blob: a31a4242e0a63662dd03915804cea2e35271b6db [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Natalya V. Golovleva
#include "Stl.h"
#include "optpass.h"
#include "FlowGraph.h"
#include "irmanager.h"
#include "mkernel.h"
namespace Jitrino {
* Performs escape analysis for the compiled method.
* Creates data connection graph, sets states (local, argument escaped, global escaped)
* for objects created in compiled method, runs escape analysis related optimizations:
* - monitor elimination optimization;
* - scalar replacement optimization.
* Saves information about method arguments and return value states for future usage.
class EscAnalyzer {
* Creates EscAnalyzer class for compiled method.
* @param mm - memory manager,
* @param argSource - session action,
* @param irm - compiled method IR manager.
EscAnalyzer(MemoryManager& mm, SessionAction* argSource, IRManager& irm);
* Performs escape analysis and runs escape analysis related optimizations.
void doAnalysis();
// read from command line to output debug information
U_32 allProps;
* Creates EscAnalyzer class for callee method escape analysis.
* @param parent - parent (caller method) EscAnalyzer class
* @param irm - compiled method IR manager.
EscAnalyzer(EscAnalyzer* parent, IRManager& irm);
// initial level to start callee method escape analysis
static const int maxMethodExamLevel_default = 0;
// Connection Graph Structure
// CnG node types
enum CnGNodeTypes {
NT_OBJECT = 8, // Op_LdRef,Op_NewObj,Op_NewArray,Op_NewMultiArray
NT_DEFARG = NT_OBJECT+1, // formal parameter - Op_DefArg
NT_RETVAL = 16, // Op_DirectCall,Op_IndirectMemoryCall-returned by method
NT_CATCHVAL = NT_RETVAL+1, // catched value
NT_LDOBJ = 32, // Op_LdConstant,Op_TauLdInd,Op_LdVar,
// Op_TauStaticCast,Op_TauCast
NT_INTPTR = NT_LDOBJ+1, // Op_SaveRet
NT_VARVAL = NT_LDOBJ+2, // Op_StVar,Op_Phi
NT_ARRELEM = NT_LDOBJ+3, // Op_LdArrayBaseAddr,Op_AddScaledIndex
NT_REF = NT_LDOBJ+4, // reference value - Op_LdFieldAddr,
// Op_LdStaticAddr, Op_TauCast, Op_TauStaticCast
NT_STFLD = 64, // Op_LdStaticAddr
NT_INSTFLD = NT_STFLD+1, // Op_LdFieldAddr
NT_ACTARG = 128, // Op_DirectCall,Op_IndirectMemoryCall
NT_EXITVAL = 256, // returned value - Op_Return
NT_THRVAL = NT_EXITVAL+1, // thrown value - Op_Throw
NT_LDVAL = 512, // Op_TauLdInd, Op_TauStInd
// CnG node reference types
static const U_32 NR_PRIM = 0;
static const U_32 NR_REF = 1;
static const U_32 NR_ARR = 2;
static const U_32 NR_REFARR = 3;
// CnG edge types
static const U_32 ET_POINT = 1; // Op_TauLdInd (loaded value)
static const U_32 ET_DEFER = 2;
static const U_32 ET_FIELD = 3; // Op_LdFieldAddr (object field), Op_AddScaledIndex
// CG node states
static const U_32 GLOBAL_ESCAPE = 1;
static const U_32 ARG_ESCAPE = 2;
static const U_32 NO_ESCAPE = 3;
static const U_32 ESC_MASK = 3;
static const U_32 BIT_MASK = 56;
static const U_32 LOOP_CREATED = 8;
static const U_32 OUT_ESCAPED = 16;
static const U_32 VIRTUAL_CALL = 32;
struct CnGNode;
struct CnGRef {
CnGNode* cngNodeTo;
U_32 edgeType;
Inst* edgeInst;
typedef StlList<CnGRef*> CnGRefs;
typedef StlList<Inst*> Insts;
typedef StlList<U_32> NodeMDs;
// connection graph node structure
struct CnGNode {
U_32 cngNodeId; // CnG node id
U_32 opndId; // opnd id (0 for NT_ACTARG)
void* refObj; // MethodDesc* for NT_ACTARG, Inst* for fields, Opnd* for others
U_32 nodeType; // CnG node types
U_32 nodeRefType; // CnG node reference types
U_32 instrId;
CnGNode* lNode; // ldind from lNode for ldflda & ldsflda
U_32 state; // escape state
NodeMDs* nodeMDs; // list of NT_ACTARG nodes
Inst* nInst; // ref to inst
U_32 argNumber; // number of arg for NT_DEFARG & NT_ACTARG (0 for others)
CnGRefs* outEdges; // cngNode out edges
struct MemberIdent {
char* parentName;
char* name;
char* signature;
struct InstFld;
typedef StlList<InstFld*> InstFlds;
struct InstFld {
MemberIdent* fldIdent;
U_32 state;
InstFlds* instFlds; // contained instance fields
struct ParamInfo {
U_32 paramNumber;
U_32 state;
InstFlds* instFlds; // contained instance fields
typedef StlList<ParamInfo*> ParamInfos;
// structure of saved by EA information about compiled method
struct CalleeMethodInfo {
MemberIdent* methodIdent;
U_32 numberOfArgs;
U_32 properties; // native, final, virtual ...
