blob: 9e3da25d7fda3161500e7c4f3942382c2408f6f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* subselect.c
* Planning routines for subselects and parameters.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/subselect.c,v 2007/07/18 21:41:14 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "catalog/gp_policy.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
#include "optimizer/planner.h"
#include "optimizer/subselect.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parse_relation.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/cdbmutate.h"
typedef struct convert_testexpr_context
PlannerInfo *root;
int rtindex; /* RT index for Vars, or 0 for Params */
List *righthandIds; /* accumulated list of Vars or Param IDs */
List *sub_tlist; /* subselect targetlist (if given) */
} convert_testexpr_context;
typedef struct process_sublinks_context
PlannerInfo *root;
bool isTopQual;
} process_sublinks_context;
typedef struct finalize_primnode_context
PlannerInfo *root;
Bitmapset *paramids; /* Set of PARAM_EXEC paramids found */
Bitmapset *outer_params; /* Set of accessible outer paramids */
} finalize_primnode_context;
static Node *build_subplan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan, List *rtable,
SubLinkType subLinkType, Node *testexpr,
bool unknownEqFalse);
static Node *convert_testexpr_mutator(Node *node,
convert_testexpr_context *context);
static bool subplan_is_hashable(Plan *plan, PlannerInfo *root);
static bool testexpr_is_hashable(Node *testexpr);
static bool hash_ok_operator(OpExpr *expr);
static Node *replace_correlation_vars_mutator(Node *node, PlannerInfo *root);
static Node *process_sublinks_mutator(Node *node, process_sublinks_context *context);
static Bitmapset *finalize_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan, List *rtable,
Bitmapset *outer_params,
Bitmapset *valid_params);
static bool finalize_primnode(Node *node, finalize_primnode_context *context);
extern double global_work_mem(PlannerInfo *root);
* Generate a Param node to replace the given Var,
* which is expected to have varlevelsup > 0 (ie, it is not local).
static Param *
replace_outer_var(PlannerInfo *root, Var *var)
Param *retval;
ListCell *ppl;
PlannerParamItem *pitem;
Index abslevel;
int i;
Assert(var->varlevelsup > 0 && var->varlevelsup < root->query_level);
abslevel = root->query_level - var->varlevelsup;
* If there's already a paramlist entry for this same Var, just use it.
* NOTE: in sufficiently complex querytrees, it is possible for the same
* varno/abslevel to refer to different RTEs in different parts of the
* parsetree, so that different fields might end up sharing the same Param
* number. As long as we check the vartype/typmod as well, I believe that
* this sort of aliasing will cause no trouble. The correct field should
* get stored into the Param slot at execution in each part of the tree.
* We need to demand a match on vartypmod. This does not matter for the
* Param itself, since those are not typmod-dependent, but it does matter
* when make_subplan() instantiates a modified copy of the Var for a
* subplan's args list.
i = 0;
foreach(ppl, root->glob->paramlist)
pitem = (PlannerParamItem *) lfirst(ppl);
if (pitem->abslevel == abslevel && IsA(pitem->item, Var))
Var *pvar = (Var *) pitem->item;
if (pvar->varno == var->varno &&
pvar->varattno == var->varattno &&
pvar->vartype == var->vartype &&
pvar->vartypmod == var->vartypmod)
if (!ppl)
/* Nope, so make a new one */
var = (Var *) copyObject(var);
var->varlevelsup = 0;
pitem = makeNode(PlannerParamItem);
pitem->item = (Node *) var;
pitem->abslevel = abslevel;
root->glob->paramlist = lappend(root->glob->paramlist, pitem);
/* i is already the correct index for the new item */
retval = makeNode(Param);
retval->paramkind = PARAM_EXEC;
retval->paramid = i;
retval->paramtype = var->vartype;
retval->paramtypmod = var->vartypmod;
retval->location = -1;
return retval;
* Generate a Param node to replace the given Aggref
* which is expected to have agglevelsup > 0 (ie, it is not local).
static Param *
replace_outer_agg(PlannerInfo *root, Aggref *agg)
Param *retval;
PlannerParamItem *pitem;
Index abslevel;
int i;
Assert(agg->agglevelsup > 0 && agg->agglevelsup < root->query_level);
abslevel = root->query_level - agg->agglevelsup;
* It does not seem worthwhile to try to match duplicate outer aggs. Just
* make a new slot every time.
agg = (Aggref *) copyObject(agg);
IncrementVarSublevelsUp((Node *) agg, -((int) agg->agglevelsup), 0);
Assert(agg->agglevelsup == 0);
pitem = makeNode(PlannerParamItem);
pitem->item = (Node *) agg;
pitem->abslevel = abslevel;
root->glob->paramlist = lappend(root->glob->paramlist, pitem);
i = list_length(root->glob->paramlist) - 1;
retval = makeNode(Param);
retval->paramkind = PARAM_EXEC;
retval->paramid = i;
retval->paramtype = agg->aggtype;
retval->paramtypmod = -1;
retval->location = -1;
return retval;
* Generate a new Param node that will not conflict with any other.
