blob: dbc5cab48c5d2a4333f5c09d6104dda4823361ce [file] [log] [blame]
title: ABORT
Aborts the current transaction.
## Synopsis
``` pre
## Description<a id="abort__section3"></a>
`ABORT` rolls back the current transaction and causes all the updates made by the transaction to be discarded. This command is identical in behavior to the standard SQL command `ROLLBACK`, and is present only for historical reasons.
## Parameters<a id="abort__section4"></a>
Optional key words. They have no effect.
## Notes<a id="abort__section5"></a>
Use `COMMIT` to successfully terminate a transaction.
Issuing `ABORT` when not inside a transaction does no harm, but it will provoke a warning message.
## Compatibility
This command is a HAWQ extension present for historical reasons. ROLLBACK is the equivalent standard SQL command.
## See Also
/3/4, /3/4, /3/4