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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* primnodes.h
* Definitions for "primitive" node types, those that are used in more
* than one of the parse/plan/execute stages of the query pipeline.
* Currently, these are mostly nodes for executable expressions
* and join trees.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/nodes/primnodes.h,v 1.117 2006/10/04 00:30:09 momjian Exp $
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
#include "nodes/params.h" /* For ParamListInfoData */
#include "cdb/cdbpathlocus.h" /* For CdbLocusType */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* node definitions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Alias -
* specifies an alias for a range variable; the alias might also
* specify renaming of columns within the table.
* Note: colnames is a list of Value nodes (always strings). In Alias structs
* associated with RTEs, there may be entries corresponding to dropped
* columns; these are normally empty strings (""). See parsenodes.h for info.
typedef struct Alias
NodeTag type;
char *aliasname; /* aliased rel name (never qualified) */
List *colnames; /* optional list of column aliases */
} Alias;
typedef enum InhOption
INH_NO, /* Do NOT scan child tables */
INH_YES, /* DO scan child tables */
INH_DEFAULT /* Use current SQL_inheritance option */
} InhOption;
/* What to do at commit time for temporary relations */
typedef enum OnCommitAction
ONCOMMIT_NOOP, /* No ON COMMIT clause (do nothing) */
} OnCommitAction;
* RangeVar - range variable, used in FROM clauses
* Also used to represent table names in utility statements; there, the alias
* field is not used, and inhOpt shows whether to apply the operation
* recursively to child tables. In some contexts it is also useful to carry
* a TEMP table indication here.
typedef struct RangeVar
NodeTag type;
char *catalogname; /* the catalog (database) name, or NULL */
char *schemaname; /* the schema name, or NULL */
char *relname; /* the relation/sequence name */
InhOption inhOpt; /* expand rel by inheritance? recursively act
* on children? */
bool istemp; /* is this a temp relation/sequence? */
Alias *alias; /* table alias & optional column aliases */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} RangeVar;
typedef struct TableOidInfo
Oid relOid; /* If the heap is (re-)created, create with this relOid */
Oid comptypeOid;
Oid toastOid; /* if toast table needed, use this for the relOid of the toast */
Oid toastIndexOid; /* if toast table needed, use this for the relOid of the index */
Oid toastComptypeOid;
Oid aosegOid; /* if ao segment table needed, use this for the relOid of the aoseg table */
Oid aosegIndexOid; /* if ao segment table needed, use this for the relOid of the aoseg index */
Oid aosegComptypeOid;
Oid aoblkdirOid; /* if ao blkdir table needed, use this for the relOid of the aoblkdir table */
Oid aoblkdirIndexOid; /* if ao blkdir table needed, use this for the relOid of the aoblkdir index */
Oid aoblkdirComptypeOid;
} TableOidInfo;
* IntoClause - target information for SELECT INTO and CREATE TABLE AS
typedef struct IntoClause
NodeTag type;
RangeVar *rel; /* target relation name */
List *colNames; /* column names to assign, or NIL */
List *options; /* options from WITH clause */
OnCommitAction onCommit; /* what do we do at COMMIT? */
char *tableSpaceName; /* table space to use, or NULL */
/* MPP */
TableOidInfo oidInfo;
} IntoClause;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* node types for executable expressions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Expr - generic superclass for executable-expression nodes
* All node types that are used in executable expression trees should derive
* from Expr (that is, have Expr as their first field). Since Expr only
* contains NodeTag, this is a formality, but it is an easy form of
* documentation. See also the ExprState node types in execnodes.h.
typedef struct Expr
NodeTag type;
} Expr;
* Var - expression node representing a variable (ie, a table column)
* Note: during parsing/planning, varnoold/varoattno are always just copies
* of varno/varattno. At the tail end of planning, Var nodes appearing in
* upper-level plan nodes are reassigned to point to the outputs of their
* subplans; for example, in a join node varno becomes INNER or OUTER and
* varattno becomes the index of the proper element of that subplan's target
* list. But varnoold/varoattno continue to hold the original values.
* The code doesn't really need varnoold/varoattno, but they are very useful
* for debugging and interpreting completed plans, so we keep them around.
#define INNER 65000
#define OUTER 65001
#define PRS2_OLD_VARNO 1
#define PRS2_NEW_VARNO 2
typedef struct Var
Expr xpr;
Index varno; /* index of this var's relation in the range
* table (could also be INNER or OUTER) */
AttrNumber varattno; /* attribute number of this var, or zero for
* all */
Oid vartype; /* pg_type OID for the type of this var */
int32 vartypmod; /* pg_attribute typmod value */
Index varlevelsup; /* for subquery variables referencing outer
* relations; 0 in a normal var, >0 means N
* levels up */
Index varnoold; /* original value of varno, for debugging */
AttrNumber varoattno; /* original value of varattno */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} Var;
* Const
typedef struct Const
Expr xpr;
Oid consttype; /* pg_type OID of the constant's datatype */
int32 consttypmod; /* typmod value, if any */
int constlen; /* typlen of the constant's datatype */
Datum constvalue; /* the constant's value */
bool constisnull; /* whether the constant is null (if true,
* constvalue is undefined) */
bool constbyval; /* whether this datatype is passed by value.
* If true, then all the information is stored
* in the Datum. If false, then the Datum
* contains a pointer to the information. */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} Const;
/* ----------------
* Param
* paramkind - specifies the kind of parameter. The possible values
* for this field are:
* PARAM_EXTERN: The parameter value is supplied from outside the plan.
* Such parameters are numbered from 1 to n.
* PARAM_EXEC: The parameter is an internal executor parameter, used
* for passing values into and out of sub-queries.
* For historical reasons, such parameters are numbered from 0.
* These numbers are independent of PARAM_EXTERN numbers.
