blob: 914b7d959f594e6c0d6ecff3370e1a0505c2277d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.hawq.pxf.plugins.jdbc;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.Fragment;
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.Fragmenter;
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.FragmentsStats;
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.UserDataException;
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.api.utilities.InputData;
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.plugins.jdbc.utils.ByteUtil;
import org.apache.hawq.pxf.plugins.jdbc.utils.DbProduct;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* Fragmenter class for JDBC data resources.
* Extends the {@link Fragmenter} abstract class, with the purpose of transforming
* an input data path (an JDBC Database table name and user request parameters) into a list of regions
* that belong to this table.
* <br>
* The parameter Patterns<br>
* There are three parameters, the format is as follows:<br>
* <pre>
* <code>PARTITION_BY=column_name:column_type&amp;RANGE=start_value[:end_value]&amp;INTERVAL=interval_num[:interval_unit]</code>
* </pre>
* The <code>PARTITION_BY</code> parameter can be split by colon(':'),the <code>column_type</code> current supported : <code>date,int,enum</code> .
* The Date format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'. <br>
* The <code>RANGE</code> parameter can be split by colon(':') ,used to identify the starting range of each fragment.
* The range is left-closed, ie:<code> '&gt;= start_value AND &lt; end_value' </code>.If the <code>column_type</code> is <code>int</code>,
* the <code>end_value</code> can be empty. If the <code>column_type</code>is <code>enum</code>,the parameter <code>RANGE</code> can be empty. <br>
* The <code>INTERVAL</code> parameter can be split by colon(':'), indicate the interval value of one fragment.
* When <code>column_type</code> is <code>date</code>,this parameter must be split by colon, and <code>interval_unit</code> can be <code>year,month,day</code>.
* When <code>column_type</code> is <code>int</code>, the <code>interval_unit</code> can be empty.
* When <code>column_type</code> is <code>enum</code>,the <code>INTERVAL</code> parameter can be empty.
* <br>
* <p>
* The syntax examples is :<br>
* <code>PARTITION_BY=createdate:date&amp;RANGE=2008-01-01:2010-01-01&amp;INTERVAL=1:month'</code> <br>
* <code>PARTITION_BY=year:int&amp;RANGE=2008:2010&amp;INTERVAL=1</code> <br>
* <code>PARTITION_BY=grade:enum&amp;RANGE=excellent:good:general:bad</code>
* </p>
public class JdbcPartitionFragmenter extends Fragmenter {
String[] partitionBy = null;
String[] range = null;
String[] interval = null;
PartitionType partitionType = null;
String partitionColumn = null;
IntervalType intervalType = null;
int intervalNum = 1;
//when partitionType is DATE,it is valid
Calendar rangeStart = null;
Calendar rangeEnd = null;
enum PartitionType {
public static PartitionType getType(String str) {
return valueOf(str.toUpperCase());
enum IntervalType {
public static IntervalType type(String str) {
return valueOf(str.toUpperCase());
* Constructor for JdbcPartitionFragmenter.
* @param inConf input data such as which Jdbc table to scan
* @throws UserDataException if the request parameter is malformed
public JdbcPartitionFragmenter(InputData inConf) throws UserDataException {
if (inConf.getUserProperty("PARTITION_BY") == null)
try {
partitionBy = inConf.getUserProperty("PARTITION_BY").split(":");
partitionColumn = partitionBy[0];
partitionType = PartitionType.getType(partitionBy[1]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e1) {
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'PARTITION_BY' invalid, the pattern is 'column_name:date|int|enum'");
//parse and validate parameter-RANGE
try {
String rangeStr = inConf.getUserProperty("RANGE");
if (rangeStr != null) {
range = rangeStr.split(":");
if (range.length == 1 && partitionType != PartitionType.ENUM)
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'RANGE' does not specify '[:end_value]'");
} else
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'RANGE' must be specified along with 'PARTITION_BY'");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'RANGE' invalid, the pattern is 'start_value[:end_value]'");
//parse and validate parameter-INTERVAL
try {
String intervalStr = inConf.getUserProperty("INTERVAL");
if (intervalStr != null) {
interval = intervalStr.split(":");
intervalNum = Integer.parseInt(interval[0]);
if (interval.length > 1)
intervalType = IntervalType.type(interval[1]);
if (interval.length == 1 && partitionType == PartitionType.DATE)
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'INTERVAL' does not specify unit [:year|month|day]");
} else if (partitionType != PartitionType.ENUM)
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'INTERVAL' must be specified along with 'PARTITION_BY'");
if (intervalNum < 1)
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'INTERVAL' must > 1, but actual is '" + intervalNum + "'");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'INTERVAL' invalid, the pattern is 'interval_num[:interval_unit]'");
//parse any date values
try {
if (partitionType == PartitionType.DATE) {
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
rangeStart = Calendar.getInstance();
rangeEnd = Calendar.getInstance();
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new UserDataException("The parameter 'RANGE' has invalid date format. Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'");
* Returns statistics for Jdbc table. Currently it's not implemented.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException ANALYZE for Jdbc plugin is not supported
public FragmentsStats getFragmentsStats() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ANALYZE for Jdbc plugin is not supported");
* Returns list of fragments containing all of the
* Jdbc table data.
