blob: e7d9161e9e885580691be770a2c94a5ab377fcb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* execHHashagg.c
* GPDB additions to support hybrid hash aggregation algorithm.
* This file could be merged into nodeAgg.c. The separation is
* only to help isolate Greenplum Database-only code from future merges with
* PG code. Note, however, that nodeAgg.c is also modified to
* make use of this code.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Greenplum
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id$
#include "postgres.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include "miscadmin.h" /* work_mem */
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "nodes/execnodes.h"
#include "executor/tuptable.h"
#include "executor/instrument.h" /* Instrumentation */
#include "executor/execHHashagg.h"
#include "executor/execWorkfile.h"
#include "storage/bfz.h"
#include "utils/datum.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "cdb/memquota.h"
#include "utils/workfile_mgr.h"
#include "access/hash.h"
#include "cdb/cdbcellbuf.h"
#include "cdb/cdbexplain.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "postmaster/primary_mirror_mode.h"
/* Encapture data related to a batch file. */
struct BatchFileInfo
int64 total_bytes;
int64 ntuples;
ExecWorkFile *wfile;
(sizeof(BatchFileInfo) + sizeof(bfz_t) + sizeof(struct bfz_freeable_stuff))
#define FREEABLE_BATCHFILE_METADATA (sizeof(struct bfz_freeable_stuff))
* Number of batchfile metadata to reserve during spilling in order to have
* enough memory to open them at reuse.
/* Used for padding */
static char padding_dummy[MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF];
* Represent different types for input records to be inserted
* into the hash table.
typedef enum InputRecordType
} InputRecordType;
#define GET_BUFFER_SIZE(hashtable) \
((hashtable)->entry_buf.nfull_total * (hashtable)->entry_buf.cellbytes + \
#define GET_USED_BUFFER_SIZE(hashtable) \
((hashtable)->entry_buf.nfull_total * (hashtable)->entry_buf.cellbytes + \
#define SANITY_CHECK_METADATA_SIZE(hashtable) \
do { \
if ((hashtable)->mem_for_metadata >= (hashtable)->max_mem) \
} while (0)
#define GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) \
(GET_USED_BUFFER_SIZE(hashtable) + (hashtable)->mem_for_metadata)
#define HAVE_FREESPACE(hashtable) \
(GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) < (hashtable)->max_mem)
/* Methods that handle batch files */
static SpillSet *createSpillSet(unsigned branching_factor, unsigned parent_hash_bit);
static SpillSet *read_spill_set(AggState *aggstate);
static int closeSpillFile(AggState *aggstate, SpillSet *spill_set, int file_no);
static int closeSpillFiles(AggState *aggstate, SpillSet *spill_set);
static int suspendSpillFiles(SpillSet *spill_set);
static int32 writeHashEntry(AggState *aggstate,
BatchFileInfo *file_info,
HashAggEntry *entry);
static void *readHashEntry(AggState *aggstate,
BatchFileInfo *file_info,
HashKey *p_hashkey,
int32 *p_input_size);
/* Methods for hash table */
static uint32 calc_hash_value(AggState* aggstate, TupleTableSlot *inputslot);
static void spill_hash_table(AggState *aggstate);
static void init_agg_hash_iter(HashAggTable* ht);
static HashAggEntry *lookup_agg_hash_entry(AggState *aggstate, void *input_record,
InputRecordType input_type, int32 input_size,
uint32 hashkey, unsigned parent_hash_bit, bool *p_isnew);
static void agg_hash_table_stat_upd(HashAggTable *ht);
static void reset_agg_hash_table(AggState *aggstate);
static bool agg_hash_reload(AggState *aggstate);
static inline void *mpool_cxt_alloc(void *manager, Size len);
/* Methods for state file */
static void create_state_file(HashAggTable *hashtable);
static void agg_hash_save_spillfile_info(ExecWorkFile *state_file, SpillFile *spill_file);
static bool agg_hash_load_spillfile_info(ExecWorkFile *state_file, char **spill_file_name, unsigned *batch_hash_bit);
static void agg_hash_write_string(ExecWorkFile *ewf, const char *str, size_t len);
static char *agg_hash_read_string(ExecWorkFile *ewf);
static inline void *mpool_cxt_alloc(void *manager, Size len)
return mpool_alloc((MPool *)manager, len);
/* Function: calc_hash_value
* Calculate the hash value for the given input tuple.
* This based on but different from get_hash_value from the dynahash
* API. Use a different name to underline that we don't use dynahash.
calc_hash_value(AggState* aggstate, TupleTableSlot *inputslot)
Agg *agg;
ExprContext *econtext;
MemoryContext oldContext;
int i;
FmgrInfo* info = aggstate->hashfunctions;
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
agg = (Agg*)aggstate->;
econtext = aggstate->tmpcontext; /* short-lived, per-input-tuple */
oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
for (i = 0; i < agg->numCols; i++, info++)
AttrNumber att = agg->grpColIdx[i];
bool isnull = false;
Datum value = slot_getattr(inputslot, att, &isnull);
if (!isnull) /* treat nulls as having hash key 0 */
hashtable->hashkey_buf[i] = DatumGetUInt32(FunctionCall1(info, value));
hashtable->hashkey_buf[i] = 0xdeadbeef;
return (uint32) hash_any((unsigned char *) hashtable->hashkey_buf, agg->numCols * sizeof(HashKey));
/* Function: adjustInputGroup
* Adjust the datum pointers stored in the byte array of an input group.
static inline void
adjustInputGroup(AggState *aggstate,
void *input_group,
MemTupleBinding *mt_bind)
int32 tuple_size;
void *datum;
AggStatePerGroup pergroup;
AggStatePerAgg peragg = aggstate->peragg;
int aggno;
tuple_size = memtuple_get_size((MemTuple)input_group, mt_bind);
pergroup = (AggStatePerGroup) ((char *)input_group +
Assert(pergroup != NULL);
datum = (char *)input_group + MAXALIGN(tuple_size) +
aggstate->numaggs * sizeof(AggStatePerGroupData);
for (aggno = 0; aggno < aggstate->numaggs; aggno++)
AggStatePerAgg peraggstate = &peragg[aggno];
AggStatePerGroup pergroupstate = &pergroup[aggno];
if (!peraggstate->transtypeByVal &&
Size datum_size;
pergroupstate->transValue = PointerGetDatum(datum);
datum_size = datumGetSize(pergroupstate->transValue,
Assert(MAXALIGN(datum_size) - datum_size <= MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF);
datum = (char *)datum + MAXALIGN(datum_size);
/* Function: getEmptyHashAggEntry
* Obtain a new empty HashAggEntry.
static inline HashAggEntry *
getEmptyHashAggEntry(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggEntry *entry;
CdbCellBuf *entry_buf = &(aggstate->hhashtable->entry_buf);
entry = (HashAggEntry *)CdbCellBuf_AppendCell(entry_buf);
return entry;
/* Function: makeHashAggEntryForInput
* Allocate a new hash agg entry for the given input tuple and hash key
* of the given AggState. This includes installing the grouping key heap tuple.
* It is the caller's responsibility to link the entry into the hash table
* and to initialize the per group data.
