blob: e68ad6d3c646614c2217258f35ee46fba22278b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* execBitmapTableScan.c
* Support routines for nodeBitmapTableScan.c
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* Portions Copyright (c) 2014, Pivotal, Inc.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "executor/execdebug.h"
#include "executor/nodeBitmapTableScan.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h" /* gp_select_invisible */
#include "nodes/tidbitmap.h"
* Returns BitmapTableScanMethod for a given table type. Returns NULL
* if the given type is TableTypeInvalid or not defined in TableType.
static const ScanMethod *
getBitmapTableScanMethod(TableType tableType)
* scanMethods
* Array that specifies different scan methods for various table types.
* The index in this array for a specific table type should match the enum value
* defined in TableType.
static const ScanMethod scanMethods[] =
&BitmapHeapScanNext, &BitmapHeapScanBegin, &BitmapHeapScanEnd,
&BitmapHeapScanReScan, &MarkRestrNotAllowed, &MarkRestrNotAllowed
/* COMPILE_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(scanMethods) == TableTypeInvalid); */
if (tableType < TableTypeHeap || tableType >= TableTypeInvalid)
return NULL;
return &scanMethods[tableType];
* Initializes the state relevant to bitmaps.
static inline void
initBitmapState(BitmapTableScanState *scanstate)
if (scanstate->tbmres == NULL)
scanstate->tbmres =
palloc0(sizeof(TBMIterateResult) +
MAX_TUPLES_PER_PAGE * sizeof(OffsetNumber));
* Frees the state relevant to bitmaps.
static inline void
freeBitmapState(BitmapTableScanState *scanstate)
if (scanstate->tbm != NULL)
if(IsA(scanstate->tbm, HashBitmap))
tbm_free((HashBitmap *)scanstate->tbm);
scanstate->tbm = NULL;
if (scanstate->tbmres != NULL)
scanstate->tbmres = NULL;
static TupleTableSlot*
BitmapTableScanPlanQualTuple(BitmapTableScanState *node)
EState *estate = node->;
Index scanrelid = ((BitmapTableScan *) node->>scan.scanrelid;
ExprContext *econtext = node->;
TupleTableSlot *slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
* Check if we are evaluating PlanQual for tuple of this relation.
* Additional checking is not good, but no other way for now. We could
* introduce new nodes for this case and handle IndexScan --> NewNode
* switching in Init/ReScan plan...
if (estate->es_evTuple != NULL &&
estate->es_evTuple[scanrelid - 1] != NULL)
if (estate->es_evTupleNull[scanrelid - 1])
return ExecClearTuple(slot);
ExecStoreGenericTuple(estate->es_evTuple[scanrelid - 1], slot, false);
/* Does the tuple meet the original qual conditions? */
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
if (!ExecQual(node->bitmapqualorig, econtext, false))
ExecClearTuple(slot); /* would not be returned by scan */
/* Flag for the next call that no more tuples */
estate->es_evTupleNull[scanrelid - 1] = true;
return slot;
return ExecClearTuple(slot);
* Reads a bitmap (with possibly many pages) from the underlying node.
static void
readBitmap(BitmapTableScanState *scanState)
if (scanState->tbm != NULL)
Node *tbm = (Node *) MultiExecProcNode(outerPlanState(scanState));
if (tbm != NULL && (!(IsA(tbm, HashBitmap) ||
IsA(tbm, StreamBitmap))))
elog(ERROR, "unrecognized result from subplan");
* When a HashBitmap is returned, set the returning bitmaps
* in the subplan to NULL, so that the subplan nodes do not
* mistakenly try to release the space during the rescan.
if (tbm != NULL && IsA(tbm, HashBitmap))
scanState->tbm = tbm;
scanState->needNewBitmapPage = true;
* Reads the next bitmap page from the current bitmap.
static bool
fetchNextBitmapPage(BitmapTableScanState *scanState)
if (scanState->tbm == NULL)
return false;
TBMIterateResult *tbmres = (TBMIterateResult *)scanState->tbmres;
bool gotBitmapPage = true;
/* Set to 0 so that we can enter the while loop */
tbmres->ntuples = 0;
while (gotBitmapPage && tbmres->ntuples == 0)
gotBitmapPage = tbm_iterate(scanState->tbm, (TBMIterateResult *)scanState->tbmres);
if (gotBitmapPage)
scanState->iterator = NULL;
scanState->needNewBitmapPage = false;
if (tbmres->ntuples == BITMAP_IS_LOSSY)
scanState->isLossyBitmapPage = true;
scanState->isLossyBitmapPage = false;
return gotBitmapPage;
* Initializes perfmon details for BitmapTableScan node.
initGpmonPktForBitmapTableScan(Plan *planNode, gpmon_packet_t *gpmon_pkt, EState *estate)
Assert(planNode != NULL && gpmon_pkt != NULL && IsA(planNode, BitmapTableScan));
RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(((BitmapTableScan *)planNode)->scan.scanrelid,
char schema_rel_name[SCAN_REL_NAME_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
InitPlanNodeGpmonPkt(planNode, gpmon_pkt, estate, PMNT_BitmapTableScan,
GetScanRelNameGpmon(rte->relid, schema_rel_name));
* Checks eligibility of a tuple.
