blob: f46750da7b757229cbafe9483376909d5d254f55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "univplan/common/statistics.h"
#include "storage/common/bloom-filter.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/byte-rle.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/orc-proto-definition.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/reader.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/rle.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/seekable-input-stream.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/timezone.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/type.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/vector.h"
#include "storage/format/orc/orc_proto.pb.h"
namespace orc {
// classes that hold data members so we can maintain binary compatibility
struct ReaderOptionsPrivate;
// Options for creating a Reader.
class ReaderOptions {
std::unique_ptr<ReaderOptionsPrivate> privateBits;
ReaderOptions(const ReaderOptions&);
ReaderOptions& operator=(const ReaderOptions&);
virtual ~ReaderOptions();
// For files that have structs as the top-level object, select the fields
// to read. The first field is 0, the second 1, and so on. By default,
// all columns are read. This option clears any previous setting of
// the selected columns.
// @param include a list of fields to read
// @return this
ReaderOptions& include(const std::list<uint64_t>& include);
// For files that have structs as the top-level object, select the fields
// to read by name. By default, all columns are read. This option clears
// any previous setting of the selected columns.
// @param include a list of fields to read
// @return this
ReaderOptions& include(const std::list<std::string>& include);
// Selects which type ids to read. The root type is always 0 and the
// rest of the types are labeled in a preorder traversal of the tree.
// The parent types are automatically selected, but the children are not.
// This option clears any previous setting of the selected columns or
// types.
// @param types a list of the type ids to read
// @return this
ReaderOptions& includeTypes(const std::list<uint64_t>& types);
// Set the section of the file to process.
// @param offset the starting byte offset
// @param length the number of bytes to read
// @return this
ReaderOptions& range(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length);
// For Hive 0.11 (and 0.12) decimals, the precision was unlimited
// and thus may overflow the 38 digits that is supported. If one
// of the Hive 0.11 decimals is too large, the reader may either convert
// the value to NULL or throw an exception. That choice is controlled
// by this setting.
// Defaults to true.
// @param shouldThrow should the reader throw a ParseError?
// @return returns *this
ReaderOptions& throwOnHive11DecimalOverflow(bool shouldThrow);
// For Hive 0.11 (and 0.12) written decimals, which have unlimited
// scale and precision, the reader forces the scale to a consistent
// number that is configured. This setting changes the scale that is
// forced upon these old decimals. See also throwOnHive11DecimalOverflow.
// Defaults to 6.
// @param forcedScale the scale that will be forced on Hive 0.11 decimals
// @return returns *this
ReaderOptions& forcedScaleOnHive11Decimal(int32_t forcedScale);
// Set the location of the tail as defined by the logical length of the
// file.
ReaderOptions& setTailLocation(uint64_t offset);
// Set the stream to use for printing warning or error messages.
ReaderOptions& setErrorStream(std::ostream& stream); // NOLINT
// Open the file used a serialized copy of the file tail.
// When one process opens the file and other processes need to read
// the rows, we want to enable clients to just read the tail once.
// By passing the string returned by Reader.getSerializedFileTail(), to
// this function, the second reader will not need to read the file tail
// from disk.
// @param serialization the bytes of the serialized tail to use
ReaderOptions& setSerializedFileTail(const std::string& serialization);
// Get the memory allocator.
dbcommon::MemoryPool* getMemoryPool() const;
// Were the field ids set?
bool getIndexesSet() const;
// Were the type ids set?
bool getTypeIdsSet() const;
// Get the list of selected field or type ids to read.
const std::list<uint64_t>& getInclude() const;
// Were the include names set?
bool getNamesSet() const;
// Get the list of selected columns to read. All children of the selected
// columns are also selected.
const std::list<std::string>& getIncludeNames() const;
// Get the start of the range for the data being processed.
// @return if not set, return 0
uint64_t getOffset() const;
// Get the end of the range for the data being processed.
// @return if not set, return the maximum long
uint64_t getLength() const;
// Get the desired tail location.
