blob: 3419bb27076ad3ca25b93b29ad9226d4fae17adb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class HostType:
def hosttype_str(type):
return "GPDB Appliance"
return "Generic Linux Cluster"
return "Generic Solaris Cluster"
return "Undetected Platform"
class omreport:
def __init__(self):
self.biossetup = dict() # key value pairs
self.biossetup_errormsg = None
self.bootorder = list() # list of Devices in order of boot
self.bootorder_errormsg = None
self.remoteaccess = dict() # key value pairs
self.remoteaccess_errormsg = None
self.vdisks = list() # list of dicts, 1 for each virtual disk
self.vdisks_errormsg = None
self.controller = dict() # key value pairs
self.controller_errormsg = None
self.omversion = None
self.omversion_errormsg = None
self.bios = dict() # key value pairs
self.bios_errormsg = None
self.alerts = list() # list of alerts... each alert is a dictionary of key value pairs
self.alerts_errormsg = None
class chkconfig:
def __init__(self): = dict() # hash of services, each entry is hash of run levels and boolean value
self.xinetd = dict() # hash of services, value is boolean
self.errormsg = None
class grubconf:
def __init__(self):
self.serial_declaration = False
self.terminal_declaration = False
self.ttyS1_declaration = False
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
return "serial_declaration(%s) terminal_declaration(%s) ttyS1_declaration(%s)" % (self.serial_declaration, self.terminal_declaration, self.ttyS1_declaration)
class inittab:
def __init__(self):
self.s1 = False
self.defaultRunLevel = None
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
return "s1_declaration(%s) default_run_level(%s)" % (self.s1, self.defaultRunLevel)
class connectemc:
def __init__(self):
self.output = None
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
return self.output
class securetty:
def __init__(self):
self.errormsg = None = set()
class bcu:
def __init__(self):
self.firmware = None
self.biosversion = None
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
return "firmware_version=%s|biosversion=%s" % (self.firmware, self.biosversion)
class uname:
def __init__(self):
self.output = None
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= UNAME ERROR ===================\n" + self.errormsg
return "============= UNAME =========================\n" + self.output
# record machine CPU and memory info
class machine:
def __init__(self):
self.total_cpucores = None
self.memory_in_MB = None
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= CPU / Memory Info ERROR =======\n" + self.errormsg
output = "Total CPU cores: %s, Memory: %s MB" % (self.total_cpucores, self.memory_in_MB)
return "============= CPU / Memory Info =============\n" + output
class hdfs:
def __init__(self):
self.max_heap_size = 0
self.namenode_heap_size = 0
self.datanode_heap_size = 0
self.site_config = dict()
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= HDFS ERROR ====================\n" + self.errormsg
output = "max heap size: %sM\n" % self.max_heap_size
output = "namenode heap size: %sM\n" % self.namenode_heap_size
output = "datanode heap size: %sM\n" % self.datanode_heap_size
output += "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (k, self.site_config[k]) for k in sorted(self.site_config.iterkeys())])
return "============= HDFS ==========================\n" + output
class hawq:
def __init__(self):
self.site_config = dict()
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= HAWQ ERROR ====================\n" + self.errormsg
output = "HAWQ checks \n"
output += "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (k, self.site_config[k]) for k in sorted(self.site_config.iterkeys())])
return "============= HAWQ ==========================\n" + output
class diskusage_entry:
def __init__(self, fs, size, used, avail, used_percent, mount):
self.fs = fs
self.size = size
self.used = used
self.avail = avail
self.used_percent = used_percent
self.mount = mount
def __str__(self):
return "%-40s %8s %8s %8s %8s %-20s" % (self.fs, self.size, self.used, self.avail, self.used_percent, self.mount)
class diskusage:
def __init__(self):
self.lines = []
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= DISK USAGE ERROR ==============\n" + self.errormsg
output = "%-40s %8s %8s %8s %8s %-20s\n" % ("Filesystem", "Size", "Used", "Avail", "Use%", "Mounted on")
output += "\n".join(str(ln) for ln in self.lines)
return "============= DISK USAGE ====================\n" + output
class sysctl:
def __init__(self):
self.variables = dict() # option name => option value
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= SYSCTL ERROR ==================\n" + self.errormsg
output = '\n'.join('%s = %s' % (k, self.variables[k]) for k in sorted(self.variables.iterkeys()))
