blob: fc78a24e8de4efc3e10bf41e272c03ae1e178c3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#include <string>
#define SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND (1000000000)
namespace dbcommon {
class Object {
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual ~Object() {}
// text(char*, int64_t)
struct text {
text(const char *val, int64_t length) : val(val), length(length) {}
const char *val;
int64_t length;
struct Timestamp {
int64_t second;
int64_t nanosecond;
Timestamp(int64_t second, int64_t nanosecond)
: second(second), nanosecond(nanosecond) {}
Timestamp() : Timestamp(0, 0) {}
explicit Timestamp(int64_t nanoSecond) : second(0) {
nanosecond = nanoSecond;
Timestamp &operator=(const Timestamp &ts) {
second = ts.second;
nanosecond = ts.nanosecond;
return *this;
operator uint64_t() { return nanosecond; }
friend bool operator<(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second - rts.second, lts.nanosecond - rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond >= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND) {
res.nanosecond -= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
if (res.nanosecond < 0) {
res.nanosecond += SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return (res.second < 0);
friend bool operator>(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second - rts.second, lts.nanosecond - rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond >= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND) {
res.nanosecond -= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
if (res.nanosecond < 0) {
res.nanosecond += SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return (res.second > 0 || (res.second == 0 && res.nanosecond > 0));
friend bool operator>=(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second - rts.second, lts.nanosecond - rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond >= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND) {
res.nanosecond -= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
if (res.nanosecond < 0) {
res.nanosecond += SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return (res.second >= 0);
friend bool operator<=(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second - rts.second, lts.nanosecond - rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond >= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND) {
res.nanosecond -= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
if (res.nanosecond < 0) {
res.nanosecond += SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return (res.second < 0 || (res.second == 0 && res.nanosecond == 0));
friend bool operator==(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second - rts.second, lts.nanosecond - rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond >= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND) {
res.nanosecond -= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
if (res.nanosecond < 0) {
res.nanosecond += SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return (res.second == 0 && res.nanosecond == 0);
friend bool operator!=(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
return !(lts == rts);
friend Timestamp operator+(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second + rts.second, lts.nanosecond + rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond >= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND) {
res.nanosecond -= SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return res;
friend Timestamp operator-(const Timestamp &lts, const Timestamp &rts) {
Timestamp res(lts.second - rts.second, lts.nanosecond - rts.nanosecond);
if (res.nanosecond < 0) {
res.nanosecond += SECOND_TO_NANOSECOND;
return res;
// tid in magma
struct MagmaTid {
uint16_t rangeId;
uint64_t rowId;
MagmaTid() : rangeId(0), rowId(0) {}
explicit MagmaTid(const int32_t &x) : rangeId(0), rowId(x) {}
MagmaTid(uint16_t rangeId, uint64_t rowId) : rangeId(rangeId), rowId(rowId) {}
void operator=(const int32_t &x) {
rangeId = 0;
rowId = x;
void operator=(const MagmaTid &x) {
rangeId = x.rangeId;
rowId = x.rowId;
friend bool operator>(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return cmp(x, y) > 0;
friend bool operator>=(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return cmp(x, y) >= 0;
friend bool operator<(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return cmp(x, y) < 0;
friend bool operator<=(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return cmp(x, y) <= 0;
friend bool operator==(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return cmp(x, y) == 0;
friend bool operator==(const MagmaTid &x, const int &y) { return false; }
friend bool operator!=(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return cmp(x, y) != 0;
friend MagmaTid operator+(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return MagmaTid(x.rangeId + y.rangeId, x.rowId + y.rowId);
friend MagmaTid operator-(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
return MagmaTid(x.rangeId - y.rangeId, x.rowId - y.rowId);
operator int64_t() const { return rowId; }
static int8_t cmp(const MagmaTid &x, const MagmaTid &y) {
if (x.rangeId == y.rangeId) {
if (x.rowId == y.rowId) {
return 0;
} else {
return x.rowId < y.rowId ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return x.rangeId < y.rangeId ? -1 : 1;
* A structure to represent a scalar value
struct Datum {
union ValutType {
int64_t i64;
int32_t i32;
int16_t i16;
int8_t i8;
ValutType() {}
explicit ValutType(int64_t v) : i64(v) {}
explicit ValutType(int32_t v) : i64(0) { i32 = v; }
explicit ValutType(int16_t v) : i64(0) { i16 = v; }
explicit ValutType(int8_t v) : i64(0) { i8 = v; }
} value;
Datum() {}
explicit Datum(int64_t v) : value(v) {}
explicit Datum(int32_t v) : value(v) {}
explicit Datum(int16_t v) : value(v) {}
explicit Datum(int8_t v) : value(v) {}
template <typename T>
operator T() {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(value),
"Datum may not contain data type that is not fit into it");
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(&value);
// Compare to datum and return true if they are equal.
// @param d1 The left datum of equal operator.
// @param d2 The right datum of equal operator.
// @return Return true if d1 is equal d2.
static inline bool operator==(const Datum &d1, const Datum &d2) {
return d1.value.i64 == d2.value.i64;
// Compare to datum and return true if they are not equal.
// @param d1 The left datum of not equal operator.
// @param d2 The right datum of not equal operator.
// @return Return true if d1 is not equal d2.
static inline bool operator!=(const Datum &d1, const Datum &d2) {
return d1.value.i64 != d2.value.i64;
// Declare DatumExtracter template and dispatch to different
// specialization based on data type size.
template <typename T, size_t = sizeof(T)>
struct DatumExtracter;
// Declare DatumExtracter template for 8 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumExtracter<T, sizeof(int8_t)> {
// Get primitive value of a datum.
