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* planmain.h
* prototypes for various files in optimizer/plan
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/optimizer/planmain.h,v 1.94 2006/07/26 00:34:48 momjian Exp $
#ifndef PLANMAIN_H
#define PLANMAIN_H
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h" /* AggClauseCounts */
#include "utils/uri.h"
/* GUC parameters */
#define DEFAULT_CURSOR_TUPLE_FRACTION 1.0 /* assume all rows will be fetched */
extern double cursor_tuple_fraction;
* A structure that contains information for planning GROUP BY
* queries.
typedef struct GroupContext
Path *best_path;
Path *cheapest_path;
* If subplan is given, use it (including its targetlist).
* If sub_tlist and no subplan is given, then use sub_tlist
* on the input plan. (This is intended to assure that targets
* that appear in the SortClauses of AggOrder nodes have targets
* in the subplan that match in sortgroupref.
* If neither subplan nor sub_tlist is given, just make a plan with
* a flat target list.
Plan *subplan;
List *sub_tlist;
List *tlist;
bool use_hashed_grouping;
double tuple_fraction;
CanonicalGroupingSets *canonical_grpsets;
uint64 grouping;
* When subplan is privided, groupColIdx and distinctColIdx are also provided.
int numGroupCols;
AttrNumber *groupColIdx;
int numDistinctCols;
AttrNumber *distinctColIdx;
double *p_dNumGroups;
List **pcurrent_pathkeys;
bool *querynode_changed;
} GroupContext;
* prototypes for plan/planmain.c
extern void query_planner(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist,
double tuple_fraction,
Path **cheapest_path, Path **sorted_path,
double *num_groups);
* prototypes for plan/planagg.c
extern Plan *optimize_minmax_aggregates(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist,
Path *best_path);
* prototype for plan/plangroupexp.c
extern Plan *make_distinctaggs_for_rollup(PlannerInfo *root, bool is_agg,
List *tlist, bool twostage, List *sub_tlist,
List *qual, AggStrategy aggstrategy,
int numGroupCols, AttrNumber *grpColIdx,
double numGroups, int *rollup_gs_times,
int numAggs, int transSpace,
double *p_dNumGroups,
List **p_current_pathkeys,
Plan *lefttree);
* prototypes for plan/planwindow.c
extern Plan *window_planner(PlannerInfo *root, double tuple_fraction, List **pathkeys_ptr);
extern RangeTblEntry *package_plan_as_rte(Query *query, Plan *plan, Alias *eref, List *pathkeys);
extern Value *get_tle_name(TargetEntry *tle, List* rtable, const char *default_name);
extern bool contain_windowref(Node *node, void *context);
extern bool window_edge_is_delayed(WindowFrameEdge *edge);
extern Plan *wrap_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan, Query *query, List **p_pathkeys,
const char *alias_name, List *col_names, Query **query_p);
* prototype for plan/plangroupexp.c
extern Plan *plan_grouping_extension(PlannerInfo *root,
Path *path,
double tuple_fraction,
bool use_hashed_grouping,
List **p_tlist, List *sub_tlist,
bool is_agg, bool twostage,
List *qual,
int *p_numGroupCols, AttrNumber **p_grpColIdx,
AggClauseCounts *agg_counts,
CanonicalGroupingSets *canonical_grpsets,
double *p_dNumGroups,
bool *querynode_changed,
List **p_current_pathkeys,
Plan *lefttree);
extern void free_canonical_groupingsets(CanonicalGroupingSets *canonical_grpsets);
extern Plan *add_repeat_node(Plan *result_plan, int repeat_count, uint64 grouping);
* prototypes for plan/createplan.c
extern Plan *create_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Path *path);
extern bool is_pxf_protocol(Uri *uri);
extern int pxf_calc_participating_segments(int total_segments);
extern SubqueryScan *make_subqueryscan(PlannerInfo *root, List *qptlist, List *qpqual,
Index scanrelid, Plan *subplan, List *subrtable);
extern Append *make_append(List *appendplans, bool isTarget, List *tlist);
extern Sort *make_sort_from_sortclauses(PlannerInfo *root, List *sortcls,
Plan *lefttree);
