blob: c0ed0fcaf98b74c657ac96aea130aa3adcd2608a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Intel, Konstantin M. Anisimov, Igor V. Chebykin
#include "IpfLiveAnalyzer.h"
#include "IpfIrPrinter.h"
#include "IpfOpndManager.h"
namespace Jitrino {
namespace IPF {
// LiveAnalyzer
LiveAnalyzer::LiveAnalyzer(Cfg &cfg) :
dceFlag(false) {
void LiveAnalyzer::analyze() {
NodeVector &nodes =; // get postordered node list
for (int16 i=nodes.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { // iterate nodes
Node *node = nodes[i]; //
node->setVisited(false); // mark node unvisited
if (dceFlag == false) node->clearLiveSet(); // clear node's live set
workSet.push_back(node); // put node in workSet (reverse order)
while (workSet.size() > 0) { // while there is node to analyze
Node *node = workSet.back(); // get last workSet node
node->setVisited(true); // mark the node visited
workSet.pop_back(); // remove the node from workSet
if (analyzeNode(node) == false) { // node's live set has changed - live sets of predecessor need evaluation
pushPreds(node); // put predecessors in workSet
if (VERIFY_ON) verify();
void LiveAnalyzer::dce() {
IPF_LOG << endl << " Dead code:" << endl;
dceFlag = true;
dceFlag = false;
// check if node's liveSets coincide with calculated ones
// check if liveSet of Enter node is empty (except inArgs including implicit arg b0)
void LiveAnalyzer::verify() {
NodeVector &nodes =; // get nodes postorder
for (uint16 i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { // iterate it
if (analyzeNode(nodes[i]) == false) { // if node's liveSet does not coincide with calculated one
IPF_ERR << " node" << nodes[i]->getId() << endl; // throw error message
RegOpndSet enterLiveSet = cfg.getEnterNode()->getLiveSet(); // get liveSet of Enter node
RegOpndVector &inArgs = cfg.getOpndManager()->getInArgs(); // get inArgs
for (uint16 i=0; i<inArgs.size(); i++) { //
enterLiveSet.erase(inArgs[i]); // remove inArgs from enterLiveSet
} //
enterLiveSet.erase(cfg.getOpndManager()->getB0()); // remove b0 from enterLiveSet
if (enterLiveSet.size() == 0) return; // if enterLiveSet is empty - Ok
IPF_ERR << " size " << enterLiveSet.size() << endl;
for (RegOpndSet::iterator it=enterLiveSet.begin(); it!=enterLiveSet.end(); it++) {
IPF_ERR << " alive opnd on method enter " << IrPrinter::toString(*it)
<< " " << IrPrinter::toString(cfg.getMethodDesc()) << endl;
// recalculate live set for the node
// if it has not changed - return true, else - return false
bool LiveAnalyzer::analyzeNode(Node *node) {
liveManager.init(node); // init LiveManager with current node
if (LOG_ON) {
IPF_LOG << endl << " Qp Tree for node" << node->getId() << endl;
RegOpndSet &oldLiveSet = node->getLiveSet(); // get current node live set (on node enter)
if (node->getNodeKind() != NODE_BB) { // liveSet is not going to change
if (oldLiveSet == liveSet) return true; // if live set has not changed - nothing to do
node->setLiveSet(liveSet); // set liveSet for the current node
return false; // live set of the node has changed
InstVector &insts = ((BbNode *)node)->getInsts();
for(int16 i=insts.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { // iterate through node insts postorder
Inst *inst = insts[i]; //
if (dceFlag && isInstDead(inst)) { // if dce is activated and inst is dead
IPF_LOG << " node" << setw(3) << left << node->getId();
IPF_LOG << IrPrinter::toString(inst) << endl;
insts.erase(insts.begin()+i); // remove inst from InstVector of current node
liveManager.def(inst); // change liveSet according with inst def
} else { //
liveManager.def(inst); // change liveSet according with inst def
liveManager.use(inst); // change liveSet according with inst use
if (oldLiveSet == liveSet) return true; // if live set has not changed - nothing to do
node->setLiveSet(liveSet); // set liveSet for the current node
return false; // live set of the node has changed
// push all predecessors of the node in workSet (ignore preds which are in workSet already)
void LiveAnalyzer::pushPreds(Node *node) {
EdgeVector &edges = node->getInEdges(); // get in edges
for (uint16 i=0; i<edges.size(); i++) { // iterate
Node *pred = edges[i]->getSource(); // get predecessor
if (pred->isVisited() == false) continue; // if predecessor is in workSet - ignore
workSet.push_back(pred); // push predecessor in workSet
pred->setVisited(false); // mark it unvisited
// Check if instruction can be removed from inst vector.
// Do not remove instruction having "side effects" (like "call")
bool LiveAnalyzer::isInstDead(Inst *inst) {
if (inst->isCall()) return false; // "call" inst is never dead
if (inst->getInstCode() == INST_ALLOC) return false; // "alloc" inst is never dead
uint16 numDst = inst->getNumDst(); // get num of dst opnds
if (numDst == 0) return false; // if there is no dst opnds - ignore
OpndVector &opnds = inst->getOpnds(); // get inst opnds
RegOpnd *qp = (RegOpnd *)opnds[0]; // get qp of the inst
QpMask mask = liveManager.getLiveMask(qp); // get mask for this qp space
for (uint16 i=1; i<numDst+1; i++) { // iterate dst opnds
RegOpnd *dst = (RegOpnd *)opnds[i]; //
if (dst->isAlive(mask)) return false; // if dst is alive - inst is alive
return true; // there is no alive dst opnd - inst is dead
} // IPF
} // Jitrino