return "============= SYSCTL ========================\n" + output
class limitsconf_entry:
def __init__(self, domain, type, item, value):
self.domain = domain
self.type = type
self.item = item
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.domain, self.type, self.item, self.value)
class limitsconf:
def __init__(self):
self.lines = list()
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= LIMITS ERROR ==================\n" + self.errormsg
output = "\n".join(str(ln) for ln in self.lines)
return "============= LIMITS ========================\n" + output
class mounts:
def __init__(self):
self.entries = dict() # partition => mount object
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= MOUNT ERROR ===================\n" + self.errormsg
output = "\n".join(str(self.entries[k]) for k in sorted(self.entries.keys()))
return "============= MOUNT =========================\n" + output
class GpMount:
def __init__(self):
self.partition = None
self.dir= None
self.type = None
self.options = set() # mount options
def __str__(self):
return "%s on %s type %s (%s)" % (self.partition, self.dir, self.type, ",".join(self.options))
class ioschedulers:
def __init__(self):
self.devices = dict() # device name => scheduler name
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= IO SCHEDULERS ERROR ===========\n" + self.errormsg
output = "\n".join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in self.devices.items())
return "============= IO SCHEDULERS =================\n" + output
class blockdev:
def __init__(self):
self.ra = dict() # device name => getra value
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= BLOCKDEV RA ERROR =============\n" + self.errormsg
output = "\n".join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in self.ra.items())
return "============= BLOCKDEV RA ===================\n" + output
class ntp:
def __init__(self):
self.running = False
self.hosts = set()
self.currentime = None
self.errormsg = None
def __str__(self):
if self.errormsg:
return "============= NTPD ERROR =====================\n" + self.errormsg
output = "(running %s) (time %f) (peers: %s)" % (self.running, self.currenttime, self.hosts)
return "============= NTPD ==========================\n" + output
class rclocal:
def __init__(self):
self.isexecutable = False # check that /etc/rc.d/rc.local is executable permissions
def __str__(self):
return "executable(%s)" % self.isexecutable
class solaris_etc_system:
def __init__(self):
self.parameters = dict() # dictionary of values
self.errormsg = None
class solaris_etc_project:
def __init__(self):
self.lines = list() # list of lines in the file
self.errormsg = None
class solaris_etc_user_attr:
def __init__(self):
self.lines = list() # list of lines in the file
self.errormsg = None
class GenericSolarisOutputData:
def __init__(self):
self.etc_system = None
self.etc_project = None
self.etc_user_attr = None
self.uname = None
def __str__(self):
grc = "============= /etc/system====================\n"
gre = "============= /etc/system ERRORMSG===========\n"
output = "%s%s\n%s%s" % (grc, self.etc_system.parameters.__str__(), gre, self.etc_system.errormsg)
grc = "============= /etc/project===================\n"
gre = "============= /etc/project ==================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.etc_project.lines.__str__(), gre, self.etc_project.errormsg)
grc = "============= /etc/user_att==================\n"
gre = "============= /etc/user_att==================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.etc_user_attr.lines.__str__(), gre, self.etc_user_attr.errormsg)
grc = "============= UNAME==========================\n"
gre = "============= UNAME ERRORMSG=================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.uname.__str__(), gre, self.uname.errormsg)
return output
class GenericLinuxOutputData:
def __init__(self):
self.uname = None
self.machine = None
self.hdfs = None
self.hawq = None
self.diskusage = None
self.sysctl = None
self.limitsconf = None
self.mounts = None
self.ioschedulers = None
self.blockdev = None
self.ntp = None
def __str__(self):
applied_checks = filter(lambda x: x is not None,
[ self.uname, self.machine, self.hdfs, self.hawq, self.diskusage, self.sysctl,
self.limitsconf, self.mounts, self.ioschedulers, self.blockdev, self.ntp ])
return "\n".join(map(str, applied_checks))
class ApplianceOutputData:
def __init__(self):
self.chkconfig = None
self.omreport = None
self.grubconf = None
self.mounts = None
self.inittab = None
self.uname = None
self.securetty = None
self.bcu = None
self.blockdev = None
self.rclocal = None
self.ioschedulers = None
self.sysctl = None
self.limitsconf = None
self.connectemc = None
self.ntp = None
def __str__(self):