* If no enough memory is available, this function returns NULL.
static HashAggEntry *
makeHashAggEntryForInput(AggState *aggstate, TupleTableSlot *inputslot, uint32 hashvalue)
HashAggEntry *entry;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
TupleTableSlot *hashslot = aggstate->hashslot;
Datum *values = slot_get_values(aggstate->hashslot);
bool *isnull = slot_get_isnull(aggstate->hashslot);
ListCell *lc;
uint32 tup_len;
uint32 aggs_len;
uint32 len;
* Extract the grouping columns from the inputslot, and store them into
* hashslot. The first integer in aggstate->hash_needed is the largest
* Var number for all grouping columns.
foreach (lc, aggstate->hash_needed)
const int n = lfirst_int(lc);
values[n-1] = slot_getattr(inputslot, n, &(isnull[n-1]));
tup_len = 0;
aggs_len = aggstate->numaggs * sizeof(AggStatePerGroupData);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->entry_cxt);
entry = getEmptyHashAggEntry(aggstate);
entry->tuple_and_aggs = NULL;
entry->hashvalue = hashvalue;
entry->is_primodial = !(hashtable->is_spilling);
entry->next = NULL;
* Copy memtuple into group_buf. Remember to always allocate
* enough space before calling ExecCopySlotMemTupleTo() because
* this function will call palloc() to allocate bigger space if
* the given one is not big enough, which is what we want to avoid.
entry->tuple_and_aggs = (void *)memtuple_form_to(hashslot->tts_mt_bind,
&tup_len, false);
Assert(tup_len > 0 && entry->tuple_and_aggs == NULL);
if (GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) + MAXALIGN(MAXALIGN(tup_len) + aggs_len) >=
return NULL;
entry->tuple_and_aggs = mpool_alloc(hashtable->group_buf,
MAXALIGN(MAXALIGN(tup_len) + aggs_len));
len = tup_len;
entry->tuple_and_aggs = (void *)memtuple_form_to(hashslot->tts_mt_bind,
&len, false);
Assert(len == tup_len && entry->tuple_and_aggs != NULL);
return entry;
* Function: makeHashAggEntryForGroup
* Allocate a new hash agg entry for the given byte array representing
* group keys and aggregate values. This function will initialize the
* per group data by pointing to the data stored on the given byte
* array.
* This function assumes that the given byte array contains both a
* memtuple that represents grouping keys, and their aggregate values,
* stored in the format defined in writeHashEntry().
* It is the caller's responsibility to link the entry into the hash table.
* If no enough memory is available, this function returns NULL.
static HashAggEntry *
makeHashAggEntryForGroup(AggState *aggstate, void *tuple_and_aggs,
int32 input_size, uint32 hashvalue)
HashAggEntry *entry;
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
MemTupleBinding *mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
void *copy_tuple_and_aggs;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
if (GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) + input_size >= hashtable->max_mem)
return NULL;
copy_tuple_and_aggs = mpool_alloc(hashtable->group_buf, input_size);
memcpy(copy_tuple_and_aggs, tuple_and_aggs, input_size);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->entry_cxt);
entry = getEmptyHashAggEntry(aggstate);
entry->hashvalue = hashvalue;
entry->is_primodial = !(hashtable->is_spilling);
entry->tuple_and_aggs = copy_tuple_and_aggs;
entry->next = NULL;
/* Initialize per group data */
adjustInputGroup(aggstate, entry->tuple_and_aggs, mt_bind);
return entry;
* Function: setGroupAggs
* Set the groupaggs buffer in the hashtable to point to the right place
* in the given hash entry.
static inline void
setGroupAggs(HashAggTable *hashtable, MemTupleBinding *mt_bind, HashAggEntry *entry)
Assert(mt_bind != NULL);
if (entry != NULL)
int tup_len = memtuple_get_size((MemTuple)entry->tuple_and_aggs, mt_bind);
hashtable->groupaggs->tuple = (MemTuple)entry->tuple_and_aggs;
hashtable->groupaggs->aggs = (AggStatePerGroup)
((char *)entry->tuple_and_aggs + MAXALIGN(tup_len));
* Function: lookup_agg_hash_entry
* Returns a pointer to the old or new hash table entry corresponding
* to the input record, or NULL if there is no such an entry (and
* the table is full).
* The input record can be one of the following two types:
* TableTupleSlot -- representing an input tuple
* a byte array -- representing a contiguous space that contains
* both group keys and aggregate values.
* 'input_size' represents how many bytes this byte array has.
* If an entry is returned and isNew is non-NULL, (*p_isnew) is set to true
* or false depending on whether the returned entry is new. Note that
* a new entry will have *initialized* per-group data (Aggref states).
static HashAggEntry *
lookup_agg_hash_entry(AggState *aggstate,
void *input_record,
InputRecordType input_type, int32 input_size,
uint32 hashkey, unsigned parent_hash_bit, bool *p_isnew)
HashAggEntry *entry;
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
MemTupleBinding *mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
ExprContext *tmpcontext = aggstate->tmpcontext; /* per input tuple context */
Agg *agg = (Agg*)aggstate->;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
unsigned int bucket_idx;
uint64 bloomval; /* bloom filter value */
Assert(mt_bind != NULL);
if (p_isnew != NULL)
*p_isnew = false;
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tmpcontext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
bucket_idx = (hashkey >> parent_hash_bit) % (hashtable->nbuckets);
bloomval = ((uint64)1) << ((hashkey >> 23) & 0x3f);
entry = (0 == (hashtable->bloom[bucket_idx] & bloomval) ? NULL :
* Search entry chain for the bucket. If such an entry found in the
* chain, move it to the front of the chain. Otherwise, if there
* are any space left, create a new entry, and insert it in
* the front of the chain.
while (entry != NULL)
MemTuple mtup = (MemTuple) entry->tuple_and_aggs;
int i;
bool match = true;
if (hashkey != entry->hashvalue)
entry = entry->next;
for (i = 0; match && i < agg->numCols; i++)
AttrNumber att = agg->grpColIdx[i];
Datum input_datum = 0;
Datum entry_datum = 0;
bool input_isNull = false;
bool entry_isNull = false;
input_datum = slot_getattr((TupleTableSlot *)input_record, att, &input_isNull);
input_datum = memtuple_getattr((MemTuple)input_record, mt_bind, att, &input_isNull);
insist_log(false, "invalid record type %d", input_type);
entry_datum = memtuple_getattr(mtup, mt_bind, att, &entry_isNull);
if ( !input_isNull && !entry_isNull &&
entry_datum)) ) )
continue; /* Both non-NULL and equal. */
match = (input_isNull && entry_isNull);/* NULLs match in group keys. */
/* Break if found an existing matching entry. */
if (match)
entry = entry->next;
if (entry == NULL)
/* Create a new matching entry. */
entry = makeHashAggEntryForInput(aggstate, (TupleTableSlot *)input_record, hashkey);
entry = makeHashAggEntryForGroup(aggstate, input_record, input_size, hashkey);
insist_log(false, "invalid record type %d", input_type);
if (entry != NULL)
entry->next = hashtable->buckets[bucket_idx];
hashtable->buckets[bucket_idx] = entry;
hashtable->bloom[bucket_idx] |= bloomval;
*p_isnew = true; /* created a new entry */
else no matching entry, and no room to create one.
(void) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
return entry;
/* Function: calcHashAggTableSizes
* Check if the current memory quota is enough to handle the aggregation
* in the hash-based fashion.
