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// This file is for timezone routines.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace orc {
// default location of the timezone files
const char DEFAULT_TZDIR[] = "/usr/share/zoneinfo";
// location of a symlink to the local timezone
const char LOCAL_TIMEZONE[] = "/etc/localtime";
const int64_t MONTHS_PER_YEAR = 12;
// The number of days in each month in non-leap and leap years.
const int64_t DAYS_PER_MONTH[2][MONTHS_PER_YEAR] = {
{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
{31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}};
const int64_t SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60;
const int64_t SECONDS_PER_DAY = SECONDS_PER_HOUR * 24;
const int64_t DAYS_PER_WEEK = 7;
// Leap years and day of the week repeat every 400 years, which makes it
// a good cycle length.
const int64_t SECONDS_PER_400_YEARS =
SECONDS_PER_DAY * (365 * (300 + 3) + 366 * (100 - 3));
// Is the given year a leap year?
inline bool isLeap(int64_t year) {
return (year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0));
// A variant (eg. PST or PDT) of a timezone (eg. America/Los_Angeles).
struct TimezoneVariant {
int64_t gmtOffset;
bool isDst;
std::string name;
std::string toString() const { return "Not-implemented"; }
// A region that shares the same legal rules for wall clock time and
// day light savings transitions. They are typically named for the largest
// city in the region (eg. America/Los_Angeles or America/Mexico_City).
class Timezone {
virtual ~Timezone();
// Get the variant for the given time (time_t).
virtual const TimezoneVariant& getVariant(int64_t clk) const = 0;
// Get the number of seconds between the ORC epoch in this timezone
// and Unix epoch.
// ORC epoch is 1 Jan 2015 00:00:00 local.
// Unix epoch is 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
virtual int64_t getEpoch() const = 0;
// Print the timezone to the stream.
virtual void print(std::ostream&) const = 0;
// Get the version of the zone file.
virtual uint64_t getVersion() const = 0;
// Get the local timezone.
// Results are cached.
const Timezone& getLocalTimezone();
// Get a timezone by name (eg. America/Los_Angeles).
// Results are cached.
const Timezone& getTimezoneByName(const std::string& zone);
// Parse a set of bytes as a timezone file as if they came from filename.
std::unique_ptr<Timezone> getTimezone(const std::string& filename,
const std::vector<unsigned char>& b);
class TimezoneError : public std::runtime_error {
explicit TimezoneError(const std::string& what);
explicit TimezoneError(const TimezoneError&);
virtual ~TimezoneError() noexcept;
struct Transition {
TransitionKind kind;
int64_t day;
int64_t week;
int64_t month;
int64_t time;
std::string toString() const {
std::stringstream buffer;
switch (kind) {
buffer << "julian " << day;
buffer << "day " << day;
buffer << "month " << month << " week " << week << " day " << day;
buffer << " at " << (time / (60 * 60)) << ":" << ((time / 60) % 60) << ":"
<< (time % 60);
return buffer.str();
// Get the transition time for the given year.
// @param year the year
// @return the number of seconds past local Jan 1 00:00:00 that the
// transition happens.
int64_t getTime(int64_t year) const {
int64_t result = time;
switch (kind) {
result += SECONDS_PER_DAY * day;
if (day > 60 && isLeap(year)) {
result += SECONDS_PER_DAY;
result += SECONDS_PER_DAY * day;
bool inLeap = isLeap(year);
int64_t adjustedMonth = (month + 9) % 12 + 1;
int64_t adjustedYear = (month <= 2) ? (year - 1) : year;
int64_t adjustedCentury = adjustedYear / 100;
int64_t adjustedRemainder = adjustedYear % 100;
// day of the week of the first day of month
int64_t dayOfWeek = ((26 * adjustedMonth - 2) / 10 + 1 +
adjustedRemainder + adjustedRemainder / 4 +
adjustedCentury / 4 - 2 * adjustedCentury) %
if (dayOfWeek < 0) {
dayOfWeek += DAYS_PER_WEEK;
int64_t d = day - dayOfWeek;
if (d < 0) {
for (int w = 1; w < week; ++w) {
if (d + DAYS_PER_WEEK >= DAYS_PER_MONTH[inLeap][month - 1]) {
result += d * SECONDS_PER_DAY;
// Add in the time for the month
for (int m = 0; m < month - 1; ++m) {
result += DAYS_PER_MONTH[inLeap][m] * SECONDS_PER_DAY;
return result;
// Represents the parsed POSIX timezone rule strings that are used to
// describe the future transitions, because they can go arbitrarily far into
// the future.