ser = "=============SERVICES=======================\n"
xin = "=============XINETD =======================\n"
err = "=============CHKCONFIG ERRORMSG=============\n"
output = "%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (ser,, xin, self.chkconfig.xinetd.__str__(), err, self.chkconfig.errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT VERSION ==============\n"
ome = "=============OMREPORT VERSION ERRORMSG======\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.omversion, ome, self.omreport.omversion_errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT BIOS==================\n"
ome = "=============OMREPORT BIOS ERRORMSG=========\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.bios.__str__(), ome,self.omreport.bios_errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT BIOSSETUP=============\n"
ome = "=============OMREPORT BIOSSETUP ERRORMSG====\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.biossetup.__str__(), ome,self.omreport.biossetup_errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT CONTROLLER============\n"
ome = "=============OMREPORT CONTROLLER ERRORMSG===\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.controller.__str__(), ome,self.omreport.controller_errormsg)
boo = "=============OMREPORT BOOTORDER=============\n"
boe = "=============OMREPORT BOOTORDER ERRORMSG====\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, boo, self.omreport.bootorder.__str__(), boe, self.omreport.bootorder_errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT REMOTEACCESS==========\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.remoteaccess.__str__(), ome,self.omreport.remoteaccess_errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT ALERTS==========\n"
ome = "=============OMREPORT ALERTS ERRORMSG=\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.alerts.__str__(), ome,self.omreport.alerts_errormsg)
omr = "=============OMREPORT VIRTUAL DISKS=========\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, omr, self.omreport.vdisks.__str__(), ome,self.omreport.vdisks_errormsg)
grc = "============= GRUB.CONF======================\n"
gre = "============= GRUB.CONF ERRORMSG=============\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.grubconf.__str__(), gre, self.grubconf.errormsg)
grc = "============= SYSCTL=========================\n"
gre = "============= SYSCTL ERRORMSG================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.sysctl.variables.__str__(), gre, self.sysctl.errormsg)
grc = "============= LIMITS=========================\n"
gre = "============= LIMITS ERRORMSG================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.limitsconf.__str__(), gre, self.limitsconf.errormsg)
mnt = "============= MOUNT==========================\n"
mte = "============= MOUNT ERRORMSG=================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, mnt, self.mounts.__str__(), mte, self.mounts.errormsg)
grc = "============= INITTAB========================\n"
gre = "============= INITTAB ERRORMSG===============\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.inittab.__str__(), gre, self.inittab.errormsg)
grc = "============= UNAME==========================\n"
gre = "============= UNAME ERRORMSG=================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.uname.__str__(), gre, self.uname.errormsg)
grc = "============= CONNECTEMC=====================\n"
gre = "============= CONNECtEMC ERRORMSG============\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.connectemc.__str__(), gre, self.connectemc.errormsg)
grc = "============= SECURETTY======================\n"
gre = "============= SECURETTY ERRORMSG=============\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc,, gre, self.securetty.errormsg)
grc = "============= IO SCHEDULERS==================\n"
gre = "============= IO SCHEDULERS ERRORMSG========\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.ioschedulers.devices.__str__(), gre, self.ioschedulers.errormsg)
grc = "============= BLOCKDEV RA ====================\n"
gre = "============= BLOCKDEV RA ERRORMSG============\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.blockdev.ra.__str__(), gre, self.blockdev.errormsg)
grc = "============= BCU CNA ========================\n"
gre = "============= BCU CNA ERRORMSG================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.bcu.__str__(), gre, self.bcu.errormsg)
grc = "============= /etc/rc.d/rc.local =============\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.rclocal.__str__())
grc = "============= NTPD ===========================\n"
gre = "============= NTPD ERRORMSG===================\n"
output = "%s\n%s%s\n%s%s" % (output, grc, self.ntp.__str__(), gre, self.ntp.errormsg)
return output