ParamInfos* paramInfos;
U_32 retValueState;
bool mon_on_this;
// list of saved by EA information about compiled methods
typedef StlList<CalleeMethodInfo*> CalleeMethodInfos;
// connection graph edge structure
struct CnGEdge {
CnGNode* cngNodeFrom;
CnGRefs* refList;
// list of connection graph nodes definition
typedef StlList<CnGNode*> CnGNodes;
// list of connection graph edges definition
typedef StlList<CnGEdge*> CnGEdges;
// list of object Ids definition
typedef StlList<U_32> ObjIds;
static CalleeMethodInfos* calleeMethodInfos;
static Mutex calleeMethodInfosLock;
// variables to read command line options
const char* debug_method;
bool do_sync_removal;
bool do_sync_removal_vc;
bool do_sync_removal_sm;
bool do_scalar_repl;
bool do_esc_scalar_repl;
bool do_scalar_repl_only_final_fields_in_use;
bool do_scalar_repl_final_fields;
const char* execCountMultiplier_string;
double ec_mult;
bool print_scinfo;
bool compressedReferencesArg; // for makeTauLdInd
TranslatorAction* translatorAction;
MemoryManager& eaMemManager;
IRManager& irManager;
MethodDesc& mh; // analyzed method header
CompilationInterface &compInterface;
// list of connection graph nodes
CnGNodes* cngNodes;
// list of connection graph edges
CnGEdges* cngEdges;
// list of instructions for edge creation
Insts* exam2Insts;
// maximum level to analyze callee methods (from command line or default set)
U_32 maxMethodExamLevel;
// set level for escape analysis
U_32 method_ea_level;
U_32 lastCnGNodeId;
U_32 curMDNode;
int defArgNumber;
U_32 initNodeType; // type of initial scanned node
// lists to help do CFG scan
ObjIds *scannedObjs;
ObjIds *scannedObjsRev;
ObjIds *scannedInsts;
ObjIds *scannedSucNodes;
// format 32 0 operand used by the optimizations
SsaTmpOpnd* i32_0;
// format 32 1 operand used by the optimizations
SsaTmpOpnd* i32_1;
// list of Op_MethodEnd instructions (for scalar replacement optimization)
Insts* methodEndInsts;
// list of Op_Branch and Op_TauCheckNull instructions (for scalar replacement optimization)
Insts* checkInsts;
bool shortLog;
bool verboseLog;
// common method for both EscAnalyzer constructors
void init();
// output escape analysis flags
void showFlags(std::ostream& os);
* Scans specified CFG node instructions to create CnG nodes.
* Adds some instructions to exam2Instrs list to create CnG edges later.
* @param node - control flow graph node.
void instrExam(Node* node);
* Scans instructions from exam2Instrs list to create CnG edges.
void instrExam2();
* Creates new CnG node for specified instruction and adds it to cngNodes list.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param type - operand type,
* @param ntype - CnG node type.
* @return created CnGnode.
CnGNode* addCnGNode(Inst* inst, Type* type, U_32 ntype);
* Creates new CnG node for specified instruction dst operand.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param type - operand type,
* @param ntype - CnG node type.
* @return created CnGnode.