* @return a list of fragments
* @throws Exception if assign host error
public List<Fragment> getFragments() throws Exception {
if (partitionType == null) {
byte[] fragmentMetadata = null;
byte[] userData = null;
Fragment fragment = new Fragment(inputData.getDataSource(), null, fragmentMetadata, userData);
return prepareHosts(fragments);
switch (partitionType) {
case DATE: {
int currInterval = intervalNum;
Calendar fragStart = rangeStart;
while (fragStart.before(rangeEnd)) {
Calendar fragEnd = (Calendar) fragStart.clone();
switch (intervalType) {
case DAY:
fragEnd.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, currInterval);
case MONTH:
fragEnd.add(Calendar.MONTH, currInterval);
case YEAR:
fragEnd.add(Calendar.YEAR, currInterval);
if (fragEnd.after(rangeEnd))
fragEnd = (Calendar) rangeEnd.clone();
//make metadata of this fragment , converts the date to a millisecond,then get bytes.
byte[] msStart = ByteUtil.getBytes(fragStart.getTimeInMillis());
byte[] msEnd = ByteUtil.getBytes(fragEnd.getTimeInMillis());
byte[] fragmentMetadata = ByteUtil.mergeBytes(msStart, msEnd);
byte[] userData = new byte[0];
Fragment fragment = new Fragment(inputData.getDataSource(), null, fragmentMetadata, userData);
//continue next fragment.
fragStart = fragEnd;
case INT: {
int rangeStart = Integer.parseInt(range[0]);
int rangeEnd = Integer.parseInt(range[1]);
int currInterval = intervalNum;
//validate : curr_interval > 0
int fragStart = rangeStart;
while (fragStart < rangeEnd) {
int fragEnd = fragStart + currInterval;
if (fragEnd > rangeEnd) fragEnd = rangeEnd;
byte[] bStart = ByteUtil.getBytes(fragStart);
byte[] bEnd = ByteUtil.getBytes(fragEnd);
byte[] fragmentMetadata = ByteUtil.mergeBytes(bStart, bEnd);
byte[] userData = new byte[0];
Fragment fragment = new Fragment(inputData.getDataSource(), null, fragmentMetadata, userData);
//continue next fragment.
fragStart = fragEnd;// + 1;
case ENUM:
for (String frag : range) {
byte[] fragmentMetadata = frag.getBytes();
Fragment fragment = new Fragment(inputData.getDataSource(), null, fragmentMetadata, new byte[0]);
return prepareHosts(fragments);
* For each fragment , assigned a host address.
* In Jdbc Plugin, 'replicas' is the host address of the PXF engine that is running, not the database engine.
* Since the other PXF host addresses can not be probed, only the host name of the current PXF engine is returned.
* @param fragments a list of fragments
* @return a list of fragments that assigned hosts.
* @throws UnknownHostException if InetAddress.getLocalHost error.
public static List<Fragment> prepareHosts(List<Fragment> fragments) throws UnknownHostException {
for (Fragment fragment : fragments) {
String pxfHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
String[] hosts = new String[]{pxfHost};
return fragments;
public String buildFragmenterSql(String dbName, String originSql) {
byte[] meta = inputData.getFragmentMetadata();
if (meta == null)
return originSql;
DbProduct dbProduct = DbProduct.getDbProduct(dbName);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(originSql);
if (!originSql.contains("WHERE"))
sb.append(" WHERE 1=1 ");
sb.append(" AND ");
switch (partitionType) {
case DATE: {
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
//parse metadata of this fragment
//validate: the length of metadata == 16 (long)
byte[][] newb = ByteUtil.splitBytes(meta, 8);
Date fragStart = new Date(ByteUtil.toLong(newb[0]));
Date fragEnd = new Date(ByteUtil.toLong(newb[1]));
sb.append(partitionColumn).append(" >= ").append(dbProduct.wrapDate(df.format(fragStart)));
sb.append(" AND ");
sb.append(partitionColumn).append(" < ").append(dbProduct.wrapDate(df.format(fragEnd)));
case INT: {
//validate: the length of metadata == 8 (int)
byte[][] newb = ByteUtil.splitBytes(meta, 4);
int fragStart = ByteUtil.toInt(newb[0]);
int fragEnd = ByteUtil.toInt(newb[1]);
sb.append(partitionColumn).append(" >= ").append(fragStart);
sb.append(" AND ");
sb.append(partitionColumn).append(" < ").append(fragEnd);
case ENUM:
sb.append(partitionColumn).append("='").append(new String(meta)).append("'");
return sb.toString();