blob: 0d39c09362886de97e54fd4c148c182b49d97365 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Pavel A. Ozhdikhin
#ifndef _SIMPLIFIER_H_
#define _SIMPLIFIER_H_
#include "VMInterface.h"
#include "Opcode.h"
#include "Type.h"
#include "Inst.h"
#include "optpass.h"
namespace Jitrino {
class FlowGraph;
class IRManager;
class InstFactory;
class Reassociate;
class Simplifier : public InstOptimizer {
Simplifier(IRManager& irm, bool latepass=false,
Reassociate *reassociate=0);
// returns an Opnd if the add can be simplified
// null if the operation cannot be simplified
Opnd* simplifyAdd(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifySub(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyMul(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyTauDiv(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2, Opnd *tauCheckedOpnds);
Opnd* simplifyTauRem(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2, Opnd *tauCheckedOpnds);
Opnd* simplifyNeg(Type*, Opnd* src);
Opnd* simplifyMulHi(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyMin(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyMax(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyAbs(Type*, Opnd* src1);
Opnd* simplifyAnd(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyOr(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyXor(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyNot(Type*, Opnd* src1);
Opnd* simplifySelect(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2, Opnd* src3);
Opnd* simplifyConv(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier, Opnd* src);
Opnd* simplifyConvZE(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier, Opnd* src);
Opnd* simplifyConvUnmanaged(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier, Opnd* src);
Opnd* simplifyShladd(Type* dstType, Opnd* value, Opnd* shiftAmount, Opnd *addto);
Opnd* simplifyShl(Type* dstType, Modifier, Opnd* value, Opnd* shiftAmount);
Opnd* simplifyShr(Type* dstType, Modifier, Opnd* value, Opnd* shiftAmount);
// Comparison
Opnd* simplifyCmp(Type* dstType, Type::Tag srcType, ComparisonModifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
// 3-way Java comparison
Opnd* simplifyCmp3(Type* dstType, Type::Tag srcType, ComparisonModifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
// Control flow
// If it can simplify the given branch, then makes a emits branch and
// returns true. Otherwise, returns false. You should probably try
// canFoldBranch() first.
bool simplifyBranch(Type::Tag instType, ComparisonModifier mod,
LabelInst* label, Opnd* src1);
bool simplifyBranch(Type::Tag instType, ComparisonModifier mod,
LabelInst* label, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
// tests to fold a branch away completely. side-effects isTaken
// and returns True if branch can be folded away.
bool canFoldBranch(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2,bool& isTaken);
bool canFoldBranch(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier, Opnd* src, bool& isTaken);
bool simplifySwitch(U_32 numLabels, LabelInst* label[], LabelInst* defaultLabel, Opnd* src);
Opnd* simplifyTauVirtualCall(MethodDesc* methodDesc,
Type* returnType,
Opnd* tauNullCheckedFirstArg,
Opnd* tauTypesChecked,
U_32 numArgs,
Opnd* args[]);
Inst* simplifyIndirectCallInst(Opnd* funPtr,
Type* returnType,
Opnd* tauNullCheckedFirstArg,
Opnd* tauTypesChecked,
U_32 numArgs,
Opnd** args);
Inst* simplifyIndirectMemoryCallInst(Opnd* funPtr,
Type* returnType,
Opnd* tauNullCheckedFirstArg,
Opnd* tauTypesChecked,
U_32 numArgs,
Opnd** args);
Inst* simplifyJitHelperCall(JitHelperCallInst* inst);
// loads
Opnd* simplifyLdRef(Modifier mod, Type *dstType,
U_32 token,
MethodDesc* enclosingMethod);
Opnd* simplifyTauLdInd(Modifier mod, Type *dstType,
Type::Tag type,
Opnd* ptr,
Opnd* tauBaseNonNull,
Opnd* tauAddressInRange);
Opnd* simplifyTauLdVTableAddr(Opnd* base, Opnd *tauBaseNonNull);
Opnd* simplifyTauLdIntfcVTableAddr(Opnd* base, Type* vtableType);
Opnd* simplifyTauLdVirtFunAddr(Opnd* vtable, Opnd *tauVtableHasDesc, MethodDesc*);
Opnd* simplifyTauLdVirtFunAddrSlot(Opnd* vtable, Opnd *tauVtableHasDesc, MethodDesc*);
// array operations
Opnd* simplifyTauArrayLen(Type* dstType, Type::Tag type, Opnd* base);
Opnd* simplifyTauArrayLen(Type* dstType, Type::Tag type, Opnd* base,
Opnd* tauNullChecked, Opnd *tauTypeChecked);
Opnd* simplifyLdArrayBaseAddr(Type* elemType, Opnd* array) {
return NULL;
Opnd* simplifyAddScaledIndex(Opnd* base, Opnd* index);
// stores
void simplifyTauStInd(Inst *inst); // modifies instr in place if possible
void simplifyTauStField(Inst *inst); // modifies instr in place if possible
void simplifyTauStElem(Inst *inst); // modifies instr in place if possible
void simplifyTauStStatic(Inst *inst); // modifies instr in place if possible
void simplifyTauStRef(Inst *inst); // modifies instr in place if possible
// checks
// These all return a tau normally. If we have reason to believe that they
// will always pass, we return the tau guaranteeing that. If they would always
// fail, returns the destOp of a TauUnsafe instruction.