// @return if not set, return the maximum long.
uint64_t getTailLocation() const;
// Should the reader throw a ParseError when a Hive 0.11 decimal is
// larger than the supported 38 digits of precision? Otherwise, the
// data item is replaced by a NULL.
bool getThrowOnHive11DecimalOverflow() const;
// What scale should all Hive 0.11 decimals be normalized to?
int32_t getForcedScaleOnHive11Decimal() const;
// Get the stream to write warnings or errors to.
std::ostream* getErrorStream() const;
// Get the serialized file tail that the user passed in.
std::string getSerializedFileTail() const;
void setPredicateExprs(const univplan::UnivPlanExprPolyList* predicateExprs);
const univplan::UnivPlanExprPolyList* getPredicateExprs() const;
void setTupleDesc(const dbcommon::TupleDesc* td);
const dbcommon::TupleDesc* getTupleDesc() const;
void setReadStatsOnlyFlag(bool readStatsOnly);
bool readStatsOnly() const;
class StripeStreams {
virtual ~StripeStreams();
// Get the reader options.
// @return Reader options
virtual const ReaderOptions& getReaderOptions() const = 0;
// Get the array of booleans for which columns are selected.
// @return the address of an array which contains true at the index of
// each columnId is selected.
virtual const std::vector<bool> getSelectedColumns() const = 0;
// Get the encoding for the given column for this stripe.
// @param columnId The column id
// @return The column encoding
virtual proto::ColumnEncoding getEncoding(uint64_t columnId) const = 0;
// Get the stream for the given column/kind in this stripe.
// @param columnId The id of the column
// @param kind The kind of the stream
// @param shouldStream Should the reading page the stream in
// @return The new stream
virtual std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> getStream(
uint64_t columnId, proto::Stream_Kind kind, bool shouldStream) const = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> getStreamForBloomFilter(
uint64_t columnId, proto::Stream_Kind kind, bool shouldStream) const = 0;
// Get the memory pool for this reader.
// @return The memory pool
virtual dbcommon::MemoryPool& getMemoryPool() const = 0;
// Get the writer's timezone, so that we can convert their dates correctly.
// @return The timezone
virtual const Timezone& getWriterTimezone() const = 0;
// The interface for reading ORC data types.
class ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<ByteRleDecoder> notNullDecoder; // it is exact a
// BooleanRleDecoderImpl, pay
// attention to the vitual
// function call
uint64_t columnId;
dbcommon::MemoryPool& memoryPool;
ColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
virtual ~ColumnReader();
// Skip number of specified rows.
// @param numValues the number of values to skip
// @return the number of non-null values skipped
virtual uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues);
// Read the next group of values into this rowBatch.
// @param rowBatch the memory to read into.
// @param numValues the number of values to read
// @param notNull if null, all values are not null. Otherwise, it is
// a mask (with at least numValues bytes) for which values to
// set.
virtual void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues, // NOLINT
char* notNull);
class BooleanColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<orc::ByteRleDecoder> rle;
BooleanColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class ByteColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<orc::ByteRleDecoder> rle;
ByteColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
extern RleVersion convertRleVersion(proto::ColumnEncoding_Kind kind);
template <class IntType>
class IntegerColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<orc::RleDecoder> rle;
IntegerColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe); // NOLINT
// : //NOLINT
// ColumnReader(type, stripe) { //NOLINT
// RleVersion vers =
// convertRleVersion(stripe.getEncoding(columnId).kind());
// rle = createRleDecoder<IntType>(
// stripe.getStream(columnId, proto::Stream_Kind_DATA, true), true,
// vers,
// memoryPool);
// }
~IntegerColumnReader() {}
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class LongColumnReader : public IntegerColumnReader<int64_t> {
LongColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe) // NOLINT
: IntegerColumnReader<int64_t>(type, stripe) {
RleVersion vers = convertRleVersion(stripe.getEncoding(columnId).kind());
rle = createRleDecoder(
stripe.getStream(columnId, proto::Stream_Kind_DATA, true), true, vers,
memoryPool, LONG);
~LongColumnReader() {}
class IntColumnReader : public IntegerColumnReader<int32_t> {
IntColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe) // NOLINT
: IntegerColumnReader<int32_t>(type, stripe) {
RleVersion vers = convertRleVersion(stripe.getEncoding(columnId).kind());
rle = createRleDecoder(
stripe.getStream(columnId, proto::Stream_Kind_DATA, true), true, vers,
memoryPool, INT);
~IntColumnReader() {}
class ShortColumnReader : public IntegerColumnReader<int16_t> {
ShortColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe) // NOLINT
: IntegerColumnReader<int16_t>(type, stripe) {
RleVersion vers = convertRleVersion(stripe.getEncoding(columnId).kind());
rle = createRleDecoder(
stripe.getStream(columnId, proto::Stream_Kind_DATA, true), true, vers,
memoryPool, SHORT);
~ShortColumnReader() {}
class DateColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<orc::RleDecoder> rle;
DateColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe); // NOLINT
~DateColumnReader() {}