CnGNode* addCnGNode_op(Inst* inst, Type* type, U_32 ntype);
* Creates new CnG node for specified call instruction argument.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param mpt - callee method description,
* @param ntype - CnG node type,
* @param narg - method argument.
* @return created CnGnode.
CnGNode* addCnGNode_mp(Inst* inst, MethodPtrType* mpt, U_32 ntype, U_32 narg);
* Creates new CnG node for specified return or throw instruction.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param ntype - CnG node type.
* @return created CnGnode.
CnGNode* addCnGNode_ex(Inst* inst, U_32 ntype);
* Creates new field CnG node for specified instruction.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param ntype - CnG node type.
* @return created CnGnode.
CnGNode* addCnGNode_fl(Inst* inst, U_32 ntype);
* Finds CnG node for specified operand Id.
* @param nId - operand Id.
* @return found CnGnode, or <code>NULL</code>.
CnGNode* findCnGNode_op(U_32 nId);
* Finds CnG node for specified CnG node Id.
* @param nId - CnG node Id.
* @return found CnGnode, or <code>NULL</code>.
CnGNode* findCnGNode_id(U_32 nId);
* Finds CnG node for specified instruction Id.
* @param nId - instruction Id.
* @return found CnGnode, or <code>NULL</code>.
CnGNode* findCnGNode_in(U_32 nId);
* Finds NT_ACTARG CnG node for specified instruction Id and argument number.
* @param iId - instruction Id,
* @param aId - argument number.
* @return found CnGnode, or <code>NULL</code>.
CnGNode* findCnGNode_mp(U_32 iId, U_32 aId);
* Finds field CnG node for specified instruction and CnG node type.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param ntype - CnG node type.
* @return found CnGnode, or <code>NULL</code>.
CnGNode* findCnGNode_fl(Inst* inst, U_32 ntype);
* Creates new CnG edge for specified instruction, adds it to cngEdges and
* cgnfrom->outEdges lists.
* @param cgnfrom - CnG node from,
* @param cgnto - CnG node to,
* @param etype - edge type,
* @param inst - instruction.
* @return created CnGnode.
void addEdge(CnGNode* cgnfrom, CnGNode* cgnto, U_32 etype, Inst* inst);
* Sets escape state for method created objects.
void setCreatedObjectStates();
* Scans CnG nodes beginning with specified node to set
* @param cgnfrom - CnG node to begin scan,
* @param check_var_src - sign to check variable operands.
void scanCnGNodeRefsGE(CnGNode* cgn, bool check_var_src);
* Scans CnG nodes beginning with specified node to set
* ARG_ESCAPE states.
* @param cgnfrom - CnG node to begin scan,
* @param check_var_src - sign to check variable operands.
void scanCnGNodeRefsAE(CnGNode* cgn, bool check_var_src);
* Scans connection graph nodes beginning with specified not global escaped node to set
* corresponding state to array elements and fields values.
* @param node - connection graph node to begin scan.
void checkSubobjectStates(CnGNode* node);
* Finds specified method escape analysis information in the common repository and compiles
* the method if it is required and possible.
* @param md - method description,
* @param inst - method call instruction.
* @return method info, if it was found, NULL - otherwise.
CalleeMethodInfo* findMethodInfo(MethodDesc* md,Inst* inst);
* Finds specified method escape analysis information in the common repository.
* @param ch1 - method package name,
* @param ch2 - method name,
* @param ch3 - method signature.
* @return method info, if it was found, NULL - otherwise.
CalleeMethodInfo* getMethodInfo(const char* ch1,const char* ch2,const char* ch3);
* Runs escape analysis for direct call method.
* @param call - direct call instruction.
void scanCalleeMethod(Inst* call);
* Runs translator session for callee method.
* @param inlineCC - compilation interface.
void runTranslatorSession(CompilationContext& inlineCC);
* Runs optimizations for callee method.
* @param irManager - IR manager.
void optimizeTranslatedCode(IRManager& irManager);
* Saves escape analysis method information into common repository.
void saveScannedMethodInfo();
* Returns specified method parameter state.
* @param mi - escape analysis method information,
* @param np - parameter number.
* @return specified parameter state.
U_32 getMethodParamState(CalleeMethodInfo* mi, U_32 np);
* Collects instructions creating objects that are not GLOBAL_ESCAPE.
void markNotEscInsts();
* Performs variable operands fixup after done optimizations.