extern Sort *make_sort_from_groupcols(PlannerInfo *root, List *groupcls,
AttrNumber *grpColIdx, bool appendGrouping,
Plan *lefttree);
extern Sort *make_sort_from_reordered_groupcols(PlannerInfo *root,
List *groupcls,
AttrNumber *orig_grpColIdx,
AttrNumber *new_grpColIdx,
TargetEntry *grouping,
TargetEntry *groupid,
int req_ngrpkeys,
Plan *lefttree);
extern List *reconstruct_group_clause(List *orig_groupClause, List *tlist,
AttrNumber *grpColIdx, int numcols);
extern Agg *make_agg(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist, List *qual,
AggStrategy aggstrategy, bool streaming,
int numGroupCols, AttrNumber *grpColIdx,
long numGroups, int numNullCols,
uint64 inputGrouping, uint64 grouping,
int rollupGSTimes,
int numAggs, int transSpace,
Plan *lefttree);
extern HashJoin *make_hashjoin(List *tlist,
List *joinclauses, List *otherclauses,
List *hashclauses, List *hashqualclauses,
Plan *lefttree, Plan *righttree,
JoinType jointype);
extern Hash *make_hash(Plan *lefttree);
extern NestLoop *make_nestloop(List *tlist,
List *joinclauses, List *otherclauses,
Plan *lefttree, Plan *righttree,
JoinType jointype);
extern MergeJoin *make_mergejoin(List *tlist,
List *joinclauses, List *otherclauses,
List *mergeclauses,
Plan *lefttree, Plan *righttree,
JoinType jointype);
extern Window *make_window(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist,
int numPartCols, AttrNumber *partColIdx, List *windowKeys,
Plan *lefttree);
extern Material *make_material(Plan *lefttree);
extern Plan *materialize_finished_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *subplan);
extern Unique *make_unique(Plan *lefttree, List *distinctList);
extern Limit *make_limit(Plan *lefttree, Node *limitOffset, Node *limitCount,
int64 offset_est, int64 count_est);
extern SetOp *make_setop(SetOpCmd cmd, Plan *lefttree,
List *distinctList, AttrNumber flagColIdx);
extern Result *make_result(List *tlist, Node *resconstantqual, Plan *subplan);
extern Repeat *make_repeat(List *tlist,
List *qual,
Expr *repeatCountExpr,
uint64 grouping,
Plan *subplan);
extern bool is_projection_capable_plan(Plan *plan);
extern Sort *make_sort_from_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *lefttree,
List *pathkeys, Relids relids,
bool add_keys_to_targetlist);
extern Plan *add_sort_cost(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *input,
int numCols,
AttrNumber *sortColIdx, Oid *sortOperators);
extern Plan *add_agg_cost(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan,
List *tlist, List *qual,
AggStrategy aggstrategy,
bool streaming,
int numGroupCols, AttrNumber *grpColIdx,
long numGroups, int num_nullcols,
int numAggs, int transSpace);
extern Plan *plan_pushdown_tlist(Plan *plan, List *tlist); /*CDB*/
* prototypes for plan/initsplan.c
extern int from_collapse_limit;
extern int join_collapse_limit;
extern void add_base_rels_to_query(PlannerInfo *root, Node *jtnode);
extern void build_base_rel_tlists(PlannerInfo *root, List *final_tlist);
extern void add_IN_vars_to_tlists(PlannerInfo *root);
extern List *deconstruct_jointree(PlannerInfo *root);
extern void process_implied_equality(PlannerInfo *root,
Node *item1, Node *item2,
Oid sortop1, Oid sortop2,
Relids item1_relids, Relids item2_relids,
bool delete_it);
extern void distribute_qual_to_rels(PlannerInfo *root, Node *clause,
bool is_deduced,
bool is_deduced_but_not_equijoin,
bool below_outer_join,
Relids qualscope,
Relids ojscope,
Relids outerjoin_nonnullable,
List **ptrToLocalEquiKeyList);
* prototypes for plan/setrefs.c
Plan *
set_plan_references(PlannerGlobal *glob, Plan *plan, List *rtable);
List *
set_returning_clause_references(PlannerGlobal *glob,
List *rlist,
Plan *topplan,
Index resultRelation);
extern void
extract_query_dependencies(List *queries,
List **relationOids,
List **invalItems);
extern void fix_opfuncids(Node *node);
extern void set_opfuncid(OpExpr *opexpr);
extern int num_distcols_in_grouplist(List *gc);
#endif /* PLANMAIN_H */