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class TimeColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<orc::RleDecoder> rle;
TimeColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe); // NOLINT
~TimeColumnReader() {}
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class TimestampColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<orc::RleDecoder> secondsRle;
std::unique_ptr<orc::RleDecoder> nanoRle;
const Timezone& writerTimezone;
const int64_t epochOffset;
TimestampColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class DoubleColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
DoubleColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stripe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> inputStream;
ORCTypeKind columnKind;
const uint64_t bytesPerValue;
const char* bufferPointer;
const char* bufferEnd;
const char* bufferS = nullptr;
const char* bufferE = nullptr;
void nextBuffer() {
int bufferLength = 0;
const void* bufferPointer = nullptr;
bool result = inputStream->Next(&bufferPointer, &bufferLength);
if (!result) {
LOG_ERROR(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, "bad read in nextBuffer");
bufferS = static_cast<const char*>(bufferPointer);
bufferE = bufferS + bufferLength;
void readData(char* data, uint64_t numValues) {
uint64_t i = 0;
uint64_t count;
if (columnKind == FLOAT)
count = numValues * sizeof(float);
count = numValues * sizeof(double);
while (i < count) {
if (bufferS == bufferE) {
uint64_t copyBytes =
std::min(count - i, static_cast<uint64_t>(bufferE - bufferS));
memcpy(data, bufferS, copyBytes);
bufferS += copyBytes;
data += copyBytes;
i += copyBytes;
class StringDictionaryColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
DataBuffer<char> dictionaryBlob;
DataBuffer<int64_t> dictionaryOffset;
std::unique_ptr<RleDecoder> rle;
uint64_t dictionaryCount;
StringDictionaryColumnReader(const Type& type,
StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class StringDirectColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
DataBuffer<char> blobBuffer;
std::unique_ptr<RleDecoder> lengthRle;
std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> blobStream;
const char* lastBuffer;
size_t lastBufferLength;
// Compute the total length of the values.
// @param lengths the array of lengths
// @param notNull the array of notNull flags
// @param numValues the lengths of the arrays
// @return the total number of bytes for the non-null values
size_t computeSize(const int64_t* lengths, const char* notNull,
uint64_t numValues);
StringDirectColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class StructColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::vector<ColumnReader*> children;
StructColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class ListColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> child;
std::unique_ptr<RleDecoder> rle;
ListColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class MapColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> keyReader;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> elementReader;
std::unique_ptr<RleDecoder> rle;
MapColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class UnionColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
std::unique_ptr<ByteRleDecoder> rle;
std::vector<ColumnReader*> childrenReader;
std::vector<int64_t> childrenCounts;
uint64_t numChildren;
UnionColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
class Decimal64ColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
static const uint32_t MAX_PRECISION_64 = 18;
static const uint32_t MAX_PRECISION_128 = 38;
static const int64_t POWERS_OF_TEN[MAX_PRECISION_64 + 1];
std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> valueStream;
int32_t precision;
int32_t scale;
const char* buffer;
const char* bufferEnd;
std::unique_ptr<RleDecoder> scaleDecoder;
// Read the valueStream for more bytes.
void readBuffer() {
while (buffer == bufferEnd) {
int length;
if (!valueStream->Next(reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&buffer),
&length)) {
"Read past end of stream in Decimal64ColumnReader %s",
bufferEnd = buffer + length;
void readInt64(int64_t& value, int32_t currentScale) { // NOLINT
value = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
while (true) {
unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(*(buffer++));
value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(ch & 0x7f) << offset;
offset += 7;
if (!(ch & 0x80)) {
value = unZigZag(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
if (scale > currentScale) {
value *= POWERS_OF_TEN[scale - currentScale];
} else if (scale < currentScale) {
value /= POWERS_OF_TEN[currentScale - scale];
Decimal64ColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
uint64_t skip(uint64_t numValues) override;
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
extern void unZigZagInt128(Int128& value); // NOLINT
extern void scaleInt128(Int128& value, uint32_t scale, // NOLINT
uint32_t currentScale);
class Decimal128ColumnReader : public Decimal64ColumnReader {
Decimal128ColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
void readInt128(Int128& value, int32_t currentScale) { // NOLINT
value = 0;
Int128 work;
uint32_t offset = 0;
while (true) {
unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(*(buffer++));
work = ch & 0x7f;
work <<= offset;
value |= work;
offset += 7;
if (!(ch & 0x80)) {
scaleInt128(value, static_cast<uint32_t>(scale),
class DecimalHive11ColumnReader : public Decimal64ColumnReader {
bool throwOnOverflow;
std::ostream* errorStream;
// Read an Int128 from the stream and correct it to the desired scale.