* This is used to allocate PARAM_EXEC slots for subplan outputs.
static Param *
generate_new_param(PlannerInfo *root, Oid paramtype, int32 paramtypmod)
Param *retval;
PlannerParamItem *pitem;
retval = makeNode(Param);
retval->paramkind = PARAM_EXEC;
retval->paramid = list_length(root->glob->paramlist);
retval->paramtype = paramtype;
retval->paramtypmod = paramtypmod;
retval->location = -1;
pitem = makeNode(PlannerParamItem);
pitem->item = (Node *) retval;
pitem->abslevel = root->query_level;
root->glob->paramlist = lappend(root->glob->paramlist, pitem);
return retval;
* Get the datatype of the first column of the plan's output.
* This is stored for ARRAY_SUBLINK execution and for exprType()/exprTypmod(),
* which have no way to get at the plan associated with a SubPlan node.
* We really only need the info for EXPR_SUBLINK and ARRAY_SUBLINK subplans,
* but for consistency we save it always.
static void
get_first_col_type(Plan *plan, Oid *coltype, int32 *coltypmod)
/* In cases such as EXISTS, tlist might be empty; arbitrarily use VOID */
if (plan->targetlist)
TargetEntry *tent = (TargetEntry *) linitial(plan->targetlist);
Assert(IsA(tent, TargetEntry));
if (!tent->resjunk)
*coltype = exprType((Node *) tent->expr);
*coltypmod = exprTypmod((Node *) tent->expr);
*coltype = VOIDOID;
*coltypmod = -1;
* Returns true if query refers to a distributed table.
static bool QueryHasDistributedRelation(Query *q)
ListCell *rt = NULL;
foreach(rt, q->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);
if (rte->relid != InvalidOid
&& rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
GpPolicy *policy = GpPolicyFetch(CurrentMemoryContext, rte->relid);
bool result = (policy->ptype == POLICYTYPE_PARTITIONED);
if (result)
return true;
return false;
typedef struct CorrelatedVarWalkerContext
int maxLevelsUp;
} CorrelatedVarWalkerContext;
* Walker finds the deepest correlation nesting i.e. maximum levelsup among all
* vars in subquery.
static bool CorrelatedVarWalker(Node *node, CorrelatedVarWalkerContext *ctx)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
else if (IsA(node, Var))
Var * v = (Var *) node;
if (v->varlevelsup > ctx->maxLevelsUp)
ctx->maxLevelsUp = v->varlevelsup;
return false;
else if (IsA(node, Query))
return query_tree_walker((Query *) node, CorrelatedVarWalker, ctx, 0 /* flags */);
return expression_tree_walker(node, CorrelatedVarWalker, ctx);
* Returns true if subquery is correlated
bool IsSubqueryCorrelated(Query *sq)
CorrelatedVarWalkerContext ctx;
ctx.maxLevelsUp = 0;
CorrelatedVarWalker((Node *) sq, &ctx);
return (ctx.maxLevelsUp > 0);
* Returns true if subquery contains references to more than its immediate outer query.
bool IsSubqueryMultiLevelCorrelated(Query *sq)
CorrelatedVarWalkerContext ctx;
ctx.maxLevelsUp = 0;
CorrelatedVarWalker((Node *) sq, &ctx);
return (ctx.maxLevelsUp > 1);
* Convert a SubLink (as created by the parser) into a SubPlan.
* We are given the SubLink's contained query, type, and testexpr. We are
* also told if this expression appears at top level of a WHERE/HAVING qual.
* Note: we assume that the testexpr has been AND/OR flattened (actually,
* it's been through eval_const_expressions), but not converted to
* implicit-AND form; and any SubLinks in it should already have been
* converted to SubPlans. The subquery is as yet untouched, however.
* The result is whatever we need to substitute in place of the SubLink
* node in the executable expression. This will be either the SubPlan
* node (if we have to do the subplan as a subplan), or a Param node
* representing the result of an InitPlan, or a row comparison expression
* tree containing InitPlan Param nodes.
static Node *
make_subplan(PlannerInfo *root, Query *orig_subquery, SubLinkType subLinkType,
Node *testexpr, bool isTopQual)
Query *subquery = NULL;
double tuple_fraction = 1.0;
bool hasResource = (root->glob->resource != NULL);
* Copy the source Query node. This is a quick and dirty kluge to resolve
* the fact that the parser can generate trees with multiple links to the
* same sub-Query node, but the planner wants to scribble on the Query.