#define OVERHEAD_PER_ENTRY ((double)sizeof(uint32))/gp_hashagg_groups_per_bucket
calcHashAggTableSizes(double memquota, /* Memory quota in bytes. */
double ngroups, /* Est # of groups. */
int numaggs, /* Est # of aggregate functions */
int keywidth, /* Est per entry size of hash key. */
int transpace, /* Est per entry size of by-ref values. */
bool force, /* true => succeed even if work_mem too small */
HashAggTableSizes *out_hats)
bool expectSpill = false;
int entrywidth = sizeof(HashAggEntry)
+ numaggs * sizeof(AggStatePerGroupData)
+ keywidth
+ transpace;
double nbuckets;
/* Hash Entries */
double nentries;
double entrysize = OVERHEAD_PER_ENTRY + entrywidth;
double nbatches = 0;
double batchfile_buffer_size = BATCHFILE_METADATA;
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: ngroups = %g, numaggs = %d, keywidth = %d, transpace = %d",
ngroups, numaggs, keywidth, transpace);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: memquota = %g, entrysize = %g, batchfile_buffer_size = %g",
memquota, entrysize, batchfile_buffer_size);
* When all groups can not fit in the memory, we compute
* the number of batches to store spilled groups. Currently, we always
* set the number of batches to gp_hashagg_default_nbatches.
if (memquota < ngroups*entrysize)
/* Set nbatches to its default value. */
nbatches = gp_hashagg_default_nbatches;
expectSpill = true;
/* If the memory quota is smaller than the overhead for batch files,
* return false. Note that we will always keep at most (nbatches + 1)
* batches in the memory.
if (memquota < (nbatches + 1) * batchfile_buffer_size)
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: not enough memory for the overhead of batch files.");
return false;
nentries = floor((memquota - nbatches * batchfile_buffer_size) / entrysize);
/* Allocate at least a few hash entries regardless of memquota. */
nentries = Max(nentries, gp_hashagg_groups_per_bucket);
nbuckets = ceil(nentries/gp_hashagg_groups_per_bucket);
/* Set nbuckets to the power of 2. */
nbuckets = (((unsigned)1) << ((unsigned)ceil(log(nbuckets) / log(2))));
* Always set nbuckets greater than gp_hashagg_default_nbatches since
* the spilling relies on this fact to choose which files to spill
* groups to.
if (nbuckets < gp_hashagg_default_nbatches)
nbuckets = gp_hashagg_default_nbatches;
if (nbatches > UINT_MAX || nentries > UINT_MAX || nbuckets > UINT_MAX)
if (force)
insist_log(false, "too many passes or hash entries");
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: number of passes or hash entries bigger than int type!");
return false; /* Too many groups. */
if (out_hats)
out_hats->nbuckets = (unsigned)nbuckets;
out_hats->nentries = (unsigned)nentries;
out_hats->nbatches = (unsigned)nbatches;
out_hats->hashentry_width = entrysize;
out_hats->spill = expectSpill;
out_hats->workmem_initial = (unsigned)(nbatches * batchfile_buffer_size);
out_hats->workmem_per_entry = (unsigned)entrysize;
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: nbuckets = %d, nentries = %d, nbatches = %d",
(int)nbuckets, (int)nentries, (int)nbatches);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: expected memory footprint = %d",
(int)( nentries*entrywidth + nbuckets*sizeof(HashAggEntry*) + nbatches*batchfile_buffer_size));
return true;
/* Function: est_hash_tuple_size
* Estimate the average memory requirement for the grouping key HeapTuple
* in a hash table entry.
* This function purports to know (perhaps too much) about the format in
* which a tuple representing a grouping key (non-aggregated attrbutes,
* actually) will be stored. But it's all guess work, so no sense being
* too fussy.
static Size est_hash_tuple_size(TupleTableSlot *hashslot, List *hash_needed)
Form_pg_attribute *attrs;
Form_pg_attribute attr;
int natts;
ListCell *lc;
Size len;
TupleDesc tupleDescriptor;
tupleDescriptor = hashslot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
attrs = tupleDescriptor->attrs;
natts = tupleDescriptor->natts;
len = offsetof(HeapTupleHeaderData, t_bits);
len += BITMAPLEN(natts);
if (tupleDescriptor->tdhasoid)
len += sizeof(Oid);
len = MAXALIGN(len);
/* Add data sizes to len. */
foreach( lc, hash_needed )
int varNumber = lfirst_int(lc) - 1;
attr = attrs[varNumber];
Assert( !attr->attisdropped );
len = att_align(len, attr->attalign);
len += get_typavgwidth(attr->atttypid, attr->atttypmod);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: estimated hash tuple size is %d", (int)len);
return len;
/* Function: create_agg_hash_table
* Creates and initializes a hash table for the given AggState. Should be
* called after the rest of the AggState is initialized. The resulting table
* should be installed in the AggState.
* The main control structure for the hash table is allocated in the memory
* context aggstate->aggcontext as is the bucket array, the hashtable and the items related
* to overflow files.
HashAggTable *
create_agg_hash_table(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable *hashtable;
Agg *agg = (Agg *)aggstate->;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(aggstate->aggcontext);
hashtable = (HashAggTable *)palloc0(sizeof(HashAggTable));
hashtable->entry_cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(aggstate->aggcontext,
bool can_reuse_workfiles = false;
workfile_set *work_set = NULL;
if (gp_workfile_caching)
/* Look up SFR for existing spill set. Mark here if found */
work_set = workfile_mgr_find_set(&aggstate->;
* Workaround for case when reusing an existing spill set would
* use too much metadata memory and might cause respilling:
* don't allow reusing for these sets for now.
can_reuse_workfiles = (work_set != NULL) &&
work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files <= NO_RESERVED_BATCHFILE_METADATA;
uint64 operatorMemKB = PlanStateOperatorMemKB( (PlanState *) aggstate);
if (gp_workfile_caching && ! can_reuse_workfiles)
operatorMemKB = operatorMemKB - reservedMem / 1024;
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashAgg: reserved " INT64_FORMAT "KB for spilling", reservedMem / 1024);
if (!calcHashAggTableSizes(1024.0 * (double) operatorMemKB,
if (can_reuse_workfiles)
aggstate->cached_workfiles_found = true;
hashtable->work_set = work_set;
/* Initialize hashtable parameters from the cached workfile */
hashtable->hats.nbatches = work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files;
hashtable->hats.nbuckets = work_set->metadata.buckets;
hashtable->num_batches = work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files;
/* Initialize the hash buckets */
hashtable->nbuckets = hashtable->hats.nbuckets;
hashtable->total_buckets = hashtable->nbuckets;
hashtable->buckets = (HashAggEntry **)palloc0(hashtable->nbuckets * sizeof(HashAggEntry *));
hashtable->bloom = (uint64 *)palloc0(hashtable->nbuckets * sizeof(uint64));
/* Initialize buffer for hash entries */
CdbCellBuf_InitEasy(&(hashtable->entry_buf), sizeof(HashAggEntry));
hashtable->group_buf = mpool_create(hashtable->entry_cxt,
"GroupsAndAggs Context");
hashtable->groupaggs = (GroupKeysAndAggs *)palloc0(sizeof(GroupKeysAndAggs));
/* Set hashagg's memory manager */
aggstate->mem_manager.alloc = mpool_cxt_alloc;
aggstate-> = NULL;
aggstate->mem_manager.manager = hashtable->group_buf;
aggstate->mem_manager.realloc_ratio = 2;
hashtable->max_mem = 1024.0 * operatorMemKB;
hashtable->mem_for_metadata = sizeof(HashAggTable)
+ hashtable->nbuckets * sizeof(HashAggEntry *)
+ hashtable->nbuckets * sizeof(uint64)
+ sizeof(GroupKeysAndAggs);
hashtable->mem_wanted = hashtable->mem_for_metadata;
hashtable->mem_used = hashtable->mem_for_metadata;
hashtable->prev_slot = NULL;
MemSet(padding_dummy, 0, MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF);
return hashtable;
/* Function: agg_hash_initial_pass
* Performs ExecAgg initialization for the first pass of the hashed case:
* - reads the input tuples,
* - builds a hash table with an entry per group,
* - spills all groups in the hash table to several overflow batches
* to be processed during later passes.
* Note that overflowed groups are distributed to batches in such
* a way that groups with matching grouping keys will be in the same
* batch.
