blob: cc1df43cadc6378f0cbab7422cc4b5ae1546781c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Mikhail Y. Fursov
* @file
* The baseline implementation of control flow graph (CFG) and
* CFG level routines.
* The implementation can be reused and extended by different
* components as a base level for IR representation.
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Dlink.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include "open/types.h"
namespace Jitrino {
class Edge;
class Node;
class CFGInst;
class ControlFlowGraph;
class Type;
class DominatorTree;
class LoopTree;
typedef StlVector<Edge*> Edges;
typedef StlVector<Node*> Nodes;
* The edge connecting two nodes in CFG and having a direction and type.
* To extend the given class with a custom properties,
* override the <code>createEdge</code> method
* of the ControlFlowGraphFactory class.
class Edge {
* The ControlFlowGraph class that requires additional privileges to
* initialize protected fields of the Edge instance.
friend class ControlFlowGraph;
* The ControlFlowGraphFactory class that requires additional access privileges
* to access the protected constructor.
friend class ControlFlowGraphFactory;
* The edge kind.
* The edge kind depends on the <code>Source</code> and the
* <code>Target</code> node kinds and is calculated
* every time the <code>getKind</code> method is invoked.
enum Kind {
/// All edges to the <code>Dispatch</code> node (DN) are <code>Dispatch</code> edges.
Kind_Dispatch = 1,
/// Jump, fall-through with no branch, indirect jump or edge to the <code>Exit</code> node.
Kind_Unconditional = 2,
/// Fall-through after a not-taken branch, default target of switches (max one out-edge per node).
Kind_False = 4,
/// A taken branch.
Kind_True = 8,
/// All edges from DN to <code>Block</code> node (BNCFGInst::next() == CFGInst::prev() ) are <code>Catch</code> edges.
Kind_Catch = 16
/// The destructor. Does nothing.
virtual ~Edge() {}
* ID is constant for the lifetime of the edge.
* @return The unique edge ID that is constant for lifetime of this edge.
U_32 getId() const {return id;}
* Returns the edge kind.
* @return The kind of the given edge.
virtual Kind getKind() const;
* Checks whether the edge is a <code>Dispatch</code> one, that is if the
* edge is of the Edge::Kind_Dispatch kind.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Edge::Kind_Dispatch
* edge; otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool isDispatchEdge() const {return getKind() == Edge::Kind_Dispatch;}
* Checks whether the edge is an <code>Unconditional</code> one, that is if
* the edge is of the Edge::Kind_Unconditional kind.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Edge::Kind_Unconditional
* edge; otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool isUnconditionalEdge() const {return getKind() == Edge::Kind_Unconditional;}
* Checks whether the edge is a <code>False</code> one, that is if the
* edge is of the Edge::Kind_False kind.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Edge::Kind_False
* edge; otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool isFalseEdge() const {return getKind() == Edge::Kind_False;}
* Checks whether the edge is a <code>True</code> one, that is if the edge is
* of the Edge::Kind_True kind.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Edge::Kind_True
* edge; otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool isTrueEdge() const {return getKind() == Edge::Kind_True;}
* Checks whether the edge is a <code>Catch</code> one, that is if the edge
* is of the Edge::Kind_Catch kind.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Edge::Kind_Catch
* edge; otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool isCatchEdge() const {return getKind() == Edge::Kind_Catch;}
* Returns the <code>Source</code> node of the edge. The <code>Source</code>
* node is also called the <code><code>Tail</code></code> or <code>From</code>
* node.
* @return The <code>Source</code> node of the edge.
Node* getSourceNode() const {return source;}
* Returns the <code>Target</code> node of the edge. The <code>Target</code>
* node is also called the <code>Head</code> or <code>To</code> node.
* @return The <code>Target</code> node of the edge.
Node* getTargetNode() const {return target;}
* Returns the <code>Target</code> or the <code>Source</code> node depending
* on the <code>isForward</code> parameter.
* @param[in] isForward - tells which node to return
* @return If the <code>isForward</code> parameter is <code>True</code>,
* returns the <code>Target</code> node; otherwise,
* the <code>Source</code> node.
Node* getNode(bool isForward) const {return isForward ? target : source;}
* @return The probability of the edge.
double getEdgeProb() const {return prob;}
* Sets the probability of the edge.
* @param[in] val - a new edge probability
void setEdgeProb(double val) {prob = val;}
* Initializes a new Edge instance.
* The ID field is initialized with <code>MAX_UINT32</code>,
* all other fields are initialized with 0.
Edge() : id (MAX_UINT32), source(NULL), target(NULL), prob(0) {}
* The helper method to set ID to the edge
* @param[in] _id - a new edge ID
void setId(U_32 _id) {id = _id;}
/// The unique edge ID within CFG.
U_32 id;
/// The <code>Source</code> or the <code>Tail</code> node of the edge.
Node *source;
/// The <code>Target</code> or the <code>Head</code> node of the edge.
Node *target;
/** The edge probability.
* If the ControlFlowGraph edge profile is valid, the sum of all
* outgoing edge probabilities for a node is equal to <code>1</code>.
double prob;
* The base abstract class for all CFG instructions.
* The given class keeps information about the node this instruction belongs
* to, about previous and next instructions in the node and about instruction
* properties needed to perform CFG validity checks and to detect edge types
* for block-to-block edges correctly.
* @note The CFGInst class behaves like <code>DLink</code>,
* when none node is assigned to the instruction.
class CFGInst : protected Dlink {
* The Node class needs additional privileges to
* initialize protected fields of the CFGInst instance.
friend class Node;
* The Edge class needs additional privileges to
* initialize protected fields of the CFGInst instance.
friend class Edge;
* The ControlFlowGraph class needs additional privileges to
* initialize protected fields of the CFGInst instance.
friend class ControlFlowGraph;
virtual ~CFGInst(){}
* Gets the current node the instruction belongs to.
* @return The node instance the given instruction belongs to or
* <code>NULL</code> if the instruction was unlinked or never added
* to any node.
Node* getNode() const {return node;}
* Gets the next instruction.
* @return The next instruction in the node, or <code>NULL</code> if the
* instruction is the last instruction in the node.
* @note The CFGInst class behaves like <code>DLink</code> when none
* node is assigned to the instruction.
CFGInst* next() const;
* Gets the previous instruction.
* @return Returns the previous instruction in the node; if the instruction
* is the first one in the node, returns <code>NULL</code>.
* @note The CFGInst class behaves like <code>DLinkM</code> when none node
* is assigned to the instruction.