class FutureRule {
virtual ~FutureRule();
virtual bool isDefined() const = 0;
virtual const TimezoneVariant& getVariant(int64_t clk) const = 0;
virtual void print(std::ostream* out) const = 0;
// Parse the POSIX TZ string.
std::unique_ptr<FutureRule> parseFutureRule(const std::string& ruleString);
// The current rule for finding timezone variants arbitrarily far in
// the future. They are based on a string representation that
// specifies the standard name and offset. For timezones with
// daylight savings, the string specifies the daylight variant name
// and offset and the rules for switching between them.
// rule = <standard name><standard offset><daylight>?
// name = string with no numbers or '+', '-', or ','
// offset = [-+]?hh(:mm(:ss)?)?
// daylight = <name><offset>,<start day>(/<offset>)?,<end day>(/<offset>)?
// day = J<day without 2/29>|<day with 2/29>|M<month>.<week>.<day of week>
class FutureRuleImpl : public FutureRule {
std::string ruleString;
TimezoneVariant standard;
bool hasDst;
TimezoneVariant dst;
Transition start;
Transition end;
// expanded time_t offsets of transitions
std::vector<int64_t> offsets;
// Is the epoch (1 Jan 1970 00:00) in standard time?
// This code assumes that the transition dates fall in the same order
// each year. Hopefully no timezone regions decide to move across the
// equator, which is about what it would take.
bool startInStd;
void computeOffsets() {
if (!hasDst) {
startInStd = true;
} else {
// Insert a transition for the epoch and two per a year for the next
// 400 years. We assume that the all even positions are in standard
// time if and only if startInStd and the odd ones are the reverse.
offsets.resize(400 * 2 + 1);
startInStd = start.getTime(1970) < end.getTime(1970);
int64_t base = 0;
for (int64_t year = 1970; year < 1970 + 400; ++year) {
if (startInStd) {
offsets[static_cast<uint64_t>(year - 1970) * 2 + 1] =
base + start.getTime(year) - standard.gmtOffset;
offsets[static_cast<uint64_t>(year - 1970) * 2 + 2] =
base + end.getTime(year) - dst.gmtOffset;
} else {
offsets[static_cast<uint64_t>(year - 1970) * 2 + 1] =
base + end.getTime(year) - dst.gmtOffset;
offsets[static_cast<uint64_t>(year - 1970) * 2 + 2] =
base + start.getTime(year) - standard.gmtOffset;
base += (isLeap(year) ? 366 : 365) * SECONDS_PER_DAY;
offsets[0] = 0;
virtual ~FutureRuleImpl();
bool isDefined() const override;
const TimezoneVariant& getVariant(int64_t clk) const override;
void print(std::ostream* out) const override;
friend class FutureRuleParser;
// A parser for the future rule strings.
class FutureRuleParser {
FutureRuleParser(const std::string& str, FutureRuleImpl* rule)
: ruleString(str), length(str.size()), position(0), output(*rule) {
output.ruleString = str;
if (position != length) {
output.standard.gmtOffset = -parseOffset();
output.standard.isDst = false;
output.hasDst = position < length;
if (output.hasDst) {
output.dst.isDst = true;
if (ruleString[position] != ',') {
output.dst.gmtOffset = -parseOffset();
} else {
output.dst.gmtOffset = output.standard.gmtOffset + 60 * 60;
if (position != length) {
throwError("Extra text");
const std::string& ruleString;
size_t length;
size_t position;
FutureRuleImpl& output;
void throwError(const char* msg) {
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << msg << " at " << position << " in '" << ruleString << "'";
LOG_ERROR(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", buffer.str().c_str());
// Parse the names of the form:
// ([^-+0-9,]+|<[^>]+>)
// and set the output string.
