blob: 79ee7b045700e4a47045a832f138a2ab33a02060 [file] [log] [blame]
* execTuples.c
* Routines dealing with the executor tuple tables. These are used to
* ensure that the executor frees copies of tuples (made by
* ExecTargetList) properly.
* Routines dealing with the type information for tuples. Currently,
* the type information for a tuple is an array of FormData_pg_attribute.
* This information is needed by routines manipulating tuples
* (getattribute, formtuple, etc.).
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/executor/execTuples.c,v 1.98 2006/10/04 00:29:52 momjian Exp $
* ExecCreateTupleTable - create a new tuple table
* ExecDropTupleTable - destroy a table
* MakeSingleTupleTableSlot - make a single-slot table
* ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot - destroy same
* ExecAllocTableSlot - find an available slot in the table
* ExecSetSlotDescriptor - set a slot's tuple descriptor
* ExecStoreTuple - store a physical tuple in the slot
* ExecStoreMinimalTuple - store a minimal physical tuple in the slot
* ExecClearTuple - clear contents of a slot
* ExecStoreVirtualTuple - mark slot as containing a virtual tuple
* ExecCopySlotTuple - build a physical tuple from a slot
* ExecCopySlotMinimalTuple - build a minimal physical tuple from a slot
* ExecMaterializeSlot - convert virtual to physical storage
* ExecCopySlot - copy one slot's contents to another
* ExecInitResultTupleSlot \ convenience routines to initialize
* ExecInitScanTupleSlot \ the various tuple slots for nodes
* ExecInitExtraTupleSlot / which store copies of tuples.
* ExecInitNullTupleSlot /
* Routines that probably belong somewhere else:
* ExecTypeFromTL - form a TupleDesc from a target list
* Suppose we have a query such as SELECT FROM emp and we have
* a single SeqScan node in the query plan.
* At ExecutorStart()
* ----------------
* - InitPlan() calls ExecCreateTupleTable() to create the tuple
* table which will hold tuples processed by the executor.
* - ExecInitSeqScan() calls ExecInitScanTupleSlot() and
* ExecInitResultTupleSlot() to reserve places in the tuple
* table for the tuples returned by the access methods and the
* tuples resulting from performing target list projections.
* During ExecutorRun()
* ----------------
* - SeqNext() calls ExecStoreTuple() to place the tuple returned
* by the access methods into the scan tuple slot.
* - ExecSeqScan() calls ExecStoreTuple() to take the result
* tuple from ExecProject() and place it into the result tuple slot.
* - ExecutePlan() calls ExecSelect(), which passes the result slot
* to printtup(), which uses slot_getallattrs() to extract the
* individual Datums for printing.
* At ExecutorEnd()
* ----------------
* - EndPlan() calls ExecDropTupleTable() to clean up any remaining
* tuples left over from executing the query.
* The important thing to watch in the executor code is how pointers
* to the slots containing tuples are passed instead of the tuples
* themselves. This facilitates the communication of related information
* (such as whether or not a tuple should be pfreed, what buffer contains
* this tuple, the tuple's tuple descriptor, etc). It also allows us
* to avoid physically constructing projection tuples in many cases.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "parser/parse_expr.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h" /* rt_fetch() */
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/typcache.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h" /* Gp_segment */
static TupleDesc ExecTypeFromTLInternal(List *targetList,
bool hasoid, bool skipjunk);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* tuple table create/delete functions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* ExecCreateTupleTable
* This creates a new tuple table of the specified size.
* This should be used by InitPlan() to allocate the table.
* The table's address will be stored in the EState structure.
* --------------------------------
void init_slot(TupleTableSlot *slot, TupleDesc tupdesc)
MemSet(slot, 0, sizeof(*slot));
slot->type = T_TupleTableSlot;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_flags = TTS_ISEMPTY;
slot->tts_tupleDescriptor = tupdesc;
slot->tts_mcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
slot->tts_buffer = InvalidBuffer;
static void cleanup_slot(TupleTableSlot *slot)
if (slot->tts_mt_bind)
slot->tts_mt_bind = NULL;
if (slot->tts_tupleDescriptor)
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf)
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf = NULL;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len = 0;
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf)
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf = NULL;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len = 0;
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_values)
slot->PRIVATE_tts_values = NULL;
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull)
slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull = NULL;
ExecCreateTupleTable(int tableSize)
TupleTable newtable;
int i;
* sanity checks
Assert(tableSize >= 1);
* allocate the table itself
newtable = (TupleTable) palloc(sizeof(TupleTableData) +
(tableSize - 1) *sizeof(TupleTableSlot));
newtable->size = tableSize;
newtable->next = 0;
* initialize all the slots to empty states
for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++)
init_slot(&(newtable->array[i]), NULL);
return newtable;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecDropTupleTable
* This frees the storage used by the tuple table itself
* and optionally frees the contents of the table also.