CFGInst* prev() const;
* Removes the instruction from the node.
* @note The CFGInst class behaves like <code>DLink</code> when none node
* is assigned to the instruction.<br>
* CFGInst::next() == CFGInst::prev() == this after the call.
void unlink() {node = NULL; Dlink::unlink();}
* Inserts the instruction before <code>instBefore</code>.
* Assigns the node from <code>instBefore</code> to the instruction.
* @param[in] instBefore - the insertion point, before which the instruction
* goes
* @note If the instruction is followed by other instructions, the call
* inserts and assigns them to the node. Only instructions with the
* <code>NULL</code> node can be inserted.
void insertBefore(CFGInst* instBefore);
* Inserts the instruction after <code>instAfter</code>.
* Assigns the node from <code>instAfter</code> to the instruction.
* @param[in] instAfter - the insertion point, before which the instruction
* goes
* @note If the instruction is followed by other instructions, the call
* inserts and assigns them to the node.
* Only instructions with the <code>NULL</code> node can
* be inserted.
void insertAfter(CFGInst* instAfter);
* Checks whether the instruction is the header critical one.
* Only another header critical instruction can precede the
* header critical instruction.
* CFG uses the given property to check validity when adding
* or removing instructions to the node.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the header critical instruction.
virtual bool isHeaderCriticalInst() const {return isLabel();}
* Checks whether the instruction is the label one.
* Only one label instruction per node can exist.
* CFG uses the given property to check validity when adding
* or removing instructions to the node.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the label instruction.
* @note The label instruction is also a header critical instruction.
virtual bool isLabel() const {return false;}
/// Returns byte-code offset the inst
uint16 getBCOffset() const { return bcOffset;}
/// Sets byte-code offset the inst
void setBCOffset(uint16 newVal) {bcOffset = newVal;}
/// Called from CFG to detect edge kinds for BN to BN edges.
virtual Edge::Kind getEdgeKind(const Edge* edge) const = 0;
/// Called from CFG, when the edge target is replaced.
virtual void updateControlTransferInst(Node* oldTarget, Node* newTarget) {}
/// Called from CFG when two blocks are merging and one of the branches is redundant.
virtual void removeRedundantBranch(){};
* The default constructor.
* Initializes the Node instance field with the <code>NULL</code>
* value.
CFGInst() : node(NULL), bcOffset(ILLEGAL_BC_MAPPING_VALUE) {}
/// The owner node of the instruction.
Node* node;
///offset in byte-code
uint16 bcOffset;
* The node representation and the base class for all nodes in CFG.
* Three node classes in the control flow graph exist:
* <code>Block</code> nodes, <code>Dispatch</code> nodes, and the
* <code>Exit</code> node.
* All of them can contain an instruction.
class Node {
* The ControlFlowGraph class that requires additional privileges to
* initialize protected fields of the <code>Node</code> instance.
friend class ControlFlowGraph;
* The ControlFlowGraphFactory class that requires additional privileges to
* access to the protected constructor of the <code>Node</code> instance.
friend class ControlFlowGraphFactory;
* The CFGInst class that requires additional privileges to
* initialize protected fields of the <code>Node</code> instance.
friend class CFGInst;
* The kind of the node.
* CFG has three node kinds:<br>
* <ul><li>
* <code>Kind_Block</code> - used for usual nodes with instructions<br>
* <li><code>Kind_Dispatch</code> - used for exceptions paths. The
* <code>Dispatch</code> node connects the <code>Block</code>
* node throwing exception with another <code>Block</code>
* node catching the exception.
* If none <code>Block</code> node catches all possible
* exception types, the <code>Dispatch</code> node can also
* be connected with another <code>Dispatch</code> node.
* To represent a path when an exception is not caught in
* a current method, the <code>Unwind</code> node is used.<br>
* <li><code>Kind_Exit</code> - CFG has only one <code>Exit</code> node. The
* <code>Exit</code> node postdominates any exit path from
* the methods. Only CFG without exits, like
* <code>While(True);</code> patterns, can have no
* <code>Exit</code> node at all.</ul>
enum Kind {
/// Basic <code>Block</code> node
/// <code>Dispatch</code> node
/// <code>Exit</code> node
virtual ~Node() {}
* Gets the kind of the node.
* @return The kind of the node.
Kind getKind() const {return kind;}
* Gets the unique node ID. The ID is unique for all nodes in the containing
* flow graph and is constant for the lifetime of this node.
* This method provides a sparse ID between zero
* and the graph <code>getMaxNodeId()</code> value.
* @return The unique node ID in the containing flow graph.
U_32 getId() const {return id;}
* Gets the depth-first numbering of the given node computed during the last
* pass.
* Use this number as a dense ID of the node until CFG is not modified.
* @return The depth of the first numbering of the given node.
* @note Df-numbering differes from pre-numbering by being recalculated only
* after the direct graph ordering, that is when the
* <code>isForward</code> parameter is <code>TRUE</code> in the
* <code>orderNodes(isForward)</code> method call.
U_32 getDfNum() const {return dfNumber;}
* Gets the pre-num numbering of the given node computed during the last pass.
* Use this number as a dense ID of the node until CFG is not modified.
* @return The pre-num numbering of the given node.
U_32 getPreNum() const {return preNumber;}
* Gets the post-num numbering of the given node computed during the last pass.
* Use this number as a dense ID of the node until CFG is not modified.
* @return The post-num numbering of the given node.
U_32 getPostNum() const {return postNumber;}
* Checks whether the node is a <code>Block</code> one.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Node::Kind_Block node.
bool isBlockNode() const {return getKind() == Node::Kind_Block;}
* Checks whether the node is a <code>Dispatch</code> one.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Node::Kind_Dispatch node.
bool isDispatchNode() const {return getKind() == Node::Kind_Dispatch;}
* Checks whether the node is an <code>Exit</code> one.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> for the Node::Kind_Exit node.
bool isExitNode() const {return getKind() == Node::Kind_Exit;}
* Checks whether the node is a <code>Catch</code> one.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the node is of the Node::Kind_Block kind and
* the only incoming edge of the node is of the Edge::Kind_CatchEdge
* kind.
bool isCatchBlock() const {return getInDegree() >=1 && getInEdges().front()->isCatchEdge();}
* Gets the incoming edges to the node.
* @return The collection of the incoming edges to the node.
* @note The ordering of edges in the collection is not specified.
const Edges& getInEdges() const {return inEdges;}
* Gets the outgoing edges to the node.
* @return The collection of the outgoing edges to the node.
