blob: 1a7ec3e8655d82c17b8c95c7a397ae2aa769e8ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Evgueni Brevnov, Serguei S. Zapreyev, Alexey V. Varlamov
package java.lang.reflect;
import static org.apache.harmony.vm.ClassFormat.ACC_SYNTHETIC;
import static org.apache.harmony.vm.ClassFormat.ACC_VARARGS;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.harmony.lang.reflect.parser.Parser;
import org.apache.harmony.vm.VMGenericsAndAnnotations;
import org.apache.harmony.vm.VMStack;
public final class Constructor<T> extends AccessibleObject implements Member, GenericDeclaration {
public boolean isVarArgs() {
return (getModifiers() & ACC_VARARGS) != 0;
public Annotation[][] getParameterAnnotations() {
Annotation a[][] = data.getParameterAnnotations();
Annotation aa[][] = new Annotation[a.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
aa[i] = new Annotation[a[i].length];
System.arraycopy(a[i], 0, aa[i], 0, a[i].length);
return aa;
public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations() {
Annotation a[] = data.getDeclaredAnnotations();
Annotation aa[] = new Annotation[a.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, aa, 0, a.length);
return aa;
public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> annotationClass) {
if(annotationClass == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
for (Annotation a : data.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
if (a.annotationType() == annotationClass) {
return (A) a; // warning here, but it's known its type is A
return null;
public Type[] getGenericExceptionTypes() throws GenericSignatureFormatError, TypeNotPresentException, MalformedParameterizedTypeException {
if (data.genericExceptionTypes == null) {
data.genericExceptionTypes = Parser.getGenericExceptionTypes(this, VMGenericsAndAnnotations
return (Type[])data.genericExceptionTypes.clone();
public Type[] getGenericParameterTypes() throws GenericSignatureFormatError, TypeNotPresentException, MalformedParameterizedTypeException {
if (data.genericParameterTypes == null) {
data.genericParameterTypes = Parser.getGenericParameterTypes(this, VMGenericsAndAnnotations.getSignature(data.vm_member_id));
return (Type[])data.genericParameterTypes.clone();
public TypeVariable<Constructor<T>>[] getTypeParameters() throws GenericSignatureFormatError {
if (data.typeParameters == null) {
data.typeParameters = (TypeVariable<Constructor<T>>[])
Parser.getTypeParameters(this, VMGenericsAndAnnotations
return (TypeVariable<Constructor<T>>[]) data.typeParameters.clone();
public String toGenericString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80);
// data initialization
if (data.genericParameterTypes == null) {
data.genericParameterTypes = Parser.getGenericParameterTypes(this, VMGenericsAndAnnotations.getSignature(data.vm_member_id));
if (data.genericExceptionTypes == null) {
data.genericExceptionTypes = Parser.getGenericExceptionTypes(this, VMGenericsAndAnnotations
// append modifiers if any
int modifier = getModifiers();
if (modifier != 0) {
sb.append(Modifier.toString(modifier & ~ACC_VARARGS)).append(' ');
// append type parameters
if (data.typeParameters != null && data.typeParameters.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < data.typeParameters.length; i++) {
appendGenericType(sb, data.typeParameters[i]);
if (i < data.typeParameters.length - 1) {
sb.append(", ");
sb.append("> ");
// append constructor name
appendArrayType(sb, getDeclaringClass());
// append parameters
appendArrayGenericType(sb, data.genericParameterTypes);
// append exeptions if any
if (data.genericExceptionTypes.length > 0) {
sb.append(" throws ");
appendArrayGenericType(sb, data.genericExceptionTypes);
return sb.toString();
public boolean isSynthetic() {
return (getModifiers() & ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0;
* cache of the constructor data
private final ConstructorData data;
* Copy constructor
* @param c original constructor
Constructor(Constructor <T> c) {
data =;
isAccessible = c.isAccessible;
* Only VM should call this constructor.
* String parameters must be interned.
* @api2vm
Constructor(long id, Class<T> clss, String name, String desc, int m) {
data = new ConstructorData(id, clss, name, desc, m);
* Called by VM to obtain this constructor's handle.
* @return handle for this constructor
* @api2vm
long getId() {
return data.vm_member_id;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Constructor) {
Constructor another = (Constructor)obj;
if (data.vm_member_id =={
assert getDeclaringClass() == another.getDeclaringClass()
&& Arrays.equals(getParameterTypes(), another.getParameterTypes());
return true;
return false;
public Class<T> getDeclaringClass() {
return data.declaringClass;
public Class<?>[] getExceptionTypes() {
return (Class[])data.getExceptionTypes().clone();
public int getModifiers() {
return data.modifiers;
public String getName() {
return data.getName();
public Class<?>[] getParameterTypes() {
return (Class[])data.getParameterTypes().clone();
public int hashCode() {
return getDeclaringClass().getName().hashCode();
public T newInstance(Object... args) throws InstantiationException,
IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
InvocationTargetException {
if (Modifier.isAbstract(getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) {
throw new InstantiationException("Can not instantiate abstract "
+ getDeclaringClass());
// check parameter validity
checkInvokationArguments(data.getParameterTypes(), args);
if (!isAccessible) {
return (T)VMReflection.newClassInstance(data.vm_member_id, args);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80);
// append modifiers if any
int modifier = getModifiers();
if (modifier != 0) {
// VARARGS incorrectly recognized
final int MASK = ~ACC_VARARGS;
sb.append(Modifier.toString(modifier & MASK)).append(' ');
// append constructor name
appendArrayType(sb, getDeclaringClass());
// append parameters
appendArrayType(sb, data.getParameterTypes());
// append exeptions if any
Class[] exn = data.getExceptionTypes();
if (exn.length > 0) {
sb.append(" throws ");
appendSimpleType(sb, exn);
return sb.toString();
* This method is used by serialization mechanism.
* @return the signature of the constructor
String getSignature() {
return data.descriptor;
* Keeps an information about this constructor
private class ConstructorData {
* constructor handle which is used to retrieve all necessary
* information about this constructor object
final long vm_member_id;
Annotation[] declaredAnnotations;
final Class<T> declaringClass;
Class<?>[] exceptionTypes;
Type[] genericExceptionTypes;
Type[] genericParameterTypes;
final int modifiers;
String name;
Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations;
Class<?>[] parameterTypes;
TypeVariable<Constructor<T>>[] typeParameters;
final String descriptor;
* @param obj constructor handler
public ConstructorData(long vm_id, Class<T> clss, String name, String desc, int mods) {
vm_member_id = vm_id;
declaringClass = clss; = null;
modifiers = mods;
descriptor = desc;
String getName() {
if (name == null) {
name = declaringClass.getName();
return name;
public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations() {
if (declaredAnnotations == null) {
declaredAnnotations = VMGenericsAndAnnotations
return declaredAnnotations;
* initializes exeptions
public Class[] getExceptionTypes() {
if (exceptionTypes == null) {
exceptionTypes = VMReflection.getExceptionTypes(vm_member_id);
return exceptionTypes;
public Annotation[][] getParameterAnnotations() {
if (parameterAnnotations == null) {
parameterAnnotations = VMGenericsAndAnnotations
return parameterAnnotations;
* initializes parameters
public Class[] getParameterTypes() {
if (parameterTypes == null) {
parameterTypes = VMReflection.getParameterTypes(vm_member_id);
return parameterTypes;