* It is expected that this routine be called by EndPlan().
* --------------------------------
ExecDropTupleTable(TupleTable table, /* tuple table */
bool shouldFree) /* true if we should free slot
* contents */
* sanity checks
Assert(table != NULL);
* first free all the valid pointers in the tuple array and drop refcounts
* of any referenced buffers, if that's what the caller wants. (There is
* probably no good reason for the caller ever not to want it!)
if (shouldFree)
int next = table->next;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < next; i++)
* finally free the tuple table itself.
/* --------------------------------
* MakeSingleTupleTableSlot
* This is a convenience routine for operations that need a
* standalone TupleTableSlot not gotten from the main executor
* tuple table. It makes a single slot and initializes it as
* though by ExecSetSlotDescriptor(slot, tupdesc).
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleDesc tupdesc)
TupleTableSlot *slot = palloc(sizeof(*slot));
init_slot(slot, NULL);
ExecSetSlotDescriptor(slot, tupdesc);
return slot;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot
* Release a TupleTableSlot made with MakeSingleTupleTableSlot.
* --------------------------------
ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(TupleTableSlot *slot)
* sanity checks
Assert(slot != NULL);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* tuple table slot reservation functions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* ExecAllocTableSlot
* This routine is used to reserve slots in the table for
* use by the various plan nodes. It is expected to be
* called by the node init routines (ex: ExecInitNestLoop)
* once per slot needed by the node. Not all nodes need
* slots (some just pass tuples around).
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecAllocTableSlot(TupleTable table)
int slotnum; /* new slot number */
* sanity checks
Assert(table != NULL);
* We expect that the table was made big enough to begin with. We cannot
* reallocate it on the fly since previous plan nodes have already got
* pointers to individual entries.
if (table->next >= table->size)
elog(ERROR, "plan requires more slots than are available");
slotnum = table->next;
return &(table->array[slotnum]);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* tuple table slot accessor functions
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* ExecSetSlotDescriptor
* This function is used to set the tuple descriptor associated
* with the slot's tuple. The passed descriptor must have lifespan
* at least equal to the slot's. If it is a reference-counted descriptor
* then the reference count is incremented for as long as the slot holds
* a reference.
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *slot, /* slot to change */
TupleDesc tupdesc /* new tup desc */
/* For safety, make sure slot is empty before changing it */
* Install the new descriptor; if it's refcounted, bump its refcount.
slot->tts_tupleDescriptor = tupdesc;
* Allocate Datum/isnull arrays of the appropriate size. These must have
* the same lifetime as the slot, so allocate in the slot's own context.
MemoryContext oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(slot->tts_mcxt);
slot->tts_mt_bind = create_memtuple_binding(tupdesc);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_values = (Datum *) palloc(tupdesc->natts * sizeof(Datum));
slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull = (bool *) palloc(tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool));
/* --------------------------------
* ExecStoreTuple
* This function is used to store a physical tuple into a specified
* slot in the tuple table.
* tuple: tuple to store
* slot: slot to store it in
* buffer: disk buffer if tuple is in a disk page, else InvalidBuffer
* shouldFree: true if ExecClearTuple should pfree() the tuple
* when done with it
* If 'buffer' is not InvalidBuffer, the tuple table code acquires a pin
* on the buffer which is held until the slot is cleared, so that the tuple
* won't go away on us.
* shouldFree is normally set 'true' for tuples constructed on-the-fly.
* It must always be 'false' for tuples that are stored in disk pages,
* since we don't want to try to pfree those.
* Another case where it is 'false' is when the referenced tuple is held
* in a tuple table slot belonging to a lower-level executor Proc node.