* @note The ordering of edges in the collection is not specified.
const Edges& getOutEdges() const {return outEdges;}
* Gets the incoming or outgoing edges to the node.
* @param[in] isForward - tells what kind of edges, incoming or outgoing,
* to return
* @return If the <code>isForwarisForward</code> parameter is <code>TRUE</code>,
* returns the collection of incoming edges;
* otherwise, the collection of outgoing ones.
* @note The ordering of edges in the collection is not specified.
const Edges& getEdges(bool isForward) const {return isForward ? outEdges : inEdges;}
* Gets the first outgoing edge that matches the <code>edgeKind</code> kind.
* @param[in] edgeKind - the kind of the edge to find
* @return The first outgoing edge matching the <code>edgeKind</code> parameter;
* <code>NULL</code> if no edge of the specified kind has been found.
Edge* getOutEdge(Edge::Kind edgeKind) const;
* Gets the first unconditional outgoing edge.
* @return The first outgoing edge matching the Edge::Kind_Unconditional
* parameter; <code>NULL</code> if no edge of the specified
* kind has been found.
* @note The edge collections ordering is not specified.
Edge* getUnconditionalEdge() const {return getOutEdge(Edge::Kind_Unconditional);}
* Gets the outgoing edge with the Edge::Kind_False kind.
* @return The first outgoing edge matching the Edge::Kind_False
* parameter; <code>NULL</code> if no edge of the specified
* kind has been found.
* @note The only one outgoing edge of the Edge::Kind_False kind is
* allowed per node.
Edge* getFalseEdge() const {return getOutEdge(Edge::Kind_False);}
* Gets the first <code>True</code> outgoing edge.
* @return The first outgoing edge matching the Edge::Kind_True
* parameter; <code>NULL</code> if no edge of the specified
* kind has been found.
* @note The edge collections ordering is not specified.
Edge* getTrueEdge() const {return getOutEdge(Edge::Kind_True);}
* Gets the outgoing edge of the Edge::Kind_Dispatch kind.
* @return The first outgoing edge matching the Edge::Kind_Dispatch
* parameter; <code>NULL</code> if no edge of the specified
* kind has been found.
* @note The only one outgoing edge of the Edge::Kind_Dispatch kind is
* allowed per node.
Edge* getExceptionEdge() const {return getOutEdge(Edge::Kind_Dispatch);}
* Checks whether the node is connected to <code>anotherNode</code>.
* @param[in] isForward - the direction of the connection. If <code>TRUE</code>
* the outgoing edges are checked, if <code>FALSE</code>
* the incoming edges are checked.
* @param[in] anotherNode - the node to check connection with
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the node is connected with <code>anotherNode</code>
* using <code>isForward</code> edges; otherwise, returns <code>FALSE</code>,
* or <code>TRUE</code>.
bool isConnectedTo(bool isForward, Node* anotherNode) const {return findEdgeTo(isForward, anotherNode)!=NULL;}
* Finds the edge connected to <code>anotherNode</code>.
* @param[in] isForward - the direction of the connection. If <code>TRUE</code>
* the outgoing edges are checked, if <code>FALSE</code>
* the incoming edges are checked.
* @param[in] anotherNode - the node that the edge connects to
* @return The edge connects the node and the <code>anotherNode</code> with
* the direction <code>isForwarisForward</code>;
* otherwise <code>NULL</code>.
Edge* findEdgeTo(bool isForward, Node* anotherNode) const;
* Finds the first outgoing edge with the specified kind
* and returns its <code>Target</code> node.
* @param[in] edgeKind - the kind of the edge to find
* @return The <code>Target</code> node of the outgoing edge of the
* <code>edgeKind</code> kind; <code>NULL</code> if such an
* edge has not beed found.
Node* getEdgeTarget(Edge::Kind edgeKind) const {Edge* edge = getOutEdge(edgeKind); return edge == NULL ? NULL : edge->getTargetNode();}
* Finds the first unconditional outgoing edge and returns its
* <code>Target</code> node.
* @return The <code>Target</code> node of the outgoing edge of
* the Edge::Kind_Unconditional kind; <code>NULL</code>
* if such an edge has not beed found.
Node* getUnconditionalEdgeTarget() const {return getEdgeTarget(Edge::Kind_Unconditional);}
* Finds the <code>False</code> outgoing edge and returns its
* <code>Target</code> node.
* @return The <code>Target</code> node of the outgoing edge of
* the Edge::Kind_False kind; <code>NULL</code> if such an
* edge has not beed found.
Node* getFalseEdgeTarget() const {return getEdgeTarget(Edge::Kind_False);}
* Finds the first <code>True</code> outgoing edge and returns its
* <code>Target</code> node.
* @return The <code>Target</code> node of the outgoing edge of the
* Edge::Kind_True kind; <code>NULL</code> if such an edge
* has not beed found.
Node* getTrueEdgeTarget() const {return getEdgeTarget(Edge::Kind_True);}
* Finds the <code>Dispatch</code> edge and returns its <code>Target</code>
* node.
* @return The <code>Target</code> node of the outgoing edge of the
* Edge::Kind_Dispatch kind; <code>NULL</code> if such an edge
* has not beed found.
Node* getExceptionEdgeTarget() const {return getEdgeTarget(Edge::Kind_Dispatch);}
* Finds the edge connecting the node with <code>anotherNode</code>.
* @param[in] isForward - the search in the outgoing edges, if
<code>TRUE</code>; otherwise, in the incoming edges
* @param[in] anotherNode - the node connected with the given node by the edge
* @return The edge connecting the node with <code>anotherNode</code>;
* otherwise, <code>NULL</code>.
Edge* findEdge(bool isForward, const Node* anotherNode) const;
* Finds the incoming edge connecting the node with <code>anotherNode</code>.
* @param[in] anotherNode - the node connected with the given node by the edge
* @return The incoming edge connecting the node with <code>anotherNode</code>;
* otherwise, <code>NULL</code>.
Edge* findSourceEdge(const Node* source) const {return findEdge(false, source);}
* Finds the outgoing edge connecting the node with <code>anotherNode</code>.
* @param[in] anotherNode - the node connected with the given node by the edge
* @return The outgoing edge connecting the node with <code>anotherNode</code>;
* otherwise, <code>NULL</code>.
Edge* findTargetEdge(const Node* target) const {return findEdge(true, target);}
* Gets the number of outgoing edges of the node.
* @return The number of outgoing edges of the node.
U_32 getOutDegree() const {return (U_32)getOutEdges().size();}
* Gets the number of incoming edges to the node.