* PARAM_SUBLINK: The parameter represents an output column of a SubLink
* node's sub-select. The column number is contained in the
* `paramid' field. (This type of Param is converted to
* PARAM_EXEC during planning.)
* Note: currently, paramtypmod is valid for PARAM_SUBLINK Params, and for
* PARAM_EXEC Params generated from them; it is always -1 for PARAM_EXTERN
* params, since the APIs that supply values for such parameters don't carry
* any typmod info.
* ----------------
typedef enum ParamKind
} ParamKind;
typedef struct Param
Expr xpr;
ParamKind paramkind; /* kind of parameter. See above */
int paramid; /* numeric ID for parameter */
Oid paramtype; /* pg_type OID of parameter's datatype */
int32 paramtypmod; /* typmod value, if known */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} Param;
/* AggStage enumeration indicates how the executor should handle an
* Aggref node.
typedef enum AggStage
AGGSTAGE_PARTIAL, /* First (lower, earlier) stage of 2-stage aggregation. */
AGGSTAGE_INTERMEDIATE, /* The intermediate stage between AGGSTAGE_PARTIAL and
* AGGSTAGE_FINAL that handles the higher aggregation
* level in a (partial) ROLLUP grouping extension
* query.
AGGSTAGE_FINAL /* Second (upper, later) stage of 2-stage aggregation. */
} AggStage;
* AggOrder describes ordering information for ordered aggregates
typedef struct AggOrder
Expr xpr;
bool sortImplicit; /* Implict or explicit ordering? */
List *sortTargets; /* Targetlist for order by clause */
List *sortClause; /* Sort clause for the aggregate */
} AggOrder;
* Aggref
typedef struct Aggref
Expr xpr;
Oid aggfnoid; /* pg_proc Oid of the aggregate */
Oid aggtype; /* type Oid of result of the aggregate */
List *args; /* arguments to the aggregate */
Index agglevelsup; /* > 0 if agg belongs to outer query */
bool aggstar; /* TRUE if argument list was really '*' */
bool aggdistinct; /* TRUE if it's agg(DISTINCT ...) */
AggStage aggstage; /* MPP: 2-stage? If so, which stage */
AggOrder *aggorder; /* Ordered aggregate definition */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} Aggref;
* Grouping: describe the hidden GROUPING column for grouping extensions.
* Defined for making it easily to distinguish this column with others.
* Used with GroupingFunc to distinguish 'null' values that are created
* through grouping with those that are in the raw data. See also GroupingFunc
* for more details.
typedef struct Grouping
Expr xpr;
} Grouping;
* GroupId -
* representation of the hidden GROUP_ID column for grouping extensions.
* Defined to make it easy to distinguish this column from others.
* This is used to determine whether output tuples are coming from
* duplicate grouping sets. For example, a table
* test (a integer, b integer)
* has two rows:
* (1,2), (1,2).
* Consider a rollup clause "rollup(a),a", which contains a grouping
* set (a) twice. Therefore, the query
* select a,sum(b),group_id() from test group by rollup(a),a;
* returns two rows:
* 1,4,0
* 1,4,1
* The GROUP_ID value 0 indicates this tuple is from the grouping set (a).
* The value 1 indicates this tuple is from the first duplicate grouping set of
* (a).
* This query can be also re-written to the following:
* select a,avg(b),0 from test group by a
* union all
* select a,avg(b),1 from test group by a;
typedef struct GroupId
Expr xpr;
} GroupId;
/* WinStage enumeration indicates what stage of the evaluation of a
* window function is expressed by a WindowRef.
typedef enum WinStage
WINSTAGE_IMMEDIATE = 0, /* Evaluate window function. */
WINSTAGE_PRELIMINARY, /* Evaluate preliminary function. */
WINSTAGE_ROWKEY /* WINSTAGE_IMMEDIATE for row key generation. */
} WinStage;
* WindowRef: describes a window function call
* In a query tree, a WindowRef corresponds to a SQL window function
* call. In a plan tree, a WindowRef is an expression the corresponds
* to some or all of the calculation of the window function result.
typedef struct WindowRef
Expr xpr;
Oid winfnoid; /* pg_proc Oid of the window function */
Oid restype; /* type Oid of result of the window function */
List *args; /* arguments */
Index winlevelsup; /* > 0 if win belongs to outer query */
bool windistinct; /* TRUE if it's agg(DISTINCT ...) */
Index winspec; /* index into Query window clause */
/* Following fields are significant only in a Plan tree. */
Index winindex; /* RefInfo index during planning. */
WinStage winstage; /* Stage of execution. */
Index winlevel; /* Position of corresponding WindowKey in
* the Window node. */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} WindowRef;
/* ----------------
* ArrayRef: describes an array subscripting operation
* An ArrayRef can describe fetching a single element from an array,
* fetching a subarray (array slice), storing a single element into
* an array, or storing a slice. The "store" cases work with an
* initial array value and a source value that is inserted into the
* appropriate part of the array; the result of the operation is an
* entire new modified array value.
* If reflowerindexpr = NIL, then we are fetching or storing a single array
* element at the subscripts given by refupperindexpr. Otherwise we are
* fetching or storing an array slice, that is a rectangular subarray
* with lower and upper bounds given by the index expressions.
* reflowerindexpr must be the same length as refupperindexpr when it
* is not NIL.
* Note: the result datatype is the element type when fetching a single
* element; but it is the array type when doing subarray fetch or either
* type of store.
