blob: 04cd8c38e7d5af90214ba723fd93bd788c9c9bdc [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use POSIX;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<> - generate graphs of catalog entries
B<> [options] <json file>
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-direction direction of graph
-nocolor black and white graph
-nocluster do not cluster tables from same header file
-showfiles if clustered, label each cluster with header file name
-showcolumns print column definitions for tables
-filemap a json file mapping files to catalog tables
-filterunused filter out unreferenced columns or tables
-table only graph the specified tables
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-direction>
Direction of graph. Valid entries are:
=over 12
=item LR (default): left to right
=item RL: right to left
=item BT: bottom to top
=item TB: top to bottom
=item B<-nocolor>
Print graph in black and white only if set.
Colors from by Cynthia A. Brewer,
Geography, Pennsylvania State University.
=item B<-nocluster>
Normally, each set of tables from the same parent header
file is clustered together (with an invisible boundary)
in the graph. Setting this parameter removes clustering.
=item B<-showfiles>
If clustering is enabled, label and outline each cluster
with the parent filename.
=item B<-showcolumns>
Print each table as a record node that lists the columns
=item B<-filemap> <filename>
use a json file mapping source files to catalog tables referenced in cql statements (generated by
=item B<-filterunused>
Filter the graph to only show the tables and columns
that shared a primary key/foreign key relationship.
=item B<-table>
Specify a table or set of tables to limit the size of the graph. To
specify multiple tables, use multiple table arguments, eg:
-table pg_class -table pg_operator
Some people try to plot out graphs and find it a hassle --
this does not happen with pablo p catso...
pablopcatso generates .dot file output on stdout.
=head1 CAVEATS
Well the girls would turn the color
of the avocado when he would drive
Down their street in his El Dorado
=head1 AUTHORS
Apache HAWQ
Address bug reports and comments to:
my $glob_id = "";
my $glob_dir;
my $glob_dosubgraph;
my $glob_doclusterfilename;
my $glob_filemap;
my $glob_filterunused;
my $glob_nocolumns;
my $glob_docolor;
my $glob_tabs;
my $glob_tmpdir = "/tmp";
my $GV_formats; # graphviz output formats
my %glob_coltab = (set312 => [
paired12 => [
pastel19 => [
pastel24 => [
set19 => [
set28 => [
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $dir = "LR";
my $nosubgraph = 0;
my $doclusterfilename = 0;
my $s_filemap; # json file mapping files to catalog tables
my $filterunused = 0;
my $showcolumns = 0;
my $nocolor = 0;
my @tabs;
$GV_formats = '^(jpg|bmp|ps|pdf|png)$';
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
'nocluster|nosubgraph' => \$nosubgraph,
'showfiles' => \$doclusterfilename,
'filemap:s' => \$s_filemap,
'filterunused' => \$filterunused,
'showcols|showcolumns' => \$showcolumns,
'nocolor' => \$nocolor,
'table:s' => \@tabs
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
if ($dir !~ m/^(TB|BT|LR|RL)$/i)
$glob_dir = "LR";
$glob_dir = uc($dir);
$glob_dosubgraph = !($nosubgraph);
$glob_doclusterfilename = $doclusterfilename;