* When called, CurrentMemoryContext should be the per-query context.
agg_hash_initial_pass(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
ExprContext *tmpcontext = aggstate->tmpcontext; /* per input tuple context */
TupleTableSlot *outerslot = NULL;
bool streaming = ((Agg *) aggstate->>streaming;
bool tuple_remaining = true;
MemTupleBinding *mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
AssertImply(!streaming, hashtable->state == HASHAGG_BEFORE_FIRST_PASS);
"HashAgg: initial pass -- beginning to load hash table");
/* If we found cached workfiles, initialize and load the batch data here */
if (gp_workfile_caching && aggstate->cached_workfiles_found)
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "Found existing SFS, reloading data from %s", hashtable->work_set->path);
/* Initialize all structures as if we just spilled everything */
hashtable->spill_set = read_spill_set(aggstate);
aggstate->hhashtable->is_spilling = true;
aggstate->cached_workfiles_loaded = true;
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashAgg reusing cached workfiles, initiating Squelch walker");
PlanState *outerNode = outerPlanState(aggstate);
/* tuple table initialization */
ScanState *scanstate = & aggstate->ss;
PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(scanstate);
TupleDesc tupDesc = ExecGetResultType(outerPlan);
if (aggstate->
aggstate->>workfileReused = true;
/* Initialize hashslot by cloning input slot. */
ExecSetSlotDescriptor(aggstate->hashslot, tupDesc);
mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
return tuple_remaining;
* Check if an input tuple has been read, but not processed
* because of lack of space before streaming the results
* in the last call.
if (aggstate->hashslot->tts_tupleDescriptor != NULL &&
hashtable->prev_slot != NULL)
outerslot = hashtable->prev_slot;
hashtable->prev_slot = NULL;
outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlanState(aggstate));
* Process outer-plan tuples, until we exhaust the outer plan.
hashtable->pass = 0;
HashKey hashkey;
bool isNew;
HashAggEntry *entry;
/* no more tuple. Done */
if (TupIsNull(outerslot))
tuple_remaining = false;
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_QEXEC_M_ROWSIN);
if (aggstate->hashslot->tts_tupleDescriptor == NULL)
int size;
/* Initialize hashslot by cloning input slot. */
ExecSetSlotDescriptor(aggstate->hashslot, outerslot->tts_tupleDescriptor);
mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
size = ((Agg *)aggstate->>numCols * sizeof(HashKey);
hashtable->hashkey_buf = (HashKey *)palloc0(size);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata += size;
/* set up for advance_aggregates call */
tmpcontext->ecxt_scantuple = outerslot;
/* Find or (if there's room) build a hash table entry for the
* input tuple's group. */
hashkey = calc_hash_value(aggstate, outerslot);
entry = lookup_agg_hash_entry(aggstate, (void *)outerslot,
INPUT_RECORD_TUPLE, 0, hashkey, 0, &isNew);
if (entry == NULL)
if (GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) > hashtable->mem_used)
hashtable->mem_used = GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable);
if (hashtable->num_ht_groups <= 1)
* If stream_bottom is on, we store outerslot into hashslot, so that
* we can process it later.
if (streaming)
hashtable->prev_slot = outerslot;
/* CDB: Report statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE. */
if (!hashtable->is_spilling && aggstate->
entry = lookup_agg_hash_entry(aggstate, (void *)outerslot,
INPUT_RECORD_TUPLE, 0, hashkey, 0, &isNew);
setGroupAggs(hashtable, mt_bind, entry);
if (isNew)
int tup_len = memtuple_get_size((MemTuple)entry->tuple_and_aggs, mt_bind);
MemSet((char *)entry->tuple_and_aggs + MAXALIGN(tup_len), 0,
aggstate->numaggs * sizeof(AggStatePerGroupData));
initialize_aggregates(aggstate, aggstate->peragg, hashtable->groupaggs->aggs,
/* Advance the aggregates */
advance_aggregates(aggstate, hashtable->groupaggs->aggs, &(aggstate->mem_manager));
/* Reset per-input-tuple context after each tuple */
if (streaming && !HAVE_FREESPACE(hashtable))
/* Read the next tuple */
outerslot = ExecProcNode(outerPlanState(aggstate));
if (GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) > hashtable->mem_used)
hashtable->mem_used = GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable);
if (hashtable->is_spilling)
int freed_size = 0;
* Split out the rest of groups in the hashtable if spilling has already
* happened. This is because none of these groups can be immediately outputted
* any more.
freed_size = suspendSpillFiles(hashtable->spill_set);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= freed_size;
if (aggstate->
aggstate->>workfileCreated = true;
/* CDB: Report statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE. */
if (!hashtable->is_spilling && aggstate->
AssertImply(tuple_remaining, streaming);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: streaming out the intermediate results.");
return tuple_remaining;
/* Create a spill set for the given branching_factor (a power of two)
* and hash key range.
* Use the arguments to derive break values. All but the first spill
* file carries the minimum hash key value that may appear in the file.
* The minimum value of the first spill file in a set is unused, but is
* set to the minimum of the spill set (debugging). The break values are
* chosen to distribute hash key values evenly across the given range.
static SpillSet *
createSpillSet(unsigned branching_factor, unsigned parent_hash_bit)
int i;
SpillSet *spill_set;
/* Allocate and initialize the SpillSet. */
spill_set = palloc(sizeof(SpillSet) + (branching_factor-1) * sizeof (SpillFile));
spill_set->parent_spill_file = NULL;
spill_set->level = 0;
spill_set->num_spill_files = branching_factor;
/* Allocate and initialize its SpillFiles. */
for ( i = 0; i < branching_factor; i++ )
SpillFile *spill_file = &spill_set->spill_files[i];
spill_file->file_info = NULL;
spill_file->spill_set = NULL;
spill_file->parent_spill_set = spill_set;
spill_file->index_in_parent = i;
spill_file->respilled = false;
spill_file->batch_hash_bit = parent_hash_bit;
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: created a new spill set with batch_hash_bit=%u, num_spill_files=%u",
parent_hash_bit, branching_factor);
return spill_set;
* Free the space for a given SpillSet, and return the bytes that are freed.
static inline int
freeSpillSet(SpillSet *spill_set)
int freedspace = 0;
if (spill_set == NULL)
return freedspace;
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "freeing up SpillSet with %d files", spill_set->num_spill_files);
freedspace += sizeof(SpillSet) + (spill_set->num_spill_files - 1) * sizeof (SpillFile);
return freedspace;
/* Get the spill file to which to spill a hash entry with the given key.
* If the temporary file has not been created for this spill file, it
* will be created in this function. The buffer space required for
* this temporary file is returned through 'p_alloc_size'.
static SpillFile *
getSpillFile(workfile_set *work_set, SpillSet *set, int file_no, int *p_alloc_size)
SpillFile *spill_file;
*p_alloc_size = 0;
/* Find the right spill file */
Assert(set != NULL);
spill_file = &set->spill_files[file_no];
if (spill_file->file_info == NULL)
spill_file->file_info = (BatchFileInfo *)palloc(sizeof(BatchFileInfo));
spill_file->file_info->total_bytes = 0;
spill_file->file_info->ntuples = 0;
/* Initialize to NULL in case the create function below throws an exception */
spill_file->file_info->wfile = NULL;
spill_file->file_info->wfile = workfile_mgr_create_file(work_set);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: create %d level batch file %d with compression %d",
set->level, file_no, work_set->metadata.bfz_compress_type);
*p_alloc_size = BATCHFILE_METADATA;
return spill_file;
* suspendSpillFiles -- temporary suspend all spill files so that we
* can have more space for the hash table.
