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* instrument.h
* definitions for run-time statistics collection
* Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Greenplum inc
* Copyright (c) 2001-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/executor/instrument.h,v 1.16 2006/06/09 19:30:56 tgl Exp $
#include "portability/instr_time.h"
struct CdbExplain_NodeSummary; /* private def in cdb/cdbexplain.c */
typedef struct Instrumentation
/* Info about current plan cycle: */
bool running; /* TRUE if we've completed first tuple */
instr_time starttime; /* Start time of current iteration of node */
instr_time counter; /* Accumulated runtime for this node */
double firsttuple; /* Time for first tuple of this cycle */
double tuplecount; /* Tuples emitted so far this cycle */
/* Accumulated statistics across all completed cycles: */
double startup; /* Max row Total startup time (in seconds) */
double startupLast; /* Slowest Total startup time (in seconds) */
double total; /* Max row Total total time (in seconds) */
double totalLast; /* Slowest Total total time (in seconds) */
double ntuples; /* Total tuples produced */
double nloops; /* # of run cycles for this node */
double execmemused; /* CDB: executor memory used (bytes) */
double workmemused; /* CDB: work_mem actually used (bytes) */
double workmemwanted; /* CDB: work_mem to avoid scratch i/o (bytes) */
instr_time firststart; /* CDB: Start time of first iteration of node */
instr_time firststartLast; /* CDB: Start time of first iteration of node which is slowest*/
bool workfileReused; /* TRUE if cached workfiles reused in this node */
bool workfileCreated;/* TRUE if workfiles are created in this node */
int numPartScanned; /* Number of part tables scanned */
struct CdbExplain_NodeSummary *cdbNodeSummary; /* stats from all qExecs */
} Instrumentation;
extern Instrumentation *InstrAlloc(int n);
extern void InstrStartNode(Instrumentation *instr);
extern void InstrStopNode(Instrumentation *instr, double nTuples);
extern void InstrEndLoop(Instrumentation *instr);
#endif /* INSTRUMENT_H */