* @return The number of incoming edges to the node.
U_32 getInDegree() const {return (U_32)getInEdges().size();}
* Checks whether the node has only one outgoing edge.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the node has only one outgoing edge;
* otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool hasOnlyOneSuccEdge() const {return getOutDegree() == 1;}
* Checks whether the node has only one incoming edge.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the node has only one incoming edge;
* otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool hasOnlyOnePredEdge() const {return getInDegree() == 1;}
* Checks whether the node has two or more outgoing edges.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the node has two or more outgoing edges;
* otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool hasTwoOrMoreSuccEdges() const {return getOutDegree() >= 2;}
* Checks whether the node has two or more incoming edges.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if the node has two or more incoming edges;
* otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool hasTwoOrMorePredEdges() const {return getInDegree() >= 2;}
* Appends the instruction to the node instruction list after the
* <code>instBefore</code> instruction.
* If the instruction is a list, then the whole list is added.
* @param[in] newInst - a new instruction/instructions list to add
* @param[in] instBefore - the location where to insert new instructions.
* If <code>instBefore</code> is <code>NULL</code>,
* new instructions are appended to the end of the
* node list; otherwise, they are inserted right
* after <code>instBefore</code>.
void appendInst(CFGInst* newInst, CFGInst* instBefore = NULL);
* Prepends the instruction to the node instruction list before the
* <code>instAfter</code> instruction.
* If the instruction is a list, then the whole list is added.
* @param[in] newInst - a new instruction/instructions list to add
* @param[in] instAfter - the location where to insert new instructions.
* If <code>instAfter</code> is <code>NULL</code>, new
* instructions are prepended to the beginning of the
* node list; otherwise, they are inserted right
* before <code>instBefore</code>.
void prependInst(CFGInst* newInst, CFGInst* instAfter = NULL);
* Counts the number of instructions in the node. The complexity of
* the algorithm is proportional to the number of instructions.
* @return The number of instructions in the node.
U_32 getInstCount(bool ignoreLabels = true) const;
* Checks whether not a single instruction is in the node.
* @param[in] ignoreLabels - tells whether to count label instructions
* @return <code>TRUE</code> not a single instruction is in the node.
bool isEmpty(bool ignoreLabels = true) const {CFGInst* inst = getFirstInst(); return inst == NULL || (ignoreLabels && inst->isLabel() && inst->next() == NULL);}
* Gets the first instruction in the node.
* @return The first instruction in the node;
* <code>NULL</code> if the node is empty.
CFGInst* getFirstInst() const {return instsHead->getNext() != instsHead ? (CFGInst*)instsHead->getNext() : NULL;}
* Gets the last instruction in the node.
* @return The last instruction in the node;
* <code>NULL</code> if the node is empty.
CFGInst* getLastInst() const {return instsHead->getPrev() != instsHead ? (CFGInst*)instsHead->getPrev() : NULL;}
* Gets the execution count of the node. Execution count of the node is
* a number of times the code of this node was executed at run time.
* This number can be the result of profiling of static estimation.
* @return The number of times the code of the given node was executed.
double getExecCount() const {return execCount;}
* Sets the execution count for the node.
* @param[in] val - a new execution count value
void setExecCount(double val) {execCount = val;}
* Gets the current node traversal number used by internal and external
* algorithms to mark node as visited.
* @return The traversal number for the node.
U_32 getTraversalNum() const {return traversalNumber;}
* Sets a new traversal number of the node, usually
* <code>oldTraversalNumber</code> + 1.
* @param[in] num - a new traversal number
void setTraversalNum(U_32 num) {traversalNumber = num;}
* Gets the second instruction in the node.
* @return The second instruction in the node;
* <code>NULL</code> if the node is empty or has only one
* instruction.
CFGInst* getSecondInst() const {return isEmpty() ? NULL : getFirstInst()->next();}
* Gets the label instruction. The label instruction is always the first
* instruction in the node. Check additionally whether the first instruction
* is a label one.
* @return The first instruction or <code>NULL</code>.
* Checks whether the first instruction is a label one.
CFGInst* getLabelInst() const {CFGInst* first = getFirstInst(); assert(first==NULL || first->isLabel()); return first;}
* Gets bytecode offset of the first inst with bc-mapping in the node
* @return bytecode offset of the first inst with bc-mapping in the node
uint16 getNodeStartBCOffset() const;
* Gets bytecode offset of the last inst with bc-mapping in the node
* @return bytecode offset of the last inst with bc-mapping in the node
uint16 getNodeEndBCOffset() const;
* The constructor of Node.
* Initializes all instance fields with default values.
* @param[in] mm - the memory manager to use
* @param[in] kind - the node kind
Node(MemoryManager& mm, Kind kind);
* Sets the node ID.
* @param[in] _id - a new node ID
void setId(U_32 _id) {id = _id;}
* Inserts the <code>newInst</code> instruction right after
* the <code>prev</code> instruction.
* Assigns the node to the <code>newInst</code>.
void insertInst(CFGInst* prev, CFGInst* newInst);
/// The unique ID of the node in CFG.
U_32 id;
* The depth-first number of the node in CFG.
* It is updated every time CFG is ordered.
U_32 dfNumber;
* The pre-number of the node in CFG.
* It is updated every time CFG is ordered.
U_32 preNumber;
* The post-number of the node in CFG.
* It is updated every time CFG is ordered.
U_32 postNumber;
* The number of times the node was traversed by the
* ordering algorithms.
* It is updated every time CFG is ordered.
U_32 traversalNumber;
/// The type of the node.
Kind kind;
* The collection of all incoming edges to the node.
* The order of edges in this collection if not specified.
Edges inEdges;
* The collection of all outgoing edges from the node.
* The order of edges in this collection if not specified.
Edges outEdges;
* The stub for the node instructions list.
* The first user's instruction in the node is the first instruction
* after the <code>instHead</code> stub.
* The last user's instruction in the node is the first instruction
* before the <code>instHead</code> stub.
CFGInst* instsHead;
/// Profiling information. The number of times this node was executed.
double execCount;
* The factory class for nodes and edges.
* Creates nodes and edges at ControlFlowGraph requests.
* The default implementation of the given class creates default nodes
* and edges of the <code>Node</code> and <code>Edge</code> classes.
* To create custom <code>Node</code> and <code>Edge</code> subclasses,overload
* the methods of the given factory class.
class ControlFlowGraphFactory {
///The default constructor for the ControlFlowGraphFactory class. Does nothing.
