blob: e05f273b1de52ae0fc570f6b167f5f7ce1c1f195 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* planmain.c
* Routines to plan a single query
* What's in a name, anyway? The top-level entry point of the planner/
* optimizer is over in planner.c, not here as you might think from the
* file name. But this is the main code for planning a basic join operation,
* shorn of features like subselects, inheritance, aggregates, grouping,
* and so on. (Those are the things planner.c deals with.)
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planmain.c,v 1.96 2006/09/19 22:49:52 tgl Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "optimizer/paths.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "utils/selfuncs.h"
#include "cdb/cdbpath.h" /* cdbpath_rows() */
static Bitmapset *distcols_in_groupclause(List *gc, Bitmapset *bms);
* query_planner
* Generate a path (that is, a simplified plan) for a basic query,
* which may involve joins but not any fancier features.
* Since query_planner does not handle the toplevel processing (grouping,
* sorting, etc) it cannot select the best path by itself. It selects
* two paths: the cheapest path that produces all the required tuples,
* independent of any ordering considerations, and the cheapest path that
* produces the expected fraction of the required tuples in the required
* ordering, if there is a path that is cheaper for this than just sorting
* the output of the cheapest overall path. The caller (grouping_planner)
* will make the final decision about which to use.
* Input parameters:
* root describes the query to plan
* tlist is the target list the query should produce
* (this is NOT necessarily root->parse->targetList!)
* tuple_fraction is the fraction of tuples we expect will be retrieved
* Output parameters:
* *cheapest_path receives the overall-cheapest path for the query
* *sorted_path receives the cheapest presorted path for the query,
* if any (NULL if there is no useful presorted path)
* *num_groups receives the estimated number of groups, or 1 if query
* does not use grouping
* Note: the PlannerInfo node also includes a query_pathkeys field, which is
* both an input and an output of query_planner(). The input value signals
* query_planner that the indicated sort order is wanted in the final output
* plan. But this value has not yet been "canonicalized", since the needed
* info does not get computed until we scan the qual clauses. We canonicalize
* it as soon as that task is done. (The main reason query_pathkeys is a
* PlannerInfo field and not a passed parameter is that the low-level routines
* in indxpath.c need to see it.)
* Note: the PlannerInfo node also includes group_pathkeys and sort_pathkeys,
* which like query_pathkeys need to be canonicalized once the info is
* available.
* tuple_fraction is interpreted as follows:
* 0: expect all tuples to be retrieved (normal case)
* 0 < tuple_fraction < 1: expect the given fraction of tuples available
* from the plan to be retrieved
* tuple_fraction >= 1: tuple_fraction is the absolute number of tuples
* expected to be retrieved (ie, a LIMIT specification)
query_planner(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist, double tuple_fraction,
Path **cheapest_path, Path **sorted_path,
double *num_groups)
Query *parse = root->parse;
List *joinlist;
RelOptInfo *final_rel;
Path *cheapestpath;
Path *sortedpath;
Index rti;
double total_pages;
ListCell *lc;
/* Make tuple_fraction accessible to lower-level routines */
root->tuple_fraction = tuple_fraction;
*num_groups = 1; /* default result */
* If the query has an empty join tree, then it's something easy like
* "SELECT 2+2;" or "INSERT ... VALUES()". Fall through quickly.
if (parse->jointree->fromlist == NIL)
*cheapest_path =
(Path *) create_result_path(NULL, NULL, (List *) parse->jointree->quals);
*sorted_path = NULL;
* Init planner lists to empty, and set up the array to hold RelOptInfos
* for "simple" rels.
