blob: eb1a1dcba0467d9e850514ef9ddd47ca400d78ee [file] [log] [blame]
* sharedcache.c
* A generic synchronized cache implementation that lives in the
* shared memory.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/sharedcache.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/atomic.h"
#include "cdb/cdbutil.h"
/* Suffix used to generate shared memory hashtable name from cache name */
static uint32 Cache_EntryAddRef(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry);
static uint32 Cache_EntryDecRef(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry);
static CacheEntry *Cache_GetFreeElement(Cache *cache);
static void Cache_ReleaseAcquired(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry, bool unregisterCleanup);
static void Cache_ReleaseCached(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry, bool unregisterCleanup);
* Global timestamp used for timing cache operations
* Used by Cache_TimedOperationStart and Cache_TimedOperationRecord
static instr_time timedOpStart;
* Callback function to test if an anchor in the hashtable is "empty".
* This function is not synchronized. We assume the caller is holding a lock
* on the entry.
static bool
Cache_IsAnchorEmpty(const void *entry)
Assert(NULL != entry);
CacheAnchor *anchor = (CacheAnchor *) entry;
return anchor->firstEntry == NULL;
* Callback function to clear an anchor after inserting it into the hashtable,
* before returning it to the client.
* This function is not synchronized. The caller must hold a lock on the anchor
static void
Cache_InitAnchor(void *entry)
Assert(NULL != entry);
CacheAnchor *anchor = (CacheAnchor *) entry;
anchor->firstEntry = NULL;
anchor->lastEntry = NULL;
anchor->pinCount = 0;
* Initialize the anchor hashtable component of the cache. Allocates
* or attaches to an existing hashtable in shared memory.
static void
Cache_InitHashtable(CacheCtl *cacheCtl, Cache *cache)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl);
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl->cacheName);
SyncHTCtl syncHTCtl;
MemSet(&syncHTCtl, 0, sizeof(syncHTCtl));
/* Initialize fields for the anchor hashtable */
/* Storing only hash codes in hashtable */
syncHTCtl.keySize = sizeof(uint32);
syncHTCtl.hash = int32_hash;
syncHTCtl.keyCopy = memcpy;
syncHTCtl.match = memcmp;
/* Entries in the hashtable are CacheAnchors */
syncHTCtl.entrySize = sizeof(CacheAnchor);
/* Partitions and associated locks */
syncHTCtl.numPartitions = cacheCtl->numPartitions;
syncHTCtl.baseLWLockId = cacheCtl->baseLWLockId;
/* Name of the hashtable is the name of the cache + CACHE_HASHTABLE_SUFFIX */
uint32 nameLength = strlen(cacheCtl->cacheName) + strlen(CACHE_HASHTABLE_SUFFIX) + 1;
char *hashName = (char *) palloc(nameLength);
snprintf(hashName, nameLength, "%s%s", cacheCtl->cacheName, CACHE_HASHTABLE_SUFFIX);
syncHTCtl.tabName = hashName;
/* Create anchor hashtable with the same number of elements as the cache */
syncHTCtl.numElements = cacheCtl->maxSize;
/* Offsets to fields in the entry required by the SyncHashtable */
syncHTCtl.keyOffset = GPDB_OFFSET(CacheAnchor, hashvalue);
syncHTCtl.pinCountOffset = GPDB_OFFSET(CacheAnchor, pinCount);
/* Callbacks for SyncHashtable to manipulate anchor entries */
syncHTCtl.isEmptyEntry = Cache_IsAnchorEmpty;
syncHTCtl.initEntry = Cache_InitAnchor;
/* Create or attach to the anchor hashtable */
cache->syncHashtable = SyncHTCreate(&syncHTCtl);
Assert(cache->syncHashtable != NULL);
* Initialize a new CacheEntry structure to initial values
static void
Cache_InitCacheEntry(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
entry->state = CACHE_ENTRY_FREE;
entry->pinCount = 0;
entry->size = 0L;
entry->utility = 0;
Cache_MemsetPayload(cache, entry);
MemSet(&entry->hashvalue, CACHE_MEMSET_BYTE_PATTERN, sizeof(entry->hashvalue));
* Reset the statistics data structure.