///The default destructor for the ControlFlowGraphFactory class. Does nothing.
virtual ~ControlFlowGraphFactory(){}
* Creates a new Edge of the specified kind using the memory manager as the
* allocator.
* @param[in] mm - the memory manager for the newly created node
* @param[in] kind - the kind of the newly created node
* @return A new specified node allocated on the memory manager.
virtual Node* createNode(MemoryManager& mm, Node::Kind kind);
* Creates a new Edge of the specified kind to connect nodes of
* <code>srcKind</code> and <code>dstKind</code> kinds.
* @param[in] mm - the memory manager for the newly created edge
* @param[in] srcKind - the kind of <code>Source</code> node for the edge
* @param[in] dstKind - the kind of source <code>Target</code> for the edge
* @return A new edge allocated on the memory manager to be connected with
* nodes of <code>srcKind</code> and <code>dstKind</code> kinds.
virtual Edge* createEdge(MemoryManager& mm, Node::Kind srcKind, Node::Kind dstKind);
* The base class for CFG.
* The container class for nodes, edges, global states of nodes and edges and
* related algorithms.
class ControlFlowGraph {
* Creates new CFG.
* @param[in] mm - the memory manager for CFG nodes, edges and internal data
* @param[in] factory - the factory to create new nodes and edges
* If no factory is specified, the default factory implementation is used.
ControlFlowGraph(MemoryManager& mm, ControlFlowGraphFactory* factory = NULL);
virtual ~ControlFlowGraph(){};
* Gets a collection of all nodes in the graph.
* Certain nodes in the collection can be unreachable.
* The order of nodes is arbitrary.
* @return A collection of nodes in the control flow graph.
* @note All iterators to the collection become invalid when new nodes
* are added or old ones deleted.
const Nodes& getNodes() const {return nodes;}
* Gets the unique <code>Entry</code> node. The given node dominates all other nodes in
* the graph.
* The <code>Entry</code> node has the <code>Node::Kind_BlockNode</code> kind.
* @return The <code>Entry</code> node.
Node* getEntryNode() const {return entryNode;}
* Sets the <code>Entry</code> node. The given node dominates all other nodes
* in the graph.
* The <code>Entry</code> node must be a block one.
* @param[in] e - a new <code>Entry</code> node
void setEntryNode(Node* e) {assert(e!=NULL); entryNode = e; lastModifiedTraversalNumber = traversalNumber;}
* Gets the unique <code>Exit</code> node. The given node postdominates all other nodes
* in the graph except child nodes of infinite loops.
* The <code>Exit</code> node has the Node::Kind_ExitNode kind.
* @return The <code>Exit</code> node.
Node* getExitNode() const {return exitNode;}
* Sets the <code>Exit</code> node. The given node postdominates all other
* nodes in the graph except child nodes of infinite loops.
* The <code>Exit</code> node has the Node::Kind_ExitNode kind.
* @return The <code>Exit</code> node.
void setExitNode(Node* e) {assert(e!=NULL); exitNode = e; lastModifiedTraversalNumber = traversalNumber;}
* Gets the unique block node that postdominates all nodes
* in all paths that are non-dispatch exits from the method.
* @return The <code>Return</code> node of the graph.
Node* getReturnNode() const {return returnNode; }
* Sets the <code>Return</code> node for the graph.
* The <code>Return</code> node is a block node that postdominates all
* nodes in all paths that are non-dispatch exits from the method.
* @return The <code>Return</code> node of the graph.
void setReturnNode(Node* node) {assert(returnNode==NULL); assert(node->isBlockNode()); returnNode = node;}
* Gets the unique dispatch node that postdominates all nodes
* in all paths that are dispatch exits from the method.
* @return The <code>Unwind</code> node of the graph.
Node* getUnwindNode() const {return unwindNode;}
* Sets the <code>Unwind</code> node for the graph.
* The <code>Unwind</code> node is a dispatch node that postdominates all
* nodes in all paths that are dispatch exits from the method.
* @return The <code>Unwind</code> node of the graph.
void setUnwindNode(Node* node) {assert(node->isDispatchNode()); unwindNode = node;}
* Gets the maximum node ID.
* The given ID is incremented any time the node is added to the graph.
* @return The maximum node ID.
U_32 getMaxNodeId() const {return nodeIDGenerator;}
* Creates a new specified node. Add instruction to the node.
* @param[in] kind - the kind of the node
* @param[in] inst - the instruction to add to the node instructions list
* @return A newly created node.
Node* createNode(Node::Kind kind, CFGInst* inst = NULL);
* Creates a new <code>Block</code> node and adds the instruction
* to it.
* @param[in] inst - the instruction to add to the node instructions list
* @return A newly created node.
Node* createBlockNode(CFGInst* inst = NULL) {return createNode(Node::Kind_Block, inst);}
* Creates a new <code>Dispatch</code> node and adds the instruction
* to it.
* @param[in] inst - the instruction to add to the node instructions list
* @return A newly created node.
Node* createDispatchNode(CFGInst* inst = NULL) {return createNode(Node::Kind_Dispatch, inst);}
* Creates a new <code>Exit</code> node and adds the instruction
* to it.
* @param[in] inst - the instruction to add to the node instructions list
* @return A newly created node.
Node* createExitNode(CFGInst* inst = NULL) {return createNode(Node::Kind_Exit, inst);}
* Removes the node and all its incoming and outgoing edges from the graph.
* @param[in] node - a node to remove
void removeNode(Node* node);
* Gets the number of nodes in the graph that are reachable from the <code>Entry</code> node.
* Orders nodes and updates traversal and ordering numbers of the graph and all
* nodes if the graph has been modified from the last ordering.
* @return The number of reachable nodes in the graph.
U_32 getNodeCount() { if(!hasValidOrdering()) orderNodes(); return nodeCount; }
* Gets the cached postorder collection of nodes in the graph.
* @return The collection of nodes ordered in postorder.
const Nodes& getNodesPostOrder() {if (!hasValidOrdering()) orderNodes(); return postOrderCache;}
* Copies pointers to all nodes of the graph to the container.
* @param[in] container - a container to put node pointers to
* The container must provide the <code>Insert</code>(<code>iterator
* insertLocation</code>, <code>iterator start</code>, <code>iterator
* end</code>) method.
template <class Container>
void getNodes(Container& container) {
container.insert(container.begin(), nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
* Copies post-ordered nodes sequence to the container.
* If <code>isForwarisForward</code> is <code>TRUE</code>, the method starts
* ordering the DFS algorithm from the <code>Entry</code> node.