* ----------------
typedef struct ArrayRef
Expr xpr;
Oid refrestype; /* type of the result of the ArrayRef
* operation */
Oid refarraytype; /* type of the array proper */
Oid refelemtype; /* type of the array elements */
int32 reftypmod; /* typmod of the array (and elements too) */
List *refupperindexpr;/* expressions that evaluate to upper array
* indexes */
List *reflowerindexpr;/* expressions that evaluate to lower array
* indexes */
Expr *refexpr; /* the expression that evaluates to an array
* value */
Expr *refassgnexpr; /* expression for the source value, or NULL if
* fetch */
} ArrayRef;
* CoercionContext - distinguishes the allowed set of type casts
* NB: ordering of the alternatives is significant; later (larger) values
* allow more casts than earlier ones.
typedef enum CoercionContext
COERCION_IMPLICIT, /* coercion in context of expression */
COERCION_ASSIGNMENT, /* coercion in context of assignment */
COERCION_EXPLICIT /* explicit cast operation */
} CoercionContext;
* CoercionForm - information showing how to display a function-call node
typedef enum CoercionForm
COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL, /* display as a function call */
COERCE_EXPLICIT_CAST, /* display as an explicit cast */
COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST, /* implicit cast, so hide it */
COERCE_DONTCARE /* special case for planner */
} CoercionForm;
* FuncExpr - expression node for a function call
typedef struct FuncExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid funcid; /* PG_PROC OID of the function */
Oid funcresulttype; /* PG_TYPE OID of result value */
bool funcretset; /* true if function returns set */
CoercionForm funcformat; /* how to display this function call */
List *args; /* arguments to the function */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
bool is_tablefunc; /* Is a TableFunction reference */
} FuncExpr;
* OpExpr - expression node for an operator invocation
* Semantically, this is essentially the same as a function call.
* Note that opfuncid is not necessarily filled in immediately on creation
* of the node. The planner makes sure it is valid before passing the node
* tree to the executor, but during parsing/planning opfuncid can be 0.
typedef struct OpExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid opno; /* PG_OPERATOR OID of the operator */
Oid opfuncid; /* PG_PROC OID of underlying function */
Oid opresulttype; /* PG_TYPE OID of result value */
bool opretset; /* true if operator returns set */
List *args; /* arguments to the operator (1 or 2) */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} OpExpr;
* DistinctExpr - expression node for "x IS DISTINCT FROM y"
* Except for the nodetag, this is represented identically to an OpExpr
* referencing the "=" operator for x and y.
* We use "=", not the more obvious "<>", because more datatypes have "="
* than "<>". This means the executor must invert the operator result.
* Note that the operator function won't be called at all if either input
* is NULL, since then the result can be determined directly.
typedef OpExpr DistinctExpr;
* ScalarArrayOpExpr - expression node for "scalar op ANY/ALL (array)"
* The operator must yield boolean. It is applied to the left operand
* and each element of the righthand array, and the results are combined
* with OR or AND (for ANY or ALL respectively). The node representation
* is almost the same as for the underlying operator, but we need a useOr
* flag to remember whether it's ANY or ALL, and we don't have to store
* the result type because it must be boolean.
typedef struct ScalarArrayOpExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid opno; /* PG_OPERATOR OID of the operator */
Oid opfuncid; /* PG_PROC OID of underlying function */
bool useOr; /* true for ANY, false for ALL */
List *args; /* the scalar and array operands */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} ScalarArrayOpExpr;
* BoolExpr - expression node for the basic Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT
* Notice the arguments are given as a List. For NOT, of course the list
* must always have exactly one element. For AND and OR, the executor can
* handle any number of arguments. The parser generally treats AND and OR
* as binary and so it typically only produces two-element lists, but the
* optimizer will flatten trees of AND and OR nodes to produce longer lists
* when possible. There are also a few special cases where more arguments
* can appear before optimization.
typedef enum BoolExprType
} BoolExprType;
typedef struct BoolExpr
Expr xpr;
BoolExprType boolop;
List *args; /* arguments to this expression */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} BoolExpr;
* TableValueExpr - a "TABLE( <subquery> )" expression indicating a subquery
* expression that is passed as a value to a function.
* This is <table value constructor by query> within the SQL Standard
typedef struct TableValueExpr
NodeTag type;
Node *subquery;
int location;
} TableValueExpr;
* SubLink
* A SubLink represents a subselect appearing in an expression, and in some
* cases also the combining operator(s) just above it. The subLinkType
* indicates the form of the expression represented:
* ALL_SUBLINK (lefthand) op ALL (SELECT ...)
* ANY_SUBLINK (lefthand) op ANY (SELECT ...)
* ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK (lefthand) op (SELECT ...)
* EXPR_SUBLINK (SELECT with single targetlist item ...)
* ARRAY_SUBLINK ARRAY(SELECT with single targetlist item ...)
* CTE_SUBLINK WITH query (never actually part of an expression)
* For ALL, ANY, and ROWCOMPARE, the lefthand is a list of expressions of the
* same length as the subselect's targetlist. ROWCOMPARE will *always* have
* a list with more than one entry; if the subselect has just one target
* then the parser will create an EXPR_SUBLINK instead (and any operator
* above the subselect will be represented separately). Note that both
* ROWCOMPARE and EXPR require the subselect to deliver only one row.
* ALL, ANY, and ROWCOMPARE require the combining operators to deliver boolean
* results. ALL and ANY combine the per-row results using AND and OR
* semantics respectively.
* ARRAY requires just one target column, and creates an array of the target
* column's type using any number of rows resulting from the subselect.
* SubLink is classed as an Expr node, but it is not actually executable;
* it must be replaced in the expression tree by a SubPlan node during
* planning.
* NOTE: in the raw output of gram.y, testexpr contains just the raw form
* of the lefthand expression (if any), and operName is the String name of
* the combining operator. Also, subselect is a raw parsetree. During parse
* analysis, the parser transforms testexpr into a complete boolean expression
* that compares the lefthand value(s) to PARAM_SUBLINK nodes representing the
* output columns of the subselect. And subselect is transformed to a Query.
* This is the representation seen in saved rules and in the rewriter.