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckBounds(Opnd* arrayLen, Opnd* index, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckLowerBound(Opnd* lb, Opnd* idx, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckUpperBound(Opnd* idx, Opnd* ub, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckNull(Opnd*, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckZero(Opnd*, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckDivOpnds(Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckElemType(Opnd* arrayBase, Opnd* src, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckFinite(Opnd*, bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauCheckCast(Opnd* src, Opnd* tauCheckedNull, Type *castType,
bool &alwaysThrows);
Opnd* simplifyTauHasType(Opnd* src, Type *castType);
Opnd* simplifyTauHasExactType(Opnd* src, Type *castType);
Opnd* simplifyTauIsNonNull(Opnd* src);
// type checking
Opnd* simplifyTauCast(Opnd* src, Opnd* tauCheckedNull, Type* castType);
Opnd* simplifyTauStaticCast(Opnd* src, Opnd *tauNonNull, Type* castType);
Opnd* simplifyTauAsType(Opnd* src, Opnd *tauCheckedNull, Type* type);
Opnd* simplifyTauInstanceOf(Opnd* src, Opnd *tauCheckedNull, Type* type);
// compressed references
Opnd* simplifyUncompressRef(Opnd* compRef);
Opnd* simplifyCompressRef(Opnd* uncompRef);
Opnd* simplifyAddOffset(Type *ptrType, Opnd* uncompBase, Opnd *offset);
Opnd* simplifyAddOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *ptrType, Opnd* compBase,
Opnd *offsetPlusHeapbase);
// tau operations
Opnd* simplifyTauAnd(MultiSrcInst *tauAndInst);
Opnd* propagateCopy(Opnd*);
static bool isNonNullObject(Opnd*);
static bool isNonNullParameter(Opnd*);
static bool isNullObject(Opnd*);
static bool isExactType(Opnd*);
IRManager& irManager;
ControlFlowGraph& flowGraph;
// genOp routines create an instruction, may never return NULL
// but may simplify it to some other instruction
// numeric
virtual Inst* genAdd(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genSub(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genNeg(Type*, Opnd* src) = 0;
virtual Inst* genMul(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genMulHi(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genMin(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genMax(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genAbs(Type*, Opnd* src1) = 0;
// bitwise
virtual Inst* genAnd(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genOr(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genXor(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genNot(Type*, Opnd* src1) = 0;
virtual Inst* genSelect(Type*,
Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2, Opnd* src3) = 0;
// conversion
virtual Inst* genConv(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier,
Opnd* src1) = 0;
virtual Inst* genConvZE(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier,
Opnd* src1) = 0;
virtual Inst* genConvUnmanaged(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier,
Opnd* src1) = 0;
// shifts
virtual Inst* genShladd(Type*, Opnd *value,
Opnd* shiftAmount, Opnd* addTo) = 0;
virtual Inst* genShl(Type*, Modifier,
Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual Inst* genShr(Type*, Modifier,
Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
// comparison
virtual Inst* genCmp(Type*, Type::Tag insttype,
ComparisonModifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
// control flow
virtual void genJump(LabelInst* label) = 0;
virtual void genBranch(Type::Tag instType, ComparisonModifier mod,
LabelInst* label, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2) = 0;
virtual void genBranch(Type::Tag instType, ComparisonModifier mod,
LabelInst* label, Opnd* src1) = 0;
virtual Inst* genDirectCall(MethodDesc*,
Type* returnType,
Opnd* tauNullCheckedFirstArg,
Opnd* tauTypesChecked,
U_32 numArgs,
Opnd* args[]) = 0;
// load, store & move
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(I_32 val) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(int64 val) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(float val) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(double val) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(Type *type, ConstInst::ConstValue val) = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauLdInd(Modifier mod, Type *dstType, Type::Tag type, Opnd *ptr,
Opnd *tauNonNullBase, Opnd *tauAddressInRange) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdRef(Modifier mod, Type *dstType,
U_32 token, MethodDesc *enclosingMethod) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdFunAddrSlot(MethodDesc*) = 0;
virtual Inst* genGetVTableAddr(ObjectType* type) = 0;
// compressed references
virtual Inst* genCompressRef(Opnd *uncompref) = 0;
virtual Inst* genUncompressRef(Opnd *compref) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdFieldOffsetPlusHeapbase(FieldDesc*) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdArrayBaseOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *elemType) = 0;
virtual Inst* genLdArrayLenOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *elemType) = 0;
virtual Inst* genAddOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *ptrType, Opnd *compRef,
Opnd *offsetPlusHeapbase) = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauSafe() = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauMethodSafe() = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauUnsafe() = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauStaticCast(Opnd *src, Opnd *tauCheckedCast, Type *castType) = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauHasType(Opnd *src, Type *castType) = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauHasExactType(Opnd *src, Type *castType) = 0;
virtual Inst* genTauIsNonNull(Opnd *src) = 0;
// helper for store simplification, builds/finds simpler src, possibly
// modifies typetag or store modifier.
virtual Opnd *simplifyStoreSrc(Opnd *, Type::Tag &typetag, Modifier &mod,
bool compressRef) = 0;
virtual void genThrowSystemException(CompilationInterface::SystemExceptionId) = 0;
virtual void foldBranch(BranchInst* branchInst, bool isTaken) = 0;
virtual void foldSwitch(SwitchInst* switchInst, U_32 index) = 0;
virtual void eliminateCheck(Inst* checkInst, bool alwaysThrows) = 0;
Opnd *planMul32(I_32 multiplier, Opnd *opnd);
Opnd *planMul64(int64 multiplier, Opnd *opnd);
// InstOptimizer methods
virtual Inst* optimizeInst(Inst* inst);
