blob: 3cb01fcf4e20d9f892ec1e51467fbfeb6e068314 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* tlist.c
* Target list manipulation routines
* Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/util/tlist.c,v 1.73 2006/08/10 02:36:29 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
typedef struct maxSortGroupRef_context
Index maxsgr;
bool include_orderedagg;
} maxSortGroupRef_context;
bool maxSortGroupRef_walker(Node *node, maxSortGroupRef_context *cxt);
* Target list creation and searching utilities
* tlist_member
* Finds the (first) member of the given tlist whose expression is
* equal() to the given expression. Result is NULL if no such member.
TargetEntry *
tlist_member(Node *node, List *targetlist)
ListCell *temp;
foreach(temp, targetlist)
TargetEntry *tlentry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(temp);
Assert(IsA(tlentry, TargetEntry));
if (equal(node, tlentry->expr))
return tlentry;
return NULL;
* tlist_members
* Finds all members of the given tlist whose expression is
* equal() to the given expression. Result is NIL if no such member.
* Note: We do not make a copy of the tlist entries that match.
* The caller is responsible for cleaning up the memory allocated
* to the List returned.
List *
tlist_members(Node *node, List *targetlist)
List *tlist = NIL;
ListCell *temp = NULL;
foreach(temp, targetlist)
TargetEntry *tlentry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(temp);
Assert(IsA(tlentry, TargetEntry));
if (equal(node, tlentry->expr))
tlist = lappend(tlist, tlentry);
return tlist;
* tlist_member_ignoring_RelabelType
* Finds the (first) member of the given tlist whose expression is
* equal() to the given expression. Result is NULL if no such member.
* Disregards the presence or absence of a RelabelType node atop the
* given expression and/or the tlist expressions.
TargetEntry *
tlist_member_ignoring_RelabelType(Expr *expr, List *targetlist)
ListCell *temp;
if (IsA(expr, RelabelType))
expr = ((RelabelType *)expr)->arg;
foreach(temp, targetlist)
TargetEntry *tlentry = (TargetEntry *)lfirst(temp);
Expr *tlexpr = tlentry->expr;
Assert(IsA(tlentry, TargetEntry));
if (IsA(tlexpr, RelabelType))
tlexpr = ((RelabelType *)tlexpr)->arg;
if (equal(expr, tlexpr))
return tlentry;
return NULL;
} /* tlist_member_ignoring_RelabelType */
* flatten_tlist
* Create a target list that only contains unique variables.
* Note that Vars with varlevelsup > 0 are not included in the output
* tlist. We expect that those will eventually be replaced with Params,
* but that probably has not happened at the time this routine is called.
* 'tlist' is the current target list
* Returns the "flattened" new target list.
* The result is entirely new structure sharing no nodes with the original.
* Copying the Var nodes is probably overkill, but be safe for now.
List *
flatten_tlist(List *tlist)
List *vlist = pull_var_clause((Node *) tlist, false);
List *new_tlist;
new_tlist = add_to_flat_tlist(NIL, vlist, false /* resjunk */);
return new_tlist;
* add_to_flat_tlist
* Add more expressions to a flattened tlist (if they're not already in it)
* 'tlist' is the flattened tlist
* 'exprs' is a list of expression nodes
* Returns the extended tlist.
List *
add_to_flat_tlist(List *tlist, List *exprs, bool resjunk)
int next_resno = list_length(tlist) + 1;
ListCell *v;
foreach(v, exprs)
Expr *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(v);
if (!tlist_member_ignoring_RelabelType(expr, tlist))
TargetEntry *tle;
tle = makeTargetEntry(copyObject(expr), /* copy needed?? */
tlist = lappend(tlist, tle);
return tlist;
* get_sortgroupclause_tle
* Find the targetlist entry matching the given SortClause
* (or GroupClause) by ressortgroupref, and return it.
* Because GroupClause is typedef'd as SortClause, either kind of
* node can be passed without casting.