* In EXISTS, EXPR, and ARRAY SubLinks, testexpr and operName are unused and
* are always null.
typedef enum SubLinkType
} SubLinkType;
typedef struct SubLink
Expr xpr;
SubLinkType subLinkType; /* see above */
Node *testexpr; /* outer-query test for ALL/ANY/ROWCOMPARE */
List *operName; /* originally specified operator name */
Node *subselect; /* subselect as Query* or parsetree */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} SubLink;
* SubPlan - executable expression node for a subplan (sub-SELECT)
* The planner replaces SubLink nodes in expression trees with SubPlan
* nodes after it has finished planning the subquery. SubPlan references
* a sub-plantree stored in the subplans list of the toplevel PlannedStmt.
* (We avoid a direct link to make it easier to copy expression trees
* without causing multiple processing of the subplan.)
* In an ordinary subplan, testexpr points to an executable expression
* (OpExpr, an AND/OR tree of OpExprs, or RowCompareExpr) for the combining
* operator(s); the left-hand arguments are the original lefthand expressions,
* and the right-hand arguments are PARAM_EXEC Param nodes representing the
* outputs of the sub-select. (NOTE: runtime coercion functions may be
* inserted as well.) This is just the same expression tree as testexpr in
* the original SubLink node, but the PARAM_SUBLINK nodes are replaced by
* suitably numbered PARAM_EXEC nodes.
* If the sub-select becomes an initplan rather than a subplan, the executable
* expression is part of the outer plan's expression tree (and the SubPlan
* node itself is not). In this case testexpr is NULL to avoid duplication.
* The planner also derives lists of the values that need to be passed into
* and out of the subplan. Input values are represented as a list "args" of
* expressions to be evaluated in the outer-query context (currently these
* args are always just Vars, but in principle they could be any expression).
* The values are assigned to the global PARAM_EXEC params indexed by parParam
* (the parParam and args lists must have the same ordering). setParam is a
* list of the PARAM_EXEC params that are computed by the sub-select, if it
* is an initplan; they are listed in order by sub-select output column
* position. (parParam and setParam are integer Lists, not Bitmapsets,
* because their ordering is significant.)
typedef struct SubPlan
Expr xpr;
/* Fields copied from original SubLink: */
SubLinkType subLinkType; /* see above */
/* The combining operators, transformed to an executable expression: */
Node *testexpr; /* OpExpr or RowCompareExpr expression tree */
List *paramIds; /* IDs of Params embedded in the above */
int qDispSliceId; /* CDB: slice# of initplan's root slice, or 0 */
/* The subselect, transformed to a Plan: */
/* Identification of the Plan tree to use: */
int plan_id; /* Index (from 1) in PlannedStmt.subplans */
/* Identification of the SubPlan for EXPLAIN and debugging purposes: */
char *plan_name; /* A name assigned during planning */
/* Extra data useful for determining subplan's output type: */
Oid firstColType; /* Type of first column of subplan result */
int32 firstColTypmod; /* Typmod of first column of subplan result */
/* Information about execution strategy: */
bool useHashTable; /* TRUE to store subselect output in a hash
* table (implies we are doing "IN") */
bool unknownEqFalse; /* TRUE if it's okay to return FALSE when the
* spec result is UNKNOWN; this allows much
* simpler handling of null values */
bool is_initplan; /* CDB: Is the subplan implemented as an
* initplan? */
bool is_multirow; /* CDB: May the subplan return more than
* one row? */
bool is_parallelized; /* Has subplan been processed to be executed in parallel setting */
/* Information for passing params into and out of the subselect: */
/* setParam and parParam are lists of integers (param IDs) */
List *setParam; /* initplan subqueries have to set these
* Params for parent plan */
List *parParam; /* indices of input Params from parent plan */
List *args; /* exprs to pass as parParam values */
} SubPlan;
/* ----------------
* FieldSelect
* FieldSelect represents the operation of extracting one field from a tuple
* value. At runtime, the input expression is expected to yield a rowtype
* Datum. The specified field number is extracted and returned as a Datum.
* ----------------
typedef struct FieldSelect
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input expression */
AttrNumber fieldnum; /* attribute number of field to extract */
Oid resulttype; /* type of the field (result type of this
* node) */
int32 resulttypmod; /* output typmod (usually -1) */
} FieldSelect;
/* ----------------
* FieldStore
* FieldStore represents the operation of modifying one field in a tuple
* value, yielding a new tuple value (the input is not touched!). Like
* the assign case of ArrayRef, this is used to implement UPDATE of a
* portion of a column.
* A single FieldStore can actually represent updates of several different
* fields. The parser only generates FieldStores with single-element lists,
* but the planner will collapse multiple updates of the same base column
* into one FieldStore.
* ----------------
typedef struct FieldStore
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input tuple value */
List *newvals; /* new value(s) for field(s) */
List *fieldnums; /* integer list of field attnums */
Oid resulttype; /* type of result (same as type of arg) */
/* Like RowExpr, we deliberately omit a typmod here */
} FieldStore;
/* ----------------
* RelabelType
* RelabelType represents a "dummy" type coercion between two binary-
* compatible datatypes, such as reinterpreting the result of an OID
* expression as an int4. It is a no-op at runtime; we only need it
* to provide a place to store the correct type to be attributed to
* the expression result during type resolution. (We can't get away
* with just overwriting the type field of the input expression node,
* so we need a separate node to show the coercion's result type.)
* ----------------
typedef struct RelabelType
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input expression */
Oid resulttype; /* output type of coercion expression */
int32 resulttypmod; /* output typmod (usually -1) */
CoercionForm relabelformat; /* how to display this node */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} RelabelType;
/* ----------------
* ConvertRowtypeExpr
* ConvertRowtypeExpr represents a type coercion from one composite type
* to another, where the source type is guaranteed to contain all the columns
* needed for the destination type plus possibly others; the columns need not
* be in the same positions, but are matched up by name. This is primarily
* used to convert a whole-row value of an inheritance child table into a
* valid whole-row value of its parent table's rowtype.
