blob: 09d79c1fed6aad09ca703a2c6b96669ec025cc5b [file] [log] [blame]
## currently, this script makes a lot of assumptions:
## in postgresql.conf.sample:
## 1) the valid config settings may be preceded by a '#', but NOT '# '
## (we use this to skip comments)
## 2) the valid config settings will be followed immediately by ' ='
## (at least one space preceding the '=')
## in guc.c:
## 3) the options have PGC_ on the same line as the option
## 4) the options have '{' on the same line as the option
## Problems
## 1) Don't know what to do with TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL
## if an option is valid but shows up in only one file (guc.c but not
## postgresql.conf.sample), it should be listed here so that it
## can be ignored
INTENTIONALLY_NOT_INCLUDED="autocommit debug_deadlocks exit_on_error \
is_superuser lc_collate lc_ctype lc_messages lc_monetary lc_numeric lc_time \
pre_auth_delay role seed server_encoding server_version server_version_int \
session_authorization trace_lock_oidmin trace_lock_table trace_locks trace_lwlocks \
trace_notify trace_userlocks transaction_isolation transaction_read_only \
## PostgreSQL's check_guc should add these to its ignored list...
log_btree_build_stats trace_sort wal_debug integer_datetimes \
allow_system_table_mods ignore_system_indexes post_auth_delay \
max_function_args max_index_keys max_identifier_length block_size \
server_version_num config_file"
## greenplum db additions to the ignored list
gp_enable_agg_distinct gp_enable_preunique mpp_enable_explain_allstat \
mpp_enable_motion_deadlock_sanity mpp_is_primary mpp_is_writer \
mpp_write_shared_snapshot mpp_use_snapshop_during_callback mpp_is_callback \
geqo_threshold geqo_effort geqo_pool_size geqo_generations mpp_command_count \
mpp_debug_linger mpp_segment mpp_sort_flags mpp_session_id mpp_qd_proc_offset \
geqo_selection_bias mpp_session_role mpp_role mpp_qd_callback_info"
### What options are listed in postgresql.conf.sample, but don't appear
### in guc.c?
# grab everything that looks like a setting and convert it to lower case
SETTINGS=`grep ' =' postgresql.conf.sample |
grep -v '^# ' | # strip comments
sed -e 's/^#//' |
awk '{print $1}'`
SETTINGS=`echo "$SETTINGS" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
for i in $SETTINGS ; do
## it sure would be nice to replace this with an sql "not in" statement
## it doesn't seem to make sense to have things in .sample and not in guc.c
# for hidethis in $INTENTIONALLY_NOT_INCLUDED ; do
# if [ "$hidethis" = "$i" ] ; then
# hidden=1
# fi
# done
if [ "$hidden" -eq 0 ] ; then
grep -i '"'$i'"' guc.c > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "$i seems to be missing from guc.c";
### What options are listed in guc.c, but don't appear
### in postgresql.conf.sample?
# grab everything that looks like a setting and convert it to lower case
SETTINGS=`grep '{.* PGC_' guc.c | awk '{print $1}' | \
sed -e 's/{//g' -e 's/"//g' -e 's/,//'`
SETTINGS=`echo "$SETTINGS" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
for i in $SETTINGS ; do
## it sure would be nice to replace this with an sql "not in" statement
for hidethis in $INTENTIONALLY_NOT_INCLUDED ; do
if [ "$hidethis" = "$i" ] ; then
if [ "$hidden" -eq 0 ] ; then
grep -i '#'$i' ' postgresql.conf.sample > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "$i seems to be missing from postgresql.conf.sample";