blob: 51904a8f220cbe631dae6fbb2e9d4866d5c2d780 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# $Header$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<> - wizard to fix upg2 test
B<> [options]
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-connect psql connect parameters
-tablename LIKE expression describing new tables
-indexname LIKE expression describing new indexes
-preview show data file updates, but don't modify the files
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-connect>
psql connect string, e.g:
-connect '-p 11000 template1'
=item B<-tablename>
LIKE expression describing new catalog table, eg:
-tablename foo
-tablename foo%bar
To specify multiple tables, use multiple tablename arguments, eg:
-tablename foo -tablename bar -tablename baz
=item B<-indexname>
LIKE expression describing new catalog indices, eg:
-indexname foo
-indexname foo%bar
To specify multiple indices, use multiple indexname arguments, eg:
-indexname foo -indexname bar -indexname baz
=item B<-preview>
Show data file updates, but don't modify the files.
The upg2_wizard is used to modify the data files for the upg2
regression test in accordance with the UPG2_README guidelines.
=head1 AUTHORS
Apache HAWQ
Address bug reports and comments to:
my $glob_id = "";
my $glob_connect;
my $glob_tname;
my $glob_iname;
my $glob_preview;
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $conn;
my @tname;
my @iname;
my $preview = 0;
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
"connect=s" => \$conn,
"tablename:s" => \@tname,
"indexname:s" => \@iname,
"preview|pretend" => \$preview
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
$glob_preview = $preview;
$glob_connect = $conn;
$glob_connect = '-p 11000 template1'
unless (defined($glob_connect));
$glob_tname = [];
push @{$glob_tname}, @tname if (scalar(@tname));
$glob_iname = [];
push @{$glob_iname}, @iname if (scalar(@iname));
# convert a postgresql psql formatted table into an array of hashes
sub tablelizer
my $ini = shift;
# first, split into separate lines, the find all the column headings
my @lines = split(/\n/, $ini);
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
my $line1 = shift @lines;
# look for <space>|<space>
my @colheads = split(/\s+\|\s+/, $line1);
# fixup first, last column head (remove leading,trailing spaces)
$colheads[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
shift @lines; # skip dashed separator
my @rows;
for my $lin (@lines)
my @cols = split(/\|/, $lin, scalar(@colheads));
unless (scalar(@cols) == scalar(@colheads));
my $rowh = {};
for my $colhd (@colheads)
my $rawcol = shift @cols;
$rawcol =~ s/^\s+//;
$rawcol =~ s/\s+$//;
$rowh->{$colhd} = $rawcol;
push @rows, $rowh;
return \@rows;
# file fixer: general routine to merge new catalog objects into the
# existing data files
# args: hash of new relids
# sql query to find rows associated with new catalog objects
# formatted string of relids (for substitution into sql query)
# name of the column which is a relid foreign key
# data file name
# position of the relid key col in the row (0-based)
# formatted string of column names (vertical bar separator, in order)
sub file_fixer
my ($all_relid, $sql_str, $relid_list, $relid_colname,
$file_name, $relid_pos, $col_list_str) = @_;
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
$sql_str =~ s/\*RELID_LIST\*/$relid_list/g;
$psql_str .= ' -c " ' . $sql_str . '"';
print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tabdef = `$psql_str`;
print $tabdef;
my $rowarr = tablelizer($tabdef);
my @all_newrows;
# find all the new rows (matching the relids of the new catalog objects)
for my $rr (@{$rowarr})
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$rr]);
for my $kk (keys %{$rr})
# fix NULLs
$rr->{$kk} = '\N'
unless (length($rr->{$kk}));
push @all_newrows, $rr;
# if (exists($all_relid->{$rr->{$relid_colname}}));
goto L_previewo if $glob_preview;
# must be read and writeable
die ("bad file: $file_name")
unless (-r $file_name && -w $file_name);
my $cp2 = "cp $file_name $file_name" . ".old";
my @all_oldrows;
open my $file_in, "< $file_name" or die "cannot open $file_name: $!";