static int
suspendSpillFiles(SpillSet *spill_set)
int file_no;
int freed_size = 0;
if (spill_set == NULL ||
spill_set->num_spill_files == 0)
return 0;
for (file_no = 0; file_no < spill_set->num_spill_files; file_no++)
SpillFile *spill_file = &spill_set->spill_files[file_no];
if (spill_file->file_info &&
spill_file->file_info->wfile != NULL)
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: %s contains " INT64_FORMAT " entries ("
INT64_FORMAT " bytes)",
spill_file->file_info->ntuples, spill_file->file_info->total_bytes);
return freed_size;
* closeSpillFile -- close a given spill file and return its freed buffer
* space. All files under its spill_set are also closed.
static int
closeSpillFile(AggState *aggstate, SpillSet *spill_set, int file_no)
int freedspace = 0;
SpillFile *spill_file;
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
Assert(spill_set != NULL && file_no < spill_set->num_spill_files);
spill_file = &spill_set->spill_files[file_no];
if (spill_file->file_info &&
gp_workfile_caching &&
aggstate->workfiles_created &&
/* closing "leaf" spill file; save it's name to the state file for re-using */
agg_hash_save_spillfile_info(hashtable->state_file, spill_file);
if (spill_file->spill_set != NULL)
freedspace += closeSpillFiles(aggstate, spill_file->spill_set);
if (spill_file->file_info &&
spill_file->file_info->wfile != NULL)
workfile_mgr_close_file(hashtable->work_set, spill_file->file_info->wfile);
spill_file->file_info->wfile = NULL;
freedspace += (BATCHFILE_METADATA - sizeof(BatchFileInfo));
if (spill_file->file_info)
spill_file->file_info = NULL;
freedspace += sizeof(BatchFileInfo);
return freedspace;
* closeSpillFiles -- close all spill files for a given spill set to
* save the buffer space, and return how much space freed.
static int
closeSpillFiles(AggState *aggstate, SpillSet *spill_set)
int file_no;
int freedspace = 0;
if (spill_set == NULL ||
spill_set->num_spill_files == 0)
return 0;
for (file_no = 0; file_no < spill_set->num_spill_files; file_no++)
freedspace += closeSpillFile(aggstate, spill_set, file_no);
return freedspace;
* Obtain the spill set to which the overflown entries are spilled.
* If such a spill set does not exist, it is created here.
* The statistics in the hashtable is also updated.
static SpillSet *
obtain_spill_set(HashAggTable *hashtable)
SpillSet **p_spill_set;
unsigned set_hash_bit = 0;
if (hashtable->curr_spill_file != NULL)
SpillSet *parent_spill_set;
p_spill_set = &(hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set);
parent_spill_set = hashtable->curr_spill_file->parent_spill_set;
Assert(parent_spill_set != NULL);
unsigned parent_hash_bit = hashtable->curr_spill_file->batch_hash_bit;
set_hash_bit = parent_hash_bit +
p_spill_set = &(hashtable->spill_set);
if (*p_spill_set == NULL)
* The optimizer may estimate that there is no need for a spill. However,
* it is wrong in this case. We need to set nbatches to its rightful value.
if (hashtable->hats.nbatches == 0)
elog(DEBUG2, "Not all groups fit into memory; writing to disk");
hashtable->hats.nbatches = gp_hashagg_default_nbatches;
*p_spill_set = createSpillSet(hashtable->hats.nbatches, set_hash_bit);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata +=
sizeof(SpillSet) +
(hashtable->hats.nbatches - 1) * sizeof(SpillFile);
if (hashtable->curr_spill_file != NULL)
hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set->level =
hashtable->curr_spill_file->parent_spill_set->level + 1;
hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set->parent_spill_file =
return *p_spill_set;
* read_spill_set
* Read a previously written spill file set.
* The statistics in the hashtable is also updated.
static SpillSet *
read_spill_set(AggState *aggstate)
Assert(aggstate != NULL);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable != NULL);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable->spill_set == NULL);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable->curr_spill_file == NULL);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable->work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files == aggstate->hhashtable->num_batches);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable->work_set->metadata.buckets == aggstate->hhashtable->nbuckets);
workfile_set *work_set = aggstate->hhashtable->work_set;
uint32 alloc_size = 0;
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
* Create spill set. Initialize each batch hash bit with 0. We'll set them to the right
* value individually below.
int default_hash_bit = 0;
SpillSet *spill_set = createSpillSet(work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files, default_hash_bit);
* Read metadata file to determine number and name of work files in the set
* Format of state file:
* - [name_of_leaf_workfile | batch_hash_bit] x N
hashtable->state_file = workfile_mgr_open_fileno(work_set, WORKFILE_NUM_HASHAGG_METADATA);
Assert(hashtable->state_file != NULL);
* Read, allocate and open all spill files.
* The spill files are opened in reverse order when saving tuples,
* so re-open them in the same order.
uint32 no_filenames_read = 0;
char *batch_filename = NULL;
unsigned read_batch_hashbit;
bool more_spillfiles = agg_hash_load_spillfile_info(hashtable->state_file, &batch_filename, &read_batch_hashbit);
if (!more_spillfiles)
uint32 current_spill_file_no = work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files - no_filenames_read - 1;
Assert(current_spill_file_no >= 0);
SpillFile *spill_file = &spill_set->spill_files[current_spill_file_no];
Assert(spill_file->index_in_parent == current_spill_file_no);
spill_file->batch_hash_bit = read_batch_hashbit;
spill_file->file_info = (BatchFileInfo *)palloc(sizeof(BatchFileInfo));
spill_file->file_info->wfile =
ExecWorkFile_Open(batch_filename, BFZ, false /* delOnClose */,
Assert(spill_file->file_info->wfile != NULL);
Assert(batch_filename != NULL);
spill_file->file_info->total_bytes = ExecWorkFile_GetSize(spill_file->file_info->wfile);
/* Made up values for this since we don't know it at this point */
spill_file->file_info->ntuples = 1;
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: OPEN %d level batch file %d with compression %d",
spill_set->level, no_filenames_read, work_set->metadata.bfz_compress_type);
* bfz_open automatically frees up the freeable_stuff structure.
* Subtract that from the allocated size here.
Assert(work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files == no_filenames_read);
/* Update statistics */
hashtable->mem_for_metadata +=
sizeof(SpillSet) +
(hashtable->hats.nbatches - 1) * sizeof(SpillFile);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata += alloc_size;
if (alloc_size > 0)
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_SPILLBATCH);
return spill_set;
/* Spill all entries from the hash table to file in order to make room
* for new hash entries.
* We want to maximize the sequential writes to each spill file. Since
* the number of buckets and the number of batches (#batches) are the power of 2,
* We simply write bucket 0, #batches, 2 * #batches, ... to the batch 0;
* write bucket 1, (#batches + 1), (2 * #batches + 1), ... to the batch 1;
* and etc.
static void
spill_hash_table(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
SpillSet *spill_set;
SpillFile *spill_file;
int bucket_no;
int file_no;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
uint64 old_num_spill_groups = hashtable->num_spill_groups;
spill_set = obtain_spill_set(hashtable);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->entry_cxt);
/* Spill set does not have a workfile_set. Use existing or create new one as needed */
if (hashtable->work_set == NULL)
hashtable->work_set = workfile_mgr_create_set(BFZ, true /* can_be_reused */, &aggstate->, NULL_SNAPSHOT);
hashtable->work_set->metadata.buckets = hashtable->nbuckets;
if (gp_workfile_caching)
aggstate->workfiles_created = true;
/* Book keeping. */
hashtable->is_spilling = true;
Assert(hashtable->nbuckets > spill_set->num_spill_files);
* Write each spill file. Write the last spill file first, since it will
* be processed the last.