TargetEntry *
get_sortgroupclause_tle(SortClause *sortClause,
List *targetList)
Index refnumber = sortClause->tleSortGroupRef;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l);
if (tle->ressortgroupref == refnumber)
return tle;
elog(ERROR, "ORDER/GROUP BY expression not found in targetlist");
return NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
* get_sortgroupclauses_tles
* Find a list of unique targetlist entries matching the given list of
* SortClause, GroupClause, or GroupingClauses.
* In each grouping set, targets that do not appear in a GroupingClause
* will be put in the front of those that appear in a GroupingClauses.
* The targets within the same clause will be appended in the order
* of their appearance.
List *
get_sortgroupclauses_tles(List *clauses, List *targetList)
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *l;
List *sub_grouping_result = NIL;
foreach(l, clauses)
Node *node = lfirst(l);
if (node == NULL)
if (IsA(node, GroupClause) || IsA(node, SortClause))
TargetEntry *tle =
get_sortgroupclause_tle((SortClause*)node, targetList);
if (!list_member(result, tle))
result = lappend(result, tle);
else if (IsA(node, List))
result = list_concat_unique(result,
get_sortgroupclauses_tles((List *)node,
List *sub_list;
Assert (IsA(node, GroupingClause));
sub_list =
sub_grouping_result =
list_concat_unique(sub_grouping_result, sub_list);
/* Put GroupClauses before GroupingClauses. */
result = list_concat_unique(result, sub_grouping_result);
return result;
* get_sortgroupclause_expr
* Find the targetlist entry matching the given SortClause
* (or GroupClause) by ressortgroupref, and return its expression.
* Because GroupClause is typedef'd as SortClause, either kind of
* node can be passed without casting.
Node *
get_sortgroupclause_expr(SortClause *sortClause, List *targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = get_sortgroupclause_tle(sortClause, targetList);
return (Node *) tle->expr;
* get_sortgrouplist_exprs
* Given a list of SortClauses (or GroupClauses), build a list
* of the referenced targetlist expressions.
List *
get_sortgrouplist_exprs(List *sortClauses, List *targetList)
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, sortClauses)
SortClause *sortcl = (SortClause *) lfirst(l);
Node *sortexpr;
sortexpr = get_sortgroupclause_expr(sortcl, targetList);
result = lappend(result, sortexpr);
return result;
* get_grouplist_colidx
* Given a list of GroupClauses, build an array of the referenced
* targetlist resno. If numCols is not NULL, it is filled by the
* length of returned array. Results are allocated by palloc.
AttrNumber *
get_grouplist_colidx(List *groupClauses, List *targetList, int *numCols)
AttrNumber *result;
List *tles;
ListCell *l;
int i, len;
len = num_distcols_in_grouplist(groupClauses);
if (numCols)
*numCols = len;
if (len == 0)
return NULL;
result = (AttrNumber *) palloc(sizeof(AttrNumber) * len);
tles = get_sortgroupclauses_tles(groupClauses, targetList);
foreach_with_count (l, tles, i)
TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(l);
result[i] = tle->resno;
return result;
* get_grouplist_exprs
* Find a list of unique referenced targetlist expressions used in a given
* list of GroupClauses or a GroupingClauses.
* All expressions will appear in the same order as they appear in the
* given list of GroupClauses or a GroupingClauses.
* Note that the top-level empty sets will be removed here.
List *
get_grouplist_exprs(List *groupClauses, List *targetList)
List *result = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach (l, groupClauses)
Node *groupClause = lfirst(l);
if (groupClause == NULL)
Assert(IsA(groupClause, GroupClause) ||
IsA(groupClause, GroupingClause) ||
IsA(groupClause, List));
if (IsA(groupClause, GroupClause))
Node *expr = get_sortgroupclause_expr((GroupClause*)groupClause,
if (!list_member(result, expr))
result = lappend(result, expr);
else if (IsA(groupClause, List))
result = list_concat_unique(result,
get_grouplist_exprs((List *)groupClause, targetList));
result = list_concat_unique(result,
return result;
* Does tlist have same output datatypes as listed in colTypes?