Inst* caseAdd(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyAdd(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseMul(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyMul(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseSub(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifySub(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauDiv(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauDiv(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauRem(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauRem(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseNeg(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyNeg(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseMulHi(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyMulHi(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseMin(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyMin(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseMax(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyMax(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseAbs(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyAbs(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// Bitwise
Inst* caseAnd(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyAnd(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseOr(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyOr(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseXor(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyXor(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseNot(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyNot(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// selection
Inst* caseSelect(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifySelect(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// conversion
Inst* caseConv(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyConv(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// conversion
Inst* caseConvUnmanaged(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseConvZE(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
// shifts
Inst* caseShladd(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyShladd(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseShl(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyShl(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseShr(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyShr(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// comparison
Inst* caseCmp(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyCmp(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseCmp3(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyCmp3(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseBranch(BranchInst* inst);
Inst* caseJump(BranchInst* inst) { return caseDefault(inst); };
Inst* caseSwitch(SwitchInst* inst);
Inst* caseDirectCall(MethodCallInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauVirtualCall(MethodCallInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseIndirectCall(CallInst* inst);
Inst* caseIndirectMemoryCall(CallInst* inst);
Inst* caseJitHelperCall(JitHelperCallInst* inst) {return simplifyJitHelperCall(inst->asJitHelperCallInst());}
Inst* caseVMHelperCall(VMHelperCallInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseReturn(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseCatch(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseThrow(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* casePseudoThrow(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseThrowSystemException(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseThrowLinkingException(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseRethrow(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLeave(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseJSR(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseRet(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseSaveRet(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseCopy(Inst* inst) {return inst->getSrc(0)->getInst(); }
Inst* caseDefArg(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdConstant(ConstInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdNull(ConstInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
caseLdRef(TokenInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyLdRef(inst->getModifier(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseLdVar(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdVarAddr(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
caseTauLdInd(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauLdInd(inst->getModifier(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauLdField(FieldAccessInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdStatic(FieldAccessInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauLdElem(TypeInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// address loads
Inst* caseLdFieldAddr(FieldAccessInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdStaticAddr(FieldAccessInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdElemAddr(TypeInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauLdVTableAddr(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauLdVTableAddr(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauLdIntfcVTableAddr(TypeInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauLdIntfcVTableAddr(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauLdVirtFunAddr(MethodInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauLdVirtFunAddr(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauLdVirtFunAddrSlot(MethodInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauLdVirtFunAddrSlot(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseLdFunAddr(MethodInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdFunAddrSlot(MethodInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseGetVTableAddr(TypeInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseGetClassObj(TypeInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// array access
Inst* caseTauArrayLen(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauArrayLen(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseLdArrayBaseAddr(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseAddScaledIndex(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyAddScaledIndex(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// stores
Inst* caseStVar(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauStInd(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauStField(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauStElem(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauStStatic(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauStRef(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