* Try to clean this up when we do querytree redesign...
subquery = (Query *) copyObject(orig_subquery);
* For an EXISTS subplan, tell lower-level planner to expect that only the
* first tuple will be retrieved. For ALL and ANY subplans, we will be
* able to stop evaluating if the test condition fails, so very often not
* all the tuples will be retrieved; for lack of a better idea, specify
* 50% retrieval. For EXPR and ROWCOMPARE subplans, use default behavior
* (we're only expecting one row out, anyway).
* NOTE: if you change these numbers, also change cost_qual_eval_walker()
* in path/costsize.c.
* XXX If an ALL/ANY subplan is uncorrelated, we may decide to hash or
* materialize its result below. In that case it would've been better to
* specify full retrieval. At present, however, we can only detect
* correlation or lack of it after we've made the subplan :-(. Perhaps
* detection of correlation should be done as a separate step. Meanwhile,
* we don't want to be too optimistic about the percentage of tuples
* retrieved, for fear of selecting a plan that's bad for the
* materialization case.
if (subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK)
tuple_fraction = 1.0; /* just like a LIMIT 1 */
else if (subLinkType == ALL_SUBLINK ||
subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK)
tuple_fraction = 0.5; /* 50% */
tuple_fraction = 0.0; /* default behavior */
PlannerConfig *config = CopyPlannerConfig(root->config);
if ((Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
&& IsSubqueryMultiLevelCorrelated(subquery)
&& QueryHasDistributedRelation(subquery))
if (hasResource)
elog(ERROR, "correlated subquery with skip-level correlations is not supported");
if ((Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
&& IsSubqueryCorrelated(subquery)
&& QueryHasDistributedRelation(subquery))
* Generate the plan for the subquery with certain options disabled.
config->gp_enable_direct_dispatch = false;
config->gp_enable_multiphase_agg = false;
* Only create subplans with sequential scans
config->enable_indexscan = false;
config->enable_bitmapscan = false;
config->enable_tidscan = false;
config->enable_seqscan = true;
if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
config->gp_cte_sharing = IsSubqueryCorrelated(subquery) ||
!(subLinkType == ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK ||
subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK ||
subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK ||
subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK);
PlannerInfo *subroot = NULL;
Plan *plan = subquery_planner(root->glob, subquery,
/* And convert to SubPlan or InitPlan format. */
Node *result = build_subplan(root,
return result;
* Build a SubPlan node given the raw inputs --- subroutine for make_subplan
* Returns either the SubPlan, or an expression using initplan output Params,
* as explained in the comments for make_subplan.
static Node *
build_subplan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan, List *rtable,
SubLinkType subLinkType, Node *testexpr,
bool unknownEqFalse)
Node *result;
SubPlan *splan;
Bitmapset *tmpset;
int paramid;
* Initialize the SubPlan node. Note plan_id, plan_name, and cost fields
* are set further down.
splan = makeNode(SubPlan);
splan->subLinkType = subLinkType;
splan->qDispSliceId = 0; /*CDB*/
splan->testexpr = NULL;
splan->paramIds = NIL;
get_first_col_type(plan, &splan->firstColType, &splan->firstColTypmod);
splan->useHashTable = false;
splan->unknownEqFalse = unknownEqFalse;
splan->is_initplan = false;
splan->is_multirow = false;
splan->is_parallelized = false;
splan->setParam = NIL;
splan->parParam = NIL;
splan->args = NIL;
* Make parParam and args lists of param IDs and expressions that current
* query level will pass to this child plan.
tmpset = bms_copy(plan->extParam);
while ((paramid = bms_first_member(tmpset)) >= 0)
PlannerParamItem *pitem = list_nth(root->glob->paramlist, paramid);
if (pitem->abslevel == root->query_level)
splan->parParam = lappend_int(splan->parParam, paramid);
* The Var or Aggref has already been adjusted to have the correct
* varlevelsup or agglevelsup. We probably don't even need to
* copy it again, but be safe.
splan->args = lappend(splan->args, copyObject(pitem->item));
* Un-correlated or undirect correlated plans of EXISTS, EXPR, ARRAY, or
* ROWCOMPARE types can be used as initPlans. For EXISTS, EXPR, or ARRAY,
* we just produce a Param referring to the result of evaluating the
* initPlan. For ROWCOMPARE, we must modify the testexpr tree to contain
* PARAM_EXEC Params instead of the PARAM_SUBLINK Params emitted by the
* parser.