static void
Cache_ResetStats(Cache_Stats *stats)
MemSet(stats, 0, sizeof(Cache_Stats));
* Allocates the shared control for the cache, or attach to
* an existing one in the memory. This includes the freelist.
static void
Cache_InitSharedMem(CacheCtl *cacheCtl, Cache *cache)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Size entrySize = CACHE_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + MAXALIGN(cacheCtl->entrySize);
Size cacheTotalSize = MAXALIGN(sizeof(CacheHdr)) + cacheCtl->maxSize * entrySize;
bool attach = false;
/* Allocate or attach to existing cache header */
cache->cacheHdr = (CacheHdr *) ShmemInitStruct(cache->cacheName, cacheTotalSize, &attach);
if (!attach)
* If freelist was never allocated, allocate it here.
* Set up links.
* Identify the HEAD.
cache->cacheHdr->entryArray = (void *) (((char *) cache->cacheHdr) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(CacheHdr)));
cache->cacheHdr->nEntries = cacheCtl->maxSize;
cache->cacheHdr->keySize = cacheCtl->keySize;
cache->cacheHdr->keyOffset = cacheCtl->keyOffset;
cache->cacheHdr->entrySize = cacheCtl->entrySize;
cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noFreeEntries = cacheCtl->maxSize;
/* Initialize freeList linked list */
CacheEntry *firstEntry = (CacheEntry *) cache->cacheHdr->entryArray;
CacheEntry *prevEntry = NULL;
CacheEntry *tmpEntry = firstEntry;
int i=0;
for (i=0;i<cacheCtl->maxSize;i++)
Cache_InitCacheEntry(cache, tmpEntry);
tmpEntry->nextEntry = prevEntry;
prevEntry = tmpEntry;
tmpEntry = (CacheEntry *) (((char *) tmpEntry) + entrySize);
cache->cacheHdr->freeList = prevEntry;
* Computes shared memory size needed for this cache
Cache_SharedMemSize(uint32 nEntries, uint32 entryPayloadSize)
Size size = 0;
/* Size of anchor hashtable. It has the same number of entries as the cache */
size = add_size(size, hash_estimate_size(nEntries, sizeof(CacheAnchor)));
/* Size of cache shared control header */
size = add_size(size, MAXALIGN(sizeof(CacheHdr)));
Size entrySize = add_size(CACHE_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE, MAXALIGN(entryPayloadSize));
size = add_size(size, mul_size(nEntries, entrySize));
return size;
* Releases/Surrenders all entries held by this client
* During normal functionality, client should release all the owned entries
* and this is a no-op. In case of a client error, this callback makes sure all
* entries are returned to the cache.
* This function operates on client data and does not need to be synchronized.
Cache_SurrenderClientEntries(Cache *cache)
Assert(NULL != cache);
uint32 nAcquiredEntries = 0;
uint32 nCachedEntries = 0;
Dlelem *elt = NULL;
/* Surrender all owned entries */
while (NULL != (elt = DLRemHead(cache->ownedEntries)))
CacheEntry *entry = DLE_VAL(elt);
Cache_ReleaseAcquired(cache, entry, false /* unregisterCleanup */);
Cache_ReleaseCached(cache, entry, false /* unregisterCleanup */);
Assert(false && "unexpected cache entry state");
/* Free linked list element */
if (nAcquiredEntries > 0 || nCachedEntries > 0)
elog(gp_workfile_caching_loglevel, "Cleanup released %u acquired and %u cached entries from client",
nAcquiredEntries, nCachedEntries);
* Register entry for cleanup. When the clients ends, all the entries still
* in the lists are released to the cache
* This is done to ensure all entries are released to the cache even if the
* client throws an exception
static void
Cache_RegisterCleanup(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry, bool isCachedEntry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
MemoryContext oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
DLAddHead(cache->ownedEntries, DLNewElem(entry));
* Unregister entry from cleanup list of the cache
static void
Cache_UnregisterCleanup(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Dlelem *crtElem = DLGetHead(cache->ownedEntries);
while (NULL != crtElem && DLE_VAL(crtElem) != entry)
crtElem = DLGetSucc(crtElem);
Assert(NULL != crtElem && "could not locate element");
/* Found matching element. Remove and free. Note that entry is untouched */
* Create a new cache instance, or attach to an existing one in shared
* memory.