* ----------------
typedef struct ConvertRowtypeExpr
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input expression */
Oid resulttype; /* output type (always a composite type) */
/* result typmod is not stored, but must be -1; see RowExpr comments */
CoercionForm convertformat; /* how to display this node */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} ConvertRowtypeExpr;
* CaseExpr - a CASE expression
* We support two distinct forms of CASE expression:
* CASE WHEN boolexpr THEN expr [ WHEN boolexpr THEN expr ... ]
* CASE testexpr WHEN compexpr THEN expr [ WHEN compexpr THEN expr ... ]
* These are distinguishable by the "arg" field being NULL in the first case
* and the testexpr in the second case.
* In the raw grammar output for the second form, the condition expressions
* of the WHEN clauses are just the comparison values. Parse analysis
* converts these to valid boolean expressions of the form
* CaseTestExpr '=' compexpr
* where the CaseTestExpr node is a placeholder that emits the correct
* value at runtime. This structure is used so that the testexpr need be
* evaluated only once. Note that after parse analysis, the condition
* expressions always yield boolean.
* Note: we can test whether a CaseExpr has been through parse analysis
* yet by checking whether casetype is InvalidOid or not.
typedef struct CaseExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid casetype; /* type of expression result */
Expr *arg; /* implicit equality comparison argument */
List *args; /* the arguments (list of WHEN clauses) */
Expr *defresult; /* the default result (ELSE clause) */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} CaseExpr;
* CaseWhen - one arm of a CASE expression
typedef struct CaseWhen
Expr xpr;
Expr *expr; /* condition expression */
Expr *result; /* substitution result */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} CaseWhen;
* Placeholder node for the test value to be processed by a CASE expression.
* This is effectively like a Param, but can be implemented more simply
* since we need only one replacement value at a time.
* We also use this in nested UPDATE expressions.
* See transformAssignmentIndirection().
typedef struct CaseTestExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid typeId; /* type for substituted value */
int32 typeMod; /* typemod for substituted value */
} CaseTestExpr;
* ArrayExpr - an ARRAY[] expression
* Note: if multidims is false, the constituent expressions all yield the
* scalar type identified by element_typeid. If multidims is true, the
* constituent expressions all yield arrays of element_typeid (ie, the same
* type as array_typeid); at runtime we must check for compatible subscripts.
typedef struct ArrayExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid array_typeid; /* type of expression result */
Oid element_typeid; /* common type of array elements */
List *elements; /* the array elements or sub-arrays */
bool multidims; /* true if elements are sub-arrays */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} ArrayExpr;
* RowExpr - a ROW() expression
* Note: the list of fields must have a one-for-one correspondence with
* physical fields of the associated rowtype, although it is okay for it
* to be shorter than the rowtype. That is, the N'th list element must
* match up with the N'th physical field. When the N'th physical field
* is a dropped column (attisdropped) then the N'th list element can just
* be a NULL constant. (This case can only occur for named composite types,
* not RECORD types, since those are built from the RowExpr itself rather
* than vice versa.) It is important not to assume that length(args) is
* the same as the number of columns logically present in the rowtype.
* colnames is NIL in a RowExpr built from an ordinary ROW() expression.
* It is provided in cases where we expand a whole-row Var into a RowExpr,
* to retain the column alias names of the RTE that the Var referenced
* (which would otherwise be very difficult to extract from the parsetree).
* Like the args list, it is one-for-one with physical fields of the rowtype.
typedef struct RowExpr
Expr xpr;
List *args; /* the fields */
Oid row_typeid; /* RECORDOID or a composite type's ID */
* Note: we deliberately do NOT store a typmod. Although a typmod will be
* associated with specific RECORD types at runtime, it will differ for
* different backends, and so cannot safely be stored in stored
* parsetrees. We must assume typmod -1 for a RowExpr node.
CoercionForm row_format; /* how to display this node */
List *colnames; /* list of String, or NIL */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} RowExpr;
* RowCompareExpr - row-wise comparison, such as (a, b) <= (1, 2)
* We support row comparison for any operator that can be determined to
* act like =, <>, <, <=, >, or >= (we determine this by looking for the
* operator in btree opclasses). Note that the same operator name might
* map to a different operator for each pair of row elements, since the
* element datatypes can vary.
* A RowCompareExpr node is only generated for the < <= > >= cases;
* the = and <> cases are translated to simple AND or OR combinations
* of the pairwise comparisons. However, we include = and <> in the
* RowCompareType enum for the convenience of parser logic.
typedef enum RowCompareType
/* Values of this enum are chosen to match btree strategy numbers */
ROWCOMPARE_LT = 1, /* BTLessStrategyNumber */
ROWCOMPARE_LE = 2, /* BTLessEqualStrategyNumber */
ROWCOMPARE_EQ = 3, /* BTEqualStrategyNumber */
ROWCOMPARE_GE = 4, /* BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber */
ROWCOMPARE_GT = 5, /* BTGreaterStrategyNumber */
ROWCOMPARE_NE = 6 /* no such btree strategy */
} RowCompareType;
typedef struct RowCompareExpr
Expr xpr;
RowCompareType rctype; /* LT LE GE or GT, never EQ or NE */
List *opnos; /* OID list of pairwise comparison ops */
List *opclasses; /* OID list of containing operator classes */
List *largs; /* the left-hand input arguments */
List *rargs; /* the right-hand input arguments */
} RowCompareExpr;
* CoalesceExpr - a COALESCE expression
typedef struct CoalesceExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid coalescetype; /* type of expression result */
List *args; /* the arguments */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} CoalesceExpr;
* MinMaxExpr - a GREATEST or LEAST function
typedef enum MinMaxOp
} MinMaxOp;
typedef struct MinMaxExpr
Expr xpr;
Oid minmaxtype; /* common type of arguments and result */
MinMaxOp op; /* function to execute */
List *args; /* the arguments */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} MinMaxExpr;
* NullIfExpr - a NULLIF expression
* Like DistinctExpr, this is represented the same as an OpExpr referencing
* the "=" operator for x and y.
typedef OpExpr NullIfExpr;
/* ----------------
* NullTest
* NullTest represents the operation of testing a value for NULLness.