* In this case the lower-level slot retains ownership and responsibility
* for eventually releasing the tuple. When this method is used, we must
* be certain that the upper-level Proc node will lose interest in the tuple
* sooner than the lower-level one does! If you're not certain, copy the
* lower-level tuple with heap_copytuple and let the upper-level table
* slot assume ownership of the copy!
* Return value is just the passed-in slot pointer.
* NOTE: before PostgreSQL 8.1, this function would accept a NULL tuple
* pointer and effectively behave like ExecClearTuple (though you could
* still specify a buffer to pin, which would be an odd combination).
* This saved a couple lines of code in a few places, but seemed more likely
* to mask logic errors than to be really useful, so it's now disallowed.
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecStoreHeapTuple(HeapTuple tuple,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
Buffer buffer,
bool shouldFree)
* sanity checks
Assert(tuple != NULL);
Assert(slot != NULL);
Assert(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor != NULL);
/* passing shouldFree=true for a tuple on a disk page is not sane */
Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer) ? (!shouldFree) : true);
* Actually we are storing a memtuple!
Assert(buffer == InvalidBuffer);
return ExecStoreMemTuple((MemTuple) tuple, slot, shouldFree);
* Free any old physical tuple belonging to the slot.
* Store the new tuple into the specified slot.
/* Clear tts_flags, here isempty set to false */
slot->PRIVATE_tts_flags = shouldFree ? TTS_SHOULDFREE : 0;
/* store the tuple */
slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple = (void *) tuple;
/* Mark extracted state invalid */
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
* If tuple is on a disk page, keep the page pinned as long as we hold a
* pointer into it. We assume the caller already has such a pin.
* This is coded to optimize the case where the slot previously held a
* tuple on the same disk page: in that case releasing and re-acquiring
* the pin is a waste of cycles. This is a common situation during
* seqscans, so it's worth troubling over.
if (slot->tts_buffer != buffer)
if (BufferIsValid(slot->tts_buffer))
slot->tts_buffer = buffer;
if (BufferIsValid(buffer))
return slot;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecStoreMinimalTuple
* Like ExecStoreTuple, but insert a "minimal" tuple into the slot.
* No 'buffer' parameter since minimal tuples are never stored in relations.
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecStoreMemTuple(MemTuple mtup, TupleTableSlot *slot, bool shouldFree)
* sanity checks
Assert(mtup != NULL);
Assert(slot != NULL);
Assert(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor != NULL);
Assert(slot->tts_mt_bind != NULL);
/* Acctually we are storing a HeapTuple! */
if(!is_heaptuple_memtuple((HeapTuple) mtup))
return ExecStoreHeapTuple((HeapTuple) mtup, slot, InvalidBuffer, shouldFree);
* Free any old physical tuple belonging to the slot.
* Store the new tuple into the specified slot.
/* Clear tts_flags, here isempty set to false */
slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple = mtup;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
* Drop the pin on the referenced buffer, if there is one.
if (BufferIsValid(slot->tts_buffer))
slot->tts_buffer = InvalidBuffer;
return slot;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum
* Fetch the slot's tuple as a composite-type Datum.
* We convert the slot's contents to local physical-tuple form,
* and fill in the Datum header fields. Note that the result
* always points to storage owned by the slot.
* --------------------------------
ExecFetchSlotTupleDatum(TupleTableSlot *slot)
HeapTuple tup;
HeapTupleHeader td;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
/* Make sure we can scribble on the slot contents ...
* GPDB: ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple() replaces the Postgres call to
* ExecMaterializeSlot() due to restructuring of the code around
* memtuple support */
tup = ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(slot);
/* ... and set up the composite-Datum header fields, in case not done */
td = tup->t_data;
tupdesc = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
HeapTupleHeaderSetDatumLength(td, tup->t_len);
HeapTupleHeaderSetTypeId(td, tupdesc->tdtypeid);
HeapTupleHeaderSetTypMod(td, tupdesc->tdtypmod);
return PointerGetDatum(td);
/* --------------------------------
* ExecClearTuple
* This function is used to clear out a slot in the tuple table.
* NB: only the tuple is cleared, not the tuple descriptor (if any).