* Resjunk columns are ignored if junkOK is true; otherwise presence of
* a resjunk column will always cause a 'false' result.
* Note: currently no callers care about comparing typmods.
tlist_same_datatypes(List *tlist, List *colTypes, bool junkOK)
ListCell *l;
ListCell *curColType = list_head(colTypes);
foreach(l, tlist)
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l);
if (tle->resjunk)
if (!junkOK)
return false;
if (curColType == NULL)
return false; /* tlist longer than colTypes */
if (exprType((Node *) tle->expr) != lfirst_oid(curColType))
return false;
curColType = lnext(curColType);
if (curColType != NULL)
return false; /* tlist shorter than colTypes */
return true;
* Return the largest sortgroupref value in use in the given
* target list.
* If include_orderedagg is false, consider only the top-level
* entries in the target list, i.e., those that might be occur
* in a groupClause, distinctClause, or sortClause of the Query
* node that immediately contains the target list.
* If include_orderedagg is true, also consider AggOrder entries
* embedded in Aggref nodes within the target list. Though
* such entries will only occur in the aggregation sub_tlist
* (input) they affect sortgroupref numbering for both sub_tlist
* and tlist (aggregate).
Index maxSortGroupRef(List *targetlist, bool include_orderedagg)
maxSortGroupRef_context context;
context.maxsgr = 0;
context.include_orderedagg = include_orderedagg;
if (targetlist != NIL)
if ( !IsA(targetlist, List) || !IsA(linitial(targetlist), TargetEntry ) )
elog(ERROR, "non-targetlist argument supplied");
maxSortGroupRef_walker((Node*)targetlist, &context);
return context.maxsgr;
bool maxSortGroupRef_walker(Node *node, maxSortGroupRef_context *cxt)
if ( node == NULL )
return false;
if ( IsA(node, TargetEntry) )
TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry*)node;
if ( tle->ressortgroupref > cxt->maxsgr )
cxt->maxsgr = tle->ressortgroupref;
return maxSortGroupRef_walker((Node*)tle->expr, cxt);
/* Aggref nodes don't nest, so we can treat them here without recurring
* further.
if ( IsA(node, Aggref) )
Aggref *ref = (Aggref*)node;
if ( ref->aggorder && cxt->include_orderedagg )
ListCell *lc;
AggOrder *aggorder = ref->aggorder;
foreach (lc, aggorder->sortClause)
SortClause *sort = (SortClause *)lfirst(lc);
Assert(IsA(sort, SortClause));
Assert( sort->tleSortGroupRef != 0 );
if (sort->tleSortGroupRef > cxt->maxsgr )
cxt->maxsgr = sort->tleSortGroupRef;
return false;
return expression_tree_walker(node, maxSortGroupRef_walker, cxt);
* Returns the width of the row by traversing through the
* target list and adding up the width of each target entry.
int get_row_width(List *tlist)
int width = 0;
ListCell *plc = NULL;
foreach(plc, tlist)
TargetEntry *pte = (TargetEntry*) lfirst(plc);
Expr *pexpr = pte->expr;
Assert(NULL != pexpr);
Oid oidType = exprType( (Node *) pexpr);
int32 iTypmod = exprTypmod( (Node *) pexpr);
width += get_typavgwidth(oidType, iTypmod);
return width;
* insist_target_lists_aligned
* Check that two target lists have the same number and type of entries
insist_target_lists_aligned(List *tlistFst, List *tlistSnd)
Assert(list_length(tlistFst) == list_length(tlistSnd));
ListCell *lcFst = NULL;
ListCell *lcSnd = NULL;
forboth (lcFst, tlistFst, lcSnd, tlistSnd)
TargetEntry *teFst = lfirst(lcFst);
TargetEntry *teSnd = lfirst(lcSnd);
Insist(exprType((Node*) teFst->expr) == exprType((Node *) teSnd->expr));