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* tuplesort_mkheap.c
* Multi level key quick sort.
* A multi level key Bentley McIlroy 3-way partitioning quick sort.
* See [1] J. Bentley, M. McIlroy. Engineering a sort function,
* Software Practice and Experience, Vol 23(11) Nov, 1993.
* [2] R. Sedgewick, J. Bentley. Quicksort is optimal.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/tuplesort.h"
#include "utils/tuplesort_mk.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
extern void mkqsort_verify(MKEntry *a, int l, int r, MKContext *mkctxt);
* Given an array, swap the entries at a[i] and a[j]
static inline void mkqs_swap(MKEntry *a, int i, int j)
MKEntry tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = tmp;
* Compare the two entries, only does comparison using compFlags and the level in the context
static inline int32 mkqs_comp(MKEntry *a, MKEntry *b, MKLvContext *ctxt, MKContext *mkctxt)
int ret = a->compflags - b->compflags;
if (ret == 0 && !mke_is_null(a))
ret = tupsort_compare_datum(a, b, ctxt, mkctxt);
return ret;
* Return the median of three multi-key entries
static inline MKEntry *mkqs_med3(MKEntry *a, MKEntry *b, MKEntry *c, MKLvContext *ctxt, MKContext *mkctxt)
return mkqs_comp(a, b, ctxt, mkctxt) < 0 ?
(mkqs_comp(b, c, ctxt, mkctxt) < 0 ? b : mkqs_comp(a, c, ctxt, mkctxt) < 0 ? c : a )
(mkqs_comp(b, c, ctxt, mkctxt) > 0 ? b : mkqs_comp(a, c, ctxt, mkctxt) > 0 ? c : a )
* Choose a pivot from the array of elements (a) from between left (inclusive) and right (inclusive).
* lv/comp/ctxt combine to allow comparison. Note that, as usual with the multi-key structure, comparison is only done
* up to a certain level.
static inline MKEntry *mkqs_choose_pivot(MKEntry *a, int left, int right, int lv, MKLvContext *ctxt, MKContext *mkctxt)
int s;
int n = right - left + 1;
MKEntry *pl, *pm, *pn;
Assert(n >= 0);
pm = a + (left + n/2);
if(n > 7)
pl = a+left;
pn = a+right;
if(n > 40)
s = n/8;
pl = mkqs_med3(pl, pl+s, pl+s*2, ctxt, mkctxt);
pm = mkqs_med3(pm-s, pm, pm+s, ctxt, mkctxt);
pn = mkqs_med3(pn-s*2, pn-s, pn, ctxt, mkctxt);
pm = mkqs_med3(pl, pm, pn, ctxt, mkctxt);
return pm;
* Three way partition quick sort.
* left and right are both INCLUSIVE
static void mk_qsort_part3(MKEntry *a, int left, int right, int lv, MKContext *mkqs_ctxt, int *lastInLowOut, int *firstInHighOut)
/* p, q points to the last equals we put to both end */
int p = left-1;
int q = right+1;
int leftIndex,rightIndex;
int k;
MKLvContext *lvctxt = mkqs_ctxt->lvctxt + lv;
MKEntry v = {0, };
MKEntry *pv;
Assert(left < right);
* leftIndex points to the known <= upper,
* rightIndex points to the known >= lower.
* Initially, we know nothing, so point them to out of bounds.
leftIndex = left-1;
rightIndex = right+1;
/* Choose a pivot */
pv = mkqs_choose_pivot(a, left, right, lv, lvctxt, mkqs_ctxt);
/* Save pivot in v */
/* Hacking a ref count */
mkqs_ctxt->cpfr(&v, pv, lvctxt);
v = *pv;
int tmpLeftIndex, cmp;
cmp = -1;
/* increase leftIndex until a[leftIndex] >= pivot */
while(++leftIndex < rightIndex &&
(cmp = mkqs_comp(a+leftIndex, &v, lvctxt, mkqs_ctxt)) < 0)
Assert(leftIndex >= left && leftIndex<= right);
Assert(rightIndex >= left && rightIndex<= right+1);
Assert(leftIndex <= rightIndex);
/* now i refers to the first value that is >= the pivot */
if(leftIndex == rightIndex || cmp > 0)
/* since leftIndex equals the pivot, put the equals one at the beginning and move one there to take its place. */
mkqs_swap(a, ++p, leftIndex);
if(leftIndex == rightIndex)
* Caught up, back down and done loop
* now, p points to the last value of a run of values equal to the pivot
* leftIndex points one beyond a run of values <= the pivot (and between p+1 and leftIndex they are < the pivot)
/* tmpLeftIndex points at the last of those <= pivot */
tmpLeftIndex = leftIndex-1;
/* same case as above, but from the upper end and transferring equal values to the q end */
cmp = 1;
while(--rightIndex > tmpLeftIndex &&
(cmp = mkqs_comp(&v, a+rightIndex, lvctxt, mkqs_ctxt)) < 0)
Assert(tmpLeftIndex >= left-1 && tmpLeftIndex <= right);
Assert(rightIndex >= left && rightIndex<= right);
Assert(tmpLeftIndex <= rightIndex);
if(tmpLeftIndex == rightIndex || cmp > 0)