# get the dataset for existing catalog updates and filter out rows
# which might match the "new" rows...
for my $ini (<$file_in>)
next if ($ini =~ m/^\\\./);
my @foo = split(/\|/, $ini);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@foo);
if (exists($all_relid->{$foo[$relid_pos]}));
push @all_oldrows, $ini;
close $file_in;
my $file_out;
if ($glob_preview)
open $file_out, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
print "\n\n";
open $file_out, "> $file_name"
or die "cannot open $file_name: $!";
# save the rows again
for my $outi (@all_oldrows)
print $file_out $outi;
my @col_list = split(/\|/, $col_list_str);
my $col1 = shift @col_list;
# add any new rows
for my $a1 (@all_newrows)
print $file_out $a1->{$col1};
for my $cname (@col_list)
print $file_out "|", $a1->{$cname};
print $file_out "\n";
print $file_out "\\.\n";
print "\n\n" if ($glob_preview);
close $file_out;
} # end file fixer
if (1)
my $exe = $0;
# assume current file is in src/test/resgress...
my $xdir = $exe;
$xdir =~ s/\/upg2\_wizard\.pl$//;
my $class_file = "$xdir/data/upgrade34/";
my $attr_file = "$xdir/data/upgrade34/";
my $depend_file = "$xdir/data/upgrade34/";
my $index_file = "$xdir/data/upgrade34/";
my $type_file = "$xdir/data/upgrade34/";
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
my $sql_str = "select oid, * from pg_class where ";
my @all_name;
push @all_name, @{$glob_tname};
push @all_name, @{$glob_iname};
my @all_like;
for my $nam (@all_name)
push @all_like, " relname like \'". $nam . "\' ";
unless (scalar(@all_like))
die("no table or index names");
$sql_str .= join(" or ", @all_like) . " ;" ;
$psql_str .= ' -c " ' . $sql_str . '"';
print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tabdef = `$psql_str`;
print $tabdef;
my $rowarr = tablelizer($tabdef);
my %reg_tabs;
my $who_me = `whoami`;
chomp $who_me;
my %all_relid;
my %all_tab;
for my $rr (@{$rowarr})
$rr->{relacl} =~ s/$who_me/\@gpcurusername\@/g;
$rr->{relacl} = '\N'
unless (length($rr->{relacl}));
$rr->{reloptions} = '\N'
unless (length($rr->{reloptions}));
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$rr]);
$all_tab{$rr->{relname}} = $rr;
$all_relid{$rr->{oid}} = $rr->{relname};
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([%all_relid]);
# print $class_file, "\n";
goto L_previewoo if $glob_preview;
die ("bad file")
unless (-r $class_file && -w $class_file);
my $cp1 = "cp $class_file $class_file" . ".old";
my @all_class;
open my $class_in, "< $class_file" or die "cannot open $class_file: $!";
for my $ini (<$class_in>)
next if ($ini =~ m/^\\\./);
my @foo = split(/\|/, $ini, 2);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@foo);
if (exists($all_relid{$foo[0]}));
push @all_class, $ini;
close $class_in;
my $file_out;
if ($glob_preview)
open $file_out, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
print "\n\n";
open my $file_out, "> $class_file"
or die "cannot open $class_file: $!";
for my $outi (@all_class)
print $file_out $outi;
my @class_col_list = split(/\|/,
) ;
for my $oid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys (%all_relid))
print $file_out $oid;
for my $cname (@class_col_list)
print $file_out "|", $all_tab{$all_relid{$oid}}->{$cname};
print $file_out "\n";
print $file_out "\\.\n";
print "\n\n" if ($glob_preview);
close $file_out;
my $relid_list_str = join(",", (sort {$a <=> $b} keys (%all_relid)));
"select * from pg_attribute where attrelid in " .
"( *RELID_LIST* ) order by attrelid, attnum;",
$attr_file, 0,
# depend
"select * from pg_depend where refobjid in " .
"( *RELID_LIST* ) " .
" or refobjid in (select oid from pg_type where typrelid in " .
"( *RELID_LIST* ) ) " .
"order by classid, objid, refobjid;",
$depend_file, 4,
# index
"select * from pg_index where indexrelid in " .
"( *RELID_LIST* ) order by indexrelid, indrelid;",
$index_file, 0,
# type
"select oid,* from pg_type where typrelid in " .
"( *RELID_LIST* ) order by oid, typname, typrelid;",
$type_file, 9,