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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* execdesc.h
* plan and query descriptor accessor macros used by the executor
* and related modules.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2009, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2009, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/executor/execdesc.h,v 1.32 2006/07/11 16:35:33 momjian Exp $
#ifndef EXECDESC_H
#define EXECDESC_H
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "tcop/dest.h"
#include "gpmon/gpmon.h"
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx; /* private, in "cdb/cdbexplain.c" */
struct EState; /* #include "nodes/execnodes.h" */
struct PlanState; /* #include "nodes/execnodes.h" */
typedef enum QueryResourceLife {
QRL_NONE, /* Don't allocate resource. */
QRL_ONCE, /* Auto free during destroy QueryDesc. */
QRL_INHERIT, /* Use the parent resources, in SPI/function cases. */
} QueryResourceLife;
typedef struct QueryResource {
NodeTag type;
QueryResourceLife life;
int resource_id;
struct Segment *master;
List *segments;
uint32_t segment_memory_mb;
double segment_vcore;
int numSegments;
int *segment_vcore_agg;
int *segment_vcore_writer;
TimestampTz master_start_time;
} QueryResource;
typedef struct HostnameVolumeInfo
char hostname[HOSTNAME_MAX_LENGTH];
int64 datavolume;
} HostnameVolumeInfo;
/* ----------------
* query descriptor:
* a QueryDesc encapsulates everything that the executor
* needs to execute the query.
* For the convenience of SQL-language functions, we also support QueryDescs
* containing utility statements; these must not be passed to the executor
* however.
* ---------------------
typedef struct QueryDesc
/* These fields are provided by CreateQueryDesc */
CmdType operation; /* CMD_SELECT, CMD_UPDATE, etc. */
PlannedStmt *plannedstmt; /* planner's output, or null if utility */
Node *utilitystmt; /* utility statement, or null */
const char *sourceText; /* source text of the query */
Snapshot snapshot; /* snapshot to use for query */
Snapshot crosscheck_snapshot; /* crosscheck for RI update/delete */
DestReceiver *dest; /* the destination for tuple output */
ParamListInfo params; /* param values being passed in */
bool doInstrument; /* TRUE requests runtime instrumentation */
/* These fields are set by ExecutorStart */
TupleDesc tupDesc; /* descriptor for result tuples */
struct EState *estate; /* executor's query-wide state */
struct PlanState *planstate; /* tree of per-plan-node state */
/* This field is set by ExecutorEnd after collecting cdbdisp results */
uint64 es_processed; /* # of tuples processed */
Oid es_lastoid; /* oid of row inserted */
bool extended_query; /* simple or extended query protocol? */
char *portal_name; /* NULL for unnamed portal */
/* CDB: EXPLAIN ANALYZE statistics */
struct CdbExplain_ShowStatCtx *showstatctx;
/* Gpmon */
gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt;
/* This is always set NULL by the core system, but plugins can change it */
struct Instrumentation *totaltime; /* total time spent in ExecutorRun */
struct QueryResource *resource;
struct QueryResource *savedResource;
int planner_segments;
} QueryDesc;
/* in pquery.c */
extern QueryDesc *CreateQueryDesc(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt,
const char *sourceText,
Snapshot snapshot,
Snapshot crosscheck_snapshot,
DestReceiver *dest,
ParamListInfo params,
bool doInstrument);
extern QueryDesc *CreateUtilityQueryDesc(Node *utilitystmt,
const char *sourceText,
Snapshot snapshot,
DestReceiver *dest,
ParamListInfo params);
extern void FreeQueryDesc(QueryDesc *qdesc);
extern struct QueryResource *AllocateResource(QueryResourceLife life,
int32 slice_size,
int64_t iobytes,
int max_target_segment_num,
int min_target_segment_num,
HostnameVolumeInfo *vol_info,
int vol_info_size);
extern void FreeResource(struct QueryResource *resource);
extern void AutoFreeResource(struct QueryResource *resource);
extern void SetActiveQueryResource(struct QueryResource *resource);
extern QueryResource *GetActiveQueryResource(void);
extern void UnsetActiveQueryResource(void);
extern void CleanupActiveQueryResource(void);
extern void CleanupGlobalQueryResources(void);
extern struct QueryResource *GetDispatcherQueryResoruce(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
extern void SetActiveRelType(List *relsType);
extern List* GetActiveRelType(void);
extern void UnsetActiveRelType(void);
extern void GetResourceQuota(int max_target_segment_num,
int min_target_segment_num,
uint32 *seg_num,
uint32 *seg_num_min,
uint32 *seg_memory_mb,
double *seg_core);
#endif /* EXECDESC_H */