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot * /* return: slot passed */
ExecClearTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot) /* slot in which to store tuple */
* sanity checks
Assert(slot != NULL);
* Free the old physical tuple if necessary.
slot->PRIVATE_tts_flags = TTS_ISEMPTY;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
* Drop the pin on the referenced buffer, if there is one.
if (BufferIsValid(slot->tts_buffer))
slot->tts_buffer = InvalidBuffer;
return slot;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecStoreVirtualTuple
* Mark a slot as containing a virtual tuple.
* The protocol for loading a slot with virtual tuple data is:
* * Call ExecClearTuple to mark the slot empty.
* * Store data into the Datum/isnull arrays.
* * Call ExecStoreVirtualTuple to mark the slot valid.
* This is a bit unclean but it avoids one round of data copying.
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecStoreVirtualTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot)
* sanity checks
Assert(slot != NULL);
Assert(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor != NULL);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;
return slot;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecStoreAllNullTuple
* Set up the slot to contain a null in every column.
* At first glance this might sound just like ExecClearTuple, but it's
* entirely different: the slot ends up full, not empty.
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecStoreAllNullTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot)
* sanity checks
Assert(slot != NULL);
Assert(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor != NULL);
/* Clear any old contents */
* Drop the pin on the referenced buffer, if there is one.
if (BufferIsValid(slot->tts_buffer))
slot->tts_buffer = InvalidBuffer;
* Fill all the columns of the virtual tuple with nulls
MemSet(slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull, true,
slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts * sizeof(bool));
slot->PRIVATE_tts_flags = TTS_VIRTUAL;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;
return slot;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecCopySlotTuple
* Obtain a copy of a slot's regular physical tuple. The copy is
* palloc'd in the current memory context.
* This works even if the slot contains a virtual or minimal tuple;
* however the "system columns" of the result will not be meaningful.
* --------------------------------
ExecCopySlotHeapTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot)
* sanity checks
return heap_copytuple(slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple);
* Otherwise we need to build a tuple from the Datum array.
return heap_form_tuple(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot));
/* --------------------------------
* ExecCopySlotMinimalTuple
* Obtain a copy of a slot's minimal physical tuple. The copy is
* palloc'd in the current memory context.
* --------------------------------
MemTuple ExecCopySlotMemTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot)
* sanity checks
* If we have a physical tuple then just copy it.
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple)
return memtuple_copy_to(slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple, slot->tts_mt_bind, NULL, NULL);
* Otherwise we need to build a tuple from the Datum array.
return memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot), NULL, 0, false);
extern Datum toast_flatten_tuple_attribute(Datum value, Oid typeId, int32 typeMod);
MemTuple ExecCopySlotMemTupleTo(TupleTableSlot *slot, MemoryContext pctxt, char *dest, unsigned int *len)
uint32 dumlen;
MemTuple mtup = NULL;
len = &dumlen;
if (TupHasMemTuple(slot))
mtup = memtuple_copy_to(slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple, slot->tts_mt_bind, (MemTuple) dest, len);
if(mtup || !pctxt)
return mtup;
mtup = (MemTuple) ctxt_alloc(pctxt, *len);
mtup = memtuple_copy_to(slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple, slot->tts_mt_bind, mtup, len);
return mtup;
mtup = memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot), (MemTuple) dest, len, false);
if(mtup || !pctxt)
return mtup;
mtup = (MemTuple) ctxt_alloc(pctxt, *len);
mtup = memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot), mtup, len, false);
return mtup;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecCopySlotHeadTupleTo
* Copy heapTuple to a preallocated buffer. Code adapted from ExecCopySlotTuple
* return the copied heaptule if there is enough space, or, if the memorycontext is
* not null, which the function will alloc enough space from the context. One can
* test if the tuple is alloced (ret == dest)
* return NULL and set *len to space need if there is not enough space and the mem context is null.
* return NULL if heap tuple is not valid, and set *len = 0. See slot->tts_tuple case below.