* The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
* NOTE: the semantics of this for rowtype inputs are noticeably different
* from the scalar case. It would probably be a good idea to include an
* "argisrow" flag in the struct to reflect that, but for the moment,
* we do not do so to avoid forcing an initdb during 8.2beta.
* ----------------
typedef enum NullTestType
} NullTestType;
typedef struct NullTest
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input expression */
NullTestType nulltesttype; /* IS NULL, IS NOT NULL */
} NullTest;
* BooleanTest
* BooleanTest represents the operation of determining whether a boolean
* is TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN (ie, NULL). All six meaningful combinations
* are supported. Note that a NULL input does *not* cause a NULL result.
* The appropriate test is performed and returned as a boolean Datum.
typedef enum BoolTestType
} BoolTestType;
typedef struct BooleanTest
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input expression */
BoolTestType booltesttype; /* test type */
} BooleanTest;
* CoerceToDomain
* CoerceToDomain represents the operation of coercing a value to a domain
* type. At runtime (and not before) the precise set of constraints to be
* checked will be determined. If the value passes, it is returned as the
* result; if not, an error is raised. Note that this is equivalent to
* RelabelType in the scenario where no constraints are applied.
typedef struct CoerceToDomain
Expr xpr;
Expr *arg; /* input expression */
Oid resulttype; /* domain type ID (result type) */
int32 resulttypmod; /* output typmod (currently always -1) */
CoercionForm coercionformat; /* how to display this node */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} CoerceToDomain;
* Placeholder node for the value to be processed by a domain's check
* constraint. This is effectively like a Param, but can be implemented more
* simply since we need only one replacement value at a time.
* Note: the typeId/typeMod will be set from the domain's base type, not
* the domain itself. This is because we shouldn't consider the value to
* be a member of the domain if we haven't yet checked its constraints.
typedef struct CoerceToDomainValue
Expr xpr;
Oid typeId; /* type for substituted value */
int32 typeMod; /* typemod for substituted value */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} CoerceToDomainValue;
* Placeholder node for a DEFAULT marker in an INSERT or UPDATE command.
* This is not an executable expression: it must be replaced by the actual
* column default expression during rewriting. But it is convenient to
* treat it as an expression node during parsing and rewriting.
typedef struct SetToDefault
Expr xpr;
Oid typeId; /* type for substituted value */
int32 typeMod; /* typemod for substituted value */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} SetToDefault;
* Node representing [WHERE] CURRENT OF cursor_name
* CURRENT OF is a bit like a Var, in that it carries the rangetable index
* of the target relation being constrained; this aids placing the expression
* correctly during planning. We can assume however that its "levelsup" is
* always zero, due to the syntactic constraints on where it can appear.
* CURRENT OF is a bit like a stable function, in that it must be evaluated
* once during constant folding to give the QEs a consistent view of the query.
* To accomplish this, during constant folding, we evaluate the CURRENT OF
* expression into constant values of gp_segment_id, ctid, and tableoid; then,
* we bind these constant values into the CurrentOfExpr here for consumption
* by the QEs.
typedef struct CurrentOfExpr
Expr xpr;
char *cursor_name; /* name of referenced cursor */
/* for planning */
Index cvarno; /* RT index of target relation */
/* for validation */
Oid target_relid; /* OID of original target relation,
* before any inheritance expansion */
/* for constant folding */
int gp_segment_id;
ItemPointerData ctid;
Oid tableoid;
} CurrentOfExpr;
* TargetEntry -
* a target entry (used in query target lists)
* Strictly speaking, a TargetEntry isn't an expression node (since it can't
* be evaluated by ExecEvalExpr). But we treat it as one anyway, since in
* very many places it's convenient to process a whole query targetlist as a
* single expression tree.
* In a SELECT's targetlist, resno should always be equal to the item's
* ordinal position (counting from 1). However, in an INSERT or UPDATE
* targetlist, resno represents the attribute number of the destination
* column for the item; so there may be missing or out-of-order resnos.
* It is even legal to have duplicated resnos; consider
* UPDATE table SET arraycol[1] = ..., arraycol[2] = ..., ...
* The two meanings come together in the executor, because the planner
* transforms INSERT/UPDATE tlists into a normalized form with exactly
* one entry for each column of the destination table. Before that's
* happened, however, it is risky to assume that resno == position.
* Generally get_tle_by_resno() should be used rather than list_nth()
* to fetch tlist entries by resno, and only in SELECT should you assume
* that resno is a unique identifier.
* resname is required to represent the correct column name in non-resjunk
* entries of top-level SELECT targetlists, since it will be used as the
* column title sent to the frontend. In most other contexts it is only
* a debugging aid, and may be wrong or even NULL. (In particular, it may
* be wrong in a tlist from a stored rule, if the referenced column has been
* renamed by ALTER TABLE since the rule was made. Also, the planner tends
* to store NULL rather than look up a valid name for tlist entries in
* non-toplevel plan nodes.) In resjunk entries, resname should be either
* a specific system-generated name (such as "ctid") or NULL; anything else
* risks confusing ExecGetJunkAttribute!