* @param irManager - IR manager.
void eaFixupVars(IRManager& irm);
* Outputs connection graph nodes information into the specified log.
* @param text - output information naming,
* @param os - log.
void printCnGNodes(const char* text,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs connection graph node information into the specified log.
* @param cgn - connection graph node,
* @param os - log.
void printCnGNode(CnGNode* cgn,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs method name information into the specified log.
* @param inst - call instruction,
* @param os - log stream
void printCallMethodName(Inst* inst, ::std::ostream& os);
* Creates string representing CnG node type.
* @param cgn - connection graph node.
* @return srting representing CnG node type.
std::string nodeTypeToString(CnGNode* cgn);
* Outputs connection graph edges information into the specified log.
* @param text - output information naming,
* @param os - log.
void printCnGEdges(const char* text,::std::ostream& os);
* Creates string representing CnG edge type.
* @param cgn - connection graph node.
* @return srting representing CnG edge type.
std::string edgeTypeToString(CnGRef* edr);
* Outputs information about reference objects created in analyzed method into the specified log.
* @param os - log.
void printRefInfo(::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs information about CnG node with all nodes it refers to.
* @param cgn - connection graph node,
* @param text - text printed before CnG node information,
* @param os - log.
void printCnGNodeRefs(CnGNode* cgn, std::string text,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs origin operands of specified instruction operands that aren't tau operand
* into the specified log.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param text - text to print before the instruction,
* @param os - log.
void lObjectHistory(Inst* inst,std::string text,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs information about objects created in analyzed method into the specified log.
* @param os - log.
void printCreatedObjectsInfo(::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs common information about created objects into log file.
void createdObjectInfo();
* Prints origin operands of specified instruction.
* @param inst - specified instruction,
* @param all - if <code>true</code> for all source operands of the instruction,
* if <code>false</code> for main source operand of some instructions,
* @param text - text to print before the instruction.
void printOriginObjects(Inst* inst, bool all, std::string text=" ");
* Prints escape analysis method information for specified parameter.
* @param mi - method info from common repository.
void printMethodInfo(CalleeMethodInfo* mi);
* Outputs information about instruction kind into the specified log.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param os - log.
void what_inst(Inst* inst,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs debug information about the specified type into the specified log.
* @param type - reference type,
* @param os - log.
void ref_type_info(Type* type,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs debug information about the specified instruction into the specified log.
* @param inst - instruction,
* @param os - log.
void debug_inst_info(Inst* inst,::std::ostream& os);
* Outputs debug information about the specified operand into the specified log.
* @param opnd - operand,
* @param os - log.
void debug_opnd_info(Opnd* opnd,::std::ostream& os);
bool checkScanned(ObjIds* ids, U_32 id) {
ObjIds::iterator it;
if (ids == NULL) {
return false;
for (it = ids->begin( ); it != ids->end( ); it++ ) {
if ((*it)==id) {
return true;
return false;
bool checkScannedObjs(U_32 id) {return checkScanned(scannedObjs, id);}
bool checkScannedObjsRev(U_32 id) {return checkScanned(scannedObjsRev, id);}
bool checkScannedInsts(U_32 id) {return checkScanned(scannedInsts, id);}
bool checkScannedSucNodes(U_32 id) {return checkScanned(scannedSucNodes, id);}
U_32 getEscState(CnGNode* n) {
return (n->state)&ESC_MASK;
void setEscState(CnGNode* n, U_32 st) {
n->state = ((n->state)&BIT_MASK)+st;
U_32 getFullState(CnGNode* n) {
return n->state;
