blob: a943bcb5778e8111148fdfa6ee4dbf0a500633a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* appendonlywriter.h
* Definitions for appendonlywriter.h
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Greenplum inc.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL$
#include "access/aosegfiles.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "storage/lock.h"
#include "tcop/dest.h"
#define NEXT_END_OF_LIST (-1)
* This segfile number may only be used for special case write operations.
* These include operations that bypass the qd -OR- that need not worry about
* concurrency. Currently these are:
* - UTILITY mode operations, for example, gp_restore.
* - Table rewrites that are sometimes done as a part of ALTER TABLE.
* - CTAS, which runs on an exclusively locked destination table.
* Note that in some cases (such as CTAS) the aoseg table on the QD will not
* be updated for segment entry 0 after the operation completes. This is ok
* as the concurrency module never cares about the RESERVED segno anyway. When
* wanting to sync the aoseg table on the master after such operations you need
* to call gp_update_ao_master_stats(), which gp_restore does automatically.
* GUC variables
extern int MaxAppendOnlyTables; /* Max # of concurrently used AO rels */
extern int MaxAORelSegFileStatus; /* Max # of concurrently used AO segfiles */
* Describes the status of a particular file segment number accross an entire
* AO relation.
* This information is kept in a hash table and kept up to date. It represents
* the global status of this segment number accross the whole array, for example
* 'tupcount' for segno #4 will show the total rows in all file segments with
* number 4 for this specific table.
* This data structure is accessible by the master node and it is used to make
* decisions regarding file segment allocations for data writes. Note that it
* is not used for reads. Durind reads each segdb scanner reads its local
* catalog.
* Note that 'isfull' tries to guess if any of the file segments is full. Since
* there may be some skew in the data we use a threshold that is a bit lower
* than the max tuples allowed per segment.
typedef struct AOSegfileStatus
int64 tupcount; /* Total tupcount for this segno across *
* all segdbs */
int64 tupsadded; /* Num tuples added in this segno across *
* all segdbs in the current transaction */
TransactionId xid; /* the inserting transaction id */
TransactionId latestWriteXid; /* the latest committed inserting
transaction id */
bool inuse; /* if true - segno is assigned right now. *
* use another */
bool isfull; /* if true - never insert into this segno *
* anymore */
bool needCheck; /* need to check if the segfile contain unexpected garbage data */
/* The following fields is for HAWQ 2.0 */
int segno; /* The segment file number of this file */
int next; /* The index of the next AOSegfileStatus */
int id; /* The index of this AOSegfileStatus */
} AOSegfileStatus;
extern AOSegfileStatus *AOSegfileStatusPool;
* Describes the status of all file segments of an AO relation in the system.
* This data structure is kept in a hash table on the master and kept up to
* date.
* 'relid' stands for the AO relation this entry serves.
* 'txns_using_rel' stands for the number of transactions that are currently
* inserting into this relation. if equals zero it is safe to remove this
* entry from the hash table (when needed).
typedef struct AORelHashEntryData
Oid relid;
int txns_using_rel;
int max_seg_no;
AOSegfileStatus head_rel_segfile;
* The information about rel_segfile are stale caused by a previous alter/truncate in this (sub)transaction.
* We cannot simply remove this hash entry since the current transaction/outer transaction could be aborted.
* We must mark it's tid as stale since the insert operation may follow in this transaction,
* and in the followed insert operation, all rel_segfile are stale to use.
SubTransactionId staleTid; /* the alter/truncation transaction id */
} AORelHashEntryData;
typedef AORelHashEntryData *AORelHashEntry;
typedef struct AppendOnlyWriterData
int num_existing_aorels; /* Current # of recorded entries for AO relations */
int num_existing_segfilestatus; /* Current # of recorded segment status for AO relations */
int head_free_segfilestatus;
} AppendOnlyWriterData;
extern AppendOnlyWriterData *AppendOnlyWriter;
* functions in appendonlywriter.c
extern Size AppendOnlyWriterShmemSize(void);
extern void InitAppendOnlyWriter(void);
extern Size AppendOnlyWriterShmemSize(void);
extern bool TestCurrentTspSupportTruncate(Oid tsp);
extern List *SetSegnoForWrite(List *existing_segnos, Oid relid, int segment_num, bool forNewRel, bool reuse_segfilenum_in_same_xid, bool keepHash);
extern List *assignPerRelSegno(List *all_rels, int segment_num);
extern void UpdateMasterAosegTotals(Relation parentrel,
int segno,
uint64 tupcount);
extern bool AORelRemoveHashEntry(Oid relid, bool checkIsStale);
extern void AORelRemoveHashEntryOnCommit(Oid relid);
extern void AtCommit_AppendOnly(bool isSubTransaction);
extern void AtAbort_AppendOnly(bool isSubTransaction);
extern void AtEOXact_AppendOnly(void);
extern void ValidateAppendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot(
Snapshot *appendOnlyMetaDataSnapshot);