOid, partsAndRules, accessMethods);
Assert(NULL != (*partsAndRules));
Assert(NULL != (*accessMethods));
(*accessMethods)->part_cxt = memoryContext;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* static_part_selection
* Statically select leaf part oids during optimization time
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
SelectedParts *
static_part_selection(PartitionSelector *ps)
List *partsMetadata = InitializePartsMetadata(ps->relid);
PartitionSelectorState *psstate = initPartitionSelection(false /*isRunTime*/, ps, NULL /*estate*/);
NULL, /*memoryContext*/
SelectedParts *selparts = processLevel(psstate, 0 /* level */, NULL /*inputSlot*/);
/* cleanup */
return selparts;
/* EOF */