* The cache descriptor is allocated in the top memory context since
* we need it for entry cleanup in case of error
Cache *
Cache_Create(CacheCtl *cacheCtl)
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl);
Assert(0 != cacheCtl->maxSize);
Assert(0 != cacheCtl->keySize);
Assert(0 != cacheCtl->entrySize);
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl->keyCopy);
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl->hash);
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl->match);
Assert(NULL != cacheCtl->equivalentEntries);
MemoryContext oldcxt;
* Create Cache in the TopMemoryContext since this memory context
* is still available when calling the transaction callback at the
* time when the transaction aborts
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext);
Cache *cache = (Cache *) palloc0(sizeof(Cache));
cache->keyCopy = cacheCtl->keyCopy;
cache->hash = cacheCtl->hash;
cache->match = cacheCtl->match;
cache->equivalentEntries = cacheCtl->equivalentEntries;
cache->cleanupEntry = cacheCtl->cleanupEntry;
cache->populateEntry = cacheCtl->populateEntry;
/* Create new linked lists in top memory context for cleanup */
cache->ownedEntries = DLNewList();
cache->cacheName = pstrdup(cacheCtl->cacheName);
Cache_InitHashtable(cacheCtl, cache);
Cache_InitSharedMem(cacheCtl, cache);
oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
return cache;
Cache_Free(Cache *cache)
/* FIXME We need to implement this, especially since we're allocating
* in the top memory context, can't have memory leaks!
* Retrieve a new cache entry from the pre-allocated freelist.
* The client has to either insert the entry in the cache or surrender it.
* This function calls the populateEntry callback function to populate the
* entry before returning it to the client.
* populate_param is the opaque parameter to be passed to the populateEntry function.
* Return NULL if freelist is empty.
CacheEntry *
Cache_AcquireEntry(Cache *cache, void *populate_param)
Assert(NULL != cache);
CacheEntry *newEntry = Cache_GetFreeElement(cache);
if (NULL == newEntry)
return NULL;
int32 casResult =
compare_and_swap_32(&newEntry->state, CACHE_ENTRY_FREE, CACHE_ENTRY_RESERVED);
Assert(1 == casResult);
* In RESERVED state nobody else will try to read this entry, not even
* the views. No need to lock the entry while populating.
if (cache->populateEntry)
cache->populateEntry(CACHE_ENTRY_PAYLOAD(newEntry), populate_param);
casResult =
compare_and_swap_32(&newEntry->state, CACHE_ENTRY_RESERVED, CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED);
Assert(1 == casResult);
Cache_RegisterCleanup(cache, newEntry, false /* isCachedEntry */ );
return newEntry;
* MemSet the payload of an entry with a pattern to prevent a client from
* accidentally using a surrendered entry's payload.
Cache_MemsetPayload(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
void *payload = CACHE_ENTRY_PAYLOAD(entry);
MemSet(payload, CACHE_MEMSET_BYTE_PATTERN, cache->cacheHdr->entrySize);
* Return a previously acquired entry to the cache freelist.
* Calls the client-specific cleanup before returning to the freelist.