// checks
Inst* caseTauCheckBounds(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckBounds(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1),
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckLowerBound(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckLowerBound(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1),
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckUpperBound(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckUpperBound(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1),
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckNull(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckNull(inst->getSrc(0), alwaysThrows);
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckZero(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckZero(inst->getSrc(0), alwaysThrows);
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckDivOpnds(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckDivOpnds(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1),
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckElemType(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckElemType(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1),
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckFinite(Inst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckFinite(inst->getSrc(0), alwaysThrows);
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
// alloc
Inst* caseNewObj(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseNewArray(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseNewMultiArray(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// sync
Inst* caseTauMonitorEnter(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauMonitorExit(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTypeMonitorEnter(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTypeMonitorExit(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdLockAddr(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseIncRecCount(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauBalancedMonitorEnter(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseBalancedMonitorExit(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauOptimisticBalancedMonitorEnter(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseOptimisticBalancedMonitorExit(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseMonitorEnterFence(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseMonitorExitFence(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// type checking
Inst* caseTauStaticCast(TypeInst *inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauStaticCast(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1),
if (opnd != NULL) {
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCast(TypeInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCast(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1), inst->getTypeInfo());
if (opnd != NULL) {
eliminateCheck(inst, false);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseSizeof(TypeInst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauAsType(TypeInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauAsType(inst->getSrc(0), inst->getSrc(1), inst->getTypeInfo());
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauInstanceOf(TypeInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauInstanceOf(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseInitType(TypeInst* inst) {
return inst;
// labels
Inst* caseLabel(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseCatchLabelInst(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// method entry/exit
Inst* caseMethodEntryLabel(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseMethodEntry(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseMethodEnd(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// source markers
Inst* caseMethodMarker(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* casePhi(Inst* inst){return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseTauPi(TauPiInst* inst){return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseIncCounter(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* casePrefetch(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
// compressed reference stuff
Inst* caseUncompressRef(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyUncompressRef(inst->getSrc(0));
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseCompressRef(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyCompressRef(inst->getSrc(0));
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseLdFieldOffset(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdFieldOffsetPlusHeapbase(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdArrayBaseOffset(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdArrayBaseOffsetPlusHeapbase(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdArrayLenOffset(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseLdArrayLenOffsetPlusHeapbase(Inst* inst) {return caseDefault(inst);}
Inst* caseAddOffset(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyAddOffset(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseAddOffsetPlusHeapbase(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyAddOffsetPlusHeapbase(inst->getDst()->getType(),
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauPoint(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauEdge(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauAnd(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauAnd(inst->asMultiSrcInst());
if (opnd != NULL)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauUnsafe(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauSafe(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
Inst* caseTauCheckCast(TypeInst* inst) {
bool alwaysThrows = false;
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauCheckCast(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd) {
eliminateCheck(inst, alwaysThrows);
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauHasType(TypeInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauHasType(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauHasExactType(TypeInst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauHasExactType(inst->getSrc(0),
if (opnd)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseTauIsNonNull(Inst* inst) {
Opnd* opnd = simplifyTauIsNonNull(inst->getSrc(0));
if (opnd)
return opnd->getInst();
return inst;
Inst* caseIdentHC(Inst* inst) {
return caseDefault(inst);
// default
Inst* caseDefault(Inst* inst) {
return inst;
// fold routines always produce a result, except for div by 0, which yields NULL.