* -------------------------------
HeapTuple ExecCopySlotHeapTupleTo(TupleTableSlot *slot, MemoryContext pctxt, char* dest, unsigned int *len)
uint32 dumlen;
HeapTuple tup = NULL;
len = &dumlen;
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple)
tup = heaptuple_copy_to(slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple, (HeapTuple) dest, len);
if(tup || !pctxt)
return tup;
tup = (HeapTuple) ctxt_alloc(pctxt, *len);
tup = heaptuple_copy_to(slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple, tup, len);
return tup;
tup = heaptuple_form_to(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot), (HeapTuple) dest, len);
if(tup || !pctxt)
return tup;
tup = (HeapTuple) ctxt_alloc(pctxt, *len);
tup = heaptuple_form_to(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot), tup, len);
return tup;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecFetchSlotTuple
* Fetch the slot's regular physical tuple.
* If the slot contains a virtual tuple, we convert it to physical
* form. The slot retains ownership of the physical tuple.
* Likewise, if it contains a minimal tuple we convert to regular form.
* The difference between this and ExecMaterializeSlot() is that this
* does not guarantee that the contained tuple is local storage.
* Hence, the result must be treated as read-only.
* --------------------------------
ExecFetchSlotHeapTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot)
uint32 tuplen;
HeapTuple htup;
* sanity checks
* If we have a regular physical tuple then just return it.
return slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple;
Assert(slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid == slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts);
tuplen = slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len;
htup = heaptuple_form_to(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot),
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf, &tuplen);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf = (HeapTuple) MemoryContextAlloc(slot->tts_mcxt, tuplen);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len = tuplen;
htup = heaptuple_form_to(slot->tts_tupleDescriptor, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot),
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf, &tuplen);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple = htup;
return htup;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecFetchSlotMinimalTuple
* Fetch the slot's minimal physical tuple.
* If the slot contains a virtual tuple, we convert it to minimal
* physical form. The slot retains ownership of the physical tuple.
* Likewise, if it contains a regular tuple we convert to minimal form.
* As above, the result must be treated as read-only.
* --------------------------------
MemTuple ExecFetchSlotMemTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot, bool inline_toast)
MemTuple newTuple;
MemTuple oldTuple = NULL;
uint32 tuplen;
if(!inline_toast || !memtuple_get_hasext(slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple, slot->tts_mt_bind))
return slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple;
oldTuple = slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf = NULL;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len = 0;
tuplen = slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len;
newTuple = memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot),
(MemTuple) slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf, &tuplen, inline_toast);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf = MemoryContextAlloc(slot->tts_mcxt, tuplen);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len = tuplen;
newTuple = memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot_get_values(slot), slot_get_isnull(slot),
(MemTuple) slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf, &tuplen, inline_toast);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple = newTuple;
return newTuple;
/* --------------------------------
* ExecCopySlot
* Copy the source slot's contents into the destination slot.
* The destination acquires a private copy that will not go away
* if the source is cleared.
* The caller must ensure the slots have compatible tupdescs.
* --------------------------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecCopySlot(TupleTableSlot *dstslot, TupleTableSlot *srcslot)
/* heap tuple stuff */
if(srcslot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple && !srcslot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple) {
uint32 tuplen = dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len;
HeapTuple htup = heaptuple_copy_to(srcslot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple, dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf, &tuplen);
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf = MemoryContextAlloc(dstslot->tts_mcxt, tuplen);
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len = tuplen;
htup = heaptuple_copy_to(srcslot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple, dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf, &tuplen);
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple = htup;
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
uint32 tuplen = dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len;
MemTuple mtup;
Assert(srcslot->tts_mt_bind != NULL && dstslot->tts_mt_bind != NULL);
