blob: 86084f572d604322cf041644d8e570b2b696ed10 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<> - subject database to infernal torment
B<> [options]
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-connect psql connect parameters
-sqlfile the test file
-id id of parent (DO NOT SET)
-parallel degree of parallelism/concurrency
-iter number of testing iterations
-timelimit time duration for time-limited testing
-debug debug flag (show test plan, do not execute)
-tmpdir temporary directory (DO NOT SET)
-grace_period time to wait before killing child test processes
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-connect>
psql connect string, e.g:
-connect '-p 11000 -d template1'
=item B<-sqlfile>
A sql file to execute.
=item B<-id>
The ID code for the parent of the current test process. DO NOT SET.
=item B<-parallel>
The degree of parallelism of testing. Spawn this many concurrent
child test processes. Degree=1 if not set.
=item B<-iter>
The number of test iterations (1 by default). Note that if only
iter is set and not timelimit, then gptorment has no way to detect
test failures like infinite loops or hangs.
=item B<-timelimit>
For timed testing, the amount of time spent repeating the test.
If iter is set, then run the test for (iter*timelimit) time.
If no units are specified, the timelimit is in seconds. Timelimit
accepts mixed time specifications like -tl="1 min 14 seconds" or
even -tl="2+2 min - 14 seconds"
Legal time periods are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years
(but not months!). gptorment simply uses the first letter of the
unit to determine the period.
=item B<-debug>
If specified, gptorment prints the basic test plan, but does not
execute it.
=item B<-tmpdir>
The temporary directory containing all test output (DO NOT SET).
=item B<-grace_period>
If a timelimit is specified, the grace period is the amount of
time gptorment waits after the timelimit is exceeded before trying
to B<kill -9> the child processes. A grace period can be negative,
which will cause gptorment to kill the children prematurely. Note
that if you use a negative number, you must quote the expression
e.g. -grace='-10 sec' to prevent gptorment from confusing the
leading minus with a command argument.
=head1 DESCRIPTION is a stress test framework.
Substitute the correct "connect string" for your postgres database. repeated executes a test plan against the database for a
number of iterations or for a specified amount of time, using a
specified degree of concurrency. It is designed for batch or
interactive use. Because this type of testing can result in serious
failure, deadlocks, or other system resource issues, gptorment has a
simple but robust strategy to manage child processes. Rather than
wait for child processes, gptorment detaches them, but it marks a
unique id in the process argument list. gptorment uses "ps" to
monitor the state of the child processes, and it can clean up "stuck"
processes with kill -9.
When gptorment is invoked, it creates a uniquely-named temporary
directory to hold test output. All the child processes write their
output to files in this directory.
gptorment does not create or startup a database.
-head1 TODO
invoke perl scripts
init, cleanup
=head1 AUTHORS
Apache HAWQ
Address bug reports and comments to:
my $glob_id = "";
my %GH; # GLOBAL HASH of all arguments
sub gettimelimit
my $tlim = shift;
return undef
unless (defined($tlim));
# time limit in seconds or other units (but not "1hr10min")
# time [space] [timeunit]{lookahead}
unless ($tlim =~ m/^\s*(\+|\-|\.|\()?\d+/)
return undef;
$tlim =~ s/\s+//gm; # no spaces
# XXX XXX: month
$tlim =~ s/([a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z])*/$1/gm;
# print "tlim: $tlim\n";
$tlim = lc($tlim);
my @foo = split(/([a-z])/, $tlim);
$tlim = 0;
my $tempnum;
for my $vv (@foo)
unless (length($vv));
if ($vv !~ /^[a-z]$/)
my $estr = '$tempnum = 0 + (' . $vv . ');';
# print "e:",$estr, "\n";
eval $estr;
if ($@)
warn "invalid numeric format \'$vv\' in time specification\n";