// currently only applicable to Int32 or Int64 operands
Opnd* fold(Opcode op, Type*, ConstInst* srcInst1, ConstInst* srcInst2, bool is_signed);
Opnd* fold(Opcode op, Type*, ConstInst* srcInst, bool is_signed);
Opnd* foldComparison(ComparisonModifier,
Type::Tag cmpType,
ConstInst* srcInst1,
ConstInst* srcInst2);
Opnd* foldConstByAddingToAddWithConstant(Type*, ConstInst*, Inst* addInst);
Opnd* foldConstByAddingToSubWithConstant(Type*, ConstInst*, Inst* subInst);
Opnd* foldConstMultiplyByAddWithConstant(Type*, ConstInst*, Inst* subInst);
Opnd* foldConstMultiplyBySubWithConstant(Type*, ConstInst*, Inst* subInst);
Opnd* foldConstMultiplyByMulWithConstant(Type*, ConstInst*, Inst* subInst);
Opnd* foldNegOfMultiplyByConstant(Type*, Inst*);
// simplifyOp routines produce NULL or a simplified result
Opnd* simplifyAddWithNeg(Modifier, Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyAddViaReassociation(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifySubWithNeg(Modifier, Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifySubViaReassociation(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyMulViaReassociation(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyMulWithNeg(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyTauDivOfMul(Modifier mod, Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2,
Opnd* tauOpndsChecked);
// SimplifyCmp routines have different interface to allow use in
// folding Cmps and Branches. Returns true if can simplify, and
// writes in ref parameters for new Branch or Cmp instruction.
bool simplifyCmpToCmp(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier, Opnd*, Opnd*,
Type::Tag &newInstType, ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSrc1, Opnd* &newSrc2);
bool simplifyCmpToCmp(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier, Opnd*,
Type::Tag &newInstType, ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSrc1);
// subroutines of simplifyCmpToCmp:
// to partition cmp simplification somewhat
// check for cmp(x+c1, c2) and the like.
bool simplifyCmpOfAddOrSubC(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier,
Opnd*, Opnd*,
Type::Tag &newInstType,
ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSrc1, Opnd* &newSrc2);
bool simplifyCmpOfAddC(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier,
Opnd* addOpnd, Opnd* otherOpnd,
Type::Tag &newInstType,
ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newAddSrc, Opnd* &newOtherSrc,
bool swapped);
bool simplifyCmpOfSubC(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier,
Opnd* subOpnd, Opnd* otherOpnd,
Type::Tag &newInstType,
ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSubSrc, Opnd* &newOtherSrc,
bool swapped);
// check for cmp(cmp(x,y),c) and the like
bool simplifyCmpOfCmp(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier, Opnd*, Opnd*,
Type::Tag &newInstType, ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSrc1, Opnd* &newSrc2);
// check for cmp(cmp3(x,y),c) and the like
bool simplifyCmpOfCmp3(Type::Tag, ComparisonModifier, Opnd*, Opnd*,
Type::Tag &newInstType, ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSrc1, Opnd* &newSrc2);
// end subroutines of simplifyCmpToCmp
// given possible results for the Cmp3, yield the simplified branch
// or cmp parameters, returning false if it can't be done.