* ressortgroupref is used in the representation of ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and
* DISTINCT items. Targetlist entries with ressortgroupref=0 are not
* sort/group items. If ressortgroupref>0, then this item is an ORDER BY,
* GROUP BY, and/or DISTINCT target value. No two entries in a targetlist
* may have the same nonzero ressortgroupref --- but there is no particular
* meaning to the nonzero values, except as tags. (For example, one must
* not assume that lower ressortgroupref means a more significant sort key.)
* The order of the associated SortGroupClause lists determine the semantics.
* resorigtbl/resorigcol identify the source of the column, if it is a
* simple reference to a column of a base table (or view). If it is not
* a simple reference, these fields are zeroes.
* If resjunk is true then the column is a working column (such as a sort key)
* that should be removed from the final output of the query. Resjunk columns
* must have resnos that cannot duplicate any regular column's resno. Also
* note that there are places that assume resjunk columns come after non-junk
* columns.
typedef struct TargetEntry
Expr xpr;
Expr *expr; /* expression to evaluate */
AttrNumber resno; /* attribute number (see notes above) */
char *resname; /* name of the column (could be NULL) */
Index ressortgroupref;/* nonzero if referenced by a sort/group
* clause */
Oid resorigtbl; /* OID of column's source table */
AttrNumber resorigcol; /* column's number in source table */
bool resjunk; /* set to true to eliminate the attribute from
* final target list */
} TargetEntry;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* node types for join trees
* The leaves of a join tree structure are RangeTblRef nodes. Above
* these, JoinExpr nodes can appear to denote a specific kind of join
* or qualified join. Also, FromExpr nodes can appear to denote an
* ordinary cross-product join ("FROM foo, bar, baz WHERE ...").
* FromExpr is like a JoinExpr of jointype JOIN_INNER, except that it
* may have any number of child nodes, not just two.
* NOTE: the top level of a Query's jointree is always a FromExpr.
* Even if the jointree contains no rels, there will be a FromExpr.
* NOTE: the qualification expressions present in JoinExpr nodes are
* *in addition to* the query's main WHERE clause, which appears as the
* qual of the top-level FromExpr. The reason for associating quals with
* specific nodes in the jointree is that the position of a qual is critical
* when outer joins are present. (If we enforce a qual too soon or too late,
* that may cause the outer join to produce the wrong set of NULL-extended
* rows.) If all joins are inner joins then all the qual positions are
* semantically interchangeable.
* NOTE: in the raw output of gram.y, a join tree contains RangeVar,
* RangeSubselect, and RangeFunction nodes, which are all replaced by
* RangeTblRef nodes during the parse analysis phase. Also, the top-level
* FromExpr is added during parse analysis; the grammar regards FROM and
* WHERE as separate.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* RangeTblRef - reference to an entry in the query's rangetable
* We could use direct pointers to the RT entries and skip having these
* nodes, but multiple pointers to the same node in a querytree cause
* lots of headaches, so it seems better to store an index into the RT.
typedef struct RangeTblRef
NodeTag type;
int rtindex;
} RangeTblRef;
* JoinExpr - for SQL JOIN expressions
* isNatural, using, and quals are interdependent. The user can write only
* one of NATURAL, USING(), or ON() (this is enforced by the grammar).
* If he writes NATURAL then parse analysis generates the equivalent USING()
* list, and from that fills in "quals" with the right equality comparisons.
* If he writes USING() then "quals" is filled with equality comparisons.
* If he writes ON() then only "quals" is set. Note that NATURAL/USING
* are not equivalent to ON() since they also affect the output column list.
* alias is an Alias node representing the AS alias-clause attached to the
* join expression, or NULL if no clause. NB: presence or absence of the
* alias has a critical impact on semantics, because a join with an alias
* restricts visibility of the tables/columns inside it.
* During parse analysis, an RTE is created for the Join, and its index
* is filled into rtindex. This RTE is present mainly so that Vars can
* be created that refer to the outputs of the join. The planner sometimes
* generates JoinExprs internally; these can have rtindex = 0 if there are
* no join alias variables referencing such joins.
* CDB: When the planner flattens sublinks in the JOIN...ON clause, it may
* attach a list of RangeTblRef nodes ('subqfromlist') which are to be
* included in the cross product along with 'larg' and 'rarg'.
typedef struct JoinExpr
NodeTag type;
JoinType jointype; /* type of join */
bool isNatural; /* Natural join? Will need to shape table */
Node *larg; /* left subtree */
Node *rarg; /* right subtree */
List *usingClause; /* USING clause, if any (list of String) */
Node *quals; /* qualifiers on join, if any */
Alias *alias; /* user-written alias clause, if any */
int rtindex; /* RT index assigned for join */
List *subqfromlist; /* CDB: List of join subtrees resulting from
* flattening of sublinks */
} JoinExpr;
* FromExpr - represents a FROM ... WHERE ... construct
* This is both more flexible than a JoinExpr (it can have any number of
* children, including zero) and less so --- we don't need to deal with
* aliases and so on. The output column set is implicitly just the union
* of the outputs of the children.
typedef struct FromExpr
NodeTag type;
List *fromlist; /* List of join subtrees */
Node *quals; /* qualifiers on join, if any */
} FromExpr;
typedef enum Movement
MOVEMENT_NONE, /* No motion required. */
MOVEMENT_FOCUS, /* Fixed motion to a single segment. */
MOVEMENT_BROADCAST, /* Broadcast motion. */
MOVEMENT_LIM_RESTRUCT, /* Restructure a Limit node into three stages */
MOVEMENT_EXPLICIT /* Move tuples to the segments specified in the segid column */
} Movement;
* Flow - describes a tuple flow in a parallelized plan
* This node type is a MPP extension.