$glob_filterunused = $filterunused;
$glob_nocolumns = !($showcolumns);
$glob_docolor = !($nocolor);
$glob_filemap = $s_filemap if (defined($s_filemap));
if (defined($s_filemap))
die ("invalid argument for 'filemap': file $s_filemap does not exist")
unless (-e $s_filemap);
if (scalar(@tabs))
$glob_filterunused = 1;
$glob_tabs = {};
for my $t1 (@tabs)
$glob_tabs->{$t1} = 1;
# print "loading...\n" ;
# add mapping of c source files to catalog tables that they reference
sub do_filemap
my ($glob_filemap, $tabhue) = @_;
my $whole_file;
# $$$ $$$ undefine input record separator (\n")
# and slurp entire file into variable
local $/;
undef $/;
my $fmi;
open $fmi, "< $glob_filemap" or die "cannot open $glob_filemap: $!";
$whole_file = <$fmi>;
close $fmi;
my $fmh = JSON::from_json($whole_file);
for my $kk (keys(%{$fmh}))
print "\n\"$kk\" [style=filled,color=grey,shape=diamond];\n";
for my $jj (@{$fmh->{$kk}})
print "\"$kk\" -> \"$jj\" [style=dashed";
# check for special table color
if (exists($tabhue->{$jj}))
my $hue = $tabhue->{$jj};
print ", $hue";
print "];\n";
} # end do_filemap
sub dograph
my ($tabh, $dir) = @_;
print "digraph g {\n\noverlap=false;rankdir=\"$dir\";\n";
my $filh = {};
my $refcols = {};
my $reftabs = {};
my $revreftabs = {};
my @alledges;
for my $kk (sort (keys (%{$tabh})))
next if ($kk =~ m/^\_\_/);
my $vv = $tabh->{$kk};
if (exists($vv->{filename}))
$filh->{$vv->{filename}} = []
unless (exists($filh->{$vv->{filename}}));
push @{$filh->{$vv->{filename}}}, $kk;
next unless (exists($vv->{fk_list}));
for my $fkdef (@{$vv->{fk_list}})
my $fk1 = $fkdef->{fkcols};
my $t1 = $fkdef->{pktable};
my $pk1 = $fkdef->{pkcols};
my $fktyp = $fkdef->{type}; # vector or scalar
# save the fk
$refcols->{$kk} = {} unless (exists($refcols->{$kk}));
my $fkcols = $fk1->[0];
if (exists($refcols->{$kk}->{$fkcols}))
$refcols->{$kk}->{$fkcols} =
$refcols->{$kk}->{$fkcols} &
(($fktyp =~ m/scalar/i) ? 1 : 2);
$refcols->{$kk}->{$fkcols} =
(($fktyp =~ m/scalar/i) ? 1 : 2);
my $fktnum = $refcols->{$kk}->{$fkcols};
# save the pk
$refcols->{$t1} = {} unless (exists($refcols->{$t1}));
my $pkcols = $pk1->[0];
if (exists($refcols->{$t1}->{$pkcols}))
$refcols->{$t1}->{$pkcols} =
$refcols->{$t1}->{$pkcols} &
(($fktyp =~ m/scalar/i) ? 1 : 2);
$refcols->{$t1}->{$pkcols} =
(($fktyp =~ m/scalar/i) ? 1 : 2);
my $pktnum = $refcols->{$t1}->{$pkcols};
# save the table reference
$reftabs->{$kk} = {} unless (exists($reftabs->{$kk}));
$reftabs->{$kk}->{$t1} = $fktnum;
$revreftabs->{$t1} = {} unless (exists($revreftabs->{$t1}));
$revreftabs->{$t1}->{$kk} = $pktnum;
} # end for my kk
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$refcols]);
my $clusternum = 0;
my $dosubgraph = $glob_dosubgraph;
my $doclusterfilename = $glob_doclusterfilename;
my $filterunused = $glob_filterunused;
my $nocolumns = $glob_nocolumns;
my $docolor = $glob_docolor;
my @tablist = qw(
my $tabhue = {};
my $tcount = 0;
if ($docolor)
for my $t1 (@tablist)
$tabhue->{$t1} = "color=\"" .
$glob_coltab{set28}->[$tcount] . '"';
for my $filnam (sort (keys (%{$filh})))
my $fildef = $filh->{$filnam};
if ($dosubgraph)
print "subgraph cluster_" . "$clusternum { \n ";
if (!$doclusterfilename)
print "style=invis; \n";
print "style=filled;\n color=lightgrey;\n";
print "node [style=filled,color=white];\n label = \"" .