for (file_no = spill_set->num_spill_files - 1; file_no >= 0; file_no--)
int alloc_size = 0;
spill_file = getSpillFile(hashtable->work_set, spill_set, file_no, &alloc_size);
Assert(spill_file != NULL);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata += alloc_size;
if (alloc_size > 0)
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_SPILLBATCH);
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_BATCH);
for (bucket_no = file_no; bucket_no < hashtable->nbuckets;
bucket_no += spill_set->num_spill_files)
HashAggEntry *entry = hashtable->buckets[bucket_no];
/* Ignore empty chains. */
if (entry == NULL) continue;
/* Write all entries in the hash chain. */
while ( entry != NULL )
HashAggEntry *spill_entry = entry;
entry = spill_entry->next;
if (spill_entry != NULL)
int32 written_bytes;
written_bytes = writeHashEntry(aggstate, spill_file->file_info, spill_entry);
spill_file->file_info->total_bytes += written_bytes;
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_SPILLTUPLE);
Gpmon_M_Add(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_SPILLBYTE, written_bytes);
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_TUPLE);
Gpmon_M_Add(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_BYTE, written_bytes);
hashtable->buckets[bucket_no] = NULL;
/* Reset the buffer */
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: spill " INT64_FORMAT " groups",
hashtable->num_spill_groups - old_num_spill_groups);
* Create and open state file holding metadata. Used for workfile re-using.
static void
create_state_file(HashAggTable *hashtable)
Assert(hashtable != NULL);
hashtable->state_file = workfile_mgr_create_fileno(hashtable->work_set, WORKFILE_NUM_HASHAGG_METADATA);
Assert(hashtable->state_file != NULL);
* Close state file holding spill set metadata. Used for workfile re-using.
agg_hash_close_state_file(HashAggTable *hashtable)
if (hashtable->state_file != NULL)
workfile_mgr_close_file(hashtable->work_set, hashtable->state_file);
hashtable->state_file = NULL;
* writeHashEntry -- write an hash entry to a batch file.
* The hash entry is serialized here, including the tuple that contains
* grouping keys and aggregate values.
* readHashEntry() should expect to retrieve hash entries in the
* format defined in this function.
static int32
writeHashEntry(AggState *aggstate, BatchFileInfo *file_info,
HashAggEntry *entry)
MemTupleBinding *mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
int32 tuple_agg_size = 0;
int32 total_size = 0;
AggStatePerGroup pergroup;
int aggno;
AggStatePerAgg peragg = aggstate->peragg;
Assert(file_info != NULL);
Assert(file_info->wfile != NULL);
ExecWorkFile_Write(file_info->wfile, (void *)(&(entry->hashvalue)), sizeof(entry->hashvalue));
tuple_agg_size = memtuple_get_size((MemTuple)entry->tuple_and_aggs, mt_bind);
pergroup = (AggStatePerGroup) ((char *)entry->tuple_and_aggs + MAXALIGN(tuple_agg_size));
tuple_agg_size = MAXALIGN(tuple_agg_size) +
aggstate->numaggs * sizeof(AggStatePerGroupData);
total_size = MAXALIGN(tuple_agg_size);
for (aggno = 0; aggno < aggstate->numaggs; aggno++)
AggStatePerAgg peraggstate = &peragg[aggno];
AggStatePerGroup pergroupstate = &pergroup[aggno];
if (!peraggstate->transtypeByVal &&
Size datum_size = datumGetSize(pergroupstate->transValue,
total_size += MAXALIGN(datum_size);
ExecWorkFile_Write(file_info->wfile, (char *)&total_size, sizeof(total_size));
ExecWorkFile_Write(file_info->wfile, entry->tuple_and_aggs, tuple_agg_size);
Assert(MAXALIGN(tuple_agg_size) - tuple_agg_size <= MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF);
if (MAXALIGN(tuple_agg_size) - tuple_agg_size > 0)
ExecWorkFile_Write(file_info->wfile, padding_dummy, MAXALIGN(tuple_agg_size) - tuple_agg_size);
for (aggno = 0; aggno < aggstate->numaggs; aggno++)
AggStatePerAgg peraggstate = &peragg[aggno];
AggStatePerGroup pergroupstate = &pergroup[aggno];
if (!peraggstate->transtypeByVal &&
Size datum_size = datumGetSize(pergroupstate->transValue,
DatumGetPointer(pergroupstate->transValue), datum_size);
Assert(MAXALIGN(datum_size) - datum_size <= MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF);
if (MAXALIGN(datum_size) - datum_size > 0)
padding_dummy, MAXALIGN(datum_size) - datum_size);
return (total_size + sizeof(total_size) + sizeof(entry->hashvalue));
* agg_hash_table_stat_upd
* collect hash chain statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE
static void
agg_hash_table_stat_upd(HashAggTable *ht)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < ht->nbuckets; i++)
HashAggEntry *entry = ht->buckets[i];
int chainlength = 0;
if (entry)
for (chainlength = 0; entry; chainlength++)
entry = entry->next;
cdbexplain_agg_upd(&ht->chainlength, chainlength, i,hostname);
} /* agg_hash_table_stat_upd */
/* Function: init_agg_hash_iter
* Initialize the HashAggTable's (one and only) entry iterator. */
void init_agg_hash_iter(HashAggTable* hashtable)
Assert( hashtable != NULL && hashtable->buckets != NULL && hashtable->nbuckets > 0 );
hashtable->curr_bucket_idx = -1;
hashtable->next_entry = NULL;
/* Function: agg_hash_iter
* Returns a pointer to the next HashAggEntry on the given HashAggTable's
* iterator and advances the iterator. Returns NULL when there are no more
* entries. Be sure to call init_agg_hash_iter before the first call here.
* During the iteration, this function also writes out entries that belong
* to batch files which will be processed later.
HashAggEntry *
agg_hash_iter(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable* hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
HashAggEntry *entry = hashtable->next_entry;
SpillSet *spill_set = hashtable->spill_set;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
Assert( hashtable != NULL && hashtable->buckets != NULL && hashtable->nbuckets > 0 );
if (hashtable->curr_spill_file != NULL)
spill_set = hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set;
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(hashtable->entry_cxt);
while (entry == NULL &&
hashtable->nbuckets > ++ hashtable->curr_bucket_idx)
entry = hashtable->buckets[hashtable->curr_bucket_idx];
if (entry != NULL)
if (entry != NULL)
hashtable->next_entry = entry->next;
entry->next = NULL;
return entry;
* Read the serialized from of a hash entry from the given batch file.
* This function returns a byte array starting with a MemTuple which
* represents grouping keys, and being followed by its aggregate values.
* The complete format can be found at writeHashEntry(). The size
* of the byte array is also returned.
* The byte array is allocated inside the per-tuple memory context.
static void *
readHashEntry(AggState *aggstate, BatchFileInfo *file_info,
HashKey *p_hashkey, int32 *p_input_size)
void *tuple_and_aggs = NULL;
MemoryContext oldcxt;
Assert(file_info != NULL && file_info->wfile != NULL);
*p_input_size = 0;
if (ExecWorkFile_Read(file_info->wfile, (char *)p_hashkey, sizeof(HashKey)) != sizeof(HashKey))
return NULL;
if (ExecWorkFile_Read(file_info->wfile, (char *)p_input_size, sizeof(int32)) !=
errmsg("could not read from temporary file: %m")));
tuple_and_aggs = ExecWorkFile_ReadFromBuffer(file_info->wfile, *p_input_size);
if (tuple_and_aggs == NULL)
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(aggstate->tmpcontext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
tuple_and_aggs = palloc(*p_input_size);
int32 read_size = ExecWorkFile_Read(file_info->wfile, tuple_and_aggs, *p_input_size);
if (read_size != *p_input_size)
errmsg("could not read from temporary file, requesting %d bytes, read %d bytes: %m",
*p_input_size, read_size)));
return tuple_and_aggs;
/* Function: agg_hash_stream
* Call agg_hash_initial_pass (again) to load more input tuples
* into the hash table. Used only for streaming lower phase
* of a multiphase hashed aggregation to avoid spilling to
* file.