return undef;
my $min = 60;
my $hr = $min * 60;
my $day = $hr * 24;
my $wk = $day * 7;
my $mon = $day * 30;
my $yr = $day * 365;
if ($vv =~ m/s/)
$tlim += ($tempnum)
elsif ($vv =~ m/m/)
$tlim += ($tempnum*$min)
elsif ($vv =~ m/h/)
$tlim += ($tempnum*$hr)
elsif ($vv =~ m/d/)
$tlim += ($tempnum*$day)
elsif ($vv =~ m/w/)
$tlim += ($tempnum*$wk)
# XXX XXX: month
elsif ($vv =~ m/y/)
$tlim += ($tempnum*$yr)
warn "unknown time period spec \'$vv\'";
return undef;
$tempnum = 0;
$tlim += $tempnum;
# print join(":", @foo), "\n";
# print "time limit: $tlim \n";
return $tlim;
} # end gettimelimit
sub I_am_interactive
return -t STDIN ;
sub gettmpfile
} # end gettmpfile
sub gettmpdir
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
my $id = shift;
# try to remove the leading date/time string from the id (to save
# some space), since it will be implicit in the directory creation
# time
my @foo = split(/\./, $id, 2);
if (2 == scalar(@foo))
shift @foo;
$id = pop(@foo);
# replace dots with underscores
$id =~ s/\./\_/gm;
my $template = "gptorment_" . $id . "_XXXXXX";
my $tempdir = tempdir ( $template, TMPDIR => 1, SUFFIX => '.dir' );
return $tempdir;
} # end gettmpdir
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $table;
my $conn;
my $paral;
my $uid;
my $sqlfile;
my $iter;
my $tlim;
my $dbg;
my $tmpdir;
my $grace;
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
"connect=s" => \$conn,
"id:s" => \$uid,
"parallel:i" => \$paral,
"sqlfile:s" => \$sqlfile,
"iter:i" => \$iter,
"tlim|timelimit:s" => \$tlim,
"dbg|debug:s" => \$dbg,
"tmpdir|tempdir:s" => \$tmpdir,
"grace_period|grace_time|graceperiod|gracetime:s" => \$grace,
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
$GH{connect} = $conn;
$GH{connect} = '-p 11000 -d template1'
unless (defined($GH{connect}));
{ # check for bad connection
my $badconnect = 0;
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $GH{connect}
if (defined($GH{connect}));
$psql_str .= " -c \"select version()\" ";
my $tabdef = `( $psql_str ) 2>&1`;
# should say something like:
# version
# --------------
# PostgreSQL 8.2.5 (Greenplum Database...
my @l3 = split(/\n/, $tabdef, 3);
if (3 != scalar(@l3))
$badconnect = 1;
goto l_badconnect;
my $hd1 = shift @l3;
if ($hd1 !~ m/^\s*version\s*$/)
$badconnect = 1;
goto l_badconnect;
my $hd2 = shift @l3;
if ($hd2 !~ m/^\s*(\-)+\s*$/)
$badconnect = 1;
goto l_badconnect;
if ($badconnect)
$glob_id = "connect failed using \'" . $GH{connect} . "\'";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
$paral = 1
unless (defined($paral));
unless (defined($uid))
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$year += 1900;
$uid = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
$year,$mon, $mday, $hour, $min ,$sec);
$uid .= "." . $$;
$iter = 1
unless (defined($iter));
unless (defined($sqlfile))
$glob_id = "no sql file";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
unless (-e $sqlfile)
$glob_id = "sql file \'" . $sqlfile . "\' does not exist";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
if (defined($tlim))
my $orig_tlim = $tlim;
$tlim = gettimelimit($tlim);
unless (defined($tlim))
$glob_id = "invalid timelimit specification: $orig_tlim";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
if ($tlim <= 0)
warn "invalid negative time $tlim seconds";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
unless (defined($tmpdir))
$tmpdir = gettmpdir($uid);
if (defined($grace))
my $orig_tlim = $grace;
$grace = gettimelimit($grace);
unless (defined($grace))
$glob_id = "invalid grace_limit specification: $orig_tlim";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
# NOTE: allow negative grace period
$grace = 10;
$GH{uid} = $uid;
$GH{parallel} = $paral;
$GH{iter} = $iter;
$GH{sqlfile} = $sqlfile;
$GH{tlim} = $tlim;
$GH{debug} = $dbg;
$GH{tmpdir} = $tmpdir;
$GH{grace} = $grace;
# print "loading...\n" ;
# convert a postgresql psql formatted table into an array of hashes
sub tablelizer
my $ini = shift;