if (splan->parParam == NIL && subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
Param *prm;
Assert(testexpr == NULL);
prm = generate_new_param(root, BOOLOID, -1);
splan->setParam = list_make1_int(prm->paramid);
splan->is_initplan = true;
result = (Node *) prm;
else if (splan->parParam == NIL && subLinkType == EXPR_SUBLINK && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
TargetEntry *te = linitial(plan->targetlist);
Param *prm;
Assert(testexpr == NULL);
prm = generate_new_param(root,
exprType((Node *) te->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) te->expr));
splan->setParam = list_make1_int(prm->paramid);
splan->is_initplan = true;
result = (Node *) prm;
else if (splan->parParam == NIL && subLinkType == ARRAY_SUBLINK && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
TargetEntry *te = linitial(plan->targetlist);
Oid arraytype;
Param *prm;
Assert(testexpr == NULL);
arraytype = get_array_type(exprType((Node *) te->expr));
if (!OidIsValid(arraytype))
elog(ERROR, "could not find array type for datatype %s",
format_type_be(exprType((Node *) te->expr)));
prm = generate_new_param(root,
exprTypmod((Node *) te->expr));
splan->setParam = list_make1_int(prm->paramid);
splan->is_initplan = true;
result = (Node *) prm;
else if (splan->parParam == NIL && subLinkType == ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK && Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH)
/* Adjust the Params */
result = convert_testexpr(root,
splan->setParam = list_copy(splan->paramIds);
splan->is_initplan = true;
* The executable expression is returned to become part of the outer
* plan's expression tree; it is not kept in the initplan node.
splan->is_multirow = true; /* CDB: take note. */
* We can't convert subplans of ALL_SUBLINK or ANY_SUBLINK types to
* initPlans, even when they are uncorrelated or undirect correlated,
* because we need to scan the output of the subplan for each outer
* tuple. But if it's a not-direct-correlated IN (= ANY) test, we
* might be able to use a hashtable to avoid comparing all the tuples.
* TODO siva - I believe we should've pulled these up to be NL joins.
* We may want to assert that this is never exercised.
if (subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK &&
splan->parParam == NIL &&
subplan_is_hashable(plan, root) &&
splan->useHashTable = true;
* Adjust the Params in the testexpr.
splan->testexpr = convert_testexpr(root,
result = (Node *) splan;
/* This cannot be an initplan because it is multi-row */
splan->is_initplan = false;
AssertEquivalent(splan->is_initplan, !splan->is_multirow && splan->parParam == NIL);
* Add the subplan and its rtable to the global lists.
root->glob->subplans = lappend(root->glob->subplans, plan);
root->glob->subrtables = lappend(root->glob->subrtables, rtable);
splan->plan_id = list_length(root->glob->subplans); /* instead of old PlannerPlanId */
if (splan->is_initplan)
root->init_plans = lappend(root->init_plans, splan);
/* Label the subplan for EXPLAIN purposes */
if (splan->is_initplan)
ListCell *lc;
StringInfo buf = makeStringInfo();
appendStringInfo(buf, "InitPlan %d (returns ", splan->plan_id);
foreach(lc, splan->setParam)
appendStringInfo(buf, "$%d%s",
lnext(lc) ? "," : "");
appendStringInfoString(buf, ")");
splan->plan_name = pstrdup(buf->data);
buf = NULL;
StringInfo buf = makeStringInfo();
appendStringInfo(buf, "SubPlan %d", splan->plan_id);
splan->plan_name = pstrdup(buf->data);
buf = NULL;
/* NB PostgreSQL calculates subplan cost here, but GPDB does it elsewhere. */
return result;
* convert_testexpr: convert the testexpr given by the parser into
* actually executable form. This entails replacing PARAM_SUBLINK Params
* with Params or Vars representing the results of the sub-select:
* If rtindex is 0, we build Params to represent the sub-select outputs.
* The paramids of the Params created are returned in the *righthandIds list.
* If rtindex is not 0, we build Vars using that rtindex as varno. Copies
* of the Var nodes are returned in *righthandIds (this is a bit of a type
* cheat, but we can get away with it).
* The subquery targetlist need be supplied only if rtindex is not 0.
* We consult it to extract the correct typmods for the created Vars.
* (XXX this is a kluge that could go away if Params carried typmod.)
* The given testexpr has already been recursively processed by
* process_sublinks_mutator. Hence it can no longer contain any
* PARAM_SUBLINK Params for lower SubLink nodes; we can safely assume that
* any we find are for our own level of SubLink.