* Return true, if all input tuples have been consumed, else
* return false (call me again).
agg_hash_stream(AggState *aggstate)
Assert( ((Agg *) aggstate->>streaming );
"HashAgg: streaming");
return agg_hash_initial_pass(aggstate);
* Function: agg_hash_load
* Load spilled groups into the hash table. Similar to the initial
* pass, when the hash table does not have space for new groups, all
* groups in the hash table are spilled to overflown batch files.
static bool
agg_hash_reload(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
MemTupleBinding *mt_bind = aggstate->hashslot->tts_mt_bind;
ExprContext *tmpcontext = aggstate->tmpcontext; /* per input tuple context */
bool has_tuples = false;
SpillFile *spill_file = hashtable->curr_spill_file;
int reloaded_hash_bit;
* Record the start value for mem_for_metadata, since its value
* has already been accumulated into mem_wanted. Any more memory
* added to mem_for_metadata after this point will be added to
* mem_wanted at the end of loading hashtable.
uint64 start_mem_for_metadata = hashtable->mem_for_metadata;
Assert(spill_file != NULL && spill_file->parent_spill_set != NULL);
hashtable->is_spilling = false;
hashtable->total_buckets += hashtable->nbuckets;
reloaded_hash_bit = spill_file->batch_hash_bit +
if (spill_file->file_info != NULL &&
spill_file->file_info->wfile != NULL)
hashtable->mem_for_metadata += FREEABLE_BATCHFILE_METADATA;
HashKey hashkey;
HashAggEntry *entry;
bool isNew = false;
int input_size = 0;
void *input = readHashEntry(aggstate, spill_file->file_info, &hashkey, &input_size);
if (input != NULL)
Assert(spill_file->parent_spill_set != NULL);
/* The following asserts the mapping between a hashkey bucket and the index in parent.
* This assertion does not hold for reloaded workfiles, since there the index in
* parent is different. */
(hashkey >> spill_file->batch_hash_bit) %
spill_file->parent_spill_set->num_spill_files ==
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_READTUPLE);
Gpmon_M_Add(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_READBYTE, input_size);
/* Check we processed all tuples, only when not reading from disk */
AssertImply(!aggstate->cached_workfiles_loaded, spill_file->file_info->ntuples == 0);
has_tuples = true;
/* set up for advance_aggregates call */
tmpcontext->ecxt_scantuple = aggstate->hashslot;
entry = lookup_agg_hash_entry(aggstate, input, INPUT_RECORD_GROUP_AND_AGGS, input_size,
hashkey, reloaded_hash_bit, &isNew);
if (entry == NULL)
Assert(!aggstate->cached_workfiles_loaded && "no re-spilling allowed when re-using cached workfiles");
Assert(hashtable->curr_spill_file != NULL);
Assert(hashtable->curr_spill_file->parent_spill_set != NULL);
if (GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable) > hashtable->mem_used)
hashtable->mem_used = GET_TOTAL_USED_SIZE(hashtable);
if (hashtable->num_ht_groups <= 1)
/* CDB: Report statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE. */
if (!hashtable->is_spilling && aggstate->
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashAgg: respill occurring in agg_hash_reload while loading batch data");
entry = lookup_agg_hash_entry(aggstate, input, INPUT_RECORD_GROUP_AND_AGGS, input_size,
hashkey, reloaded_hash_bit, &isNew);
if (!isNew)
int aggno;
AggStatePerGroup input_pergroupstate = (AggStatePerGroup)
((char *)input + MAXALIGN(memtuple_get_size((MemTuple) input, mt_bind)));
setGroupAggs(hashtable, mt_bind, entry);
adjustInputGroup(aggstate, input, mt_bind);
/* Advance the aggregates for the group by applying preliminary function. */
for (aggno = 0; aggno < aggstate->numaggs; aggno++)
AggStatePerAgg peraggstate = &aggstate->peragg[aggno];
AggStatePerGroup pergroupstate = &hashtable->groupaggs->aggs[aggno];
FunctionCallInfoData fcinfo;
/* Set the input aggregate values */
fcinfo.arg[1] = input_pergroupstate[aggno].transValue;
fcinfo.argnull[1] = input_pergroupstate[aggno].transValueIsNull;
pergroupstate->transValue =
peraggstate->prelimfn.fn_nargs - 1,
&fcinfo, (void *)aggstate,
Assert(peraggstate->transtypeByVal ||
(pergroupstate->transValueIsNull ||
/* Reset per-input-tuple context after each tuple */
if (hashtable->is_spilling)
int freed_size = 0;
* Split out the rest of groups in the hashtable if spilling has already
* happened. This is because none of these groups can be immediately outputted
* any more.
freed_size = suspendSpillFiles(hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= freed_size;
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "loaded hashtable from file %s and then respilled. we should delete file from work_set now",
hashtable->curr_spill_file->respilled = true;
* Update the workmenwanted value when the hashtable is not spilling.
* At this point, we know that groups in this hashtable will not appear
* at later time.
Assert(hashtable->mem_for_metadata >= start_mem_for_metadata);
hashtable->mem_wanted +=
((hashtable->mem_for_metadata - start_mem_for_metadata) +
/* CDB: Report statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE. */
if (!hashtable->is_spilling && aggstate->
return has_tuples;
* Function: reCalcNumberBatches
* Recalculate the number of batches based on the statistics we collected
* for a given spill file. This function limits the maximum number of
* batches to the default one -- gp_hashagg_default_nbatches.
* Note that we may over-estimate the number of batches, but it is still
* better than under-estimate it.
static void
reCalcNumberBatches(HashAggTable *hashtable, SpillFile *spill_file)
unsigned nbatches;
double metadata_size;
uint64 total_bytes;
Assert(spill_file->file_info != NULL);
Assert(hashtable->max_mem > hashtable->mem_for_metadata);
total_bytes = spill_file->file_info->total_bytes +
spill_file->file_info->ntuples * sizeof(HashAggEntry);
nbatches =
(total_bytes - 1) /
(hashtable->max_mem - hashtable->mem_for_metadata) + 1;
/* Also need to deduct the batch file buffer size */
metadata_size = hashtable->mem_for_metadata +
if (metadata_size < hashtable->max_mem)
nbatches = (total_bytes - 1) /
(hashtable->max_mem - metadata_size) + 1;
nbatches = 4;
/* We never respill to a single batch file. */
if (nbatches == 1)
nbatches = 4;
/* Set the number batches to the power of 2 */
nbatches = (((unsigned)1) << (unsigned)ceil(log(nbatches) / log(2)));
* We limit the number of batches to the default one.
if (nbatches > gp_hashagg_default_nbatches)
nbatches = gp_hashagg_default_nbatches;
if (hashtable->mem_for_metadata +
nbatches * BATCHFILE_METADATA > hashtable->max_mem)
hashtable->hats.nbatches = nbatches;
* Fucntion: agg_hash_next_pass
* This function identifies a batch file to be processed next.
* When there are no batch files left, this function returns false.
agg_hash_next_pass(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
SpillSet *spill_set;
int file_no;
bool more = false;
Assert( !((Agg *) aggstate->>streaming );
if (hashtable->spill_set == NULL)
return false;
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: outputed " INT64_FORMAT " groups.", hashtable->num_output_groups);
if (hashtable->curr_spill_file == NULL)
spill_set = hashtable->spill_set;
file_no = 0;
else if (hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set != NULL)
spill_set = hashtable->curr_spill_file->spill_set;
file_no = 0;
spill_set = hashtable->curr_spill_file->parent_spill_set;
file_no = hashtable->curr_spill_file->index_in_parent;
* Close the current spill file since it is finished, and its buffer space
* can be freed to use.