bool readInt128(Int128& value, int32_t currentScale) { // NOLINT
// -/+ 99999999999999999999999999999999999999
static const Int128 MIN_VALUE(-0x4b3b4ca85a86c47b, 0xf675ddc000000001);
static const Int128 MAX_VALUE(0x4b3b4ca85a86c47a, 0x098a223fffffffff);
value = 0;
Int128 work;
uint32_t offset = 0;
bool result = true;
while (true) {
unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(*(buffer++));
work = ch & 0x7f;
// If we have read more than 128 bits, we flag the error, but keep
// reading bytes so the stream isn't thrown off.
if (offset > 128 || (offset == 126 && work > 3)) {
result = false;
work <<= offset;
value |= work;
offset += 7;
if (!(ch & 0x80)) {
if (!result) {
return result;
scaleInt128(value, static_cast<uint32_t>(scale),
return value >= MIN_VALUE && value <= MAX_VALUE;
DecimalHive11ColumnReader(const Type& type, StripeStreams& stipe); // NOLINT
void next(ColumnVectorBatch& rowBatch, uint64_t numValues,
char* notNull) override; // NOLINT
// The interface for reading ORC files.
// This is an an abstract class that will subclassed as necessary.
class Reader {
virtual ~Reader();
// Get the format version of the file. Currently known values are:
// "0.11" and "0.12"
// @return the version string
virtual std::string getFormatVersion() const = 0;
// Get the number of rows in the file.
// @return the number of rows
virtual uint64_t getNumberOfRows() const = 0;
// Get the user metadata keys.
// @return the set of metadata keys
virtual std::list<std::string> getMetadataKeys() const = 0;
// Get a user metadata value.
// @param key a key given by the user
// @return the bytes associated with the given key
virtual std::string getMetadataValue(const std::string& key) const = 0;
// Did the user set the given metadata value.
// @param key the key to check
// @return true if the metadata value was set
virtual bool hasMetadataValue(const std::string& key) const = 0;
// Get the compression kind.
// @return the kind of compression in the file
virtual CompressionKind getCompression() const = 0;
// Get the buffer size for the compression.
// @return number of bytes to buffer for the compression codec.
virtual uint64_t getCompressionSize() const = 0;
// Get the version of the writer.
// @return the version of the writer.
virtual WriterVersion getWriterVersion() const = 0;
// Get the number of rows per a entry in the row index.
// @return the number of rows per an entry in the row index or 0 if there
// is no row index.
virtual uint64_t getRowIndexStride() const = 0;
// Get the number of stripes in the file.
// @return the number of stripes
virtual uint64_t getNumberOfStripes() const = 0;
// Get the information about a stripe.
// @param stripeIndex the stripe 0 to N-1 to get information about
// @return the information about that stripe
virtual std::unique_ptr<StripeInformation> getStripe(
uint64_t stripeIndex) const = 0;
// Get the number of stripe statistics in the file.
// @return the number of stripe statistics
virtual uint64_t getNumberOfStripeStatistics() const = 0;
// Get the statistics about a stripe.
// @param stripeIndex the stripe 0 to N-1 to get statistics about
// @return the statistics about that stripe
virtual std::unique_ptr<univplan::Statistics> getStripeStatistics(
uint64_t stripeIndex) const = 0;
// Get the length of the data stripes in the file.
// @return the number of bytes in stripes
virtual uint64_t getContentLength() const = 0;
// Get the length of the file stripe statistics
// @return the number of compressed bytes in the file stripe statistics
virtual uint64_t getStripeStatisticsLength() const = 0;
// Get the length of the file footer
// @return the number of compressed bytes in the file footer
virtual uint64_t getFileFooterLength() const = 0;
// Get the length of the file postscript
// @return the number of bytes in the file postscript
virtual uint64_t getFilePostscriptLength() const = 0;
// Get the total length of the file.
// @return the number of bytes in the file
virtual uint64_t getFileLength() const = 0;
// Get the statistics about the columns in the file.
// @return the information about the column
virtual std::unique_ptr<univplan::Statistics> getStatistics() const = 0;
// Get the statistics about a single column in the file.
