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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* meminstrumentation.h
* This file contains declarations for memory instrumentation utility
* functions.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2013, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/utils/meminstrumentation.h,v 1.00 2013/03/22 14:57:00 rahmaf2 Exp $
#include "nodes/nodes.h"
#include "lib/stringinfo.h" /* StringInfo */
struct MemoryContextData;
/* Macros to define the level of memory accounting to show in EXPLAIN ANALYZE */
#define EXPLAIN_MEMORY_VERBOSITY_SUPPRESS 0 /* Suppress memory reporting in explain analyze */
#define EXPLAIN_MEMORY_VERBOSITY_SUMMARY 1 /* Summary of memory usage for each owner in explain analyze */
#define EXPLAIN_MEMORY_VERBOSITY_DETAIL 2 /* Detail memory accounting tree for each slice in explain analyze */
* What level of details of the memory accounting information to show during EXPLAIN ANALYZE?
extern int explain_memory_verbosity;
* Unique run id for memory profiling. May be just a start timestamp for a batch of queries such as TPCH
extern char* memory_profiler_run_id;
* Dataset ID. Determined by the external script. One example could be, 1: TPCH, 2: TPCDS etc.
extern char* memory_profiler_dataset_id;
* Which query of the query suite is running currently. E.g., query 21 of TPCH
extern char* memory_profiler_query_id;
* Scale factor of TPCH/TPCDS etc.
extern int memory_profiler_dataset_size;
* Should we save the memory usage information before resetting the memory accounting?
extern bool gp_dump_memory_usage;
* Each memory account can assume one of the following memory
* owner types
typedef enum MemoryOwnerType
/* Long-living accounts that survive reset */
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_LogicalRoot = 10,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_SharedChunkHeader = 11,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Rollover = 12,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_MemAccount = 13,
/* End of long-living accounts */
/* Short-living accounts */
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_MainEntry = 102,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Planner = 104,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Optimizer = 105,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Dispatcher = 106,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Serializer = 107,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Deserializer = 108,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Resource_Negotiator = 109,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Result = 1001,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Append = 1002,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Sequence = 1003,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_BitmapAnd = 1004,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_BitmapOr = 1005,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_SeqScan = 1006,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_ExternalScan = 1007,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_AppendOnlyScan = 1008,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_TableScan = 1010,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_DynamicTableScan = 1011,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_IndexScan = 1012,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_DynamicIndexScan = 1013,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_BitmapIndexScan = 1014,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_BitmapHeapScan = 1015,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_BitmapAppendOnlyScan = 1016,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_TidScan = 1017,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_SubqueryScan = 1018,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_FunctionScan = 1019,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_TableFunctionScan = 1020,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_ValuesScan = 1021,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_NestLoop = 1022,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_MergeJoin = 1023,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_HashJoin = 1024,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Material = 1025,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Sort = 1026,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Agg = 1027,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Unique = 1028,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Hash = 1029,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_SetOp = 1030,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Limit = 1031,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Motion = 1032,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_ShareInputScan = 1033,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Window = 1034,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Repeat = 1035,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_SplitUpdate = 1037,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_RowTrigger = 1038,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_AssertOp = 1039,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_AlienShared = 1040,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_BitmapTableScan = 1041,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_PartitionSelector = 1042,
MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_Plan_End, /* No explicit number. Automatically gets the last of executor enumeration */
} MemoryOwnerType;
* The following are constants to define additional memory stats
* (in addition to memory accounts) during CSV dump of memory balance
/* vmem reserved from memprot.c */
/* Peak memory observed from inside memory accounting among all allocations */
struct MemoryAccount;
extern struct MemoryAccount* ActiveMemoryAccount;
extern struct MemoryAccount* RolloverMemoryAccount;
extern struct MemoryAccount* AlienExecutorMemoryAccount;
extern struct MemoryAccount* SharedChunkHeadersMemoryAccount;
extern uint64 MemoryAccountingOutstandingBalance;
extern uint64 MemoryAccountingPeakBalance;
extern uint16 MemoryAccountingCurrentGeneration;
/* MemoryAccount is the fundamental data structure to record memory usage */
typedef struct MemoryAccount {
NodeTag type;
MemoryOwnerType ownerType;
uint64 allocated;
uint64 freed;
uint64 peak;
* Maximum targeted allocation for an owner. Peak usage can be tracked to
* check if the allocation is overshooting
uint64 maxLimit;
/* If this account requests the privilege to "disown" some of the allocation
* that would otherwise be charged to its account, then disownedMemoryAccount
* holds a hidden account which will be used for allocation during a "disowned"
* state (upon calling "DisownMemoryAccount()").
