blob: a9f51e523672bb070f30886905cf6bc10204ca9e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This python script will adapt the PXF external tables to the new NameNode in case
# of High Availability manual failover.
# The script receives as input the new namenode host and then goes over each external
# table entry in the catalog table pg_exttable and updates the LOCATION field -
# replaces the old Namenode host with the new one.
import sys
from gppylib.db import dbconn
def wrongUsage():
'Print usage string and leave'
print "usage: pxf_manual_failover <new_namenode_host> <database> [-h <hawq_master_host>] [-p <hawq_master_port>]"
def getNewHost():
'reads new NameNode from command line - exits if wrong input'
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
return sys.argv[1]
def getDatabase():
'reads database from command line - exits if wrong input'
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
return sys.argv[2]
def getOptionalInput(flag, default):
"""generic function - retrieves optional parameters from the input
If [flag <value>] is not on the command line, we use default
Explaining the parsing. This is how the command line string that
sys.argv returns, looks like:
['./', 'localhost', 'films', '-h', '', '-p', '5432']
input = list(sys.argv)
if input.count(flag) == 0:
return default
flag_idx = input.index(flag)
if len(input) < flag_idx +1:
return input[flag_idx + 1]
def getMasterHost():
'reads hawq_master_host from command line - optional'
return getOptionalInput("-h", "localhost")
def getMasterPort():
'reads hawq_master_port from command line - optional'
return getOptionalInput("-p", 5432)
def isPxfTable(location):
'decide if this is a PXF table by analyzing the LOCATION field for the table entry in pg_exttable'
return cmp(location[1:7],"pxf://") == 0
def makeNewLocation(new_host, location):
'replaces [host] substring in [location] with [new_host]'
start = location.find("//")
end = location.find(":", start)
size = len(location)
new_location = location[:start] + "//" + new_host + location[end:size]
return new_location
def promptUser(new_host, database, hawq_master_host, hawq_master_port):
'Give user a last chance to change his mind'
print "Will replace the current Namenode hostname with [" + new_host + "] in database [" + database + "]"
print "Hawq master is: [" + hawq_master_host + "] and Hawq port is: [" + str(hawq_master_port) + "]"
reply = raw_input('Do you wish to continue: Yes[Y]/No[N] ?')
reply = reply.lower()
if not(cmp(reply, 'yes') == 0 or cmp(reply, 'y') == 0):
print "User decided to cancel operation. Leaving..."
def connectToDb(hawq_master_host, hawq_master_port, database):
'connect to database'
url = dbconn.DbURL(hawq_master_host
,port = hawq_master_port
,dbname = database
return dbconn.connect(dburl = url)
def updateOneRecord(conn, new_host, row):
'Updates the LOCATION field of one record'
if not(isPxfTable(row[0])):
new_location = makeNewLocation(new_host, row[0])
dbconn.execSQL(conn, "UPDATE pg_exttable SET location = '" + new_location + "' WHERE reloid = "
+ str(row[1]))
print "Updated LOCATION for table ", row[2], "oid: ", row[1], \
"\n Old LOCATION: ", row[0], "\n New LOCATION: ", new_location
def updateNnHost(conn, new_host):
'update the LOCATION field for each record in pg_exttable'
dbconn.execSQL(conn, "set allow_system_table_mods = 'DML'")
dbconn.execSQL(conn, "START TRANSACTION")
cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, "SELECT location, reloid, relname FROM pg_exttable, pg_class WHERE reloid = relfilenode")
for row in cursor:
updateOneRecord(conn, new_host, row)
def main():
'The driver function of this module'
new_host = getNewHost()
database = getDatabase()
hawq_master_host = getMasterHost()
hawq_master_port = getMasterPort()
promptUser(new_host, database, hawq_master_host, hawq_master_port)
conn = connectToDb(hawq_master_host, hawq_master_port, database)
updateNnHost(conn, new_host)
if __name__ == "__main__":