* Unregisters the entry from the cleanup list if requested.
static void
Cache_ReleaseAcquired(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry, bool unregisterCleanup)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Assert(CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED == entry->state);
/* If a user-specified cleanupEntry function is defined, call it now */
if (NULL != cache->cleanupEntry)
/* Call client-specific cleanup function before removing entry from cache */
/* Unregister entry from the cleanup list if requested */
if (unregisterCleanup)
Cache_UnregisterCleanup(cache, entry);
/* Grab entry lock to ensure exclusive access to it while we're touching it */
Cache_LockEntry(cache, entry);
Assert(CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED == entry->state);
/* No need for atomic operations as long as we hold the entry lock */
entry->state = CACHE_ENTRY_FREE;
Cache_MemsetPayload(cache, entry);
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, entry);
/* Link entry back in the freelist */
Cache_AddToFreelist(cache, entry);
/* Unregister entry from the cleanup list if requested */
if (unregisterCleanup)
Cache_UnregisterCleanup(cache, entry);
/* Grab entry lock to ensure exclusive access to it while we're touching it */
Cache_LockEntry(cache, entry);
Assert(CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED == entry->state);
/* No need for atomic operations as long as we hold the entry lock */
entry->state = CACHE_ENTRY_FREE;
Cache_MemsetPayload(cache, entry);
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, entry);
Cache_AddToFreelist(cache, entry);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noAcquiredEntries, -1 /* delta */ );
* Retrieve a new entry from the freelist
* Returns NULL if no free entries remain
static CacheEntry *
Cache_GetFreeElement(Cache *cache)
CacheHdr *cacheHdr = cache->cacheHdr;
/* Must lock to touch freeList */
if (cacheHdr->freeList == NULL)
return NULL;
CacheEntry *newEntry = cacheHdr->freeList;
Assert(newEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_FREE);
cacheHdr->freeList = cacheHdr->freeList->nextEntry;
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheHdr->cacheStats.noFreeEntries, -1 /* delta */ );
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheHdr->cacheStats.noAcquiredEntries, 1 /* delta */);
return newEntry;
* Link an entry back in the cache freelist
* The entry must be already marked as free by the caller.
Cache_AddToFreelist(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Assert(entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_FREE);
CacheHdr *cacheHdr = cache->cacheHdr;
/* Must lock to touch freeList */
entry->nextEntry = cacheHdr->freeList;
cacheHdr->freeList = entry;
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheHdr->cacheStats.noFreeEntries, 1 /* delta */);
* Compute the hashcode for a given cache entry.
* Uses the hash function specified in the cache.
static void
Cache_ComputeEntryHashcode(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
void *payload = CACHE_ENTRY_PAYLOAD(entry);
void *key = (void *) ((char *) payload + cache->cacheHdr->keyOffset);
entry->hashvalue = cache->hash(key, cache->cacheHdr->keySize);
* Inserts a previously acquired entry in the cache.
* This function should never fail.
Cache_Insert(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Cache_Stats *cacheStats = &cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats;
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noInserts, 1 /* delta */);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noCachedEntries, 1 /* delta */);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cacheStats->noAcquiredEntries, -1 /* delta */);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter64(&cacheStats->totalEntrySize, entry->size);
Cache_ComputeEntryHashcode(cache, entry);
/* Look up or insert anchor element for this entry */
bool existing = false;
volatile CacheAnchor *anchor = SyncHTInsert(cache->syncHashtable, &entry->hashvalue, &existing);
* This should never happen since the SyncHT has as many entries as the SharedCache,
* and we'll run out of SharedCache entries before we fill up the SyncHT
insist_log(NULL != anchor, "Could not insert in the cache: SyncHT full");
/* Acquire anchor lock to touch the chain */
if (NULL == anchor->firstEntry)
Assert(NULL == anchor->lastEntry);
anchor->firstEntry = anchor->lastEntry = entry;
Assert(NULL != anchor->lastEntry);
anchor->lastEntry->nextEntry = entry;
anchor->lastEntry = entry;
entry->nextEntry = NULL;
Cache_EntryAddRef(cache, entry);
int32 casResult =
compare_and_swap_32(&entry->state, CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED, CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED);