Node *
convert_testexpr(PlannerInfo *root, Node *testexpr,
int rtindex,
List **righthandIds,
List *sub_tlist)
Node *result;
convert_testexpr_context context;
context.root = root;
context.rtindex = rtindex;
context.righthandIds = NIL;
context.sub_tlist = sub_tlist;
result = convert_testexpr_mutator(testexpr, &context);
*righthandIds = context.righthandIds;
return result;
static Node *
convert_testexpr_mutator(Node *node,
convert_testexpr_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
if (IsA(node, Param))
Param *param = (Param *) node;
if (param->paramkind == PARAM_SUBLINK)
* We expect to encounter the Params in column-number sequence. We
* could handle non-sequential order if necessary, but for now
* there's no need. (This is also a useful cross-check that we
* aren't finding any unexpected Params.)
if (param->paramid != list_length(context->righthandIds) + 1)
elog(ERROR, "unexpected PARAM_SUBLINK ID: %d", param->paramid);
if (context->rtindex)
/* Make the Var node representing the subplan's result */
Var *newvar;
* XXX kluge: since Params don't carry typmod, we have to
* look into the subquery targetlist to find out the right
* typmod to assign to the Var.
TargetEntry *ste = get_tle_by_resno(context->sub_tlist,
if (ste == NULL || ste->resjunk)
elog(ERROR, "subquery output %d not found",
Assert(param->paramtype == exprType((Node *) ste->expr));
newvar = makeVar(context->rtindex,
exprTypmod((Node *) ste->expr),
* Copy it for caller. NB: we need a copy to avoid having
* doubly-linked substructure in the modified parse tree.
context->righthandIds = lappend(context->righthandIds,
return (Node *) newvar;
/* Make the Param node representing the subplan's result */
Param *newparam;
newparam = generate_new_param(context->root, param->paramtype, -1);
/* Record its ID */
context->righthandIds = lappend_int(context->righthandIds,
return (Node *) newparam;
return expression_tree_mutator(node,
(void *) context);
* subplan_is_hashable: can we implement an ANY subplan by hashing?
static bool
subplan_is_hashable(Plan *plan, PlannerInfo *root)
double subquery_size;
* The estimated size of the subquery result must fit in work_mem. (Note:
* we use sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData) here even though the tuples will
* actually be stored as MinimalTuples; this provides some fudge factor
* for hashtable overhead.)
subquery_size = plan->plan_rows *
(MAXALIGN(plan->plan_width) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(HeapTupleHeaderData)));
if (subquery_size > global_work_mem(root))
return false;
return true;
* testexpr_is_hashable: is an ANY SubLink's test expression hashable?
static bool
testexpr_is_hashable(Node *testexpr)
* The testexpr must be a single OpExpr, or an AND-clause containing
* only OpExprs.
* The combining operators must be hashable and strict. The need for
* hashability is obvious, since we want to use hashing. Without
* strictness, behavior in the presence of nulls is too unpredictable. We
* actually must assume even more than plain strictness: they can't yield
* NULL for non-null inputs, either (see nodeSubplan.c). However, hash
* indexes and hash joins assume that too.
if (testexpr && IsA(testexpr, OpExpr))
if (hash_ok_operator((OpExpr *) testexpr))
return true;
else if (and_clause(testexpr))
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, ((BoolExpr *) testexpr)->args)
Node *andarg = (Node *) lfirst(l);
if (!IsA(andarg, OpExpr))
return false;
if (!hash_ok_operator((OpExpr *) andarg))
return false;
return true;
return false;
static bool
hash_ok_operator(OpExpr *expr)
Oid opid = expr->opno;
HeapTuple tup;
Form_pg_operator optup;
tup = SearchSysCache(OPEROID,
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for operator %u", opid);
optup = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup);
if (!optup->oprcanhash || optup->oprcom != opid ||
return false;
return true;
* convert_IN_to_join: can we convert an IN SubLink to join style?
* CDB: This function has been moved into cdbsubselect.c.
* Replace correlation vars (uplevel vars) with Params.
* Uplevel aggregates are replaced, too.
* Note: it is critical that this runs immediately after SS_process_sublinks.
* Since we do not recurse into the arguments of uplevel aggregates, they will
* get copied to the appropriate subplan args list in the parent query with
* uplevel vars not replaced by Params, but only adjusted in level (see
* replace_outer_agg). That's exactly what we want for the vars of the parent
* level --- but if an aggregate's argument contains any further-up variables,
* they have to be replaced with Params in their turn. That will happen when
* the parent level runs SS_replace_correlation_vars. Therefore it must do
* so after expanding its sublinks to subplans. And we don't want any steps
* in between, else those steps would never get applied to the aggregate
* argument expressions, either in the parent or the child level.
