blob: 47508b862710be1c4af73ecee18b8c9f9bd2737b [file] [log] [blame]
/* A gettimeofday routine to give access to the wall
clock timer on most UNIX-like systems.
You will need to compile with "-DUNDERSCORE"
to get this to link with FORTRAN on many systems.
#include <sys/time.h>
/* int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tzp); */
double mysecond_()
double mysecond()
/* struct timeval { long tv_sec;
long tv_usec; };
struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest;
int tz_dsttime; }; */
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
int i;
i = gettimeofday(&tp,&tzp);
return ( (double) tp.tv_sec + (double) tp.tv_usec * 1.e-6 );