blob: e4a5611072a6ff714e5d1ec6ed82e5cceb6a18e2 [file] [log] [blame]
Resource Scheduling
The resource scheduler is an attempt to provide improved control of query
resource consumption. It is primarily aimed at DSS workloads, but is amenable
to more traditional reporting style workloads too.
Data Structures
The basic design makes use of data structures from the standard lock
implementation, but adapts them to handle the differing semantics required
for tracking transient resources.
A psuedo E-R diagram for the various resource scheduling objects is:
role >---- resource queue ----< limits
queue ----< limit thresholds, limit values
lock ----- proclock -----------------+
| |
| ^
proc ---< portal ----< portal increment
The objects that are additional to the standard lock system are are described
Limits -
These describe the resource itself. It contains a threshold, counter for
current utilization and a type.
Queues -
A queue consists of a set of limits. It also has some attributes of its
own - a flag for whether queries whose cost is > the cost limit will be
allowed to run (under special circumstances) and a special limit that
allows queries with a small cost to avoid being locked at all.
Resource Lock -
The lock related information for a queue, each queue has 1 and only 1
Portal Increment -
The resource related information for a statement. This consists of the
process id, portal id and the set of additional changes to the limit
counters that will be applied should this portal execute. A portal that
is managed by the scheduler [1] *always* has increments - portals for
queries that are not going to be locked have portalId set to InvalidOid
(either because the owning role is not in a queue or the query has cost
smaller than the queue's "ignore" limit - see Queues above).
Proclock -
Some changes have been made to the proclock structure... this should be
backed out and a new proclock like structure (similar to locallock) should
be used to track the additional elements (TODO).
Portal -
Additional fields have been added to the portaldata structures: an id
for indexing, the original nodetag of the query, the queue oid that
is locking the portal and a flag for whether to release the resource
lock at portal destruction time.
The basic API consists of:
ResLockPortal(Portal portal, PlannedStmt *stmt);
ResUnLockPortal(Portal portal);
which are inserted into PortalStart and PortalDrop respectively. In PortalStart
the ResLockPortal call is made after planning is completed, so there is access
to all elements of the plan structure, thus controlling resources on the basis
of cost is possible.
As the resource lock is taken after parse/analyze most standard locks have
been already acquired before the resource lock is (tuple level locks are the
The internal routines are named similarly to the standard lock equivalents:
ResLockAcquire(LOCKTAG *locktag, ResPortalIncrement *incrementSet);
ResLockRelease(LOCKTAG *locktag, unit32 resPortalId);
They require slightly different arguments, this is mainly to supply the various
increments to the replacement for the Conflict routines:
ResLockCheckLimit(LOCK *lock, RESPROCLOCK *proclock,
ResPortalIncrement *incrementSet,
bool increment);
This function encapsulates the fact that resource lock conflict is not
deterministic, but depends on whether current limit counter values are at their
thresholds. If there is not a conflict, a statement's increments are added (or
subtracted) to the shared counters by:
ResLockUpdateLimit(LOCK *lock, RESPROCLOCK *proclock,
ResPortalIncrement *incrementSet,
bool increment);
Commit and Abort handling is mostly handled from the existing ResourceOwner
code - as dropping portals unlocks them! However for WITH HOLD cursors an
extra function to unlock any remaining portals at sesion exit is required:
Some of the standard lock manager code is almost duplicated to handle interrupts
,sleeping and wait queue removal:
ResProcSleep(LOCKMODE lockmode, LOCALLOCK *locallock):
ResRemoveFromWaitQueue(PGPROC *proc, uint32 hashcode);
Deadlocks between standard and resource locks are possible, and are handled
by the deadlock detector. We pass the lock mode as ExclusiveLock - which
results in overly agressive detection and rollback of deadocks. However, safety
is the *initial* goal! More sophisticated detection logic is an obvious next
Also deadlocks with oneself are possible, usually only achiveable with several
open cursors:
ResCheckSelfDeadLock(LOCK *lock);
Lock Design
The resource locks share the lock hash table(s) with the standard (and user)
locks. This means that they use the standard lock manager partitioned
lightweight lock(s):
FirstLockMgrLock,..., FirstLockMgrLock + NUM_LOCK_PARTITIONS
for lightweight lock operations.
The queues themselves and their data are protected by a seperate lightweight
so at some points the partition lock and the queue lock could be held.
Some new GUCs are introduced to control the scheduler:
#resource_scheduler = off # enable resource scheduling
Some new commands are added and others amended to allow administration of the
resource queues:
Queues can be created, altered and dropped via the CREATE|ALTER|DROP QUEUE
[COST THRESHOLD <float value>]
[IGNORE THRESHOLD <float value>]
[COST THRESHOLD <float value>]
[IGNORE THRESHOLD <float value>]
The value used for the cost threshold *must* be a float - i.e. 2.0 or 2e+0
not 2. This slightly annoying syntax is needed to allow values of 1e+19 or
larger to be accepted. At this point we don't really have a good idea for what
a maximum reasonable threshold for cost is likely to be, so we allow very large
The ignore threshold sets a lower limit for queries to be locked for execution -
query cost < this limit means locking will be skipped.
The overcommit parameter controls what happens for a query whose cost > cost
limit for the queue - it either aborts (the default) or waits until noone else
is executing. This is to avoid the situation of querys being in the wait state
These last two parameters complicate the logic considerably, needless to say!
The ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE command will only allow the thresholds to be amended
to a value larger than the current counter for the in-memory queues. This is a
safety feature to prevent unexpected behaviour.
The DROP RESOURCE command does not allow queues to be dropped if there are roles
assigned to it, It does not allow it to be dropped unless all of the current
values for the in-memory queue are zero.
Only superuser can create, alter or drop resource queues.
Roles are assigned to and removed from the resource queues by CREATE|ALTER ROLE
CREATE ROLE <name> [role options] [RESOURCE QUEUE <name>];
ALTER ROLE <name> [role options] [RESOURCE QUEUE <name>];
ALTER ROLE <name> [role options] [RESOURCE QUEUE none];
The resource queue name 'none' is used to mean 'no resource queue thanks'.
Catalog Changes
Resource Scheduling add one new catalog (pg_resqueue) and alters another
(pg_authid). This alteration is propagated to the derived view (pg_roles).
The new catalog and indexes have not been added to the catcache system.
pg_resqueue (new catalog with OID 6026)
rsqname name not null
rsqcountlimit real not null
rsqcostlimit real not null
rsqovercommit real not null
rsqignorecostlimit real not null
pg_authid (existing catalog gets 1 new column)
rolresqueue oid
pg_resqueue_oid_index (new unique index with OID 6027)
pg_resqueue_rsqname_index (new unique index with OID 6028)
pg_authid_rolresqueue_index (new non-unique index with OID 6029)
pg_roles (existing view gets 1 new column, added before pg_authid.oid)
pg_resqueue_status (new)
Debugging Code
There are a number of (hopefully) helpful elog messages at the DEBUG1 level -
however the symbol RESLOCK_DEBUG must be defined before they are enabled
(usually done in src/include/pg_config_manual.h)
[1] "Managed by the Resource Scheduler" - this deserves some explanation,
In the current incarnation of the code it means:
portal->queueId != InvalidOid
portal->releaseResLock == true
Typically every portal gets queueId set at creation, but this may get
reset when the to-lock-or-not-to-lock decision comes around (see