$filnam . "\";\n";
my %tab_only; # only print these tables if in glob_tab references
for my $kk (@{$fildef})
my $vv = $tabh->{$kk};
my @allcols;
# check table filtering
if ($glob_tabs)
my @checko;
# find all tables referencing and referenced by this table
push @checko, keys(%{$reftabs->{$kk}})
if (exists($reftabs->{$kk}));
push @checko, keys(%{$revreftabs->{$kk}})
if (exists($revreftabs->{$kk}));
push @checko, $kk;
my $gotone = 0;
# check for match in table filter
for my $c1 (@checko)
if (exists($glob_tabs->{$c1}))
$gotone = 1;
$tab_only{$kk} = 1;
$tab_only{$c1} = 1;
next unless ($gotone);
# put the name of the table as the first label
# push @allcols, $kk . '\\n\\n';
push @allcols, $kk;
if (exists($vv->{with}) &&
exists($vv->{with}->{oid}) &&
my $colstr = "<oid> oid Oid" . '\l';
push @allcols, $colstr
if (!$filterunused ||
# check if column is a pk or fk
(exists($refcols->{$kk}) &&
for my $col (@{$vv->{cols}})
my $colstr = "<" . $col->{colname} . ">" . $col->{colname}
. " " . $col->{sqltype} . '\l';
push @allcols, $colstr
if (!$filterunused ||
(exists($refcols->{$kk}) &&
# check if have any columns to print
if (scalar(@allcols) > 1)
my $colspec;
$colspec = "";
$colspec = $tabhue->{$kk} . " style=filled "
if (exists($tabhue->{$kk}));
if ($nocolumns)
$colspec = "[ " . $colspec . " ] "
if (length($colspec));
print "\n" . '"' . $kk . '" ' . $colspec . " ;\n";
print "\n" . '"' . $kk . '" [' .
# "\nnodelabel = \"" . $kk . "\";\n" .
"\nlabel = \"";
print join(" | ", @allcols) . '"' .
"\nshape= \"record\"\n $colspec ];\n";
} # end scalar allcols
} # end for my kk fildef
for my $kk (@{$fildef})
my $vv = $tabh->{$kk};
next unless (exists($vv->{fk_list}));
if ($glob_tabs)
# filter by tablename
next unless (exists($tab_only{$kk}));
if ($nocolumns)
if (exists($reftabs->{$kk}))
for my $t1 (keys(%{$reftabs->{$kk}}))
my $colspec = "";
my @csa;
if (exists($tabhue->{$t1}))
push @csa, $tabhue->{$t1} ;
if ($reftabs->{$kk}->{$t1} > 1)
if ($reftabs->{$kk}->{$t1} == 3)
push @csa, "arrowhead=normalodiamondnormal";
push @csa, "arrowtail=odiamondnormal";
push @csa, "arrowhead=normalodiamond";
push @csa, "arrowtail=odiamond";
$colspec = "[ " . join(" ", @csa) . " ] "
if (scalar(@csa));
push @alledges, '"' . $kk . '" -> "' .
$t1 . '"' . " $colspec ;\n";
for my $fkdef (@{$vv->{fk_list}})
my $fk1 = $fkdef->{fkcols};
my $t1 = $fkdef->{pktable};
my $pk1 = $fkdef->{pkcols};
my $fktyp = $fkdef->{type}; # vector or scalar
my $colspec = "";
my @csa;
if (exists($tabhue->{$t1}))
push @csa, $tabhue->{$t1} ;
if ($fktyp !~ m/scalar/i)
push @csa, "arrowhead=normalodiamond";
push @csa, "arrowtail=odiamond";
$colspec = "[ " . join(" ", @csa) . " ] "
if (scalar(@csa));
push @alledges, '"' . $kk . '":' . $fk1->[0] . ' -> "' .
$t1 . '":' . $pk1->[0] . " $colspec ;\n";
} # end for my $kk
if ($dosubgraph)
print "\n};\n\n" ; # end subgraph
push @alledges, "\n";
} # end for filname
print join("", @alledges);
do_filemap($glob_filemap, $tabhue)
if (defined($glob_filemap) && length($glob_filemap));
print "\n};\n\n" ; # end digraph
if (1)
my $whole_file;
# $$$ $$$ undefine input record separator (\n")
# and slurp entire file into variable
local $/;
undef $/;
$whole_file = <>;
my $tabdefh = JSON::from_json($whole_file);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$tabdefh]);
dograph($tabdefh, $glob_dir);