Assert(1 == casResult);
Assert(NULL != anchor->firstEntry && NULL != anchor->lastEntry);
bool deleted =
SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);
* Look up an exact match for a cache entry
* Returns the matching cache entry if found, NULL otherwise
CacheEntry *
Cache_Lookup(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noLookups, 1 /* delta */);
/* Advance the clock for the replacement policy */
Cache_ComputeEntryHashcode(cache, entry);
volatile CacheAnchor *anchor = SyncHTLookup(cache->syncHashtable, &entry->hashvalue);
if (NULL == anchor)
/* No matching anchor found, there can't be a matching element in the cache */
return NULL;
/* Acquire anchor lock to touch the chain */
CacheEntry *crtEntry = anchor->firstEntry;
while (true)
while (NULL != crtEntry && crtEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED)
/* Skip over deleted entries */
crtEntry = crtEntry->nextEntry;
if (NULL == crtEntry)
/* No valid entries found in the chain */
return NULL;
/* Found a valid entry. AddRef it and test to see if it matches */
Cache_EntryAddRef(cache, crtEntry);
/* Register it for cleanup in case we get an error while testing for equality */
Cache_RegisterCleanup(cache, crtEntry, true /* isCachedEntry */);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noCompares, 1 /* delta */);
/* Found the match, we're done */
Cache_TouchEntry(cache, crtEntry);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noCacheHits, 1 /* delta */);
/* Unregister it from cleanup since it wasn't the one */
Cache_UnregisterCleanup(cache, crtEntry);
Cache_EntryDecRef(cache, crtEntry);
crtEntry = crtEntry->nextEntry;
/* ignoring return value, both values are valid */
SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);
return crtEntry;
* Unlink a cache entry from the chain anchored at a CacheAnchor.
* This function is not synchronized. The caller must hold the spinlock at
* the anchor.
Cache_UnlinkEntry(Cache *cache, CacheAnchor *anchor, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != entry);
Assert(NULL != anchor);
Assert(NULL != anchor->firstEntry);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter64(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.totalEntrySize, -entry->size);
/* Easy case: Remove first element */
if (anchor->firstEntry == entry)
anchor->firstEntry = anchor->firstEntry->nextEntry;
if (NULL == anchor->firstEntry)
anchor->lastEntry = NULL;
CacheEntry *crtEntry = anchor->firstEntry;
CacheEntry *prevEntry = NULL;
while (entry != crtEntry && NULL != crtEntry)
prevEntry = crtEntry;
crtEntry = crtEntry->nextEntry;
Assert(crtEntry == entry);
Assert(NULL != prevEntry);
Assert(prevEntry->nextEntry == crtEntry);
/* Unlink crtEntry */
prevEntry->nextEntry = crtEntry->nextEntry;
if (NULL == prevEntry->nextEntry)
/* Just unlinked lastEntry. Update it */
anchor->lastEntry = prevEntry;
* Indicates that a client does not use the entry anymore
* For cached entries, the pin-count of the entry is decremented.
* If the pincount is 0 and entry is marked to be deleted, remove the entry
* from the cache. If entry is removed, then client clean-up is performed
* For acquired entries, perform client-cleanup and return entry to the freelist
Cache_Release(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Cache_ReleaseAcquired(cache, entry, true /* unregisterCleanup */ );
Cache_ReleaseCached(cache, entry, true /* unregisterCleanup */ );
Assert(false && "unexpected cache entry state");
* Internal version of the CacheRelease function
* Unregisters the entry from the cleanup list if requested.
static void
Cache_ReleaseCached(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry, bool unregisterCleanup)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != entry);
Assert(CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED == entry->state || CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED == entry->state);
Cache_ComputeEntryHashcode(cache, entry);
volatile CacheAnchor *anchor = SyncHTLookup(cache->syncHashtable, &entry->hashvalue);
Assert(anchor != NULL);
/* Acquire anchor lock to touch the entry */
Cache_LockEntry(cache, entry);
uint32 pinCount = Cache_EntryDecRef(cache, entry);
bool deleteEntry = false;
if (pinCount == 0 && entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED)
/* Delete the cache entry if pin-count = 0 and it is marked for deletion */
Cache_UnlinkEntry(cache, (CacheAnchor *) anchor, entry);
deleteEntry = true;
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noDeletedEntries, -1 /* delta */);
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, entry);
* Releasing anchor to hashtable.