Node *
SS_replace_correlation_vars(PlannerInfo *root, Node *expr)
/* No setup needed for tree walk, so away we go */
return replace_correlation_vars_mutator(expr, root);
static Node *
replace_correlation_vars_mutator(Node *node, PlannerInfo *root)
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
if (IsA(node, Var))
if (((Var *) node)->varlevelsup > 0)
return (Node *) replace_outer_var(root, (Var *) node);
if (IsA(node, Aggref))
if (((Aggref *) node)->agglevelsup > 0)
return (Node *) replace_outer_agg(root, (Aggref *) node);
return expression_tree_mutator(node,
* Expand SubLinks to SubPlans in the given expression.
* The isQual argument tells whether or not this expression is a WHERE/HAVING
* qualifier expression. If it is, any sublinks appearing at top level need
* not distinguish FALSE from UNKNOWN return values.
Node *
SS_process_sublinks(PlannerInfo *root, Node *expr, bool isQual)
process_sublinks_context context;
context.root = root;
context.isTopQual = isQual;
return process_sublinks_mutator(expr, &context);
static Node *
process_sublinks_mutator(Node *node, process_sublinks_context *context)
process_sublinks_context locContext;
locContext.root = context->root;
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;
if (IsA(node, SubLink))
SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) node;
Node *testexpr;
* First, recursively process the lefthand-side expressions, if any.
* They're not top-level anymore.
locContext.isTopQual = false;
testexpr = process_sublinks_mutator(sublink->testexpr, &locContext);
* Now build the SubPlan node and make the expr to return.
return make_subplan(context->root,
(Query *) sublink->subselect,
* We should never see a SubPlan expression in the input (since this is
* the very routine that creates 'em to begin with). We shouldn't find
* ourselves invoked directly on a Query, either.
Assert(!IsA(node, Query));
* Because make_subplan() could return an AND or OR clause, we have to
* take steps to preserve AND/OR flatness of a qual. We assume the input
* has been AND/OR flattened and so we need no recursion here.
* If we recurse down through anything other than an AND node, we are
* definitely not at top qual level anymore. (Due to the coding here, we
* will not get called on the List subnodes of an AND, so no check is
* needed for List.)
if (and_clause(node))
List *newargs = NIL;
ListCell *l;
/* Still at qual top-level */
locContext.isTopQual = context->isTopQual;
foreach(l, ((BoolExpr *) node)->args)
Node *newarg;
newarg = process_sublinks_mutator(lfirst(l), &locContext);
if (and_clause(newarg))
newargs = list_concat(newargs, ((BoolExpr *) newarg)->args);
newargs = lappend(newargs, newarg);
return (Node *) make_andclause(newargs);
/* otherwise not at qual top-level */
locContext.isTopQual = false;
if (or_clause(node))
List *newargs = NIL;
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, ((BoolExpr *) node)->args)
Node *newarg;
newarg = process_sublinks_mutator(lfirst(l), &locContext);
if (or_clause(newarg))
newargs = list_concat(newargs, ((BoolExpr *) newarg)->args);
newargs = lappend(newargs, newarg);
return (Node *) make_orclause(newargs);
return expression_tree_mutator(node,
(void *) &locContext);
* SS_finalize_plan - do final sublink processing for a completed Plan.
* Input:
* root - PlannerInfo structure that is necessary for walking the tree
* rtable - list of rangetable entries to look at for relids
* attach_initplans - attach all initplans to the top plan node from root
* Output:
* plan->extParam and plan->allParam - attach params to top of the plan
SS_finalize_plan(PlannerInfo *root, List *rtable, Plan *plan, bool attach_initplans)
Bitmapset *outer_params,
Cost initplan_cost;
int paramid;
ListCell *l;
* First, scan the param list to discover the sets of params that are
* available from outer query levels and my own query level. We do this
* once to save time in the per-plan recursion steps.
outer_params = valid_params = NULL;
paramid = 0;
foreach(l, root->glob->paramlist)
PlannerParamItem *pitem = (PlannerParamItem *) lfirst(l);
AssertImply(IsA(pitem->item, Param), ((Param *) pitem->item)->paramid == paramid);
valid_params = bms_add_member(valid_params, paramid);
if (pitem->abslevel <= root->query_level)
/* valid outer-level parameter */
outer_params = bms_add_member(outer_params, paramid);
* Now recurse through plan tree.
