blob: a0220a6e7aa72342391f7990232b5e9ef1e982f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* globals.c
* global variable declarations
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2008, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/backend/utils/init/globals.c,v 1.99 2006/10/04 00:30:02 momjian Exp $
* Globals used all over the place should be declared here and not
* in other modules.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "pgtime.h"
#include "libpq/pqcomm.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "storage/backendid.h"
ProtocolVersion FrontendProtocol = PG_PROTOCOL_LATEST;
volatile bool InterruptPending = false;
volatile bool QueryCancelPending = false;
volatile bool QueryCancelCleanup = false;
volatile bool ProcDiePending = false;
volatile bool ClientConnectionLost = false;
volatile bool ImmediateInterruptOK = false;
volatile bool InterruptWhenCallingPLUDF = false;
volatile bool ImmediateDieOK = false;
volatile bool TermSignalReceived = false;
// Make these signed integers (instead of uint32) to detect garbage negative values.
volatile int32 InterruptHoldoffCount = 0;
volatile int32 CritSectionCount = 0;
int MyProcPid;
pg_time_t MyStartTime;
struct Port *MyProcPort;
long MyCancelKey;
int MyPMChildSlot;
* DataDir is the absolute path to the top level of the PGDATA directory tree.
* Except during early startup, this is also the server's working directory;
* most code therefore can simply use relative paths and not reference DataDir
* explicitly.
char *DataDir = NULL;
char OutputFileName[MAXPGPATH]; /* debugging output file */
char my_exec_path[MAXPGPATH]; /* full path to my executable */
char pkglib_path[MAXPGPATH]; /* full path to lib directory */
char postgres_exec_path[MAXPGPATH]; /* full path to backend */
/* note: currently this is not valid in backend processes */
BackendId MyBackendId = InvalidBackendId;
Oid MyDatabaseId = InvalidOid;
Oid MyDatabaseTableSpace = InvalidOid;
* DatabasePath is the path (relative to DataDir) of my database's
* primary directory, ie, its directory in the default tablespace.
char *DatabasePath = NULL;
char *TempPath = NULL;
pid_t PostmasterPid = 0;
char *LocalTempPath = NULL;
* IsPostmasterEnvironment is true in a postmaster process and any postmaster
* child process; it is false in a standalone process (bootstrap or
* standalone backend). IsUnderPostmaster is true in postmaster child
* processes. Note that "child process" includes all children, not only
* regular backends. These should be set correctly as early as possible
* in the execution of a process, so that error handling will do the right
* things if an error should occur during process initialization.
* These are initialized for the bootstrap/standalone case.
bool IsPostmasterEnvironment = false;
bool IsUnderPostmaster = false;
bool ExitOnAnyError = false;
int DateStyle = USE_ISO_DATES;
int DateOrder = DATEORDER_MDY;
int IntervalStyle = INTSTYLE_POSTGRES;
bool HasCTZSet = false;
int CTimeZone = 0;
bool enableFsync = true;
bool allowSystemTableModsDDL = false;
bool allowSystemTableModsDML = false;
int planner_work_mem = 32768;
int work_mem = 32768;
int max_work_mem = 1024000;
int statement_mem = 256000;
* gp_vmem_limit_per_query set to 0 means we
* do not enforce per-query memory limit
int gp_vmem_limit_per_query = 0;
int maintenance_work_mem = 65536;
/* Primary determinants of sizes of shared-memory structures: */
int NBuffers = 4096;
int MaxBackends = 200;
int SegMaxBackends = 1280;
int gp_workfile_max_entries = 8192; /* Number of unique entries we can hold in the workfile directory */
int gp_mdver_max_entries = 131072; /* Number of objects we can hold in the MD versioning Global MDVSN component */
int VacuumCostPageHit = 1; /* GUC parameters for vacuum */
int VacuumCostPageMiss = 10;
int VacuumCostPageDirty = 20;
int VacuumCostLimit = 200;
int VacuumCostDelay = 0;
int VacuumCostBalance = 0; /* working state for vacuum */
bool VacuumCostActive = false;
int GinFuzzySearchLimit = 0;
/* gpperfmon port number */
int gpperfmon_port = 8888;
/* for pljava */
char* pljava_vmoptions = NULL;
char* pljava_classpath = NULL;
int pljava_statement_cache_size = 512;
bool pljava_release_lingering_savepoints = false;
bool pljava_debug = false;
/* Memory protection GUCs*/
#ifdef __darwin__
int hawq_re_memory_overcommit_max = 8192;
int hawq_re_memory_overcommit_max = 8192;
double hawq_re_memory_quota_allocation_ratio = 0.5;
int gp_vmem_protect_gang_cache_limit = 500;