mkqs_swap(a, rightIndex, --q);
if(tmpLeftIndex == rightIndex)
--leftIndex; /* make leftIndex = tmpLeftIndex */
++rightIndex; /* move rightIndex up to avoid overlap */
/* at this point, a[leftIndex] > pivot and a[rightIndex] < pivot, so swap them */
/* note: there is an extra compare between leftIndex and pivot, and rightIndex and pivot because
* we don't alter leftIndex and rightIndex here. But doing so may complicate other code */
Assert(leftIndex < rightIndex);
mkqs_swap(a, leftIndex, rightIndex);
if(leftIndex+1 == rightIndex)
/* Now leftIndex points to where the run of values <= the pivot ends
* And rightIndex points to where the run of values >= the pivot begins
Assert(leftIndex+1 == rightIndex);
Assert(rightIndex>=left && leftIndex<=right);
* Push all the equal values at the beginning to the middle (at i)
for(k=left; k<=p; ++k, --leftIndex)
Assert(k>=left && k<=right);
Assert(leftIndex>=left && leftIndex<=right);
mkqs_swap(a, k, leftIndex);
* Push all the equal values at the end to the middle (at j)
for(k=right; k>=q; --k, ++rightIndex)
Assert(k>=left && k<=right);
Assert(rightIndex>=left && rightIndex<=right);
mkqs_swap(a, rightIndex, k);
* Now leftIndex points to the last value of the run of values < the pivot
* And rightIndex points to the last value of the run of values > the pivot
Assert(leftIndex >= left-1 && leftIndex < right);
Assert(rightIndex > left && rightIndex <= right+1);
Assert(rightIndex >= leftIndex+2);
/* Hack ref count */
mkqs_ctxt->cpfr(&v, NULL, lvctxt);
*lastInLowOut = leftIndex;
*firstInHighOut = rightIndex;
void mk_qsort_impl(MKEntry *a, int left, int right, int lv, bool lvdown, MKContext *ctxt, bool seenNull)
int lastInLow;
int firstInHigh;
Assert(lv < ctxt->total_lv);
if(right <= left)
/* Prepare at level lv */
mk_prepare_array(a, left, right, lv, ctxt);
* According to Bentley & McIlroy [1] (1993), using insert sort for case
* n < 7 is a significant saving. However, according to Sedgewick &
* Bentley [2] (2002), the wisdom of new millenium is not to special case
* smaller cases. Here, we do not special case it because we want to save
* memtuple_getattr, and expensive comparisons that has been prepared.
* XXX Find out why we have a new wisdom in [2] and impl. & compare.
mk_qsort_part3(a, left, right, lv, ctxt, &lastInLow, &firstInHigh);
/* recurse to left chunk */
mk_qsort_impl(a, left, lastInLow, lv, false, ctxt, seenNull);
/* recurse to middle (equal) chunk */
if(lv < ctxt->total_lv-1)
* [lastInLow+1,firstInHigh-1] defines the pivot region which was all equal at level lv. So increase the level and compare that region!
mk_qsort_impl(a, lastInLow+1, firstInHigh-1, lv+1, true, ctxt, seenNull || mke_is_null(a+lastInLow+1)); /* a + lastInLow + 1 points to the pivot */
/* values are all equal to the deepest need for more compares, but check uniqueness if requested */
if(firstInHigh-1 > lastInLow+1 &&
!seenNull &&
!mke_is_null(a+lastInLow+1)) /* a + lastInLow + 1 points to the pivot */
if ( ctxt->enforceUnique )
else if ( ctxt->unique)
int toFreeIndex;
for ( toFreeIndex = lastInLow + 2; toFreeIndex < firstInHigh; toFreeIndex++) /* +2 because we want to keep one around! */
MKEntry *toFree = a + toFreeIndex;
if ( ctxt->cpfr)
ctxt->cpfr(toFree, NULL, ctxt->lvctxt + lv); // todo: verify off-by-one
/* recurse to right chunk */
mk_qsort_impl(a, firstInHigh, right, lv, false, ctxt, seenNull);
if(lv == 0)
mkqsort_verify(a, left, right, ctxt);
static int mkqsort_comp_entry_all_lv(MKEntry *a, MKEntry *b, MKContext *mkctxt)
int i;
int c;
MKEntry aa = {0, };
MKEntry bb = {0, };
(*mkctxt->cpfr)(&aa, a, mk_get_ctxt(mkctxt, mke_get_lv(a)));
(*mkctxt->cpfr)(&bb, b, mk_get_ctxt(mkctxt, mke_get_lv(b)));
for(i=0; i<mkctxt->total_lv; ++i)
MKPrepare prep = mkctxt->prep[i];
void *ctxt = mk_get_ctxt(mkctxt, i);
int32 nf1, nf2;
(prep)(&aa, ctxt);
(prep)(&bb, ctxt);
nf1 = mke_get_nullbits(&aa);
nf2 = mke_get_nullbits(&bb);
c = nf1 - nf2;
if (c!=0)
return c;
if (!mke_is_null(&aa))
c = (comp)(&aa, &bb, ctxt);
if (c!=0)
return c;
return 0;
void mkqsort_verify(MKEntry *a, int i, int j, MKContext *mkctxt)
int c;
for(; i<j; ++i)
c = mkqsort_comp_entry_all_lv(a+i, a+i+1, mkctxt);
Assert(c <= 0);