(void) finalize_plan(root, plan, rtable,
outer_params, valid_params);
* Finally, attach any initPlans to the topmost plan node, and add their
* extParams to the topmost node's, too. However, any setParams of the
* initPlans should not be present in the topmost node's extParams, only
* in its allParams. (As of PG 8.1, it's possible that some initPlans
* have extParams that are setParams of other initPlans, so we have to
* take care of this situation explicitly.)
* We also add the total_cost of each initPlan to the startup cost of the
* top node. This is a conservative overestimate, since in fact each
* initPlan might be executed later than plan startup, or even not at all.
if (attach_initplans)
plan->initPlan = root->init_plans;
root->init_plans = NIL; /* make sure they're not attached twice */
initExtParam = initSetParam = NULL;
initplan_cost = 0;
foreach(l, plan->initPlan)
SubPlan *initplan = (SubPlan *) lfirst(l);
Plan *subplan_plan = planner_subplan_get_plan(root, initplan);
ListCell *l2;
initExtParam = bms_add_members(initExtParam, subplan_plan->extParam);
foreach(l2, initplan->setParam)
initSetParam = bms_add_member(initSetParam, lfirst_int(l2));
initplan_cost += subplan_plan->total_cost;
/* allParam must include all these params */
plan->allParam = bms_add_members(plan->allParam, initExtParam);
plan->allParam = bms_add_members(plan->allParam, initSetParam);
/* but extParam shouldn't include any setParams */
initExtParam = bms_del_members(initExtParam, initSetParam);
/* empty test ensures extParam is exactly NULL if it's empty */
if (!bms_is_empty(initExtParam))
plan->extParam = bms_join(plan->extParam, initExtParam);
plan->startup_cost += initplan_cost;
plan->total_cost += initplan_cost;
* Recursive processing of all nodes in the plan tree
* The return value is the computed allParam set for the given Plan node.
* This is just an internal notational convenience.
static Bitmapset *
finalize_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan, List *rtable,
Bitmapset *outer_params, Bitmapset *valid_params)
finalize_primnode_context context;
if (plan == NULL)
return NULL;
context.root = root;
context.paramids = NULL; /* initialize set to empty */
context.outer_params = outer_params;
* When we call finalize_primnode, context.paramids sets are automatically
* merged together. But when recursing to self, we have to do it the hard
* way. We want the paramids set to include params in subplans as well as
* at this level.
/* Find params in targetlist and qual */
finalize_primnode((Node *) plan->targetlist, &context);
finalize_primnode((Node *) plan->qual, &context);
/* Check additional node-type-specific fields */
switch (nodeTag(plan))
case T_Result:
finalize_primnode(((Result *) plan)->resconstantqual,
case T_IndexScan:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((IndexScan *) plan)->indexqual,
* we need not look at indexqualorig, since it will have the same
* param references as indexqual.
case T_BitmapIndexScan:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((BitmapIndexScan *) plan)->indexqual,
* we need not look at indexqualorig, since it will have the same
* param references as indexqual.
case T_BitmapHeapScan:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((BitmapHeapScan *) plan)->bitmapqualorig,
case T_BitmapAppendOnlyScan:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((BitmapAppendOnlyScan *) plan)->bitmapqualorig,
case T_BitmapTableScan:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((BitmapTableScan *) plan)->bitmapqualorig,
case T_TidScan:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((TidScan *) plan)->tidquals,
case T_SubqueryScan:
* In a SubqueryScan, SS_finalize_plan has already been run on the
* subplan by the inner invocation of subquery_planner, so there's
* no need to do it again. Instead, just pull out the subplan's
* extParams list, which represents the params it needs from my
* level and higher levels.