* If <code>isForwarisForward</code> is <code>FALSE</code>, the method starts
* ordering the DFS algorithm from the <code>Exit</code> node.
* @param[in] container - the container to add nodes
* @param[in] isForward - whether to start DFS ordering from the <code>Entry</code>
* (<code>TRUE</code>) or <code>Exit</code>
* (<code>FALSE</code>) node
* @note The container class must provide the <code>push_back(Node*)</code>
* method.
template <class Container>
void getNodesPostOrder(Container& container, bool isForward=true) {
runDFS((Container*) NULL, &container, isForward);
* Copies pre-ordered nodes sequence to the container.
* If <code>isForwarisForward</code> is <code>TRUE</code>, the method starts
* ordering the DFS algorithm from the <code>Entry</code> node.
* If <code>isForwarisForward</code> is <code>FALSE</code>, the method starts
* ordering the DFS algorithm from the <code>Exit</code> node.
* @param[in] container - the container to add nodes
* @param[in] isForward - whether to start DFS ordering from the <code>Entry</code>
* (<code>TRUE</code>) or <code>Exit</code>
* (<code>FALSE</code>) node
* @note The container class must provide the <code>push_back(Node*)</code>
* method.
template <class Container>
void getNodesPreOrder(Container& container, bool isForward=true) {
runDFS(&container, (Container*) NULL, isForward);
* Orders the nodes in the graph.
* If <code>isForward</code> is <code>TRUE</code>, updates the
* internal CFG collection of nodes and node df-numbers.
* Affects nodes and graph traversal and ordering numbers.
* @param[in] isForward - whether to start DFS ordering from the <code>Entry</code>
* (<code>TRUE</code>) or <code>Exit</code>
* (<code>FALSE</code>) node
void orderNodes(bool isForward=true) {
runDFS((Nodes*) NULL, (Nodes*) NULL, isForward);
* Creates a new edge from the <code>Source</code> node to the
* <code>Target</code> one.
* @param[in] source - the <code>Source</code> or <code>Tail</code>
* node for the edge
* @param[in] target - the <code>Target</code> or <code>Head</code>
* node for the edge
* @param[in] edgeProb - the probability of the edge
* @return The newly created edge.
Edge* addEdge(Node* source, Node* target, double edgeProb = 1.0);
* Gets the maximum edge ID.
* The given ID is incremented every time the edge is added to the graph.
* @return The maximum edge ID.
U_32 getMaxEdgeId() const {return edgeIDGenerator;}
* Removes the edge from CFG. Updates <code>Source</code> and
* <code>Target</code> nodes.
* Does not affect other edge probabilities.
* @param[in] edge - the edge to remove
void removeEdge(Edge* edge);
* Removes the edge connecting <code>Source</code> and
* <code>Target</code> nodes.
* Updates <code>Source</code> and <code>Target</code> nodes. Does not
* affect other edge probabilities.
* @param[in] source - the <code>Source</code> node for the edge
* @param[in] target - the <code>Target</code> node for the edge
void removeEdge(Node* source, Node* target) {removeEdge(source->findTargetEdge(target));}
* Removes the edge, creates a new one and connects it to
* the <code>newTarget</code> node.
* @param[in] edge - the edge to change the target
* @param[in] newTarget - a new <code>Target</code> node
* @param[in] keepOldEdge - modify old or create a new edge
* @return The edge connecting the <code>Source</code> node of the
* edge and the </code>newTarget</code> node.
* @note The removal of the old edge is needed
* while inlining CFG: edge IDs must be renewed.
Edge* replaceEdgeTarget(Edge* edge, Node *newTarget, bool keepOldEdge = false);
* Checks if CFG is annotated with the edge profile information.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if CFG was annotated with the edge profile.
bool hasEdgeProfile() const {return annotatedWithEdgeProfile;}
* Sets if CFG is annotated with the edge profile.
* @param[in] val - marks CFG as annotated if <code>val</code> is <code>TRUE</code>,
* CFG is not annotated if <code>val</code> is <code>FALSE</code>.
void setEdgeProfile(bool val) {annotatedWithEdgeProfile = val;}
* Checks if the edge profile is consistent.
* Checks only reachable nodes and recalculates postorder cache if needed.
* @param[in] checkEdgeProbs - enables edge probs consistency check. If for every
* node the sum of the all outgoing edge probs
* is equal to 1.0, the edge probs data is consistent.
* @param[in] checkExecCounts - enables exec counts consistency check. If for every
* node the sum of exec counts of incoming edges is
* equal to the node exec count, the exec count data
* is consistent.
* @param[in] doAssert - asserts if the consistency error is found. Useful
* to position the debugger to the error.
bool isEdgeProfileConsistent(bool checkEdgeProbs = true, bool checkExecCounts = true, bool doAssert=false);
* Counts the execution counts of nodes using edge probabilities and execution
* count of the <code>Entry</code> node.
void smoothEdgeProfile();
* Gets the traversal number.
* The traversal number is analogous to a monotonically increasing timestamp.
* It is updated anytime an ordering traversal is performed on CFG.
* If a modification was performed after an ordering, the ordering is invalid.
* @return The traversal number
U_32 getTraversalNum() const {return traversalNumber;}
* Sets the traversal number.
* The traversal number is analogous to a monotonically increasing timestamp.
* It is updated anytime an ordering traversal is performed on CFG.
* If a modification was performed after an ordering, the ordering is invalid.
* @param[in] newTraversalNum - a new traversal number
void setTraversalNum(U_32 newTraversalNum) {traversalNumber = newTraversalNum;}
* The modification traversal number is the traversal number of the
* last add/remove of a node/edge in the graph.
* @return The modification traversal number.
U_32 getModificationTraversalNum() const { return lastModifiedTraversalNumber; }
* The edge removal traversal number is the modification traversal number of
* the last remove of an edge in the graph.
* @return The edge removal traversal number.
U_32 getEdgeRemovalTraversalNum() const { return lastEdgeRemovalTraversalNumber; }
* The ordering traversal number is the traversal number after the last depth
* first ordering. Node pre/post numbers are valid, if
* getOrderingTraversalNum() is greater than getModificationTraversalNum().
* @return The ordering traversal number.
U_32 getOrderingTraversalNum() const { return lastOrderingTraversalNumber; }
* Checks if CFG nodes have valid ordering, that is there was no modification
* in graph from the time of the last ordering.
