blob: 8452e5daee2751265cbdfb30295792beef43ed2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Sergey L. Ivashin
#ifndef _PMFACTION_H_
#define _PMFACTION_H_
#include "PMF.h"
#include <string.h>
namespace Jitrino
class IActionFactory
IActionFactory (const char* name);
virtual ~IActionFactory () {}
virtual Action* createAction (MemoryManager&) {return 0;}
virtual SessionAction* createSessionAction (MemoryManager&) = 0;
virtual void showHelp (std::ostream&) {}
void showHelp (std::ostream&, const char* help) const;
const char* getName () const {return name;}
static IActionFactory* find (Str&);
static IActionFactory* getFirst () {return head;}
IActionFactory* getNext () const {return next;}
const char* name;
IActionFactory* next;
static IActionFactory* head;
class IAction
IAction () : step(0) {}
IActionFactory* getFactory () const {return step->factory;}
const char* getName () const {return step->factory->getName();}
const char* getArg (const char* key) const {return (step->args) ? step->args->get(key) : 0;}
bool getArg (const char* key, unsigned int& v) const;
bool getArg (const char* key, unsigned long& v) const;
bool getArg (const char* key, bool& v) const;
typedef PMF::HPipeline HPipeline;
HPipeline getPipeline () const {return step->pipeline;}
HPipeline getPipeline (const char* name) const {return step->pipeline->pmf.getPipeline(name);}
const char* getArg (HPipeline p, const char* key) const;
const char* getStringArg (const char* key, const char* def) const
{return getString(getArg(key), def);}
const char* getStringArg (const std::string& key, const char* def) const
{return getString(getArg(key.c_str()), def);}
int getIntArg (const char* key, int def) const
{return getInt(getArg(key), def);}
int getIntArg (const std::string& key, int def) const
{return getInt(getArg(key.c_str()), def);}
bool getBoolArg (const char* key, bool def) const
{return getBool(getArg(key), def);}
bool getBoolArg (const std::string& key, bool def) const
{return getBool(getArg(key.c_str()), def);}
const char* getStringArg (HPipeline p, const char* key, const char* def) const
{return getString(getArg(p, key), def);}
const char* getStringArg (HPipeline p, const std::string& key, const char* def) const
{return getString(getArg(p, key.c_str()), def);}
int getIntArg (HPipeline p, const char* key, int def) const
{return getInt(getArg(p, key), def);}
int getIntArg (HPipeline p, const std::string& key, int def) const
{return getInt(getArg(p, key.c_str()), def);}
bool getBoolArg (HPipeline p, const char* key, bool def) const
{return getBool(getArg(p, key), def);}
bool getBoolArg (HPipeline p, const std::string& key, bool def) const
{return getBool(getArg(p, key.c_str()), def);}
JITInstanceContext& getJITInstanceContext () const {return step->pipeline->pmf.jitInstanceContext;}
#ifndef _NOLOG
bool isLogEnabled (LogStream::SID) const;
bool isLogEnabled (const char* streamname) const;
LogStream& log (LogStream::SID) const;
LogStream& log (const char* streamname) const;
bool isLogEnabled (LogStream::SID) const {return false;}
bool isLogEnabled (const char* streamname) const {return false;}
LogStream& log (LogStream::SID) const {return LogStream::log_sink();}
LogStream& log (const char* streamname) const {return LogStream::log_sink();}
bool getLogStreamID (LogStream::SID&, const char* streamname) const;
/*const*/ PMF::Pipeline::Step* step;
friend struct PMF::Pipeline;
friend class PMF::PipelineIterator;
class Action : public IAction
virtual ~Action () {}
virtual void init () {}
virtual void deinit () {}
Action* createAuxAction (const char* name, const char* suffix) const;
Action* createAuxAction (MemoryManager&, const char* name, const char* suffix) const;
SessionAction* createSession (MemoryManager&);
class CompilationContext;
class SessionAction : public IAction
virtual ~SessionAction () {}
virtual void run () = 0;
Action* getAction () const {return step->action;}
void setCompilationContext(CompilationContext* _cc) {cc = _cc;}
CompilationContext* getCompilationContext() const {return cc;}
void start () {step->start();}
void stop () {step->stop();}
CompilationContext* cc;
friend class Action;
template <class S, class A = Action>
class ActionFactory : public IActionFactory
ActionFactory (const char* name, const char* h = 0) :IActionFactory(name), help(h) {}
Action* createAction (MemoryManager& mm) {return new (mm) A();}
SessionAction* createSessionAction (MemoryManager& mm) {return new (mm) S();}
void showHelp (std::ostream& os) {IActionFactory::showHelp(os, help);}
const char* help;
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif //#ifndef _PMFACTION_H_