void setFullState(CnGNode* n, U_32 st) {
n->state = st;
U_32 getLoopCreated(CnGNode* n) {
return (n->state)&LOOP_CREATED;
void setLoopCreated(CnGNode* n) {
n->state = n->state|LOOP_CREATED;
void remLoopCreated(CnGNode* n) {
n->state = (n->state|LOOP_CREATED)^LOOP_CREATED;
U_32 getOutEscaped(CnGNode* n) {
return (n->state)&OUT_ESCAPED;
void setOutEscaped(CnGNode* n) {
n->state = n->state|OUT_ESCAPED;
void remOutEscaped(CnGNode* n) {
n->state = (n->state|OUT_ESCAPED)^OUT_ESCAPED;
U_32 getVirtualCall(CnGNode* n) {
return (n->state)&VIRTUAL_CALL;
void setVirtualCall(CnGNode* n) {
n->state = n->state|VIRTUAL_CALL;
void remVirtualCall(CnGNode* n) {
n->state = (n->state|VIRTUAL_CALL)^VIRTUAL_CALL;
void printState(CnGNode* n,::std::ostream& os=Log::out()) {
os << getEscState(n) << " (" << (getFullState(n)>>3) << ")";
void printState(U_32 st,::std::ostream& os=Log::out()) {
os << (st&ESC_MASK) << " (" << (st>>3) << ")";
bool isGlobalState(U_32 state) {
if ((state&ESC_MASK)==GLOBAL_ESCAPE||(state&VIRTUAL_CALL)!=0)
return true;
return false;
bool isStateNeedGEFix(U_32 state, U_32 nType) {
return false;
if ((state&OUT_ESCAPED)!=0 && initNodeType != NT_STFLD)
return false;
if ((state&OUT_ESCAPED)!=0 && initNodeType == NT_DEFARG && nType != NT_DEFARG)
return false;
return true;
// Monitors elimination optimization
struct MonUnit {
U_32 opndId;
Insts* monInsts;
Insts* icallInsts;
typedef StlList<MonUnit*> MonInstUnits;
// list to collect info about monitor instruction operands
MonInstUnits* monitorInstUnits ;
* Adds monitor instruction to monitorInstUnits.
* @param inst - monitor instruction.
void addMonInst(Inst* inst);
* Finds opndId specified monitor unit in monitorInstUnits.
* @param opndId - monitor instruction operand Id.
* @return <code>MonUnit</code>, if found, or <code>NULL</code> otherwise.
MonUnit* findMonUnit(U_32 opndId);
* Adds call instruction to the specified monitor unit.
* @param mu - monitor unit,
* @param inst - call instruction.
void addMonUnitVCall(MonUnit* mu, Inst* inst);
* Checks, that method contains monitor instructions with parameter
* which is <code>this</code> or subobject of this.
* @return <code>true</code>, if such monitors exist, or <code>false</code> otherwise.
bool checkMonitorsOnThis();
* Performs monitors elimination optimization.
void scanSyncInsts();
* Marks (in CFG nodes bitset) nodes that are 'locked' by monitor instructions.
* @param bs - CFG nodes bitset,
* @param syncInsts - list of monitor instruction for the same operand.
void markLockedNodes(BitSet* bs, Insts* syncInsts);
* Marks (in CFG nodes bitset) nodes that are 'locked' by monitor instructions.
* @param node - next CFG node to search monexit instruction,
* @param bs - CFG nodes bitset,
* @param moninstop - monitor instruction operand,
* @return <code>true</code>, if such monexit was found, or <code>false</code> otherwise.
bool markLockedNodes2(Node* node, BitSet* bs, Opnd* moninstop);
* Checks instruction source operand states for specified instruction.
* @param inst - specified instruction,
* @param st - instruction target operand state.
* @return <code>GLOBAL_ESCAPE</code>, if any of source operand state is <code>GLOBAL_ESCAPE</code>,
* <code>ARG_ESCAPE</code>, if any of source operand state or st is <code>ARG_ESCAPE</code>,
* <code>NO_ESCAPE</code> otherwise.
U_32 checkState(Inst* inst,U_32 st);
* Checks if CnGNode operand is GLOBAL_ESCAPED while monitor instructions are executed.
* @param node - specified operand CnGNode,
* @param syncInsts - list of monitor instructions for specified operand.
* @return <code>true</code>, specified operand is global, when monitor instruction are executed,
* <code>false</code>, otherwise.
bool checkSencEscState(CnGNode* node,Insts* syncInsts);
* Collects all reachable in FlowGraph nodes from the specified node to scannedSucNodes list.
* @param node - FlowGraph node,
* @param syncInsts - instruction target operand state.
void collectSuccessors(Node* node);
* Inserts flag for specified monitor unit. Flag is set to 0 after operand creation instruction.
* Flag is set to 1 before call instruction from vcInsts list.
* Inserts flag check before monitor instruction from monInsts list.
* If flag is equal to 0, monitor instruction isn't executed.