* @return <code>TRUE</code> if ordering is valid; otherwise, <code>FALSE</code>.
bool hasValidOrdering() const { return getOrderingTraversalNum() > getModificationTraversalNum(); }
* Gets the memory manager used by CFG to allocate nodes and edges.
* @return The memory manager for given CFG.
MemoryManager& getMemoryManager() const {return mm;}
* Splits the <code>Return</code> node in CFG, that is creates a new
* <code>Block</code> node before the <code>Return</code> node and retarget
* all incoming edges from the <code>Return</code> node to a new
* <code>Block</code> node.
* After this method call the <code>Return</code> node has only one incoming
* edge.
* @param[in] headerInst - the instruction to add to a new node
* @return The newly created node.
Node* splitReturnNode(CFGInst* headerInst=NULL) {return splitNode(getReturnNode(), false, headerInst);}
* Splits a node at a particular instruction, leaving the instruction in the
* same node and moving all instructions before or after the instruction
* to a newly created node.
* @param[in] inst - the place where to split the node
* @param[in] splitAfter - indicates whether to split should appear after
* <code>TRUE</code> or before
* <code>FLASE</code> instruction
* @param[in] keepDispatch - indicates if both nodes must have the same dispatch
* as the <code>Initial</code> node had
* If <code>FLASE</code> the <code>Dispatch</code> node
* is moved to the node with a higher post-num.
* @return The newly created node.
Node* splitNodeAtInstruction(CFGInst *inst, bool splitAfter, bool keepDispatch, CFGInst* headerInst);
* Creates a new node and targets the edge to it. The old edge target is
* connected with a new node by new edge after the given method call.
* @param[in] edge - the edge to splice
* @param[in] inst - the instruction to add to a new node
* @param[in] keepOldEdge - keep old edge and use it to connect source and new nodes
* @return The newly created node.
Node* spliceBlockOnEdge(Edge* edge, CFGInst* inst = NULL, bool keepOldEdge=false);
* Inlines <code>inlineFG</code> into this CFG after <code>instAfter</code>,
* splits the <code>Instruction</code> node if needed.
* Moves all nodes from <code>inlineFG</code> except the <code>Exit</code>
* node to given CFG.
* Relies on valid <code>Return</code> and <code>Unwind</code> nodes of
* <code>inlinedFG</code>.
* @param[in] instAfter - the place to inline. <code>inlinedFG</code> is
* inlined after this instruction
* @param[in] inlineFG - the flow graph to inline. Must have valid unwind
* and return nodes
void spliceFlowGraphInline(CFGInst* instAfter, ControlFlowGraph& inlineFG);
* Inlines <code>inlineFG</code> info given CFG retargeting the edge to the
* <code>inlinedFG</code>'s <code>Entry</code> node.
* Moves all nodes from <code>inlinedFG</code> except the <code>Exit</code>
* node to <code>This</code> CFG.
* Relies on valid <code>Return</code> and <code>Unwind</code> nodes of the
* <code>inlinedFG</code>.
* @param[in] edge - the edge to splice the inlined flow graph on.
* @param[in] inlineFG - the flow graph to inline. Must have valid
* <code>Return</code> and <code>Unwind</code> nodes.
void spliceFlowGraphInline(Edge* edge, ControlFlowGraph& inlineFG);
* Removes all critical edges from the graph.
* Does not split exception edges unless the parameter is <code>TRUE</code>.
* @param[in] includeExceptionEdges - process exception edges if <code>TRUE</code>
* @param[in] newNodes - all newly created nodes
void splitCriticalEdges(bool includeExceptionEdges, Nodes* newNodes = NULL);
* Moves instructions from one node to another.
* @param[in] fromNode - the node to move instructions from
* @param[in] toNode - the node to move instructions to
* @param[in] prepend - prepends instructions to a new node if <code>TRUE</code>;
* appends instructions if <code>FALSE</code>
void moveInstructions(Node* fromNode, Node* toNode, bool prepend);
* Combines nodes from CFG that can be folded together.
* @param[in] skipEntry - does not process the <code>Entry</code> node
* @param[in] mergeByDispatch - allows merging of nodes with the same dispatch
* edge target
void mergeAdjacentNodes(bool skipEntry = false, bool mergeByDispatch= false);
* Combines blocks.
* @param[in] first - the first block to merge
* @param[in] second - the second block to merger
* @param[in] keepFirst - tells whether to keep the first or second block
void mergeBlocks(Node* first, Node* second, bool keepFirst=true);
* Removes all empty nodes from CFG.
* @param[in] preserveCriticalEdges - informs if to preserve critical edges
* @param[in] removeEmptyCatchBlocks - allows the removal of empty catch blocks
* if <code>TRUE</code>
void purgeEmptyNodes(bool preserveCriticalEdges = false, bool removeEmptyCatchBlocks = false);
* Removes all unreachable nodes from CFG.
* If a path connects the node with the <code>Entry</code> node, the node is
* reachable.
void purgeUnreachableNodes() { purgeUnreachableNodes((Nodes*) NULL); }
* Removes all unreachable nodes from CFG and adds them to the container.
* @param[in] container - the collection supports the <code>push_back</code>
* method to store pointers to all removed nodes
template <class Container>
void purgeUnreachableNodes(Container& container) { purgeUnreachableNodes(&container);}
* Gets the dominator tree. Updates the tree, if it is in the up-to-date state.
* @return The dominator tree; <code>NULL</code> if none dominator tree is
* assigned to the given graph.
DominatorTree* getDominatorTree() const {return domTree;}
* Gets the post-dominator tree. Updates the tree, if it is in the up-to-date
* state.
* @return The post-dominator tree; <code>NULL</code> if none post-dominator
* tree is assigned to the given graph.
DominatorTree* getPostDominatorTree() const {return postDomTree;}
* Gets the loop tree. Updates the tree, if it is in the up-to-date state.
* @return The loop tree; <code>NULL</code> if none loop tree is
* assigned to the given graph.
LoopTree* getLoopTree() const {return loopTree;}
* Assigns the dominator tree to the graph.
* param dom - the dominator tree assigned to the graph
void setDominatorTree(DominatorTree* dom) {domTree = dom;}
* Assigns the post-dominator tree to the graph.
* @param[in] dom - the post-dominator tree assigned to the graph
void setPostDominatorTree(DominatorTree* dom) {domTree = dom;}
* Assigns the loop tree to the graph.
* param dom - the loop tree assigned to the graph
void setLoopTree(LoopTree* lt) {loopTree= lt;}
* Adds the node to the graph nodes list.
* Assigns new ID to the node, increments the graph modification count.
void addNode(Node* node);
* Adds the edge to the graph and connects <code>Source</code> and
* <code>Target</code> nodes with this edge.