void parseName(std::string* result) {
if (position == length) {
throwError("name required");
size_t start = position;
if (ruleString[position] == '<') {
while (position < length && ruleString[position] != '>') {
position += 1;
if (position == length) {
throwError("missing close '>'");
position += 1;
} else {
while (position < length) {
char ch = ruleString[position];
if (isdigit(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '+' || ch == ',') {
position += 1;
if (position == start) {
throwError("empty string not allowed");
*result = ruleString.substr(start, position - start);
// Parse an integer of the form [0-9]+ and return it.
int64_t parseNumber() {
if (position >= length) {
throwError("missing number");
int64_t result = 0;
while (position < length) {
char ch = ruleString[position];
if (isdigit(ch)) {
result = result * 10 + (ch - '0');
position += 1;
} else {
return result;
// Parse the offsets of the form:
// [-+]?[0-9]+(:[0-9]+(:[0-9]+)?)?
// and convert it into a number of seconds.
int64_t parseOffset() {
int64_t scale = 3600;
bool isNegative = false;
if (position < length) {
char ch = ruleString[position];
isNegative = ch == '-';
if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') {
position += 1;
int64_t result = parseNumber() * scale;
while (position < length && scale > 1 && ruleString[position] == ':') {
scale /= 60;
position += 1;
result += parseNumber() * scale;
if (isNegative) {
result = -result;
return result;
// Parse a transition of the following form:
// ,(J<number>|<number>|M<number>.<number>.<number>)(/<offset>)?
void parseTransition(Transition* transition) {
if (length - position < 2 || ruleString[position] != ',') {
throwError("missing transition");
position += 1;
char ch = ruleString[position];
if (ch == 'J') {
transition->kind = TRANSITION_JULIAN;
position += 1;
transition->day = parseNumber();
} else if (ch == 'M') {
transition->kind = TRANSITION_MONTH;
position += 1;
transition->month = parseNumber();
if (position == length || ruleString[position] != '.') {
throwError("missing first .");
position += 1;
transition->week = parseNumber();
if (position == length || ruleString[position] != '.') {
throwError("missing second .");
position += 1;
transition->day = parseNumber();
} else {
transition->kind = TRANSITION_DAY;
transition->day = parseNumber();
if (position < length && ruleString[position] == '/') {
position += 1;
transition->time = parseOffset();
} else {
transition->time = 2 * 60 * 60;
// Parse the POSIX TZ string.
extern std::unique_ptr<FutureRule> parseFutureRule(
const std::string& ruleString);
// An abstraction of the differences between versions.
class VersionParser {
virtual ~VersionParser();
// Get the version number.
virtual uint64_t getVersion() const = 0;
// Get the number of bytes
virtual uint64_t getTimeSize() const = 0;
// Parse the time at the given location.
virtual int64_t parseTime(const unsigned char* ptr) const = 0;
// Parse the future string
virtual std::string parseFutureString(const unsigned char* ptr,
uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length) const = 0;
class TimezoneImpl : public Timezone {
TimezoneImpl(const std::string& name, const std::vector<unsigned char> bytes);
virtual ~TimezoneImpl();
// Get the variant for the given time (time_t).
const TimezoneVariant& getVariant(int64_t clk) const override;
void print(std::ostream&) const override;
uint64_t getVersion() const override { return version; }
int64_t getEpoch() const override { return epoch; }
void parseTimeVariants(const unsigned char* ptr, uint64_t variantOffset,
uint64_t variantCount, uint64_t nameOffset,
uint64_t nameCount);
void parseZoneFile(const unsigned char* ptr, uint64_t sectionOffset,
uint64_t fileLength, const VersionParser& version);
// filename
std::string filename;
// the version of the file
uint64_t version;
// the list of variants for this timezone
std::vector<TimezoneVariant> variants;
// the list of the times where the local rules change
std::vector<int64_t> transitions;
// the variant that starts at this transition.
std::vector<uint64_t> currentVariant;
// the variant before the first transition
uint64_t ancientVariant;
// the rule for future times
std::unique_ptr<FutureRule> futureRule;
// the last explicit transition after which we use the future rule
int64_t lastTransition;
// The ORC epoch time in this timezone.
int64_t epoch;
} // end of namespace orc