* @param mu - monitor unit,
* @param bs - CFG nodes bitset (with marked nodes for specified monitor unit).
void fixMonitorInstsVCalls(MonUnit* mu, BitSet* bs);
* Inserts flag check before monitor instruction.
* If flag = 0 monitor instruction isn't executed.
* @param syncInsts - monitor instruction list,
* @param chk - value to check with (0 or 1),
* @param muflag - monitor flag operand (VarOpnd* or SsaTmpOpnd*).
void insertFlagCheck(Insts* syncInsts, Opnd* muflag, U_32 chk);
* Removes monitor instructions from the specified monitor instruction list.
* @param syncInsts - monitor instruction list.
void removeMonitorInsts(Insts* syncInsts);
* Removes flow graph node.
* @param node - flow graph node.
void removeNode(Node* node);
* Performs monitors elimination optimization for specified monitor instructions with
* method <code>this</code> argument.
* @param syncInsts - monitor instruction list.
void fixSyncMethodMonitorInsts(Insts* syncInsts);
* Inserts ReadJitHelperCall instruction to read state of method <code>this</code> argument
* after first instruction in entry block.
* @return <code>this</code> argument state
* 0 - <code>this</code> argument is thread local,
* 1 - <code>this</code> argument is thread global.
Opnd* insertReadJitHelperCall();
* Checks <code>this</code> argument of direct call synchronized methods.
* If the argument doesn't escape callee method, and actual argument isn't global,
* calls 'insertSaveJitHelperCall' to transfer <code>this</code> argument state
* to callee method.
void checkCallSyncMethod();
* Inserts SaveJitHelperCall instruction to store state of method <code>this</code> argument
* before the specified instruction.
* @param inst_before - instruction to insert SaveJitHelperCall before,
* @param stVal - stored value.
void insertSaveJitHelperCall(Inst* inst_before, SsaTmpOpnd* stVal);
* Creates i32_0 or i32_1 SsaTmpOpnd (in accordance with value: 0 or 1)
* if it wasn't created before.
* Inserts ldc0 or ldc1 instruction after first instruction in entry Node,
* if SsaTmpOpnd was created.
* @param value - 0 or 1.
* @return i32_0, if value = 0
* i32_1, if value = 1
SsaTmpOpnd* insertLdConst(U_32 value);
// Scalar replacement optimization
struct ScObjFld {
VarOpnd* fldVarOpnd;
Insts* ls_insts;
FieldDesc* fd;
bool isFinalFld;
// list to collect scalarized object candidates
typedef StlList<ScObjFld*> ScObjFlds;
// output stream for scalar replacement optimization
std::ostream& os_sc;
* Performs scalar replacement optimization for local objects
* (class instances and arrays).
void scanLocalObjects();
* Performs scalar replacement optimization for method escaped class instances.
void scanEscapedObjects();
* Performs scalar replacement optimization for local objects from the specified list.
* @param loids - list of local objects CnG nodes Ids,
void doLOScalarReplacement(ObjIds* loids);
* Performs scalar replacement optimization for method escaped objects from the specified list.
* @param loids - list of optimized objects CnG nodes Ids.
void doEOScalarReplacement(ObjIds* loids);
* Collects (using connection graph) information of onode object fields usage.
* @param onode - connection graph node fields usage of which is collected
* @param scObjFlds - list to collect onode field's usage.
void collectStLdInsts(CnGNode* onode, ScObjFlds* scObjFlds);
* Collects (using connection graph) call instructions which use optimized object
* as a parameter.
* @param n - optimized object connection graph node Id,
* @param vc_insts - list of call instructions,
* @param vcids - list of call instructions ids.
void collectCallInsts(U_32 n, Insts* vc_insts, ObjIds* vcids);
* Performs scalar replacement optimization for optimized object field usage.
* @param scfld - optimized object scalarizable field.
void scalarizeOFldUsage(ScObjFld* scfld);
* Checks if an object from the specified list can be removed and its fields/elements scalarized.
* If an object cannot be optimized it is removed from the list.
* @param lnoids - list of new object CnG nodes Ids,
* @param lloids - list of load object CnG nodes Ids,
* @param check_loc - if <code>true</code> checks for local objects,
* if <code>false</code> checks for virtual call escaped objects.
void checkOpndUsage(ObjIds* lnoids, ObjIds* lloids, bool check_loc);
* Checks if a tau operand may be removed/replaced.