* NOTE: in_info_list and append_rel_list were set up by subquery_planner,
* do not touch here
root->simple_rel_array_size = list_length(parse->rtable) + 1;
root->simple_rel_array = (RelOptInfo **)
palloc0(root->simple_rel_array_size * sizeof(RelOptInfo *));
root->join_rel_list = NIL;
root->join_rel_hash = NULL;
root->equi_key_list = NIL;
root->left_join_clauses = NIL;
root->right_join_clauses = NIL;
root->full_join_clauses = NIL;
root->oj_info_list = NIL;
root->initial_rels = NIL;
* Make a flattened version of the rangetable for faster access (this is
* OK because the rangetable won't change any more).
root->simple_rte_array = (RangeTblEntry **)
palloc0(root->simple_rel_array_size * sizeof(RangeTblEntry *));
rti = 1;
foreach(lc, parse->rtable)
RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc);
root->simple_rte_array[rti++] = rte;
* Construct RelOptInfo nodes for all base relations in query, and
* indirectly for all appendrel member relations ("other rels"). This
* will give us a RelOptInfo for every "simple" (non-join) rel involved in
* the query.
* Note: the reason we find the rels by searching the jointree and
* appendrel list, rather than just scanning the rangetable, is that the
* rangetable may contain RTEs for rels not actively part of the query,
* for example views. We don't want to make RelOptInfos for them.
add_base_rels_to_query(root, (Node *) parse->jointree);
* We should now have size estimates for every actual table involved in
* the query, so we can compute total_table_pages. Note that appendrels
* are not double-counted here, even though we don't bother to distinguish
* RelOptInfos for appendrel parents, because the parents will still have
* size zero.
* XXX if a table is self-joined, we will count it once per appearance,
* which perhaps is the wrong thing ... but that's not completely clear,
* and detecting self-joins here is difficult, so ignore it for now.
total_pages = 0;
for (rti = 1; rti < root->simple_rel_array_size; rti++)
RelOptInfo *brel = root->simple_rel_array[rti];
if (brel == NULL)
Assert(brel->relid == rti); /* sanity check on array */
total_pages += (double) brel->pages;
root->total_table_pages = total_pages;
* Examine the targetlist and qualifications, adding entries to baserel
* targetlists for all referenced Vars. Restrict and join clauses are
* added to appropriate lists belonging to the mentioned relations. We
* also build lists of equijoined keys for pathkey construction, and form
* a target joinlist for make_one_rel() to work from.
* Note: all subplan nodes will have "flat" (var-only) tlists. This
* implies that all expression evaluations are done at the root of the
* plan tree. Once upon a time there was code to try to push expensive
* function calls down to lower plan nodes, but that's dead code and has
* been for a long time...
build_base_rel_tlists(root, tlist);
joinlist = deconstruct_jointree(root);
* Vars mentioned in InClauseInfo items also have to be added to baserel
* targetlists. Nearly always, they'd have got there from the original
* WHERE qual, but in corner cases maybe not.
* Use the completed lists of equijoined keys to deduce any implied but
* unstated equalities (for example, A=B and B=C imply A=C).
* Use the list of equijoined keys to transfer quals between relations. For example,
* A=B AND f(A) implies A=B AND f(A) and f(B), under some restrictions on f.
* We should now have all the pathkey equivalence sets built, so it's now
* possible to convert the requested query_pathkeys to canonical form.
* Also canonicalize the groupClause and sortClause pathkeys for use
* later.
root->query_pathkeys = canonicalize_pathkeys(root, root->query_pathkeys);
root->group_pathkeys = canonicalize_pathkeys(root, root->group_pathkeys);
root->sort_pathkeys = canonicalize_pathkeys(root, root->sort_pathkeys);
* Ready to do the primary planning.
final_rel = make_one_rel(root, joinlist);
Insist(final_rel &&
final_rel->cheapest_startup_path &&
* CDB: Subquery duplicate suppression should be all finished by now.
* CDB TODO: If query has DISTINCT, GROUP BY with just MIN/MAX aggs, or
* LIMIT 1, consider paths in which subquery duplicate suppression has
* not been completed. (Would have to change set_cheapest_dedup() to not
* discard them.)
Insist(final_rel->cheapest_startup_path->subq_complete &&
* If there's grouping going on, estimate the number of result groups. We
* couldn't do this any earlier because it depends on relation size
* estimates that were set up above.