# first, split into separate lines, the find all the column headings
my @lines = split(/\n/, $ini);
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
my $line1 = shift @lines;
# look for <space>|<space>
my @colheads = split(/\s+\|\s+/, $line1);
# fixup first, last column head (remove leading,trailing spaces)
$colheads[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
shift @lines; # skip dashed separator
my @rows;
for my $lin (@lines)
my @cols = split(/\|/, $lin, scalar(@colheads));
unless (scalar(@cols) == scalar(@colheads));
my $rowh = {};
for my $colhd (@colheads)
my $rawcol = shift @cols;
$rawcol =~ s/^\s+//;
$rawcol =~ s/\s+$//;
$rowh->{$colhd} = $rawcol;
push @rows, $rowh;
return \@rows;
sub do_ps_pids
my $uid = shift;
my $pidlist = [];
my $pidh = {};
if ($Config{'osname'} =~ m/solaris|sunos/i)
# MPP-10643: fix truncated command args on solaris
my $cmd = '/usr/ucb/ps -auxww | grep -v grep | grep gptorment | grep ' . $uid;
my $psout = `$cmd`;
my @lines = split(/\n/, $psout);
for my $lin (@lines)
my @foo = split(/\s+/, $lin, 3);
unless (3 == scalar(@foo));
shift @foo;
my $pid = shift @foo;
push @{$pidlist}, $pid;
$pidh->{$pid} = 1;
else # linux or osx
my $cmd = 'ps auxww | grep -v grep | grep gptorment | grep ' . $uid;
my $psout = `$cmd`;
my @lines = split(/\n/, $psout);
for my $lin (@lines)
my @foo = split(/\s+/, $lin, 3);
unless (3 == scalar(@foo));
shift @foo;
my $pid = shift @foo;
push @{$pidlist}, $pid;
$pidh->{$pid} = 1;
return ($pidh, $pidlist);
} # end do_ps_pids
sub init_monitor
my ($uid, $iter, $tlim, $paral) = @_;
my $mon_stat = {};
$mon_stat->{uid} = $uid;
$mon_stat->{iter} = $iter;
$mon_stat->{tlim} = $tlim;
$mon_stat->{paral} = $paral;
my ($pidh, $pidlist) = do_ps_pids($uid);
$mon_stat->{orig_pidlist} = $pidlist;
$mon_stat->{curr_pidlist} = [];
push @{$mon_stat->{curr_pidlist}}, @{$pidlist};
$mon_stat->{pidh} = $pidh;
if ($paral != scalar(@{$pidlist}))
$mon_stat->{msg} = "WARNING: found " . scalar(@{$pidlist}) .
" processes, expected " . $paral . ".\n";
$mon_stat->{msg} = "Found " . $paral . " processes.\n"
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$mon_stat]);
return $mon_stat;
sub do_monitor
my ($mon_stat, $tim, $test_fh) = @_;
# print $$, ": ", Data::Dumper->Dump([$mon_stat]), "\nGH: ",
# Data::Dumper->Dump([%GH]), "\n"
# unless (exists($mon_stat->{uid})
# && exists($mon_stat->{curr_pidlist}));
my ($pidh, $pidlist) = do_ps_pids($mon_stat->{uid});
if (exists($mon_stat->{msg}))
print $mon_stat->{msg};
print $test_fh $mon_stat->{msg} if (defined($test_fh));
delete $mon_stat->{msg};
my $pcount = scalar(@{$pidlist});
my $old_pcount = scalar(@{$mon_stat->{curr_pidlist}});
my $status_change = 1;
my $mmm;
if ($pcount < $old_pcount)
$mmm = time() . ": " . ($old_pcount - $pcount) .
" processes died, $pcount remaining\n";
elsif ($pcount > $old_pcount)
$mmm = time() . ": " . ($pcount - $old_pcount) .
" processes BORN, $pcount now remaining\n";
$mmm = time() . ": " . $pcount . " processes still remaining\n";
$status_change = 0;
print $mmm;
print $test_fh $mmm if (defined($test_fh) && $status_change);
$mon_stat->{curr_pidlist} = $pidlist;
$mon_stat->{pidh} = $pidh;
sleep ($tim)
if ($pcount);
return $pcount;
sub do_kill_kill
my ($uid, $iter, $tlim, $paral, $test_fh, $mon_stat, $maxtime) = @_;
# kill if necessary
do_monitor($mon_stat, 0, $test_fh);
my $pcount = scalar(@{$mon_stat->{curr_pidlist}});
my $mmm = time() . ": $pcount processes remain at test end\n";
print $mmm;
print $test_fh $mmm if (defined($test_fh));
for my $pid (@{$mon_stat->{curr_pidlist}})
print "killing $pid\n";
system ("kill -9 $pid");
if (!defined($maxtime))
$mmm = "test ended prematurely (no time limit specified)";
my $time_diff = $maxtime - time();
if ($GH{grace} > 0)
if ($time_diff <= $GH{grace})
$mmm = "test ended on time (grace period $GH{grace})\n";
$mmm = "test ended $time_diff seconds prematurely\n";
my $grt = (-1 * $GH{grace});
if ($time_diff <= $grt)
$mmm =
"test ended on time (negative grace period $GH{grace})\n";
$mmm = "test ended " . ($time_diff - $grt) .
