blob: 943d888290b8be6fe9b4d17c24d1cf026cc7876e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Sergey L. Ivashin
#ifndef _PMF_H_
#define _PMF_H_
#include "XTimer.h"
#include "LogStream.h"
#include "Jitrino.h"
#include "mkernel.h"
#include "MemoryManager.h"
#include "Stl.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
namespace Jitrino
bool getBool (const char* val, bool def);
inline int getInt (const char* val, int def) {return val == 0 ? def : atoi(val);}
inline const char* getString (const char* val, const char* def) {return val == 0 ? def : val;}
struct Str
const char* ptr;
size_t count;
Str () :ptr(0), count(0) {}
Str (const char* s, size_t n) :ptr(s), count(n) {}
Str (const char* s) :ptr(s), count(s == 0 ? 0 : strlen(s)) {}
void init (const char* s) {ptr = s, count = strlen(s);}
bool empty () const {return count == 0;}
void clear () {count = 0;}
bool trim ();
const char* beg () const {return ptr;};
const char* end () const {return ptr + count;};
const char* findFirst (char x) const {return findNext(x, ptr);}
const char* findNext (char x, const char*) const;
const char* find (const char*) const;
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const Str&);
typedef StlVector<Str> Strs;
struct LogTemplate
size_t idx;
Str streamname;
Str filtername;
Strs* pathp;
Str fmask;
LogStream::SID sid;
bool jit_specific, // true if fmask contains %jit% macros
thread_specific; // true if fmask contains %thread% macros
bool enabled,
LogTemplate () :pathp(0), enabled(false), append(false) {}
typedef StlVector<LogTemplate> LogTemplates;
class PMF;
class LogStreams
MemoryManager& mm; // thread-local MM
PMF& pmf; // synchronized only access
const size_t nbos;
typedef StlVector <LogStream*> Streams;
Streams streams;
typedef StlVector <Streams*> StreamsStack;
StreamsStack streamsstack;
int depth,
void assign (size_t sx, const char* fname, size_t fnamesz);
LogStreams (MemoryManager&, PMF&, int);
~LogStreams ();
static LogStreams& current(JITInstanceContext* = 0);
// Construct log stream file names according to the currently compiled method
void beginMethod (const char* cname, const char* mname, const char* sig, int methodnb);
void endMethod ();
size_t size () const {return nbos;}
const LogTemplate& logtemplate (size_t idx) const;
LogStream& logstream (size_t idx) const
return nbos != 0 ? *
: LogStream::log_sink();
friend class PMF;
struct LogDisplay
typedef StlVector <size_t> StreamIdxs;
StreamIdxs streamidxs;
LogDisplay (MemoryManager&);
void add (size_t idx, LogTemplate&);
LogStream& log (LogStream::SID sid) const;
class JITInstanceContext;
class IActionFactory;
class Action;
class SessionAction;
struct CompareChars
bool operator () (const char* a, const char* b) const {return strcmp(a, b) < 0;}
class PMF
bool initialized,
MemoryManager& mm;
JITInstanceContext& jitInstanceContext;
Str jitname;
Str help_requested;
struct Cmd;
typedef StlVector<Cmd*> Cmds;
Cmds cmds;
typedef StlMap<Str, Str*> FilterSpecs;
struct MethodFilter
Str classname,
void init (const Str&);
bool empty () const;
int pass (const char* cname, const char* mname, const char* sig) const;
const char* c_str (MemoryManager&) const;
struct Args
struct Arg
const char* key;
const char* value;
int strength; // relative strength of this argument
Cmd* cmdp;
bool operator == (const char* k) const {return strcmp(key, k) == 0;}
typedef StlVector<Arg> Store;
Store store;
Args (MemoryManager& mm) : store(mm) {}
void add (const char* key, const char* value, int strength, Cmd*);
const char* get (const char* key) const;
LogTemplates logtemplates;
typedef StlMap<const char*, LogStream*, CompareChars> FilesDictionary;
struct Files : public Mutex, public FilesDictionary
Files (MemoryManager& mm) : FilesDictionary(mm) {}
static Files* pfiles;
struct Pipeline
PMF& pmf;
Str name;
MethodFilter method;
bool initialized;
struct Alias;
Alias* root;
typedef StlVector<Alias*> Aliases;
Aliases* aliases;
struct Step : public XTimer
/*const*/ Pipeline* pipeline;
Strs* fqname;
IActionFactory* factory;
Action* action;
Args* args; // 0 or array of arguments
LogDisplay* logs;
bool reused;
void setup (MemoryManager&);
typedef StlVector<Step> Steps;
Steps* steps;
Pipeline (PMF& p);
~Pipeline ();
void init ();
void deinit ();
Alias* lookup (Str*);
Alias* findPath (Str*, size_t);
void stop (const char* msg);
Str getName () const {return name;}
typedef StlVector<Pipeline*> Pipelines;
Pipelines pipelines;
struct ArgIterator;
bool parse (Cmd&, const char*, FilterSpecs&);
void processCmd (Cmd&);
void initStreams ();
LogTemplate& lookStream (Str& streamname, Cmd* cmdp, size_t xpath, size_t xlog);
void walk (Pipeline&, Pipeline::Alias*, Strs&);
const Cmd* lookArg (Pipeline* pipeline, const Str* fqname, size_t fqsize) const;
Pipeline* lookup (Str* filtername, bool create = false);
typedef Pipeline* HPipeline;
class PipelineIterator
PMF& pmf;
Pipeline* pipeline;
Pipeline::Steps::iterator it;
MemoryManager mm;
MemoryManager* smm;
SessionAction* session;
bool first;
PipelineIterator (PMF& pmf, const char* classname, const char* methodname = 0, const char* signature = 0);
PipelineIterator (HPipeline);
~PipelineIterator ();
// pipeline specific methods
const char* getPipeName (MemoryManager&) const;
const char* getFilterSpec (MemoryManager&) const;
// step specific methods
const char* getStepName () const;
IActionFactory* getFactory() const {return it->factory;}
Action* getAction () const {return it->action;}
SessionAction* getSessionAction () const {return session;}
MemoryManager& getSessionMemoryManager () const {return *smm;}
MemoryManager& getMemoryManager () {return mm;}
bool next ();
PMF (MemoryManager&, JITInstanceContext&);
void processCmd (const char*);
void processCmd (const char*, const char*);
void processVMProperties ();
void init (bool first = false);
void deinit ();
const LogTemplates& getLogTemplates () const {return logtemplates;}
JITInstanceContext& getJITInstanceContext () const {return jitInstanceContext;}
void summTimes (SummTimes&);
static Action* getAction (HPipeline, const char* path);
void showHelp (std::ostream&);
void showHelpJits (std::ostream&);
HPipeline selectPipeline (const char* classname, const char* methname, const char* sig) const;
HPipeline getPipeline (const char* name) const;
const char* getArg (HPipeline, const char* key) const;
const char* getStringArg (HPipeline p, const char* key, const char* def) const
{return getString(getArg(p, key), def);}
int getIntArg (HPipeline p, const char* key, int def) const
{return getInt(getArg(p, key), def);}
bool getBoolArg (HPipeline p, const char* key, bool def) const
{return getBool(getArg(p, key), def);}
friend class LogStreams;
friend class IAction;
friend class Action;
} //namespace Jitrino
#endif //#ifndef _PMF_H_