mtup = ExecCopySlotMemTupleTo(srcslot, NULL, dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf, &tuplen);
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf = MemoryContextAlloc(dstslot->tts_mcxt, tuplen);
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len = tuplen;
mtup = ExecCopySlotMemTupleTo(srcslot, NULL, dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf, &tuplen);
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple = mtup;
dstslot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
return dstslot;
/* XXX
* This function is not very efficient. We should detech if we can modify
* the memtuple inline so no deform/form is needed
void ExecModifyMemTuple(TupleTableSlot *slot, Datum *values, bool *isnull, bool *doRepl)
int i;
MemTuple mtup;
uint32 tuplen;
/* First, get all the attrs. Note we set PRIVATE_tts_nvalid to 0
* so we force the attrs are from memtuple
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
/* Next, we construct a new memtuple, on the htup buf to avoid palloc */
slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple = NULL;
for(i = 0; i<slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts; ++i)
slot->PRIVATE_tts_values[i] = values[i];
slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull[i] = isnull[i];
tuplen = slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len;
mtup = memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot->PRIVATE_tts_values, slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull,
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf, &tuplen, false);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf = MemoryContextAlloc(slot->tts_mcxt, tuplen);
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len = tuplen;
mtup = memtuple_form_to(slot->tts_mt_bind, slot->PRIVATE_tts_values, slot->PRIVATE_tts_isnull,
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf, &tuplen, false);
/* Check if we need to free this mem tuple */
&& slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple
&& slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple != slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf
slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple = mtup;
/* swap mtup_buf and htup_buf stuff */
mtup = (MemTuple) slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf;
tuplen = slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf = slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_mtup_buf_len = slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf = (void *) mtup;
slot->PRIVATE_tts_htup_buf_len = tuplen;
/* don't forget to reset PRIVATE_tts_nvalid, because we modified the memtuple */
slot->PRIVATE_tts_nvalid = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* convenience initialization routines
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
/* --------------------------------
* ExecInit{Result,Scan,Extra}TupleSlot
* These are convenience routines to initialize the specified slot
* in nodes inheriting the appropriate state. ExecInitExtraTupleSlot
* is used for initializing special-purpose slots.
* --------------------------------
/* ----------------
* ExecInitResultTupleSlot
* ----------------
ExecInitResultTupleSlot(EState *estate, PlanState *planstate)
planstate->ps_ResultTupleSlot = ExecAllocTableSlot(estate->es_tupleTable);
/* ----------------
* ExecInitScanTupleSlot
* CDB: Only Scan operators should use this function. Operators other
* than scans should use ExecInitExtraTupleSlot.
* CDB: Some system-defined attributes are kept in the TupleTableSlot
* so they can be reused for each tuple. They're initialized here.
* During execution, Var nodes referencing system-defined attrs can
* occur only in the targetlist and qual exprs attached to a scan
* operator. Those exprs are evaluated taking their input from the
* scan operator's Scan Tuple Slot.
* ----------------
ExecInitScanTupleSlot(EState *estate, ScanState *scanstate)
TupleTableSlot *slot = ExecAllocTableSlot(estate->es_tupleTable);
Scan *scan = (Scan *)scanstate->ps.plan;
RangeTblEntry *rtentry;
scanstate->ss_ScanTupleSlot = slot;
/* CDB: Does this look like a Scan operator? */
Insist(scan->scanrelid > 0 &&
scan->scanrelid <= list_length(estate->es_range_table));
/* What kind of scan? */
rtentry = rt_fetch(scan->scanrelid, estate->es_range_table);
switch (rtentry->rtekind)
/* Set 'tableoid' sysattr to the Oid of baserel's pg_class row. */
slot->tts_tableOid = rtentry->relid;
/* ----------------
* ExecInitExtraTupleSlot
* ----------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(EState *estate)
return ExecAllocTableSlot(estate->es_tupleTable);
/* ----------------
* ExecInitNullTupleSlot
* Build a slot containing an all-nulls tuple of the given type.
* This is used as a substitute for an input tuple when performing an
* outer join.
* ----------------
TupleTableSlot *
ExecInitNullTupleSlot(EState *estate, TupleDesc tupType)
TupleTableSlot *slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate);
ExecSetSlotDescriptor(slot, tupType);
return ExecStoreAllNullTuple(slot);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecTypeFromTL
* Generate a tuple descriptor for the result tuple of a targetlist.
* (A parse/plan tlist must be passed, not an ExprState tlist.)
* Note that resjunk columns, if any, are included in the result.
* Currently there are about 4 different places where we create
* TupleDescriptors. They should all be merged, or perhaps
* be rewritten to call BuildDesc().
