blob: 05c08da784a5790112dac99af2fe952ce990e7fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Alexander V. Astapchuk
* @file
* @brief Various arithmetic helpers declaration.
* The helpers normally used to implement complex computations (i.e. float
* point remainder) which do not worth to be inlined. A call to a helper
* inserted instead. The set of helpers is wider than single float-point
* remainder, because they are also used for quick start while porting to a
* new platfrom - again, calls to the helpers generated instead of inlining
* them.
* The file also includes type conversion utilities.
* All the helpers from this file follow the contract:
* - guaranteed not to invoke GC
* - use 'stdcall' calling convention (on platforms where it's applicable)
#if !defined(__ARITH_RT_H_INCLUDED__)
#include "jdefs.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace Jet {
* @defgroup RUNTIME_CNV_HELPERS Conversion helpers
* A group of runtime helpers that perform conversions from one type another.
* 'rt_' stands for 'run time', 'h_' stands for 'helper'.
* The rest of name stands for 'which_type' to convert from and then
* 'which_type' to convert to.
* @{
// i32 ->
/** @brief Converts from #i32 to #i8.*/
int __stdcall rt_h_i32_2_i8(int i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i32 to #i16.*/
int __stdcall rt_h_i32_2_i16(int i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i32 to #u16.*/
int __stdcall rt_h_i32_2_u16(int i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i32 to #i64.*/
jlong __stdcall rt_h_i32_2_i64(int i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i32 to #flt32.*/
float __stdcall rt_h_i32_2_flt(int i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i32 to #dbl64.*/
double __stdcall rt_h_i32_2_dbl(int i) stdcall__;
// i64 ->
/** @brief Converts from #i64 to #i32.*/
int __stdcall rt_h_i64_2_i32(int64 i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i64 to #flt32.*/
float __stdcall rt_h_i64_2_flt(int64 i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #i64 to #dbl64.*/
double __stdcall rt_h_i64_2_dbl(int64 i) stdcall__;
// flt ->
/** @brief Converts from #flt32 to #i32.*/
int __stdcall rt_h_flt_2_i32(float i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #flt32 to #i64.*/
jlong __stdcall rt_h_flt_2_i64(float i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #flt32 to #dbl64.*/
double __stdcall rt_h_flt_2_dbl(float i) stdcall__;
// dbl ->
/** @brief Converts from #dbl64 to #i32.*/
int __stdcall rt_h_dbl_2_i32(double i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #dbl64 to #i64.*/
jlong __stdcall rt_h_dbl_2_i64(double i) stdcall__;
/** @brief Converts from #dbl64 to #flt32.*/
float __stdcall rt_h_dbl_2_flt(double i) stdcall__;
/*@}*/ // ~group of RUNTIME_CNV_HELPERS
* @brief Bunch of conversion helpers, [#jtype FROM][#jtype TO].
* A matrix of conversion utilities: an item at cnv_matrix_impls[#jtype FROM]
* [#jtype TO], contains an address of one of a \link RUNTIME_CNV_HELPERS
* the functions\endlink.
extern const void * cnv_matrix_impls[num_jtypes][num_jtypes];
* @defgroup RUNTIME_ARITHMETIC_HELPERS Arithmetic helpers
* @{
int __stdcall rt_h_i32_a(int v2, int v1, JavaByteCodes op) stdcall__;
jlong __stdcall rt_h_i64_a(jlong v2, jlong v1, JavaByteCodes op) stdcall__;
double __stdcall rt_h_dbl_a(double v2, double v1, JavaByteCodes op) stdcall__;
float __stdcall rt_h_flt_a(float v2, float v1, JavaByteCodes op) stdcall__;
// Some operations implemented via separate functions, as they have a bit
// different signature.
double __stdcall rt_h_neg_dbl64(double v) stdcall__;
float __stdcall rt_h_neg_flt32(float v) stdcall__;
jlong __stdcall rt_h_neg_i64(jlong v) stdcall__;
int __stdcall rt_h_neg_i32(int v) stdcall__;
int __stdcall rt_h_lcmp(jlong v2, jlong v1) stdcall__;
int __stdcall rt_h_fcmp_g(float v2, float v1) stdcall__;
int __stdcall rt_h_fcmp_l(float v2, float v1) stdcall__;
int __stdcall rt_h_dcmp_g(double v2, double v1) stdcall__;
int __stdcall rt_h_dcmp_l(double v2, double v1) stdcall__;
jlong __stdcall rt_h_i64_shift(jlong v1, int v2, JavaByteCodes op) stdcall__;
}}; // ~namespace Jitrino::Jet
#endif // ~__ARITH_RT_H_INCLUDED__