* Plan nodes contain a reference to a Flow that characterizes the output
* tuple flow of the node. In addition, the node contains fields used for
* parallelizing specification.
typedef struct Flow
NodeTag type; /* T_Flow */
FlowType flotype; /* Type of flow produced by the plan. */
/* What motion (including none) should be applied to this Plan's output. */
Movement req_move;
/* Locus type (optimizer flow characterization).
CdbLocusType locustype;
/* If flotype is FLOW_SINGLETON, then this is the segment (-1 for entry)
* on which tuples occur. If req_move is MOVEMENT_FOCUS, then this is
* the desired segment for the resulting singleton flow.
int segindex; /* Segment index of singleton flow. */
/* Sort specifications. */
int numSortCols; /* number of sort key columns */
AttrNumber *sortColIdx; /* their indexes in target list */
Oid *sortOperators; /* OID of operators to sort them by */
/* If req_move is MOVEMENT_REPARTITION, these express the desired
* partitioning for a hash motion. Else if flotype is FLOW_PARTITIONED,
* this is the partitioning key. Otherwise NIL.
* otherwise, they are NIL. */
List *hashExpr; /* list of hash expressions */
/* If req_move is MOVEMENT_EXPLICIT, this contains the index of the segid column
* to use in the motion */
AttrNumber segidColIdx;
/* The original Flow ptr is saved here upon setting req_move. */
struct Flow *flow_before_req_move;
} Flow;
typedef enum GroupingType
GROUPINGTYPE_ROLLUP, /* ROLLUP grouping extension */
GROUPINGTYPE_CUBE, /* CUBE grouping extension */
} GroupingType;
typedef enum WindowExclusion
WINDOW_EXCLUSION_CUR_ROW, /* exclude current row */
WINDOW_EXCLUSION_GROUP, /* exclude rows matching us */
WINDOW_EXCLUSION_TIES, /* exclude rows matching us, and current row */
WINDOW_EXCLUSION_NO_OTHERS /* don't exclude -- distinct from EMPTY so
* that we may dump */
} WindowExclusion;
typedef enum WindowBoundingKind
} WindowBoundingKind;
typedef struct WindowFrameEdge
NodeTag type;
WindowBoundingKind kind;
/* XXX: need to restrict to certain datatypes in order by */
Node *val; /* an actual value, if provided */
} WindowFrameEdge;
typedef struct WindowFrame
NodeTag type;
bool is_rows; /* true if ROWS was specificied, false if RANGE */
bool is_between; /* user specified BETWEEN */
* XXX: determine if trail and lead must be mentioned in that order
WindowFrameEdge *trail; /* trailing edge of the frame */
WindowFrameEdge *lead; /* leading edge of the frame */
WindowExclusion exclude; /* exclusion clause */
bool system_generated; /* frame was generated by the parser */
} WindowFrame;
/* ---------------
* WindowKey is an auxiliary node of the Window node (a Plan node). It
* represents one level of the potentially multi-level ordering key of
* the Window node. The ORDER BY key of the Nth WindowKey of a Window
* is the concatenation of the sort keys from WindowKeys 0 thru N.
* Note that, since a window key represents partial sort key, it may be
* empty. For example (ORDER BY a,b ROWS x) and (ORDER BY a,b ROWS y)
* would be represented by partial key (a,b) with framing ROWS x followed
* by partial key () with framing ROWS y.
* ---------------
typedef struct WindowKey
NodeTag type;
int numSortCols; /* may be zero, see note */
AttrNumber *sortColIdx;
Oid *sortOperators;
WindowFrame *frame; /* NULL or framing for WindowKey */
} WindowKey;
* PercKind
* Represent function type of PercentileExpr
typedef enum PercKind
} PercKind;
* PercentileExpr
* This represents expressions for percentile_cont, percentile_disc and median.
* They could be expressed as normal Aggref, but at present we are not able
* to change the catalog, so we introduce this dedicated node. As such, the node
* is treated as Aggref in any cases. Since we don't support Var in its
* argument, we don't need var-level field here.
typedef struct PercentileExpr
NodeTag type;
Oid perctype; /* result type */
List *args; /* list of argument expression */
PercKind perckind; /* type of percentile function */
List *sortClause; /* ORDER BY clause */
List *sortTargets; /* target list for ORDER BY clause */
Expr *pcExpr; /* peer count expression */
Expr *tcExpr; /* total count expression */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} PercentileExpr;
* DMLActionExpr
* Represents the expression which introduces the action in a SplitUpdate statement
typedef struct DMLActionExpr
Expr xpr;
} DMLActionExpr;
* PartOidExpr
* Represents the expression which holds a part oid in a PartitionSelector operator
typedef struct PartOidExpr
Expr xpr;
int level; /* partitioning level */
} PartOidExpr;
* PartDefaultExpr
* Represents the expression which determines whether this a part is a default part
typedef struct PartDefaultExpr
Expr xpr;
int level; /* partitioning level */
} PartDefaultExpr;
* PartBoundExpr
* Represents the expression which holds a part boundary in a PartitionSelector operator
typedef struct PartBoundExpr
Expr xpr;
int level; /* partitioning level */
Oid boundType; /* the return type of this boundary - same as part key */
bool isLowerBound; /* lower (min) or upper (max) bound */
} PartBoundExpr;
* PartBoundInclusionExpr
* Represents the expression which determines whether a part boundary is inclusive or not
* in a PartitionSelector operator
typedef struct PartBoundInclusionExpr
Expr xpr;
int level; /* partitioning level */
bool isLowerBound; /* lower (min) or upper (max) bound */
} PartBoundInclusionExpr;
* PartBoundOpenExpr
* Represents the expression which determines whether a part boundary is open (unbounded) or not
* in a PartitionSelector operator
typedef struct PartBoundOpenExpr
Expr xpr;
int level; /* partitioning level */
bool isLowerBound; /* lower (min) or upper (max) bound */
} PartBoundOpenExpr;
#endif /* PRIMNODES_H */