// @return the information about the column
virtual std::unique_ptr<univplan::ColumnStatistics> getColumnStatistics(
uint32_t columnId) const = 0;
// Get the type of the rows in the file. The top level is typically a
// struct.
// @return the root type
virtual const Type& getType() const = 0;
// Get the selected type of the rows in the file. The file's row type
// is projected down to just the selected columns. Thus, if the file's
// type is struct<col0:int,col1:double,col2:string> and the selected
// columns are "col0,col2" the selected type would be
// struct<col0:int,col2:string>.
// @return the root type
virtual const Type& getSelectedType() const = 0;
// Get the selected columns of the file.
virtual const std::vector<bool> getSelectedColumns() const = 0;
// Create a row batch for reading the selected columns of this file.
// @param size the number of rows to read
// @return a new ColumnVectorBatch to read into
virtual std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> createRowBatch(
uint64_t size) const = 0;
// Read the next row batch from the current position.
// Caller must look at numElements in the row batch to determine how
// many rows were read.
// @param data the row batch to read into.
// @return true if a non-zero number of rows were read or false if the
// end of the file was reached.
virtual bool next(ColumnVectorBatch& data) = 0; // NOLINT
// Get the row number of the first row in the previously read batch.
// @return the row number of the previous batch.
virtual uint64_t getRowNumber() const = 0;
// Seek to a given row.
// @param rowNumber the next row the reader should return
virtual void seekToRow(uint64_t rowNumber) = 0;
// Get the name of the input stream.
virtual const std::string& getStreamName() const = 0;
// check file has correct column statistics
virtual bool hasCorrectStatistics() const = 0;
// Get the serialized file tail.
// Usefull if another reader of the same file wants to avoid re-reading
// the file tail. See ReaderOptions.setSerializedFileTail().
// @return a string of bytes with the file tail
virtual std::string getSerializedFileTail() const = 0;
// Estimate an upper bound on heap memory allocation by the Reader
// based on the information in the file footer.
// The bound is less tight if only few columns are read or compression is
// used.
// @param stripeIx index of the stripe to be read (if not specified,
// all stripes are considered).
// @return upper bound on memory use
virtual uint64_t getMemoryUse(int stripeIx = -1) = 0;
virtual void collectPredicateStats(uint32_t* scanned, uint32_t* skipped) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<orc::InputStream> ownInputStream() = 0;
// Create a reader to the for the ORC file.
// @param stream the stream to read
// @param options the options for reading the file
std::unique_ptr<Reader> createReader(std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream,
const ReaderOptions& options);
class StripeStreamsImpl;
class ReaderImpl : public Reader {
const Timezone& localTimezone;
// inputs
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream;
ReaderOptions options;
const uint64_t fileLength;
const uint64_t postscriptLength;
std::vector<bool> selectedColumns;
// custom memory pool
dbcommon::MemoryPool& memoryPool;
// postscript
std::unique_ptr<proto::PostScript> postscript;
const uint64_t blockSize;
const CompressionKind compression;
// footer
std::unique_ptr<proto::Footer> footer;
DataBuffer<uint64_t> firstRowOfStripe;
uint64_t numberOfStripes;
std::unique_ptr<Type> schema;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Type> selectedSchema;
// metadata
mutable std::unique_ptr<proto::Metadata> metadata;
mutable bool isMetadataLoaded;
// reading state
uint64_t previousRow;
uint64_t firstStripe;
uint64_t currentStripe;
uint64_t lastStripe; // the stripe AFTER the last one
uint64_t currentRowInStripe;
uint64_t rowsInCurrentStripe;
proto::StripeInformation currentStripeInfo;
std::unique_ptr<StripeStreamsImpl> currentStripeStream = nullptr;
std::vector<proto::StripeFooter> stripeFooters;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> curReader;
std::map<std::string, uint64_t> nameIdMap;
std::map<uint64_t, const Type*> idTypeMap;
// count for filter push down
uint32_t skippedStripe = 0;
uint32_t scannedStripe = 0;
// for read stats only
std::unique_ptr<univplan::Statistics> currentStripeStats;
// internal methods
proto::StripeFooter getStripeFooter(
const proto::StripeInformation& info) const;
void startNextStripe();
void checkOrcVersion();
void readMetadata() const;
bool notIncludeType(ColumnVectorBatch* data, orc::ORCTypeKind typekind);
// build map from type name and id, id to Type
void buildTypeNameIdMap(const Type* type,
std::vector<std::string>& columns); // NOLINT
std::string toDotColumnPath(const std::vector<std::string>& columns);
// Select the columns from the options object
void updateSelected();
// Select a field by name
void updateSelectedByName(const std::string& name);
// Select a field by id
void updateSelectedByFieldId(uint64_t fieldId);
// Select a type by id
void updateSelectedByTypeId(uint64_t typeId);
// Select all of the recursive children of the given type.
void selectChildren(const Type& type);
// For each child of type, select it if one of its children
// is selected.
bool selectParents(const Type& type);
// Constructor that lets the user specify additional options.