* @param tau_inst - object CnG nodes Ids.
* @return <code>true</code> if tau operand may be removed;
* <code>false<code> otherwise.
bool checkTauOpnd(Inst* tau_inst);
* Checks if an object can be removed and its fields/elements scalarized.
* @param lobjid - object CnG nodes Ids.
* @return <code>true</code> if an object is used only in ldflda or ldbase instructions;
* <code>false<code> otherwise.
bool checkOpndUsage(U_32 lobjid);
* Performs checks for CnGNode operand using connection graph.
* @param scnode - CnG node of optimized operand
* @param check_loc - if <code>true</code> checks for local objects,
* if <code>false</code> checks for method call escaped objects.
* @return CnGNode* for operand that may be optimized;
* <code>NULL<code> otherwise.
CnGNode* checkCnGtoScalarize(CnGNode* scnode, bool check_loc);
* Checks if there is a path in CFG from node where object is created by a nob_inst instruction
* to EXIT node and this object is not escaped to any method call on this path.
* @param nob_inst - object creation instruction.
* @return <code>execCount</code> of this path execution;
* <code>0<code> otherwise.
double checkLocalPath(Inst* nob_inst);
* Checks if there is a path in CFG from node where object created by a nob_inst instruction
* to EXIT node and this object is not escaped to any method call.
* @param n - CFG node to scan,
* @param obId - escaped optimized object Id,
* @param cExecCount - current execCount.
* @return <code>execCount</code> the most value of <code>execCount</code> and
* checkNextNodes execution for next after n node.
double checkNextNodes(Node* n, U_32 obId, double cExecCount);
* Checks flag and creates object before call instruction (if it was not created yet).
* @param vc_insts - list of call instructions optimized object is escaped to,
* @param objs - list of optimized object fields,
* @param ob_var_opnd - varOpnd replacing optimized object,
* @param oid - escaped optimized object Id.
void restoreEOCreation(Insts* vc_insts, ScObjFlds* objs, VarOpnd* ob_var_opnd, U_32 oid);
* Removes specified instruction from ControlFlowGraph.
* If instruction can throw exception removes corresponding CFGEdge.
* @param reminst - removed instruction.
void removeInst(Inst* reminst);
* Replaces first source operand of Op_MethodEnd instruction by NULL
* for scalar replacement optimized object.
* @param ob_id - optimized object Id.
void fixMethodEndInsts(U_32 ob_id);
* Finds (using connection graph) load varOpnd that should be optimized with
* new object operand.
* @param vval - CnG node of target stvar instruction varOpnd.
* @return CnGNode* - found optimized load varOpnd CnG node
* <code>NULL</code> otherwise.
CnGNode* getLObj(CnGNode* vval);
* Checks that all sources of optimized load varOpnd aren't null and
* satisfy to specified conditions.
* @param inst - ldvar instruction created optimized load varOpnd.
* @return <code>true</code> if satisfied;
* <code>false<code> otherwise.
bool checkVVarSrcs(Inst* inst);
* Checks that optimized object type satisfied to specified types.
* @param otn - object type name.
* @return <code>true</code> if satisfied;
* <code>false<code> otherwise.
bool checkObjectType(const char* otn);
* Checks that all load varOpnd fields are in new object field usage list.
* @param nscObjFlds - list of used fields of optimized new object,
* @param lscObjFlds - list of used fields of optimized load varOpnd.
* @return <code>true</code> if list of new object used field contains all
* load varOpnd used field;
* <code>false<code> otherwise.
bool checkObjFlds(ScObjFlds* nscObjFlds, ScObjFlds* lscObjFlds);
* Removes check instructions for optimized load varOpnd.
* @param ob_id - optimized load variable operand Id.
void fixCheckInsts(U_32 opId);
* Checks (using connection graph) if CnGNode operand has final fields and scalarizes them.
* @param onode - CnG node of optimized operand,
* @param scObjFlds - list to collect onode operand field usage.
void checkToScalarizeFinalFiels(CnGNode* onode, ScObjFlds* scObjFlds);
void instrExam_processLdFieldAddr(Inst* inst);
void instrExam2_processLdFieldAddr(Inst* inst);
static void getLdFieldAddrInfo(Inst* inst, Type*& type, U_32& nType);
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif // _ESCANALYSIS_H_