* Assigns a new edge ID to the edge, increments the graph modification
* count.
void addEdge(Node* source, Node* target, Edge* edge, double edgeProb);
* Removes the node from the graph.
* @param[in] i - the location of the node in the graph node collection
* @param[in] erase - informs whether to erase or just <code>NULL</code> the
* pointer to the node in the collection
void removeNode(Nodes::iterator i, bool erase);
* Sets a new ID to the edge.
void setNewEdgeId(Edge* edge) { edge->setId(edgeIDGenerator++); }
* Moves all incoming edges from <code>oldNode</code> to
* <code>newNode</code>.
* Increments modification traversal number of the graph.
void moveInEdges(Node* oldNode, Node* newNode);
* Moves all outgoing edges from <code>oldNode</code> to
* <code>newNode</code>.
* Increments modification traversal number of the graph.
void moveOutEdges(Node* oldNode, Node* newNode);
* Removes duplicate incoming edges.
void resetInEdges(Node* node);
* Removes duplicate outgoing edges.
void resetOutEdges(Node* node);
* Splits the node: adds a new block before or after the node.
* @warning Low-level helper method.
* @warning If <code>newBlockAtEnd</code> is <code>TRUE</code>, the given method does not
* keep dispatch on the original block.
* @warning Does not move instructions.
Node* splitNode(Node* node, bool newBlockAtEnd, CFGInst* newBlockInst);
/// Splits the edge and adds <code>newBlockInst</code> to a new node.
Node* splitEdge(Edge* edge, CFGInst* newBlockInst, bool keepOldEdge);
/// Checks whether the <code>Source</code> node can be merged with the <code>Target</code> node.
bool isBlockMergeAllowed(Node* source, Node* target, bool allowMergeDispatch) const;
/// Helper for public <code>getNodesPre/PostOrder</code> methods above.
template <class Container>
void runDFS(Container* preOrderContainer, Container* postOrderContainer, bool isForward) {
Node* startNode;
if (isForward) {
lastOrderingTraversalNumber = traversalNumber;
if (entryNode==NULL) {
startNode = entryNode;
} else {
if (exitNode==NULL) {
startNode = exitNode;
currentPreNumber = currentPostNumber = 0;
getNodesDFS(preOrderContainer, postOrderContainer, startNode, isForward);
assert(currentPreNumber == currentPostNumber);
if (isForward) {
nodeCount = currentPreNumber;
} else {
// getNodesDFS changes traversalNum for nodes. But traversalNum assumes direct traversal.
// so drop the ordering number here to force CFG recompute ordering before using node->traversalNum values again
lastOrderingTraversalNumber = lastModifiedTraversalNumber-1;
/// Helper for public <code>getNodesPre/PostOrder</code> methods above. Warn: increment cfg traversal num before use.
template <class Container>
void getNodesDFS(Container* preOrderContainer, Container* postOrderContainer, Node* node, bool isForward=true) {
U_32 marked = traversalNumber;
if(isForward) {
node->dfNumber = currentPreNumber;
node->preNumber = currentPreNumber++;
if(preOrderContainer != NULL) {
Edges::const_iterator i = node->getEdges(isForward).begin(), iend = node->getEdges(isForward).end();
for(; i != iend; i++) {
Edge* edge = *i;
Node* succ = edge->getNode(isForward);
if(succ->getTraversalNum() < marked) {
getNodesDFS(preOrderContainer, postOrderContainer, succ, isForward);
node->postNumber = currentPostNumber++;
if (postOrderContainer != NULL) {
if (isForward) {
/// Removes all nodes unreachable from the entry.
template <class Container>
void purgeUnreachableNodes(Container* container) {
if(!hasValidOrdering()) {
Nodes::iterator iter = nodes.begin(), end = nodes.end();
for(; iter != end;) {
Nodes::iterator current = iter;
Node* node = *iter;
if(node->traversalNumber < traversalNumber) {
removeNode(current, false);
if(container != NULL) {
nodes.erase(std::remove(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), (Node*)NULL), nodes.end());
/// The memory manager used by <code>ControlFlowGraph</code> to allocate its data.
MemoryManager& mm;
/// The factory used by <code>ControlFlowGraph</code> to create nodes and edges.
ControlFlowGraphFactory* factory;
/// The unique <code>Entry</code> node in <code>ControlFlowGraph</code>.
Node* entryNode;
/// The unique <code>Return</code> node in <code>ControlFlowGraph</code>.
Node* returnNode;
/// The unique <code>Exit</code> node in <code>ControlFlowGraph</code>.
Node* exitNode;
/// The unique <code>Unwind</code> node in <code>ControlFlowGraph</code>.
Node* unwindNode;
/// The collection of nodes. The order of nodes in the collection is not specified.
Nodes nodes;
/// The collection of postordered nodes, which is updated every time the graph is ordered.
Nodes postOrderCache;
/// The ID generator for nodes, which is incremented every time a new node is added to the graph.
U_32 nodeIDGenerator;
/// The ID generator for edges, which is incremented every time a new edge is added to the graph.
U_32 edgeIDGenerator;
/// The number of reachable nodes in the graph, which is updated every time the graph is ordered.
U_32 nodeCount;
/// The last graph traversal number used to track graph modifications.
U_32 traversalNumber;
/// The given field is assigned to the <code>traversalNumber</code> value every time the graph is modified.
U_32 lastModifiedTraversalNumber;
/// The given field is assigned to the <code>traversalNumber</code> value every time the graph is ordered.
U_32 lastOrderingTraversalNumber;
/// The given field is assigned to the <code>traversalNumber</code> value every time any edge is removed from the graph.
U_32 lastEdgeRemovalTraversalNumber;
/// The given field is assigned to the <code>traversalNumber</code> value every time the profile information is recalculated.
U_32 lastProfileUpdateTraversalNumber;
/// The temporary field used by ordering algorithms.
U_32 currentPreNumber;
/// The temporary field used by ordering algorithms.
U_32 currentPostNumber;
/// Tells whether the graph is annotated with the edge profile.
bool annotatedWithEdgeProfile;
/// The dominator tree for the graph. <code>NULL</code> if no dominator tree was set.
DominatorTree* domTree;
/// The post-dominator tree for the graph. <code>NULL</code> if no post-dominator tree was set.
DominatorTree* postDomTree;
/// The loop tree for the graph. <code>NULL</code> if no loop tree was set.
LoopTree* loopTree;
} //namespace Jitrino