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid)
return ExecTypeFromTLInternal(targetList, hasoid, false);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* ExecCleanTypeFromTL
* Same as above, but resjunk columns are omitted from the result.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
ExecCleanTypeFromTL(List *targetList, bool hasoid)
return ExecTypeFromTLInternal(targetList, hasoid, true);
static TupleDesc
ExecTypeFromTLInternal(List *targetList, bool hasoid, bool skipjunk)
TupleDesc typeInfo;
ListCell *l;
int len;
int cur_resno = 1;
if (skipjunk)
len = ExecCleanTargetListLength(targetList);
len = ExecTargetListLength(targetList);
typeInfo = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(len, hasoid);
foreach(l, targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(l);
if (skipjunk && tle->resjunk)
exprType((Node *) tle->expr),
exprTypmod((Node *) tle->expr),
return typeInfo;
* ExecTypeFromExprList - build a tuple descriptor from a list of Exprs
* Here we must make up an arbitrary set of field names.
ExecTypeFromExprList(List *exprList)
TupleDesc typeInfo;
ListCell *l;
int cur_resno = 1;
char fldname[NAMEDATALEN];
typeInfo = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(list_length(exprList), false);
foreach(l, exprList)
Node *e = lfirst(l);
sprintf(fldname, "f%d", cur_resno);
return typeInfo;
* BlessTupleDesc - make a completed tuple descriptor useful for SRFs
* Rowtype Datums returned by a function must contain valid type information.
* This happens "for free" if the tupdesc came from a relcache entry, but
* not if we have manufactured a tupdesc for a transient RECORD datatype.
* In that case we have to notify typcache.c of the existence of the type.
BlessTupleDesc(TupleDesc tupdesc)
if (tupdesc->tdtypeid == RECORDOID &&
tupdesc->tdtypmod < 0)
return tupdesc; /* just for notational convenience */
* TupleDescGetSlot - Initialize a slot based on the supplied tupledesc
* Note: this is obsolete; it is sufficient to call BlessTupleDesc on
* the tupdesc. We keep it around just for backwards compatibility with
* existing user-written SRFs.
TupleTableSlot *
TupleDescGetSlot(TupleDesc tupdesc)
TupleTableSlot *slot;
/* The useful work is here */
/* Make a standalone slot */
slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(tupdesc);
/* Return the slot */
return slot;
* TupleDescGetAttInMetadata - Build an AttInMetadata structure based on the
* supplied TupleDesc. AttInMetadata can be used in conjunction with C strings
* to produce a properly formed tuple.
AttInMetadata *
TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(TupleDesc tupdesc)
int natts = tupdesc->natts;
int i;
Oid atttypeid;
Oid attinfuncid;
FmgrInfo *attinfuncinfo;
Oid *attioparams;
int32 *atttypmods;
AttInMetadata *attinmeta;
attinmeta = (AttInMetadata *) palloc(sizeof(AttInMetadata));
/* "Bless" the tupledesc so that we can make rowtype datums with it */
attinmeta->tupdesc = BlessTupleDesc(tupdesc);
* Gather info needed later to call the "in" function for each attribute
attinfuncinfo = (FmgrInfo *) palloc0(natts * sizeof(FmgrInfo));
attioparams = (Oid *) palloc0(natts * sizeof(Oid));
atttypmods = (int32 *) palloc0(natts * sizeof(int32));
for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
/* Ignore dropped attributes */
if (!tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
atttypeid = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid;
getTypeInputInfo(atttypeid, &attinfuncid, &attioparams[i]);
fmgr_info(attinfuncid, &attinfuncinfo[i]);
atttypmods[i] = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypmod;
attinmeta->attinfuncs = attinfuncinfo;
attinmeta->attioparams = attioparams;
attinmeta->atttypmods = atttypmods;
return attinmeta;
* BuildTupleFromCStrings - build a HeapTuple given user data in C string form.
* values is an array of C strings, one for each attribute of the return tuple.
* A NULL string pointer indicates we want to create a NULL field.
BuildTupleFromCStrings(AttInMetadata *attinmeta, char **values)
TupleDesc tupdesc = attinmeta->tupdesc;
int natts = tupdesc->natts;
Datum *dvalues;
bool *nulls;
int i;
HeapTuple tuple;
dvalues = (Datum *) palloc(natts * sizeof(Datum));
nulls = (bool *) palloc(natts * sizeof(bool));
/* Call the "in" function for each non-dropped attribute */
for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
if (!tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
/* Non-dropped attributes */
dvalues[i] = InputFunctionCall(&attinmeta->attinfuncs[i],
if (values[i] != NULL)
nulls[i] = false;
nulls[i] = true;
/* Handle dropped attributes by setting to NULL */
dvalues[i] = (Datum) 0;
nulls[i] = true;
* Form a tuple
tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, dvalues, nulls);
* Release locally palloc'd space. XXX would probably be good to pfree
* values of pass-by-reference datums, as well.