bool simplifyCmp3ByResult(Opnd *cmp3Opnd,
bool canbe_1, // can be -1
bool canbe0,
bool canbe1,
Type::Tag &newInstType,
ComparisonModifier &newmod,
Opnd* &newSrc1, Opnd* &newSrc2);
friend struct OpndDepthCompare;
U_32 getDepth(Opnd *src);
bool isLate;
bool tryReassoc;
enum AssocKind { AssocNone, AssocConst, AssocDepth, AssocLoop } assocKind;
friend class MulMethod;
// re-association machinery
friend class Reassociate;
Opnd* simplifyAddViaReassociation2(Type* type, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyNegViaReassociation2(Type* type, Opnd* src1);
Opnd* simplifySubViaReassociation2(Type* type, Opnd* src1, Opnd *src2);
Opnd* simplifyMulViaReassociation2(Type* type, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
Opnd* simplifyAddOffsetViaReassociation(Opnd* uncompBase, Opnd *offset);
Opnd* simplifyAddOffsetPlusHeapbaseViaReassociation(Opnd *compBase, Opnd *offsetPlusHeapbase);
Reassociate *theReassociate;
class SimplifierWithInstFactory : public Simplifier {
SimplifierWithInstFactory(IRManager&,bool latePass=false,
Reassociate *reassociate0=0);
virtual Inst* optimizeInst(Inst* inst);
U_32 simplifyControlFlowGraph();
void insertInst(Inst* inst);
void insertInstInHeader(Inst* inst);
virtual Inst* genAdd(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genSub(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genNeg(Type*, Opnd* src);
virtual Inst* genMul(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genMulHi(Type*, Modifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genMin(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genMax(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genAbs(Type*, Opnd* src1);
virtual Inst* genAnd(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genOr(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genXor(Type*, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genNot(Type*, Opnd* src1);
virtual Inst* genSelect(Type*,
Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2, Opnd* src3);
virtual Inst* genConv(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier,
Opnd* src1);
virtual Inst* genConvZE(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier,
Opnd* src1);
virtual Inst* genConvUnmanaged(Type*, Type::Tag toType, Modifier,
Opnd* src1);
virtual Inst* genShladd(Type*, Opnd *value,
Opnd* shiftAmount, Opnd* addTo);
virtual Inst* genShl(Type*, Modifier,
Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genShr(Type*, Modifier,
Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual Inst* genCmp(Type*, Type::Tag insttype,
ComparisonModifier, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual void genJump(LabelInst* label);
virtual void genBranch(Type::Tag instType, ComparisonModifier mod,
LabelInst* label, Opnd* src1, Opnd* src2);
virtual void genBranch(Type::Tag instType, ComparisonModifier mod,
LabelInst* label, Opnd* src1);
virtual Inst* genDirectCall(MethodDesc*,
Type* returnType,
Opnd* tauNullCheckedFirstArg,
Opnd* typesChecked,
U_32 numArgs,
Opnd* args[]);
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(I_32 val);
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(int64 val);
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(float val);
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(double val);
virtual Inst* genLdConstant(Type* type, ConstInst::ConstValue val);
virtual Inst* genTauLdInd(Modifier mod, Type *dstType, Type::Tag type, Opnd *ptr,
Opnd *tauNonNullBase, Opnd *tauAddressInRange);
virtual Inst* genLdRef(Modifier mod, Type *dstType,
U_32 token, MethodDesc *enclosingMethod);
virtual Inst* genLdFunAddrSlot(MethodDesc*);
virtual Inst* genGetVTableAddr(ObjectType* type);
virtual Inst* genCompressRef(Opnd *uncompref);
virtual Inst* genUncompressRef(Opnd *compref);
virtual Inst* genLdFieldOffsetPlusHeapbase(FieldDesc*);
virtual Inst* genLdArrayBaseOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *elemType);
virtual Inst* genLdArrayLenOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *elemType);
virtual Inst* genAddOffsetPlusHeapbase(Type *ptrType, Opnd *compRef,
Opnd *offsetPlusHeapbase);
virtual Inst* genTauSafe();
virtual Inst* genTauMethodSafe();
virtual Inst* genTauUnsafe();
virtual Inst* genTauStaticCast(Opnd *src, Opnd *tauNonNull, Type *castType);
virtual Inst* genTauHasType(Opnd *src, Type *castType);
virtual Inst* genTauHasExactType(Opnd *src, Type *castType);
virtual Inst* genTauIsNonNull(Opnd *src);
Opnd *simplifyStoreSrc(Opnd *, Type::Tag &typetag, Modifier &mod,
bool compressRef);
virtual void genThrowSystemException(CompilationInterface::SystemExceptionId);
virtual void foldBranch(BranchInst* br, bool isTaken);
virtual void foldSwitch(SwitchInst* switchInst, U_32 index);
virtual void eliminateCheck(Inst* checkInst, bool alwaysThrows);
Inst* nextInst;
Node* currentCfgNode;
InstFactory& instFactory;
OpndManager& opndManager;
TypeManager& typeManager;
Opnd* tauSafeOpnd;
Opnd* tauMethodSafeOpnd;
Opnd* tauUnsafeOpnd;
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _SIMPLIFIER_H_