* Then convert tuple_fraction to fractional form if it is absolute, and
* adjust it based on the knowledge that grouping_planner will be doing
* grouping or aggregation work with our result.
* This introduces some undesirable coupling between this code and
* grouping_planner, but the alternatives seem even uglier; we couldn't
* pass back completed paths without making these decisions here.
if (parse->groupClause)
List *groupExprs;
groupExprs = get_grouplist_exprs(parse->groupClause,
if (groupExprs == NULL)
*num_groups = 1;
*num_groups = estimate_num_groups(root,
* In GROUP BY mode, an absolute LIMIT is relative to the number of
* groups not the number of tuples. If the caller gave us a fraction,
* keep it as-is. (In both cases, we are effectively assuming that
* all the groups are about the same size.)
if (tuple_fraction >= 1.0)
tuple_fraction /= *num_groups;
* If both GROUP BY and ORDER BY are specified, we will need two
* levels of sort --- and, therefore, certainly need to read all the
* tuples --- unless ORDER BY is a subset of GROUP BY.
if (parse->groupClause && parse->sortClause &&
!pathkeys_contained_in(root->sort_pathkeys, root->group_pathkeys))
tuple_fraction = 0.0;
else if (parse->hasAggs || root->hasHavingQual)
* Ungrouped aggregate will certainly want to read all the tuples, and
* it will deliver a single result row (so leave *num_groups 1).
tuple_fraction = 0.0;
else if (parse->distinctClause)
* Since there was no grouping or aggregation, it's reasonable to
* assume the UNIQUE filter has effects comparable to GROUP BY. Return
* the estimated number of output rows for use by caller. (If DISTINCT
* is used with grouping, we ignore its effects for rowcount
* estimation purposes; this amounts to assuming the grouped rows are
* distinct already.)
List *distinctExprs;
distinctExprs = get_sortgrouplist_exprs(parse->distinctClause,
*num_groups = estimate_num_groups(root,
* Adjust tuple_fraction the same way as for GROUP BY, too.
if (tuple_fraction >= 1.0)
tuple_fraction /= *num_groups;
* Plain non-grouped, non-aggregated query: an absolute tuple fraction
* can be divided by the number of tuples.
if (tuple_fraction >= 1.0)
tuple_fraction /= final_rel->rows;
* Pick out the cheapest-total path and the cheapest presorted path for
* the requested pathkeys (if there is one). We should take the tuple
* fraction into account when selecting the cheapest presorted path, but
* not when selecting the cheapest-total path, since if we have to sort
* then we'll have to fetch all the tuples. (But there's a special case:
* if query_pathkeys is NIL, meaning order doesn't matter, then the
* "cheapest presorted" path will be the cheapest overall for the tuple
* fraction.)
* The cheapest-total path is also the one to use if grouping_planner
* decides to use hashed aggregation, so we return it separately even if
* this routine thinks the presorted path is the winner.
cheapestpath = final_rel->cheapest_total_path;
sortedpath =
/* Don't return same path in both guises; just wastes effort */
if (sortedpath == cheapestpath)
sortedpath = NULL;
* Forget about the presorted path if it would be cheaper to sort the
* cheapest-total path. Here we need consider only the behavior at the
* tuple fraction point.
if (sortedpath)
Path sort_path; /* dummy for result of cost_sort */
if (root->query_pathkeys == NIL ||
/* No sort needed for cheapest path */
sort_path.startup_cost = cheapestpath->startup_cost;
sort_path.total_cost = cheapestpath->total_cost;
/* Figure cost for sorting */
cost_sort(&sort_path, root, root->query_pathkeys,
cdbpath_rows(root, cheapestpath), final_rel->width);
if (compare_fractional_path_costs(sortedpath, &sort_path,
tuple_fraction) > 0)
/* Presorted path is a loser */
sortedpath = NULL;
*cheapest_path = cheapestpath;
*sorted_path = sortedpath;
* distcols_in_groupclause -
* Return all distinct tleSortGroupRef values in a GROUP BY clause.