* Note, a tuple may fail to meet visibility requirement. Moreover,
* for a lossy bitmap, we need to check for every tuple to make sure
* that it satisfies the qual.
BitmapTableScanRecheckTuple(BitmapTableScanState *scanState, TupleTableSlot *slot)
* If we are using lossy info or we are required to recheck each tuple
* because of visibility or other causes, then evaluate the tuple
* eligibility.
if (scanState->isLossyBitmapPage || scanState->recheckTuples)
ExprContext *econtext = scanState->;
econtext->ecxt_scantuple = slot;
return ExecQual(scanState->bitmapqualorig, econtext, false);
return true;
* Prepares for a new scan such as initializing bitmap states, preparing
* the corresponding scan method etc.
BitmapTableScanBegin(BitmapTableScanState *scanState, Plan *plan, EState *estate, int eflags)
DynamicScan_Begin((ScanState *)scanState, plan, estate, eflags);
* Prepares for scanning of a new partition/relation.
BitmapTableScanBeginPartition(ScanState *node, bool initExpressions)
Assert(node != NULL);
BitmapTableScanState *scanState = (BitmapTableScanState *)node;
Assert(SCAN_NEXT == scanState->ss.scan_state);
if (scanState->bitmapqualorig == NULL || initExpressions)
/* TODO rahmaf2 [JIRA: MPP-23293]: remap columns per-partition to handle dropped columns */
scanState->bitmapqualorig = (List *)
ExecInitExpr((Expr *) ((BitmapTableScan*)(node->ps.plan))->bitmapqualorig,
(PlanState *) scanState);
scanState->needNewBitmapPage = true;
scanState->recheckTuples = true;
* Prepare child node to produce new bitmaps for the new partition (and cleanup
* any leftover state from old partition).
ExecReScan(outerPlanState(node), NULL);
* Cleans up once scanning of a partition/relation is done.
BitmapTableScanEndPartition(ScanState *node)
Assert(SCAN_SCAN == node->scan_state);
BitmapTableScanState *scanState = (BitmapTableScanState *) node;
Assert(scanState->tbm == NULL);
* Executes underlying scan method to fetch the next matching tuple.
TupleTableSlot *
BitmapTableScanFetchNext(ScanState *node)
BitmapTableScanState *scanState = (BitmapTableScanState *) node;
TupleTableSlot *slot = BitmapTableScanPlanQualTuple(scanState);
while (TupIsNull(slot))
/* If we haven't already obtained the required bitmap, do so */
/* If we have exhausted the current bitmap page, fetch the next one */
if (!scanState->needNewBitmapPage || fetchNextBitmapPage(scanState))
slot = ExecScan(&scanState->ss, (ExecScanAccessMtd) getBitmapTableScanMethod(scanState->ss.tableType)->accessMethod);
* Needed a new bitmap page, but couldn't fetch one. Therefore,
* try the next partition.
return slot;
* Cleans up after the scanning has finished.
BitmapTableScanEnd(BitmapTableScanState *scanState)
DynamicScan_End((ScanState *)scanState, BitmapTableScanEndPartition);
* Prepares for a rescan.
BitmapTableScanReScan(BitmapTableScanState *node, ExprContext *exprCtxt)
ScanState *scanState = &node->ss;
Assert(scanState->tableType >= 0 && scanState->tableType < TableTypeInvalid);
* If we are being passed an outer tuple, link it into the "regular"
* per-tuple econtext for possible qual eval.
if (exprCtxt != NULL)
ExprContext *stdecontext = node->;
stdecontext->ecxt_outertuple = exprCtxt->ecxt_outertuple;
EState *estate = node->;
Index scanrelid = ((Scan *)(scanState->ps.plan))->scanrelid;
/* If this is re-scanning of PlanQual ... */
if (estate->es_evTuple != NULL &&
estate->es_evTuple[scanrelid - 1] != NULL)
estate->es_evTupleNull[scanrelid - 1] = false;
DynamicScan_ReScan((ScanState *)node, BitmapTableScanEndPartition, exprCtxt);
ExecReScan(outerPlanState(node), exprCtxt);