blob: 3ca678a45fd05b41018be52ea0c96d203a02099d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Evgueni Brevnov, Roman S. Bushmanov
package java.lang;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
* Provides the methods to interact with VM Execution Engine that are used by
* different classes from the <code>java.lang</code> package, such as System,
* Runtime.
* <p>
* This class must be implemented according to the common policy for porting
* interfaces - see the porting interface overview for more detailes.
* @api2vm
final class VMExecutionEngine {
* keeps Runnable objects of the shutdown sequence
private static Vector<Runnable> shutdownActions = new Vector<Runnable>();
* This class is not supposed to be instantiated.
private VMExecutionEngine() {
* Terminates a Virtual Machine with possible invocation of finilization
* methods. This method is used by the {@link Runtime#exit(int)
* Runtime.exit(int status)} and {@link Runtime#halt(int)
* Runtime.halt(int satus)} methods implementation. When it is called by the
* <code>Runtime.exit(int status)</code> method all shutdown hook threads
* should have been already finished. The needFinilization argument must
* be true if uninvoked finilizers should be called on VM exit. The
* implementation simply calls the
* {@link VMExecutionEngine#exit(int, boolean, Runnable[])
* VMExecutionEngine.exit(int status, boolean needFinalization,
* Runnable[] shutdownSequence)} method with an array of
* <code>Runnable</code> objects which were registered before by means of
* the {@link VMExecutionEngine#registerShutdownAction(Runnable)
* VMExecutionEngine.registerShutdownAction(Runnable action)} method.
* @param status exit status
* @param needFinalize specifies that finalization must be performed. If
* true then it perfoms finalization of all not finalized objects
* that have finalizers
* @api2vm
static void exit(int status, boolean needFinalization) {
exit(status, needFinalization, shutdownActions.toArray(new Runnable[0]));
* Call to this method forces VM to
* <ol>
* <li> Execute uninvoked finilizers if needFinalization is true </li>
* <li> Forcibly stop all running non-system threads
* <li> Sequentially execute the <code>run</code> method for each object
* of the shutdownSequence array. The execution starts from the last
* element of the array. No threads will be created to perform
* execution. If uncatched exception occurs it's stack trace is
* printed to the error stream and the next element of the array if
* any will be executed
* <li> Exit
* </ol>
* @param status exit status
* @param needFinalization indicates that finilization should be performed
* @param shutdownSequence array of shutdown actions
* @api2vm
private static native void exit(int status, boolean needFinalization,
Runnable[] shutdownSequence);
* This method provides an information about the assertion status specified
* via command line options.
* <p>
* @see java.lang.Class#desiredAssertionStatus()
* @param clss the class to be initialized with the assertion status. Note,
* assertion status is applicable to top-level classes only, therefore
* any member/local class passed is a subject to conversion to corresponding
* top-level declaring class. Also, <code>null</code> argument can be used to
* check if any assertion was specified through command line options.
* @param recursive controls whether this method should check exact match
* with name of the class, or check (super)packages recursively
* (most specific one has precedence).
* @param defaultStatus if no specific package setting found,
* this value may override command-line defaults. This parameter is
* actual only when <code>recursive == true</code>.
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#setDefaultAssertionStatus(boolean)
* @return 0 - unspecified, &lt; 0 - false, &gt; 0 - true
* @api2vm
static native int getAssertionStatus(Class clss, boolean recursive,
int defaultStatus);
* This method satisfies the requirements of the specification for the
* {@link Runtime#availableProcessors() Runtime.availableProcessors()}
* method.
* @api2vm
static native int getAvailableProcessors();
* This method satisfies the requirements of the specification for the
* {@link System#getProperties() System.getProperties()} method.
* <p>
* Additionally a class library implementation may relay on existance of
* the following properties "vm.boot.class.path" & "vm.boot.library.path".
* The "vm.boot.class.path" property can be used to load classes and
* resources which reside in the bootstrap sequence of the VM.
* The "vm.boot.library.path" property can be used to find libraries that
* should be obtatined by classes which were loaded by bootstrap class loader.
* @api2vm
static native Properties getProperties();
* Adds the specified action to the list of shutdown actions. The
* {@link Runnable#run()} method of the specified action
* object is executed after all non-system threads have been stopped. Last
* registered action is executed before previously registered actions. Each
* action should not create threads inside. It is expected that registered
* actions doesn't requre a lot of time to complete.
* <p>
* Typicily one may use this method to close open files, connections etc. on
* Virtual Machine exit
* @param action action which should be performed on VM exit
* @api2vm
public static void registerShutdownAction(Runnable action) {
* This method satisfies the requirements of the specification for the
* {@link Runtime#traceInstructions(boolean)
* Runtime.traceInstructions(boolean on)} method.
* @api2vm
static native void traceInstructions(boolean enable);
* This method satisfies the requirements of the specification for the
* {@link Runtime#traceMethodCalls(boolean)
* Runtime.traceMethodCalls(boolean on)} method.
* @api2vm
static native void traceMethodCalls(boolean enable);
* Returns the current system time in milliseconds since
* the Unix epoch (midnight, 1 Jan, 1970).
* @api2vm
static native long currentTimeMillis();
* Returns the current value of a system timer with the best accuracy
* the OS can provide, in nanoseconds.
* @api2vm
static native long nanoTime();
* Returns platform-specific name of the specified library.
* @api2vm
static native String mapLibraryName(String libname);