* If this is a GROUPING_SET, this function is called recursively to
* find the tleSortGroupRef values for underlying grouping columns.
static Bitmapset *
distcols_in_groupclause(List *gc, Bitmapset *bms)
ListCell *l;
foreach(l, gc)
Node *node = lfirst(l);
if (node == NULL)
Assert(IsA(node, GroupClause) ||
IsA(node, List) ||
IsA(node, GroupingClause));
if (IsA(node, GroupClause))
bms = bms_add_member(bms, ((GroupClause *)node)->tleSortGroupRef);
else if (IsA(node, List))
bms = distcols_in_groupclause((List *)node, bms);
else if (IsA(node, GroupingClause))
List *groupsets = ((GroupingClause *)node)->groupsets;
bms = distcols_in_groupclause(groupsets, bms);
return bms;
* num_distcols_in_grouplist -
* Return number of distinct columns/expressions that appeared in
* a list of GroupClauses or GroupingClauses.
num_distcols_in_grouplist(List *gc)
Bitmapset *bms = NULL;
int num_cols;
bms = distcols_in_groupclause(gc, bms);
num_cols = bms_num_members(bms);
return num_cols;
* Planner configuration related
* Default configuration information
PlannerConfig *DefaultPlannerConfig(void)
PlannerConfig *c1 = (PlannerConfig *) palloc(sizeof(PlannerConfig));
c1->cdbpath_segments = planner_segment_count();
c1->enable_seqscan = enable_seqscan;
c1->enable_indexscan = enable_indexscan;
c1->enable_bitmapscan = enable_bitmapscan;
c1->enable_tidscan = enable_tidscan;
c1->enable_sort = enable_sort;
c1->enable_hashagg = enable_hashagg;
c1->enable_groupagg = enable_groupagg;
c1->enable_nestloop = enable_nestloop;
c1->enable_mergejoin = enable_mergejoin;
c1->enable_hashjoin = enable_hashjoin;
c1->gp_enable_hashjoin_size_heuristic = gp_enable_hashjoin_size_heuristic;
c1->gp_enable_fallback_plan = gp_enable_fallback_plan;
c1->gp_enable_predicate_propagation = gp_enable_predicate_propagation;
c1->mpp_trying_fallback_plan = false;
c1->constraint_exclusion = constraint_exclusion;
c1->gp_enable_multiphase_agg = gp_enable_multiphase_agg;
c1->gp_enable_preunique = gp_enable_preunique;
c1->gp_eager_preunique = gp_eager_preunique;
c1->gp_enable_sequential_window_plans = gp_enable_sequential_window_plans;
c1->gp_hashagg_streambottom = gp_hashagg_streambottom;
c1->gp_enable_agg_distinct = gp_enable_agg_distinct;
c1->gp_enable_dqa_pruning = gp_enable_dqa_pruning;
c1->gp_eager_dqa_pruning = gp_eager_dqa_pruning;
c1->gp_eager_one_phase_agg = gp_eager_one_phase_agg;
c1->gp_eager_two_phase_agg = gp_eager_two_phase_agg;
c1->gp_enable_groupext_distinct_pruning = gp_enable_groupext_distinct_pruning;
c1->gp_enable_groupext_distinct_gather = gp_enable_groupext_distinct_gather;
c1->gp_enable_sort_limit = gp_enable_sort_limit;
c1->gp_enable_sort_distinct = gp_enable_sort_distinct;
c1->gp_enable_mk_sort = gp_enable_mk_sort;
c1->gp_enable_motion_mk_sort = gp_enable_motion_mk_sort;
c1->gp_enable_direct_dispatch = gp_enable_direct_dispatch;
c1->gp_dynamic_partition_pruning = gp_dynamic_partition_pruning;
c1->gp_cte_sharing = gp_cte_sharing;
return c1;
* Copy configuration information
PlannerConfig *CopyPlannerConfig(const PlannerConfig *c1)
PlannerConfig *c2 = (PlannerConfig *) palloc(sizeof(PlannerConfig));
memcpy(c2, c1, sizeof(PlannerConfig));
return c2;