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= closeSpillFile(aggstate, spill_set, file_no);
/* Find the next SpillSet */
while (spill_set != NULL)
SpillFile *parent_spillfile;
int freespace = 0;
while (file_no < spill_set->num_spill_files)
if (spill_set->spill_files[file_no].file_info == NULL)
/* Gap in spill_files array, skip it */
Assert(spill_set->spill_files[file_no].file_info != NULL);
if (spill_set->spill_files[file_no].file_info->ntuples == 0)
/* Batch file with no tuples in it, close it and skip it */
Assert(spill_set->spill_files[file_no].file_info->total_bytes == 0);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "Skipping and closing empty batch file HashAgg_Slice%d_Batch_l%d_f%d",
spill_set->level, file_no);
* Close this spill file since it is empty, and its buffer space
* can be freed to use.
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= closeSpillFile(aggstate, spill_set, file_no);
/* Valid spill file, we're done */
if (file_no < spill_set->num_spill_files)
/* If this spill set is the root, break the loop. */
if (spill_set->parent_spill_file == NULL)
freespace = freeSpillSet(spill_set);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= freespace;
spill_set = NULL;
parent_spillfile = spill_set->parent_spill_file;
spill_set = spill_set->parent_spill_file->parent_spill_set;
freespace += freeSpillSet(parent_spillfile->spill_set);
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= freespace;
parent_spillfile->spill_set = NULL;
file_no = parent_spillfile->index_in_parent + 1;
/* Close parent_spillfile */
hashtable->mem_for_metadata -= closeSpillFile(aggstate, spill_set,
if (spill_set != NULL)
Assert(file_no < spill_set->num_spill_files);
hashtable->curr_spill_file = &(spill_set->spill_files[file_no]);
* Reset the number of batches if respilling is required.
* Note that we may over-estimate the number of batches, but it is still
* better than under-estimate it.
reCalcNumberBatches(hashtable, hashtable->curr_spill_file);
elog(HHA_MSG_LVL, "HashAgg: processing %d level batch file %d",
spill_set->level, file_no);
more = agg_hash_reload(aggstate);
hashtable->curr_spill_file = NULL;
hashtable->spill_set = NULL;
/* Report statistics for EXPLAIN ANALYZE. */
if (!more && aggstate->
Instrumentation *instr = aggstate->;
StringInfo hbuf = aggstate->;
instr->workmemwanted = Max(instr->workmemwanted, hashtable->mem_wanted);
instr->workmemused = hashtable->mem_used;
INT64_FORMAT " groups total in %d batches",
if (!aggstate->cached_workfiles_loaded)
"; %d overflows"
"; " INT64_FORMAT " spill groups",
appendStringInfo(hbuf, ".\n");
/* Hash chain statistics */
if (hashtable->chainlength.vcnt > 0)
"Hash chain length %.1f avg, %.0f max,"
" using %d of " INT64_FORMAT " buckets.\n",
return more;
/* Function: reset_agg_hash_table
* Clear the hash table content anchored by the bucket array.
void reset_agg_hash_table(AggState *aggstate)
HashAggTable *hashtable = aggstate->hhashtable;
"HashAgg: resetting " INT64_FORMAT "-entry hash table",
MemSet(hashtable->buckets, 0, hashtable->nbuckets * sizeof(HashAggEntry*));
MemSet(hashtable->bloom, 0, hashtable->nbuckets * sizeof(uint64));
hashtable->num_ht_groups = 0;
Gpmon_M_Incr(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_SPILLPASS);
/* Reset current pass read tuples much be before currentpass spill tuples */
Gpmon_M_Reset(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_READTUPLE);
Gpmon_M_Reset(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_READBYTE);
Gpmon_M_Reset(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_TUPLE);
Gpmon_M_Reset(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_BYTE);
Gpmon_M_Reset(GpmonPktFromAggState(aggstate), GPMON_AGG_CURRSPILLPASS_BATCH);
/* Function: destroy_agg_hash_table
* Give back the resources anchored by the hash table. Ok to call, even
* if the hash table isn't set up.
void destroy_agg_hash_table(AggState *aggstate)
Agg *agg = (Agg*)aggstate->;
if ( agg->aggstrategy == AGG_HASHED && aggstate->hhashtable != NULL )
"HashAgg: destroying hash table -- ngroup=" INT64_FORMAT " ntuple=" INT64_FORMAT,
/* destroy_batches(aggstate->hhashtable); */
if (aggstate->hhashtable->hashkey_buf)
closeSpillFiles(aggstate, aggstate->hhashtable->spill_set);
if (NULL != aggstate->hhashtable->work_set)
aggstate->hhashtable = NULL;
* Reset workfile caching state
agg_hash_reset_workfile_state(AggState *aggstate)
aggstate->workfiles_created = false;
aggstate->cached_workfiles_found = false;
aggstate->cached_workfiles_loaded = false;
agg_hash_mark_spillset_complete(AggState *aggstate)
Assert(aggstate != NULL);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable != NULL);
Assert(aggstate->hhashtable->work_set != NULL);
workfile_set *work_set = aggstate->hhashtable->work_set;
bool workset_metadata_too_big = work_set->metadata.num_leaf_files > NO_RESERVED_BATCHFILE_METADATA;
if (workset_metadata_too_big)
work_set->can_be_reused = false;
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "HashAgg: spill set contains too many files: %d. Not caching",
* Save a spill file information to the state file.
* Format is: [name_length|name|hash_bit].
* The same format must be expected in agg_hash_load_spillfile_info
static void
agg_hash_save_spillfile_info(ExecWorkFile *state_file, SpillFile *spill_file)
if (WorkfileDiskspace_IsFull())
* We exceeded the amount of diskspace for spilling. Don't try to
* write anything anymore, as we're in the cleanup stage.
(char *) &spill_file->batch_hash_bit,
* Load a spill file information to the state file.
* Format is: [name_length|name|hash_bit].
* The same format must be written in agg_hash_save_spillfile_info
* Sets spill_file_name to point to the read file name, which is palloc-ed in
* the current context.
* Return FALSE at EOF, TRUE otherwise.
static bool
agg_hash_load_spillfile_info(ExecWorkFile *state_file, char **spill_file_name, unsigned *batch_hash_bit)
*spill_file_name = agg_hash_read_string(state_file);
if (*spill_file_name == NULL)
/* EOF. No more file names to read. */
return false;
unsigned read_hash_bit;
int res =
ExecWorkFile_Read(state_file, (char *) &read_hash_bit, sizeof(read_hash_bit));
Assert(res == sizeof(read_hash_bit));
*batch_hash_bit = read_hash_bit;
return true;
/* Writing string to a bfz file
* Format: [length|data]
* This must be the same format used in agg_hash_read_string_bfz
static void
agg_hash_write_string(ExecWorkFile *ewf, const char *str, size_t len)
Assert(ewf != NULL);
ExecWorkFile_Write(ewf, (char *) &len, sizeof(len));
/* Terminating null character is not written to disk */
ExecWorkFile_Write(ewf, (char *) str, len);
/* Reading a string from a bfz file
* Format: [length|string]
* This must be the same format used in agg_hash_write_string_bfz
* Returns the palloc-ed string in the current context, NULL if error occurs.
static char *
agg_hash_read_string(ExecWorkFile *ewf)
Assert(ewf != NULL);
size_t slen = 0;
int res = ExecWorkFile_Read(ewf, (char *) &slen, sizeof(slen));
if (res != sizeof(slen))
return NULL;
char *read_string = palloc(slen+1);
res = ExecWorkFile_Read(ewf, read_string, slen);
if (res < slen)
return NULL;
return read_string;
/* EOF */