* Ignoring 'removed' return value, both values are valid
SyncHTRelease(cache->syncHashtable, (void *) anchor);
/* If requested, unregister entry from the cleanup list */
if (unregisterCleanup)
Cache_UnregisterCleanup(cache, entry);
if (deleteEntry)
if (NULL != cache->cleanupEntry)
/* Call client-specific cleanup function before removing entry from cache */
/* Grab entry lock to ensure exclusive access to it while we're touching it */
Cache_LockEntry(cache, entry);
Assert(CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED == entry->state);
entry->state = CACHE_ENTRY_FREE;
Cache_MemsetPayload(cache, entry);
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, entry);
/* Link entry back in the freelist */
Cache_AddToFreelist(cache, entry);
/* Grab entry lock to ensure exclusive access to it while we're touching it */
Cache_LockEntry(cache, entry);
entry->state = CACHE_ENTRY_FREE;
Cache_MemsetPayload(cache, entry);
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, entry);
/* Link entry back in the freelist */
Cache_AddToFreelist(cache, entry);
* Mark an entry for removal from the cache.
* The entry is not immediately deleted, as there is at least one client
* using it.
* The entry will not be found using look-up operations after this step.
* The entry will physically be removed once all using clients release it.
* This function is not synchronized. Multiple clients can mark an entry
* deleted.
Cache_Remove(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != entry);
int32 casResult =
compare_and_swap_32(&entry->state, CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED, CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED);
Assert(casResult == 1);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noCachedEntries, -1 /* delta */);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noDeletedEntries, 1 /* delta */);
* Sweeps through the cache and marks all entries as deleted
* Returns the number of elements it found and marked deleted.
Cache_Clear(Cache *cache)
Assert(NULL != cache);
int32 startIdx = cdb_randint(cache->cacheHdr->nEntries - 1, 0);
int32 entryIdx = startIdx;
int32 numClearedEntries = 0;
while (true)
entryIdx = (entryIdx + 1) % cache->cacheHdr->nEntries;
if (entryIdx == startIdx)
/* Completed one loop through the list of all entries. We're done */
CacheEntry *crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cache->cacheHdr, entryIdx);
/* Lock entry so that nobody else changes its state until we're done with it */
Cache_LockEntry(cache, crtEntry);
if (crtEntry->state != CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED)
/* Not interested in free/acquired/deleted entries. Go back and look at next entry */
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);
/* Found cached entry */
Cache_EntryAddRef(cache, crtEntry);
if (crtEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_FREE || crtEntry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED)
/* Someone freed up the entry before we had a chance to Add-Ref it. Skip it. */
Cache_EntryDecRef(cache, crtEntry);
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);
Cache_RegisterCleanup(cache, crtEntry, true /* isCachedEntry */);
Cache_Remove(cache, crtEntry);
/* Done with changing the state. Unlock the entry */
Cache_UnlockEntry(cache, crtEntry);
Cache_Release(cache, crtEntry);
return numClearedEntries;
* Returns true if the entry is in the cache.
* The state of the entry can be DELETED if the entry is in use but marked for
* removal.
* This function is not synchronized.
Cache_IsCached(CacheEntry *entry)
return (entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED || entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED);
* Acquire the lock protecting an entry. Required to do before touching
* the state of the entry or its payload
Cache_LockEntry(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
* Release the lock protecting an entry
Cache_UnlockEntry(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
* Increment the pinCount of a CacheEntry.