return tuple;
* Functions for sending tuples to the frontend (or other specified destination)
* as though it is a SELECT result. These are used by utility commands that
* need to project directly to the destination and don't need or want full
* Table Function capability. Currently used by EXPLAIN and SHOW ALL
TupOutputState *
begin_tup_output_tupdesc(DestReceiver *dest, TupleDesc tupdesc)
TupOutputState *tstate;
tstate = (TupOutputState *) palloc(sizeof(TupOutputState));
tstate->metadata = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(tupdesc);
tstate->slot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(tupdesc);
tstate->dest = dest;
(*tstate->dest->rStartup) (tstate->dest, (int) CMD_SELECT, tupdesc);
return tstate;
* write a single tuple
* values is a list of the external C string representations of the values
* to be projected.
* XXX This could be made more efficient, since in reality we probably only
* need a virtual tuple.
do_tup_output(TupOutputState *tstate, char **values)
/* build a tuple from the input strings using the tupdesc */
HeapTuple tuple = BuildTupleFromCStrings(tstate->metadata, values);
/* put it in a slot */
ExecStoreGenericTuple(tuple, tstate->slot, true);
/* send the tuple to the receiver */
(*tstate->dest->receiveSlot) (tstate->slot, tstate->dest);
/* clean up */
* write a chunk of text, breaking at newline characters
* NB: scribbles on its input!
* Should only be used with a single-TEXT-attribute tupdesc.
do_text_output_multiline(TupOutputState *tstate, char *text)
while (*text)
char *eol;
eol = strchr(text, '\n');
if (eol)
*eol++ = '\0';
eol = text +strlen(text);
do_tup_output(tstate, &text);
text = eol;
end_tup_output(TupOutputState *tstate)
(*tstate->dest->rShutdown) (tstate->dest);
/* note that destroying the dest is not ours to do */
/* XXX worth cleaning up the attinmetadata? */
* Get a system attribute from the tuple table slot.
slot_getsysattr(TupleTableSlot *slot, int attnum, bool *isnull)
Datum result = 0;
/* Currently, no sys attribute ever reads as NULL. */
if (isnull)
*isnull = false;
/* HeapTuple */
if (slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple)
HeapTuple htup = slot->PRIVATE_tts_heaptuple;
case SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber:
result = PointerGetDatum(&(htup->t_self));
case ObjectIdAttributeNumber:
result = ObjectIdGetDatum(HeapTupleGetOid(htup));
case TableOidAttributeNumber:
result = ObjectIdGetDatum(slot->tts_tableOid);
result = heap_getsysattr(htup, attnum, isnull);
/* MemTuple, virtual tuple */
Assert(TupHasMemTuple(slot) || TupHasVirtualTuple(slot));
case SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber:
result = PointerGetDatum(&(slot->PRIVATE_tts_synthetic_ctid));
case ObjectIdAttributeNumber:
result = ObjectIdGetDatum(MemTupleGetOid(slot->PRIVATE_tts_memtuple,
result = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
case GpSegmentIdAttributeNumber:
result = Int32GetDatum(GetQEIndex());
case TableOidAttributeNumber:
result = ObjectIdGetDatum(slot->tts_tableOid);
elog(ERROR, "Invalid attnum: %d", attnum);
return result;
} /* slot_getsysattr */
* Set a synthetic ctid based on a fake ctid. Fake ctid is incremented before
* the assignment.
slot_set_ctid_from_fake(TupleTableSlot *slot, ItemPointerData *fake_ctid)
/* Uninitialized */
if (!ItemPointerIsValid(fake_ctid))
ItemPointerSetBlockNumber(fake_ctid, 0);
ItemPointerSetOffsetNumber(fake_ctid, FirstOffsetNumber);
/* would we overflow? */
if (ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(fake_ctid) ==
MaxOffsetNumber - 1)
/* How can we overflow 2^46? */
Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(fake_ctid) !=
MaxBlockNumber - 1);
ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(fake_ctid) + 1);
ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(fake_ctid) + 1);
slot_set_ctid(slot, fake_ctid);