// @param d The datum which contains the value.
// @return Return the 8 bit primitive value of the datum.
static inline T DatumGetValue(const Datum &d) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&d.value.i8);
// Declare DatumExtracter template for 16 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumExtracter<T, sizeof(int16_t)> {
// Get primitive value of a datum.
// @param d The datum which contains the value.
// @return Return the 16 bit primitive value of the datum.
static inline T DatumGetValue(const Datum &d) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&d.value.i16);
// Declare DatumExtracter template for 32 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumExtracter<T, sizeof(int32_t)> {
// Get primitive value of a datum.
// @param d The datum which contains the value.
// @return Return the 32 bit primitive value of the datum.
static inline T DatumGetValue(const Datum &d) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&d.value.i32);
// Declare DatumExtracter template for 64 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumExtracter<T, sizeof(int64_t)> {
// Get primitive value of a datum.
// @param d The datum which contains the value.
// @return Return the 64 bit primitive value of the datum.
static inline T DatumGetValue(const Datum &d) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&d.value.i64);
// Declare DatumExtracter template for MagmaTid type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumExtracter<T, sizeof(MagmaTid)> {
// Get primitive value of a datum.
// @param d The datum which contains the value.
// @return Return MagmaTid value of the datum.
static inline MagmaTid DatumGetValue(const Datum &d) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const MagmaTid *>(&d.value.i64);
// Get primitive value of a datum.
// @param d The datum which contains the value.
// @return Return the primitive value of the datum.
template <typename T>
static inline T DatumGetValue(const Datum &d) {
return DatumExtracter<T>::DatumGetValue(d);
// Declare DatumOperation template and dispatch to different
// specialization based on data type size.
template <typename T, size_t = sizeof(T)>
struct DatumOperation;
template <typename T>
struct DatumOperation<T, sizeof(int64_t)> {
static inline void DatumPlus(Datum &d, T v) {
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i64) =
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i64) + v;
template <typename T>
struct DatumOperation<T, sizeof(int32_t)> {
static inline void DatumPlus(Datum &d, T v) {
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i32) =
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i32) + v;
template <typename T>
struct DatumOperation<T, sizeof(int16_t)> {
static inline void DatumPlus(Datum &d, T v) {
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i16) =
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i16) + v;
template <typename T>
struct DatumOperation<T, sizeof(int8_t)> {
static inline void DatumPlus(Datum &d, T v) {
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i8) =
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(&d.value.i8) + v;
template <typename T>
static inline void DatumPlus(Datum &d, T v) { // NOLINT
DatumOperation<T>::DatumPlus(d, v);
// Declare DatumCreater template and dispatch to different
// specialization based on data type size.
template <typename T, size_t = sizeof(T)>
struct DatumCreater;
// Declare DatumCreate template for 8 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumCreater<T, sizeof(int8_t)> {
// Create a datum with given 8 bit primitive type.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
static inline Datum CreateDatum(const T &value) {
return Datum(*reinterpret_cast<const int8_t *>(&value));
// Declare DatumCreate template for 16 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumCreater<T, sizeof(int16_t)> {
// Create a datum with given 16 bit primitive type.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
static inline Datum CreateDatum(const T &value) {
return Datum(*reinterpret_cast<const int16_t *>(&value));
// Declare DatumCreate template for 32 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumCreater<T, sizeof(int32_t)> {
// Create a datum with given 32 bit primitive type.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
static inline Datum CreateDatum(const T &value) {
return Datum(*reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(&value));
// Declare DatumCreate template for 64 bit type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumCreater<T, sizeof(int64_t)> {
// Create a datum with given MagmaTid type.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
static inline Datum CreateDatum(const T &value) {
return Datum(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t *>(&value));
// Declare DatumCreate template for MagmaTid type.
template <typename T>
struct DatumCreater<T, sizeof(MagmaTid)> {
// Create a datum with given 64 bit primitive type.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
static inline dbcommon::Datum CreateDatum(const T &value) {
return Datum(reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(&value));
// Declare DatumCreate template for std::string.
template <>
struct DatumCreater<std::string, sizeof(std::string)> {
// Create a datum with given std::string.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
static inline Datum CreateDatum(const std::string &value) {
return Datum(reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(value.c_str()));
// Create a datum with given primitive type.
// @param value The initial value of the datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
template <typename T>
static inline Datum CreateDatum(T const &value) {
return DatumCreater<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::CreateDatum(value);
// Create a datum with the given data type ID.
// @param str The string representation of the data.
// @param typeId The data type ID of the return datum.
// @return Return a new datum.
Datum CreateDatum(const char *str, int typeId);
Datum CreateDatum(const char *str, Timestamp *timestamp, int typeId);
// Copy a datum, if the datum is pass by reference,
// copy the content of the datum.
// @param d The datum to be copied.
// @param typeId The data type ID of the datum.
// @return Return the new datum.
Datum CopyDatum(const Datum &d, int typeId);
// Convert datum to a string.
// @param d The datum to be convert.
// @param typeId The data type ID of datum.
// @return Return the string of datum.
std::string DatumToString(const Datum &d, int typeId);
// Dump datum to buffer as binary.
// @param d The datum to be convert.
// @param typeId The data type ID of datum.
// @return Return the binary of datum.
std::string DatumToBinary(const Datum &d, int typeId);
} // namespace dbcommon.