" seconds prematurely\n";
print $mmm;
print $test_fh $mmm if (defined($test_fh));
} # end do_kill_kill
sub do_kill
my ($uid, $iter, $tlim, $paral, $test_fh) = @_;
my $mon_stat = init_monitor($uid, $iter, $tlim, $paral);
$GH{mon_stat} = $mon_stat;
my $maxtime = time() + ($GH{iter} * $GH{tlim}) + $GH{grace};
$GH{maxtime} = $maxtime;
while (do_monitor($mon_stat, 10, $test_fh) && (time() < $maxtime))
$GH{mon_stat} = $mon_stat;
do_kill_kill($uid, $iter, $tlim, $paral, $test_fh, $mon_stat, $maxtime);
} # end do_kill
# cntrl c handler
sub do_handle_interrupt
my $test_fh = $GH{test_fh};
my $mmm = "\n" . time() . ": Test interrupted!\n";
print $mmm;
print $test_fh $mmm
if (defined($test_fh));
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([%GH]), "\n";
if (defined($GH{mon_stat}) && defined($GH{parallel})
&& $GH{parallel} > 1)
$mmm = "\n" . time() . ": Attempting to clean up child processes\n";
print $mmm;
print $test_fh $mmm
if (defined($test_fh));
do_kill_kill($GH{uid}, $GH{iter}, $GH{tlim}, $GH{parallel},
$GH{test_fh}, $GH{mon_stat}, $GH{maxtime});
$mmm = "cleaning up...";
print $mmm;
print $test_fh $mmm
if (defined($test_fh));
close $test_fh
if (defined($test_fh));
sub do_sql
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $GH{connect}
if (defined($GH{connect}));
# $psql_str .= " -c \'\\d $glob_tab \'";
# $psql_str .= " -c \'select * from gp_configuration \'";
$psql_str .= " -a -e -f $GH{sqlfile}";
# print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tstout = "gpt_" . $GH{uid};
$tstout =~ s/\./\_/gm;
$tstout .= ".out";
$tstout = File::Spec->catfile($GH{tmpdir}, $tstout);
my $tstfh;
open ($tstfh, ">$tstout" ) or die "can't open $tstout: $!";
$GH{test_fh} = $tstfh;
if (($GH{parallel} == 1) && (!defined($GH{debug})))
my $start_time = time();
my $end_time;
$end_time = $start_time + $GH{tlim}
if (defined($GH{tlim}));
# print "sql tlim: $GH{tlim}\n"
# if (defined($GH{tlim}));
my $realSTDOUT;
open $realSTDOUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
for my $ii (1..$GH{iter})
my $filnam;
$filnam = "sql_" . $GH{uid} . "_" . $ii;
$filnam =~ s/\./\_/gm;
$filnam .= ".out";
my $tmpnam = File::Spec->catfile($GH{tmpdir}, $filnam);
close STDOUT;
open (STDOUT, ">$tmpnam" ) or die "can't open STDOUT: $!";
select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
my $tl_iter = 0;
my $tabdef = `( $psql_str ) 2>&1`;
print $tabdef;
print $tstfh $tabdef;
if (defined($end_time))
if (time() < $end_time)
print $tstfh "-- GP_IGNORE: timeloop $tl_iter, ",
time(), "\n";
goto l_timeloop;
# undef $end_time;
$end_time = time() + $GH{tlim};
if (defined($realSTDOUT))
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, ">&", $realSTDOUT or die "Can't dup \$realSTDOUT: $!";
my $do_para = $GH{parallel};
if (defined($GH{debug}))
my $timetxt = localtime();
print "# start at $timetxt\n";
print "# repeat $do_para times...\n";
$do_para = 1;
for my $ii (1..$do_para)
my $cmd;
$cmd = $0 . " ";
$cmd .= "--id=" . $GH{uid} . " ";
$cmd .= "--conn=\'" . $GH{connect} . "\' "
if (defined($GH{connect}));
$cmd .= "--iter=" . $GH{iter} . " ";
$cmd .= "--sqlfile=" . $GH{sqlfile} . " ";
$cmd .= "--timelimit=\'" . $GH{tlim} . " seconds\' "
if (defined($GH{tlim}));
$cmd .= "--tempdir=\'" . $GH{tmpdir} . "\' "
if (defined($GH{tmpdir}));
$cmd .= "--grace_period=\'" . $GH{grace} . " seconds\' ";
$cmd .= " & ";
print $cmd, "\n";
unless (defined($GH{debug}))
print $tstfh $cmd, "\n";
} # end for ii
unless (defined($GH{debug}))
if (defined($GH{tlim}))
do_kill($GH{uid}, $GH{iter},
$GH{tlim}, $GH{parallel}, $tstfh);
my $mon_stat =
init_monitor($GH{uid}, $GH{iter},
$GH{tlim}, $GH{parallel});
$GH{mon_stat} = $mon_stat;
while (do_monitor($mon_stat, 10, $tstfh))
$GH{mon_stat} = $mon_stat;
} # end else
close $tstfh;
undef $GH{test_fh};
} # end do_sql
foreach my $signal (qw (INT TERM HUP)) {
$SIG{$signal} = \&do_handle_interrupt; # handle cntrl-c
if (1)
if (defined($GH{sqlfile})
&& length($GH{sqlfile}))