context.paramids = bms_add_members(context.paramids,
((SubqueryScan *) plan)->subplan->extParam);
case T_TableFunctionScan:
RangeTblEntry *rte;
rte = rt_fetch(((TableFunctionScan *) plan)->scan.scanrelid,
Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_TABLEFUNCTION);
finalize_primnode(rte->funcexpr, &context);
case T_FunctionScan:
RangeTblEntry *rte;
rte = rt_fetch(((FunctionScan *) plan)->scan.scanrelid,
Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION);
finalize_primnode(rte->funcexpr, &context);
case T_ValuesScan:
RangeTblEntry *rte;
rte = rt_fetch(((ValuesScan *) plan)->scan.scanrelid,
Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES);
finalize_primnode((Node *) rte->values_lists, &context);
case T_Append:
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, ((Append *) plan)->appendplans)
context.paramids =
(Plan *) lfirst(l),
case T_BitmapAnd:
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, ((BitmapAnd *) plan)->bitmapplans)
context.paramids =
(Plan *) lfirst(l),
case T_BitmapOr:
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, ((BitmapOr *) plan)->bitmapplans)
context.paramids =
(Plan *) lfirst(l),
case T_NestLoop:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((Join *) plan)->joinqual,
case T_MergeJoin:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((Join *) plan)->joinqual,
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((MergeJoin *) plan)->mergeclauses,
case T_HashJoin:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((Join *) plan)->joinqual,
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((HashJoin *) plan)->hashclauses,
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((HashJoin *) plan)->hashqualclauses,
case T_Motion:
finalize_primnode((Node *) ((Motion *) plan)->hashExpr,
case T_Limit:
finalize_primnode(((Limit *) plan)->limitOffset,
finalize_primnode(((Limit *) plan)->limitCount,
case T_Hash:
case T_Agg:
case T_Window:
case T_SeqScan:
case T_AppendOnlyScan:
case T_ParquetScan:
case T_ExternalScan:
case T_Material:
case T_Sort:
case T_ShareInputScan:
case T_Unique:
case T_SetOp:
case T_Repeat:
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
(int) nodeTag(plan));
/* Process left and right child plans, if any */
context.paramids = bms_add_members(context.paramids,
context.paramids = bms_add_members(context.paramids,
/* Now we have all the paramids */
if (!bms_is_subset(context.paramids, valid_params))
elog(ERROR, "plan should not reference subplan's variable");
plan->extParam = bms_intersect(context.paramids, outer_params);
plan->allParam = context.paramids;
* For speed at execution time, make sure extParam/allParam are actually
* NULL if they are empty sets.
if (bms_is_empty(plan->extParam))
plan->extParam = NULL;
if (bms_is_empty(plan->allParam))
plan->allParam = NULL;
return plan->allParam;
* finalize_primnode: add IDs of all PARAM_EXEC params appearing in the given
* expression tree to the result set.
static bool
finalize_primnode(Node *node, finalize_primnode_context *context)
if (node == NULL)
return false;
if (IsA(node, Param))
if (((Param *) node)->paramkind == PARAM_EXEC)
int paramid = ((Param *) node)->paramid;
context->paramids = bms_add_member(context->paramids, paramid);
return false; /* no more to do here */
if (is_subplan(node))
SubPlan *subplan = (SubPlan *) node;
Plan *subplan_plan = planner_subplan_get_plan(context->root, subplan);
/* Add outer-level params needed by the subplan to paramids */
context->paramids = bms_join(context->paramids,
/* fall through to recurse into subplan args */
return expression_tree_walker(node, finalize_primnode,
(void *) context);
* SS_make_initplan_from_plan - given a plan tree, make it an InitPlan
* The plan is expected to return a scalar value of the indicated type.
* We build an EXPR_SUBLINK SubPlan node and put it into the initplan
* list for the current query level. A Param that represents the initplan's
* output is returned.
* We assume the plan hasn't been put through SS_finalize_plan.
* We treat root->init_plans like the old PlannerInitPlan global here.
Param *
SS_make_initplan_from_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Plan *plan,
Oid resulttype, int32 resulttypmod)
SubPlan *node;
Param *prm;
* We must run SS_finalize_plan(), since that's normally done before a
* subplan gets put into the initplan list. Tell it not to attach any
* pre-existing initplans to this one, since they are siblings not
* children of this initplan. (This is something else that could perhaps
* be cleaner if we did extParam/allParam processing in setrefs.c instead
* of here? See notes for materialize_finished_plan.)
* Build extParam/allParam sets for plan nodes.
SS_finalize_plan(root, root->parse->rtable, plan, false);
* Add the subplan and its rtable to the global lists.
root->glob->subplans = lappend(root->glob->subplans,
root->glob->subrtables = lappend(root->glob->subrtables,
* Create a SubPlan node and add it to the outer list of InitPlans.
node = makeNode(SubPlan);
node->subLinkType = EXPR_SUBLINK;
get_first_col_type(plan, &node->firstColType, &node->firstColTypmod);
node->qDispSliceId = 0; /*CDB*/
node->plan_id = list_length(root->glob->subplans);
node->is_initplan = true;
root->init_plans = lappend(root->init_plans, node);
* The node can't have any inputs (since it's an initplan), so the
* parParam and args lists remain empty.
/* NB PostgreSQL calculates subplan cost here, but GPDB does it elsewhere. */
* Make a Param that will be the subplan's output.
prm = generate_new_param(root, resulttype, resulttypmod);
node->setParam = list_make1_int(prm->paramid);
/* Label the subplan for EXPLAIN purposes */
StringInfo buf = makeStringInfo();
appendStringInfo(buf, "InitPlan %d (returns $%d)",
node->plan_id, prm->paramid);
node->plan_name = pstrdup(buf->data);
buf = NULL;
return prm;