// @param stream the stream to read from
// @param options options for reading
// @param postscript the postscript for the file
// @param footer the footer for the file
// @param fileLength the length of the file in bytes
// @param postscriptLength the length of the postscript in bytes
ReaderImpl(std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream, const ReaderOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<proto::PostScript> postscript,
std::unique_ptr<proto::Footer> footer, uint64_t fileLength,
uint64_t postscriptLength);
const ReaderOptions& getReaderOptions() const;
CompressionKind getCompression() const override;
std::string getFormatVersion() const override;
WriterVersion getWriterVersion() const override;
uint64_t getNumberOfRows() const override;
uint64_t getRowIndexStride() const override;
const std::string& getStreamName() const override;
std::list<std::string> getMetadataKeys() const override;
std::string getMetadataValue(const std::string& key) const override;
bool hasMetadataValue(const std::string& key) const override;
uint64_t getCompressionSize() const override;
uint64_t getNumberOfStripes() const override;
std::unique_ptr<StripeInformation> getStripe(uint64_t) const override;
uint64_t getNumberOfStripeStatistics() const override;
std::unique_ptr<univplan::Statistics> getStripeStatistics(
uint64_t stripeIndex) const override;
uint64_t getContentLength() const override;
uint64_t getStripeStatisticsLength() const override;
uint64_t getFileFooterLength() const override;
uint64_t getFilePostscriptLength() const override;
uint64_t getFileLength() const override;
std::unique_ptr<univplan::Statistics> getStatistics() const override;
std::unique_ptr<univplan::ColumnStatistics> getColumnStatistics(
uint32_t columnId) const override;
const Type& getType() const override;
const Type& getSelectedType() const override;
const std::vector<bool> getSelectedColumns() const override;
std::unique_ptr<ColumnVectorBatch> createRowBatch(
uint64_t size) const override;
bool next(ColumnVectorBatch& data) override;
uint64_t getRowNumber() const override;
void seekToRow(uint64_t rowNumber) override;
bool hasCorrectStatistics() const override;
std::string getSerializedFileTail() const override;
uint64_t getMemoryUse(int stripeIx = -1) override;
void collectPredicateStats(uint32_t* scanned, uint32_t* skipped) override;
std::unique_ptr<orc::InputStream> ownInputStream() override;
proto::BloomFilterIndex rebuildBloomFilter(uint32_t colId);
bool doReadStatsOnly(ColumnVectorBatch* data);
// Create a reader for the given stripe.
// @param type The reader type
// @param stripe The strip stream
std::unique_ptr<ColumnReader> buildReader(const Type& type,
StripeStreams& stripe); // NOLINT
class StripeStreamsImpl : public StripeStreams {
const ReaderImpl& reader;
const proto::StripeFooter& footer;
const uint64_t stripeStart;
InputStream& input;
dbcommon::MemoryPool& memoryPool;
const Timezone& writerTimezone;
StripeStreamsImpl(const ReaderImpl& reader, const proto::StripeFooter& footer,
uint64_t stripeStart,
InputStream& input, // NOLINT
dbcommon::MemoryPool& memoryPool, // NOLINT
const Timezone& writerTimezone);
virtual ~StripeStreamsImpl();
const ReaderOptions& getReaderOptions() const override;
const std::vector<bool> getSelectedColumns() const override;
proto::ColumnEncoding getEncoding(uint64_t columnId) const override;
std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> getStream(
uint64_t columnId, proto::Stream_Kind kind,
bool shouldStream) const override;
std::unique_ptr<SeekableInputStream> getStreamForBloomFilter(
uint64_t columnId, proto::Stream_Kind kind,
bool shouldStream) const override;
dbcommon::MemoryPool& getMemoryPool() const override;
const Timezone& getWriterTimezone() const override;
} // end of namespace orc