* This function is not synchronized, the caller must ensure it is holding
* a lock covering the entry.
static uint32
Cache_EntryAddRef(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != entry);
Assert(entry->pinCount < UINT32_MAX);
if (1 == entry->pinCount)
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noPinnedEntries, 1 /* delta */);
return entry->pinCount;
* Decrement the pinCount of a CacheEntry.
* This function is not synchronized, the caller must ensure it is holding
* a lock covering the entry.
static uint32
Cache_EntryDecRef(Cache *cache, CacheEntry *entry)
Assert(NULL != entry);
Assert(entry->pinCount >= 1);
if (0 == entry->pinCount)
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(&cache->cacheHdr->cacheStats.noPinnedEntries, -1 /* delta */);
return entry->pinCount;
* Gets an entry in the preallocated cache entry array by index.
CacheEntry *
Cache_GetEntryByIndex(CacheHdr *cacheHdr, int32 idx)
Assert(NULL != cacheHdr);
Assert(idx < cacheHdr->nEntries);
Size entrySize = MAXALIGN(sizeof(CacheEntry)) + MAXALIGN(cacheHdr->entrySize);
return (CacheEntry *) ( (char *) cacheHdr->entryArray + idx * entrySize);
* Updates the given performance counter by delta
* delta can be positive or negative
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter(uint32 *counter, int delta)
Assert(counter + delta >= 0);
gp_atomic_add_32((int32 *) counter, delta);
Cache_UpdatePerfCounter64(int64 *counter, int64 delta)
Assert(counter + delta >= 0);
gp_atomic_add_int64(counter, delta);
* Record current timestamp at beginning of a cache operation.
* Used in conjunction with Cache_TimedOperationRecord
* Records elapsed since the last Cache_TimedOperationStart.
* Accumulated total time goes in totalTime, maximum time goes into maxTime.
* Used in conjunction with Cache_TimedOperationStart
Cache_TimedOperationRecord(instr_time *totalTime, instr_time *maxTime)
instr_time elapsedTime;
INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(elapsedTime, timedOpStart);
/* Add difference to totalTime */
/* FIXME This is not atomic */
INSTR_TIME_ADD(*totalTime, elapsedTime);
/* Compare elapsed time with current maximum and record if new maximum */
/* FIXME This is not atomic */
INSTR_TIME_ASSIGN(*maxTime, elapsedTime);
* Traverses the list of cache entries and looks for the next interesting entry
* This is a lock-free traversal, entries might change just as we are looking
* at them. The entry returned is not guaranteed to still be valid by the time
* the caller looks at it.
* This function should only be used for inspection purposes, for example a view
* listing entries of a cache, where consistency is not an absolute requirement.
* cache: The cache we are iterating through
* crtIndex: pointer to an integer holding the current index in the list.
* It is updated to the index of the current entry while traversing.
* Returns an entry if found, NULL if we reached the end of the loop.
CacheEntry *
Cache_NextEntryToList(Cache *cache, int32 *crtIndex)
Assert(NULL != cache);
Assert(NULL != crtIndex);
Assert(*crtIndex <= cache->cacheHdr->nEntries);
CacheHdr *cacheHdr = cache->cacheHdr;
CacheEntry *crtEntry = NULL;
for ( ; (*crtIndex) < cacheHdr->nEntries ; (*crtIndex)++)
crtEntry = Cache_GetEntryByIndex(cacheHdr, *crtIndex);
if (Cache_ShouldListEntry(crtEntry))
return crtEntry;
/* Finished the list and did not find any interesting entries */
return NULL;
* Determines if an entry should be included in the output based on the state.
* This function does not grab any locks. The caller is responsible for locking
* the entry if it requires one.
Cache_ShouldListEntry(CacheEntry *entry)
return (entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_ACQUIRED) || (entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_CACHED)
|| (entry->state == CACHE_ENTRY_DELETED);
/* EOF */