blob: 83956f8051412ed7f09b3a018fbca18532e07790 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package java.lang.reflect;
import org.apache.harmony.lang.AnnotatedElementTestFrame.MissingClassValAntn;
import org.apache.harmony.lang.AnnotatedElementTestFrame.MissingTypeAntn;
import org.apache.harmony.lang.AnnotatedElementTestFrame.TagAntn;
import org.apache.harmony.lang.AnnotatedElementTestFrame.ValAntn;
* @author Alexey V. Varlamov
public class Ctor5Test extends Method5Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
protected @Override AnnotatedElement getElement1() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedCtor.class.getConstructor();
protected @Override AnnotatedElement getElement2() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedCtor.class.getConstructor(Object.class);
protected @Override AnnotatedElement getElement3() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedCtor.class.getConstructor(String.class);
* Provides an instance to be tested. The instance must be annotated
* by the notfound.MissingAntn.
protected @Override AnnotatedElement getElement4() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedCtor.class.getConstructor(int.class);
* Provides an instance to be tested. The instance must be annotated
* by the MissingClassValAntn.
protected @Override AnnotatedElement getElement5() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedCtor.class.getConstructor(long.class);
* Provides an instance to be tested. The instance must be annotated
* by the MissingTypeAntn.
protected @Override AnnotatedElement getElement6() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedCtor.class.getConstructor(char.class);
protected Member getParamElement1() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedParamCtor.class.getConstructor();
protected Member getParamElement2() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedParamCtor.class.getConstructor(
Object.class, Class.class, boolean.class);
protected Member getParamElement3() throws Throwable {
return AnnotatedParamCtor.class.getConstructor(
String.class, int.class);
static class A {
private Object obj;
class InA {
Object o = obj;
enum E { E1, E2, E3}
static class B {
public B() {}
public B(Object o) {}
public B(Object o1, int... i) {}
public B(Object[] o) {}
* isSynthetic() should return true if and only if
* the target c-tor does not appear in the source code.
public void testIsSynthetic() throws Exception {
assertFalse("case1.1: ordinary ctor",
assertFalse("case1.2: implicit default c-tor",
Constructor[] cs = B.class.getConstructors();
for (Constructor<?> c : cs){
assertFalse("case2: " + c, c.isSynthetic());
// XXX how to force synthetic c-tor ?
* isVarArgs() should return true if and only if
* the target method is declared with varargs.
public void testIsVarargs() throws Exception {
assertFalse("case1: ordinary c-tor",
assertTrue("case2: varargs c-tor",
B.class.getConstructor(Object.class, int[].class).isVarArgs());
assertFalse("case3: ordinary c-tor",
static abstract strictfp class C {
protected <T extends Throwable & Comparable<Throwable>> C(T num, OneParamType<? super T> l) throws T, Error {}
* toGenericString() should return a string exactly matching
* the API specification.
public void testToGenericString() throws Exception {
String s = C.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Throwable.class,
// Should constructor type parameter be followed by a type bound? It is unspecified.
// The known reference implementation doesn't do it as well:
//"protected <T extends java.lang.Throwable & "
//+ "java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Throwable>>"
"protected strictfp <T>"
+ " java.lang.reflect.Ctor5Test$C(T,java.lang.reflect.OneParamType<? super T>)"
+ " throws T,java.lang.Error",
* toGenericString() should return a string exactly matching
* the API specification.
public void testToGenericString2() throws Exception {
String s = B.class.getConstructor(Object.class, int[].class).toGenericString();
assertEquals("public java.lang.reflect.Ctor5Test$B("
+ "java.lang.Object,int[])", s);
class AnnotatedCtor {
@TagAntn public AnnotatedCtor(){}
@TagAntn @ValAntn public AnnotatedCtor(Object param){}
public AnnotatedCtor(@P1Antn String s){}
@notfound.MissingAntn public AnnotatedCtor(int i) {}
@MissingClassValAntn public AnnotatedCtor(long l){}
@MissingTypeAntn public AnnotatedCtor(char ch){}
class AnnotatedParamCtor {
@TagAntn public AnnotatedParamCtor(){}
@ValAntn("abc") public AnnotatedParamCtor(@P1Antn Object p1,
@P2Antn(123) Class p2, @P3Antn @ValAntn("xyz") boolean p3){}
public AnnotatedParamCtor(String s, @TagAntn int i){}