//struct MemoryAccount *disownedMemoryAccount;
struct MemoryAccount *parentAccount;
* To traverse the tree of MemoryAccount, start from the Top. Read the firstChild and then read the
* nextSibling of the firstChild. And continue this process. For each of the nextSibling, you can call
* firstChild to descend the tree.
struct MemoryAccount* firstChild;
struct MemoryAccount* nextSibling;
} MemoryAccount;
* Instead of pointers to construct the tree, the SerializedMemoryAccount
* uses "serial" of each node and saves parent serial to construct the tree.
* This is required as we cannot serialize pointers. As an optimization, we
* can later on try to reuse the pointers themselves and treat them as integer
* to save the "serial"
typedef struct SerializedMemoryAccount {
NodeTag type;
MemoryAccount memoryAccount;
* memoryAccountSerial and parentMemoryAccountSerial are used for serializing
* MemoryAccount. Note: we cannot serialize the tree using the pointers.
* Instead we serialize these "serial" and "parent serial" and construct the
* tree at the destination (e.g., dispatcher or any reporting tool).
uint32 memoryAccountSerial;
/* If memoryAccountSerial == parentMemoryAccountSerial, then the node has NO parent */
uint32 parentMemoryAccountSerial;
} SerializedMemoryAccount;
* START_MEMORY_ACCOUNT would switch to the specified newMemoryAccount,
* saving the oldActiveMemoryAccount. Must be paired with END_MEMORY_ACCOUNT
#define START_MEMORY_ACCOUNT(newMemoryAccount) \
do { \
MemoryAccount *oldActiveMemoryAccount = NULL; \
Assert(newMemoryAccount != NULL); \
oldActiveMemoryAccount = ActiveMemoryAccount; \
ActiveMemoryAccount = newMemoryAccount;\
* END_MEMORY_ACCOUNT would restore the previous memory account that was
* active at the time of START_MEMORY_ACCCOUNT call
ActiveMemoryAccount = oldActiveMemoryAccount;\
} while (0);
* CREATE_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_ACCOUNT is a convenience macro to create a new
* operator specific memory account *if* the operator will be executed in
* the current slice, i.e., it is not part of some other slice (alien
* plan node). We assign a shared AlienExecutorMemoryAccount for plan nodes
* that will not be executed in current slice
#define CREATE_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_ACCOUNT(isAlienPlanNode, planNode, NodeType) \
(NULL != planNode->memoryAccount && MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_##NodeType == planNode->memoryAccount->ownerType) ?\
planNode->memoryAccount : \
(isAlienPlanNode ? AlienExecutorMemoryAccount : \
MemoryAccounting_CreateAccount(((Plan*)node)->operatorMemKB == 0 ? \
work_mem : ((Plan*)node)->operatorMemKB, MEMORY_OWNER_TYPE_Exec_##NodeType));
* SAVE_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_ACCOUNT saves an operator specific memory account
* into the PlanState of that operator
#define SAVE_EXECUTOR_MEMORY_ACCOUNT(execState, curMemoryAccount)\
Assert(NULL == ((PlanState *)execState)->plan->memoryAccount || \
AlienExecutorMemoryAccount == ((PlanState *)execState)->plan->memoryAccount || \
curMemoryAccount == ((PlanState *)execState)->plan->memoryAccount);\
((PlanState *)execState)->plan->memoryAccount = curMemoryAccount;
extern struct MemoryAccount*
MemoryAccounting_CreateAccount(long maxLimit, enum MemoryOwnerType ownerType);
extern MemoryAccount*
MemoryAccounting_SwitchAccount(struct MemoryAccount* desiredAccount);
extern void
extern void
extern uint32
MemoryAccounting_Serialize(StringInfoData* buffer);
extern SerializedMemoryAccount*
MemoryAccounting_Deserialize(const void *serializedBits,
uint32 memoryAccountCount);
extern uint64
MemoryAccounting_GetPeak(MemoryAccount *memoryAccount);
extern uint64
MemoryAccounting_GetBalance(MemoryAccount *memoryAccount);
extern void
MemoryAccounting_ToString(MemoryAccount *root, StringInfoData *str,
uint32 indentation);
extern void
MemoryAccounting_SaveToFile(int currentSliceId);
extern uint32
extern const char*
MemoryAccounting_GetAccountName(MemoryAccount *memoryAccount);
extern void
MemoryAccounting_ToCSV(MemoryAccount *root, StringInfoData *str, char *prefix);
extern void
* MemoryAccountIsValid
* True iff memory account is valid.
#define MemoryAccountIsValid(memoryAccount) \
((memoryAccount) != NULL && \
( IsA((memoryAccount), MemoryAccount) ))
#endif /* MEMACCOUNTING_H */